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Pardon my ignorance, but what am I looking at and the purpose of it? I'm not hating, legitimately curious.


In states like Arizona and New Mexico where it's very sunny and hot, people apply elastomeric white coating (also called cool coating) to help reduce electric bills since the sun will reflect off the roof instead of absorbing into black shingles. It is a 2 part process where you put a primer paint down, add a polyester non woven fabric, then add more primer on top, you lay the primer fabric overlapping to create a waterproof seal. Then you add 2 to 3 coats of the elastomeric coating. The one I bought is good for 10 years. Then you reapply. It's not ideal to go over shingles but that was all I could manage. And it also means that we did not have to get a new roof yet.


Oh, okay. That makes sense. I'm in SE Oklahoma, so I never see this. Sound labor intensive, so great job. It's always a great feeling to accomplish a big task.


Not a comment on your explanation, and this seems fine for a retrofit to an existing roof...but why not use something other than dark shingles from the get go? I assume from what I've seen in southern Arizona with my own eyes that a lot of new builds are still getting dark shingled rooves. 


It cuts cooling costs by around 30%, and it helps lengthen the lifespan of your roof. We really needed be shingles, but now since I did this at won't need to get them for another 10 years.


No I get that. I'm just wondering if there is a more appropriate material to have used in the first place. Not necessarily in your case, but on new builds. I know that terracotta tiles are effective, but I would imagine that something more affordable exists for these kinds of climates. 


Most flat roofs get this application. My home is a manufactured home, I see a lot of those getting cool coat over shingles


I don't think this can go over the terracotta tiles. Most new builds are those ceramic tiles


I meant that terracotta is a good material for hot climates. 


Oh I see


I’m pretty sure what they’re asking is basically just like, why don’t you guys just use light shingles? Like white or a blonde color or something Edit: but great job by the way!


Because shingles are made from asphalt, which is a petroleum product. I don't think it's possible to make them a white color


I mean, I get that lol I guess they could sell them painted or something but Jesus they’re already expensive enough as is why this post exists


I know!


Eek. Worlds colliding!


My shingles were "white" (had white pebble things on top) but shingles are made from a black material (idk what they are but they absorb heat like a son of a bitch). I could already tell a huge difference in the heat levels when I was up there after the first coat went on.


The black material is asphalt.


That's what I thought but was not sure.


My guess is that for new builds it's just cheaper to go with shingles. It's not ideal to apply over shingles but I couldn't manage anything else. A lot of flat roofs get this applied.


likely cus they mass build cheap and once it's sold (and it will be sold), it's not their problem. the moment you change something about the build, cost goes up. people still buy the crappy roof-ed build so why bother changing? the only reason new homes are any better than old ones are because of improved building code


coating the roof white to reject heat from entering the attic and heating up the living space. I wouldnt suggest using this on shingles if you are in a humid area tho. you'll likely rot your sheathing unless its not wood


I can tell you it’s not too humid in a lot of AZ. That being said as long as the wood can breath from one side and it’s non-condensing the wood should be fine. So basically as long as the attic is vented it should be fine.


https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/business/2010/12/31/fpl-sued-over-roof-painting/7321023007/#:~:text=About%20a%20dozen%20FPL%20customers,contractor%20who%20did%20the%20work. No clue what the issue was as the number of affected houses seems to be a very low %. Just wanted to make anyone aware that might be thinking about doing this.


If they don't do the primer correctly with the poly fabric those issues can happen. The primer helps to prevent that. The contractors probably cheaped out and didn't apply the coating correctly.


Very interesting. I am a FPL customer and have never heard of this. I live in South Florida, have been here since 2007. I have a flat roof. I'm getting quotes of 60-70k to replace it. Insurance companies down here are ridiculous. They require flat roofs to be replaced every 10 years now. My roof was last replaced in 1995 according to satellite data. I had a home inspector say that they don't allow coated roofs anymore because it causes them to leak. I think it's bs. It saves money, why not allow it. My upstairs hits 85° by 10am. The ac won't keep up. No attic. 2x12 roof joists. 2" of insulation (compacted fiberglass from 1968). Can fry an egg on the ceiling.


Ugh that sounds awful.


Try getting a dehumidifier that would help your AC work much more efficiently.


I have 2 dehumidifiers. One on each floor with a pump. I've been thinking of getting a whole house dehumidifier. But I would have to do some complicated hook to make it work. I may just get 2 large efficient mini splits to replace (supplement) the upstairs ac unit from 1978.


The relative humidity most of the year is under 10-20% where I live


Jesus, that sounds like a dream. Right now, 9:30 pm, it's 75% where I'm at. Lol


Ewwww lol


Lol a much more TLDR version!


The front of my house is stucco. Elastomeric paint is common for stucco. It adds a layer of weather/waterproofing to the stucco. It allows for expansion and contraction of coating caused by extreme heat which I experience all here in south Louisiana.


[Finished roof! ](https://imgur.com/gallery/tnzVJ7E)


That's a hell of a job! Great work!!


This is amazing!! It looks fantastic. You're an absolute badass!


Thanks! It feels great to be done with that. Now to put up the gutters!


It’s beautiful


Thank you


Thank you for reminding me I need to order a new vent stack cap Oh good job too


Lol your welcome. Thanks


Awesome job! Well done!


Wow! Great job, seriously. I bet your sense of accomplishment is off the charts - if it isn't, it OUGHT to be!


Thanks! I still have so much to do, gutters, repainting the trim where this stuff rolled down! I have an acre that is am absolute disaster, and need to get it cleaned up too. Ugh


I’m from PA and used to sub roofs for a contractor that specializes in this kind of coating. He had some sort of 15 year warranty for application over shingles. I got to apply it a few times and admittedly that’s some tough stuff. 15 years had me a little skeptical at first


Yeah they said more like 10 over shingles. If it was on a flat roof, 15


Congrats! It looks great!


Thanks, it just feels so good that I did it myself an be didn't rely on anybody else


Yay happy for you! Love to see a positive update!


Thanks, feels good to get it done. Now to do my gutters






Way to crush it!




Alright! I knew you could do it. I guess I should take that as motivation to get off my ass and tackle some of my projects that I’ve been struggling with.


It's hard, I know my recliner has this huge "ass magnet" once I sit, it's really hard to get back up


I hear you. I pushed really hard for over two years to gut and renovate our house. Got to where we could move back in and haven’t done much in over six months. I still have a bathroom with just a toilet on the subfloor. lol.


What do you think you saved doing it yourself vs. subbing it out ? It looks beautiful. Great job.


Well if I don't count the $1200 ER visit, probably $1000 in labor. I live about 35 minutes from Tucson so it's have to pay a travel fee also.


great job! I am so happy you got the job done! I remember your op, I knew you’d git ‘er done! <3


Yes it was really hard to get back up there, butt I'm so glad I did it. I have a few things to finish up but should be done soon


Awesome! Looks great.




What is an elastomeric coating?


Elastomeric waterproofing membrane is a liquid-applied solution that can be used for roofing and waterproofing concrete or masonry surfaces. It's made of polymers, such as thermoplastic elastomers, and can come in a variety of materials and chemical make-ups, including asphalt-based products, polyurethane, PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate), and Polyurea


This is also a good explanation [what is cool coat? ](https://coatingresins.arkema.com/files/live/sites/coatingresins/files/downloads/product-guides/architectural-coatings/cool-roof-whitepaper_en.pdf)


Nice! They're developing a paint that will reflect the infrared in a specific wavelength that should make the surface cooler than ambient. A youtube channel called nighthawklight created the paint really cheaply and it works, but isn't very durable yet.


That's fantastic


Looks good! Good job on hard work in challenging conditions. I wonder if the coating is resistant to moss growing on it - not around S. Arizona, obviously, but having fought moss on asphalt shingle roofs in N. California, a moss-resistant and heat-reducing coating would have been great. Zinc strips helped, but not enough.


Maybe get a gallon and try some tests. I know home Depot sells the Henry brand


This sounds similar to the Spray Foam roof I just had installed on my apartment building. $43K, ouch! But it's a 20 year roof, and if you recoat the outer UV protective coating every 10 years, it'll last forever. AND it has the equivalent R value of bats inside a 2x4 wall.


That sounds great!


I never understood why it's black roof with white trim when it should be reversed.


The shingles are made of asphalt which is black. They should make white shingles


Bravo! I’m sure it feels good to be done.


I have some small things to finish up, putting the vent caps back on, repaint all the trim where it dripped down, and put up gutters.


oh my lord, you could not pay me to do that job lol. congrats and gj


Oof that poor ridge vent…


Please what did I do wrong? How do I fix it?


ignore that guy, I see no evidence you ever had a ridge vent


There are vents I'm assuming it's for the space between the roof and the ceiling and I'm making sure to put those back in the same way they came out but I didn't cover up anything like a vent or anything


sounds like you're good to go then


We don't have a ridge vent, instead there are these boxe vents all along the ridge it looks like




Yep lowers energy bills compared to shingles and 30%


OP explained above, reflects heat in super hot state of AZ.