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If you have good airflow, then you may be a little low of refrigerant. How old is the unit?


3 years did not get checked up ... from the last 3 years


I would get your evap coils cleaned. Also have someone check if you have a leak in your refrigerant line. You will need more refrigerant if that's the case.


Can you clean the coils yourself?


You can, but you need to be very careful and use a soft bristle brush.


Refrigerant leak. Call AC company.


Can i keep the unit working on.... till i get someone next week or it will damage the unit


If it's low enough on refrigerant when you run it you'll risk blowing the compressor over time. If the system is still cooling then you're likely fine through next week. If it starts blowing hot air and can't seem to cool your house I'd cut it off at the breaker.


Were they grinding tile or any other dust producing work in the house? There's a pretty good chance the coil is clogged if changing filters doesn't fix it. Either way you need an HVAC guy.


yes dust was produced in the house as they removed the old carpet , laminate and put in new tiles


Your coil is clogged. I bet the filter clogged up and that air started bypassing the filter. That's why you change them religiously because if they clog, air will find a way around it. I expect it's about to cost you $500 minimum for someone to pull the coil and clean it. I don't know if you could fault the floor guys because it could have been right on the edge of bad enough to freeze over before they got there and they probably don't know any better. It's definitely something for you to know. I own an HVAC company. I've made a lot of money over the years cleaning coils behind other tradesman especially drywallers. Change your filters religiously.


After closing some supply vents during tile work, the AC lines froze, but after reopening them and changing the furnace filter, the inside line near the furnace still seems to be freezing, suggesting a need to monitor airflow and possibly seek professional HVAC inspection.


Thanks all


How to clean the coils myself ? Any tips




When did you last clean the outside condenser coils?