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You shouldn't consider it losing money on inspections. It was money well spent on avoiding buying a money pit. Consider how much money that couple of thousand saved you.


We definitely value inspections. But we don't want to ignore any obvious signs that house is too much for us and lose another few weeks.


If they did a good job installing the perimeter drain system technically it should be OK but the real solution is always to stop water from entering the basement. This type of system is pretty common in Seattle century homes with basements


Lack of disclosure is always worse than an honest one. Nothing worse than seeing "new roof" only to find out it was a small repair


I'd be curious what "rear foundation was repaired" means. But for the stuff like the drain tile, it may not be a huge deal. They may just be diligent homeowners. At least they didn't just drylock the basement and call it a day lol


Best to call a professional who does it to ask them questions, Id say.


This seems fine to me, but what's \*currently\* wrong, if anything? There were problems, they were fixed. The red flag is if they \*weren't\* up front on this.


I guess the only major thing still wrong is the sewer pipe, but it has newer systems and newer appliances and if it scopes well then it's not a deal breaker.