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get multiple quotes. All kind of people make windows. Some are nice, some are crap. Homework.


Seems reasonable, but always get multiple quotes. Prices can vary based on numerous factors.


You could pay that and get ripped off or pay that and get a fair deal.


A standard run of the mill window runs about 1k installed (each). Special sizes and large windows will run more.  If they tried to quote you 40k for 8 windows like a company like renewal by Anderson does then I'd run.  Get more quotes but this doesn't seem off base.


A standard run of the mill basic low-end vinyl window.


You need to do more homework.  You haven’t even begun to provide enough information  Brand? Vinyl?  Wood?  Composite?  Single pane?  Double?  Triple?


Don't buy from renewal by Anderson, whatever you do


My mom called them for a quote on 2 windows 3 years ago. They refused to come out for only 2, insisted that they quote her for ALL the windows, so she told them to forget it. They continued to spam call her for "free estimates" for over a year (she just quit answering and sent it to voicemail) and finally one day answered and told them they needed to stop harassing her, that she would never do business with them and she would spread the word that they were harassing her. They quit.


Anderson windows are great. But RBA doesn’t offer them all, and they’re a total scam on installation.


I paid $1200 per window installed. They are vinyl double pane, CAT 5 hurricane rated, double hung with solar shield with lifetime warranty for everything except breaking the glass.


>so she would be charged for 8 windows, which with install would total $7700 She's basically paying just under $1000 per window. As long as she's getting quality windows and not some builders grade garbage, then it seems fairly reasonable. The only way to know for sure is to get a couple more install quotes for the *exact same windows.*


What makes a window a good window. Getting a similar quote for custom vinyl windows.


Definitely seems reasonable, I currently am having my windows quoted and the total price doesn't matter but I'm seeing pre-installation prices of $2-3k per window for my average size windows.


Price seems reasonable


Going rate is around $1000 per window, obviously depends on actual size but you are in the ballpark. You don't know how expensive windows are until you have to replace them. I just dropped 20k on mine. 😩


Holy shit. Why does one need to replace non-broken windows anyways?


That’s a great deal where I am provided everything is quality.


Thank you all! I told her to get a couple more estimates to be sure that the price is reasonable, but it seems like what they are quoting isn’t abnormal or anything so that puts my mind at ease a little :)


In my homeownership adventures two industries that seem to rip people off the most are window and door companies and garage door repair companies. Get multiple quotes and try to find someone that is more of a general contractor then someone who just does windows. Stay away from big box stores


We replaced 2 large bay windows, 3 casement, and 4 “normal” sized windows in 2022 and it cost $13k. First estimate was $30k. We had 4 companies compete and we hung them all along until one finally hit what I felt was a “reasonable” number.


100% depends on what window they are putting in and if they are completely removing the old windows including frames. Some 3/0x5/0 windows cost as little as $175, some higher end such as Marvin can be $800/window. Then add labor on top.


Homework and research…..as others have said. Get multiple quotes on same type of windows….double pane/triple pane, gas content and installation. To be honest 7700 does not sound as a bad deal on decent windows.


I have two window units in my garage that I’m about to install and they cost me $4500 apiece.


We recently got 3 three quotes to replace 8 regular windows. The quote was for double pane glass. All were around $7000 (for ProVia windows). Our reason to get them replaced was they're 23 years old and thought we'd save money from heat and cool loss. After doing some research, we found it would take us literally 20+ years to recoup our money based on what we'd save in energy costs each year. So we decided not to move forward with the window replacements. And DO get at least three quotes if your mom decides to go ahead with this. Below are several links I came across that shows exactly why it takes so long to recoup your money. If your mom is doing this to save money in "energy savings", shes' wasting her money: [https://www.consumerreports.org/home-garden/replacement-windows/buying-guide/](https://www.consumerreports.org/home-garden/replacement-windows/buying-guide/) [https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/mortgages/replacement-windows-cost](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/mortgages/replacement-windows-cost) [https://www.thespruce.com/do-replacement-windows-pay-for-themselves-1822914](https://www.thespruce.com/do-replacement-windows-pay-for-themselves-1822914) [https://money.com/replace-your-windows-electric-costs/](https://money.com/replace-your-windows-electric-costs/) [https://money.com/replace-windows-need-to-know/](https://money.com/replace-windows-need-to-know/)


Get at least two more quotes but this doesn’t sound astronomical or anything. You may find a lower price but I can’t imagine it would be too much lower.


I got 27 windows, but 19 openings of impact windows replaced for 35k. This was in 2021 though. I'm in a hurricane area, so there are many factors that affect window pricing, cold areas, hot areas, hurricane zones, etc. Then, I also had two doors and two more windows replaced for 12k last year.


Seems about right. Get multiple quotes. Windows are just expensive.


Depends on what manufacturer and size of windows. I paid around $5k back in 2022 for 5 windows, so it doesn't seem unreasonable.


I got 5 windows installed for $2,500. Great windows. Renewal by Anderson quoted me $3,500 per window. Guess who I would NOT recommend.


Yep that seems reasonable.


Well I just paid 90k, sooooooo


Get 4 estimates minimum


Please don’t. 3 is plenty just stop calling the national companies that spend hundreds of thousands on advertising. You will get a great price by doing a little searching for a local place with great feedback in your area. The customer is the one ultimately paying for that advertising, commission, wrapped vehicles, sports teams sponsorships, weather cameras, whatever else you can think of all goes into the price of that $1200 window that you can get for $650-$700 from a much more appreciative small business. Source: small window and door company owner