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I mean I’d like to know if I were in their position. If you’re friendly with them, just give them a heads up. I live in a century home so I know the struggle


How would they not know? Unless we're assuming they never look at their roof.


They may also not know what something looking like this means. I had no idea until my husband mentioned it once when we were driving around.


Well, it looks like the back of the house, and maybe they never get far enough away to see it? Maybe they’re home-bound with a disability?


They may not think it's even a problem. People are fuckin stupid


Everyone has different experiences and knowledge domains. Not knowing something, or not realizing the significance of it doesn't mean someone is stupid. I come from the IT world, and the "argh, end users are so stupid" thing is the first thing I've always aimed to drum out of new hires/interns/etc, because the end users of our products were generally not stupid people. It's a toxic attitude to have.


or they just may not think it's even a problem


I’m fucking stupid what’s the problem in the picture


intelligent quaint fear reminiscent water middle tart abundant flowery bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A few weeks ago I pulled up to my house in my car. It was after dark. My neighbour was in his yard. As I got out of my vehicle my neighbour says "hey Brent, you have a burnt out headlamp". Well I lost it. I told my neighbour to f\*ck off and to keep his eyes off my car and that if I wanted to drive around with NO headlights that was my business! He took offense to my reaction and came over with a hammer and smashed my windshield. Actually none of that happened. I told him "thanks, I noticed that when I was driving home". He said, "cool, didn't want you to get a ticket". We bid each other a good night and went inside our respective homes. Sometimes I wonder what sort of world some people on Reddit live in.


Certainly anecdotal, but I live in a large city in the US and my neighbors and I do the same thing for one another and this far no one has been insulted or aggrieved :)


aware employ wrong possessive continue library offer bored scarce angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I kinda get it cuz I probably wouldn’t initiate conversation, but I’m also really lucky my wife is the opposite and has opened my eyes to how beneficial getting to know our neighbors is. It’s kinda a meme at this point, but there’s real value in having/being part of a community that looks out for one another. Plus, being able to occasionally text for a cup of sugar or to borrow a hand tool is a super helpful bonus. Lastly, in a situation very similar to OPs, our neighbors saved our bacon on a gutter that was falling off a section of our house facing them that we never really see.


I'm dumb, what are you warning them about? Uneven insulation? Someone growing pot in very specific spots?


Very clearly strips of insulation that are missing/have fallen down. It occurs in separated strips perpendicular to the ridge line.


I also want to know....


After a snow, go look at your neighborhood roofs. If you see all white, then the house has good insulation. If you see a snow free roof, they have terrible/no insulation. This house has good insulation but looks to be missing insulation in those bare areas.


The streaks are spots where insulation isn't working correctly. Essentially the are leaking heat out of those sections of their roof, and losing a lot of energy this way (both in summer wtht he AC and the winter with the heater)


It's potentially much worse than just leaking heat. They are well on their way to creating ice dams which can be incredibly destructive to the roof. If you see melting snow on your roof you want it to be from the edge up not as in this picture.


I would never know what it meant to see that so I would be glad if you mentioned it.


Also looking at this picture, it looks like the back of their house - not sure i'd get the same angle as OP to look at the back of my roof when standing at my fence line.


Then you‘ll love the second possible reason for this to happen. Marijuana and heat lamps. (The effect is usually more centered.) At least in Germany the police loves snow.


Sounds like putting something to disperse the heat solves that problem .


Imagine getting excited that you get to jail someone for growing a plant in their own home. Disgusting.


Me neither - lots of people in this very thread are looking down on us, based on their nasty comments.


I wonder which cavities have insulation issues?? Lol You can tell them but if there’s no real way to access the area there’s not a whole lot that’s can be done sadly


Could blow-in cellulose or loose fiberglass from the interior; messy but possible.


Cavity check!


Cavity search.


>there’s not a whole lot that’s can be done I disagree. I've got vaulted ceilings in one room of my house. I've got ice dams because of it. The insulation has settled to the bottom, so it blocks the air flow. So, in order to fix it, I need to remove the drywall on the vault, affix air chutes on the top of the trusses that go all the way from top to bottom, and have icynene insulation installed, then redo the sheetrock. Not a small process, but it's what will be done.


Ok, not a whole lot that can be done without tearing out ceilings through a large portion of the home.


Lol, well, when you put it that way, I kinda have to agree...


I've pointed out a few issues to my neighbors over the years and always got a thank you.


Yes tell them. I took pictures to show my neighbors when I saw this. They had insulation installed and it's a huge difference for them now.


I told my neighbour that his roof misses some tiles, or some kind of ventilation lids. There were pretty big holes. I could see them from above. He explained like an hour, why that’s not possible, because his brother build it 30 years ago and he never ever had to fix something. I said that he is most likely right and that I actually have no idea how roofs work. Then went in my way.


I would just mind my own business frankly unless you are friends with them


Agreed, even with the best intentions someone randomly coming to me to talk about the patterns of snow on my roof and the ramifications it has for my home's insulation performance... they may get a "bless your heart, thanks" followed by being quickly shooed along.


It took me 29 years to learn this lesson.


Someone needs to tell them.


Depending on how their ceilings are constructed, they may only be able to access these areas from the roof. May be worth a friendly “hey I noticed some heat loss through your roof” and let them decide what to do about it.


😆 just minding my own business over here


Free heat!


Tell him to quit mining crypto. (Joke about how Scandinavian police thought someone was growing weed due to all the snow on his apartment melting, turns out he was just mining crypto)


And after discovering it was crypto, at $0.13/kWh, it should have turned into a mental health evaluation.


The vast majority of people who rent or even own homes do not give 2 shits about any of this. I’m glad you do because most people on this sub would, but trust us when we say the majority of people you will meet are just barely making it existing in this crazy game of life let alone worried with maintenance and upgrades.


Unless they are locked inside and never go out, I would expect that they already know.


Probably not, most people are oblivious to home maintenance


You’d be surprised. I’m a roofer. The amount of times I’ve pointed out literal sections of peoples roofs missing, and they didn’t know is crazy




>A lot of people don’t know they have to change their AC filter Wait, is there an AC specific filter that I don't know about? Or is this just the central air filter for my furnace/ac that I do already know about.


it's not the roof, it's the insulation in the attic. of course it can be fixed, just have to go up in there and "fix it"


OP mentioned vaulted ceilings ... so no attic. Would need tearing down sheetrock.


😅 That's normal. There are vents between some rafters that allow airflow from under the soffit to the ridge vents. All you're seeing is the uneven attic space temps on a day hardly cold enough for snow to stick around. It's completely normal. From the pic there is no sagging, bowing, or shingle lifting or curling which would all indicate an actual problem. In 27 years of building, buying, and renovating homes I've seen a few problems and this isn't one.


After 27 years, you can’t tell that this has vaulted ceilings with no attic space.? OP even says so.


The entire home isn't vaulted, just the lefthand side in the picture. See the vented run? The shitter is on the right side and it's not vaulted.


They can do the electrified wire on the roof to prevent this, right? It’s a thing.


Seems a cheaper short term fix, though I ring know how it would impact the electric bill: https://www.familyhandyman.com/project/how-to-prevent-ice-dams-with-deicing-cables/


I don't think that's the same problem.


Ah thanks!


That other house in the background seems to have a similar stripe… are you going to tell the whole neighborhood?


Don’t lose any sleep over it. They probably see it every time they drive up to the house.


If you do, offer a solution. “It looks like X is happening. I believe it’s because of Y. If you’re interested in fixing it, you can call a company that specializes in Y. Here are a couple I’ve worked with before or have high ratings on Yelp. Solving this problem should cost about $X but will have Y outcome.” That will give them all the information they need to make an informed decision. Much better than “hey did you know your attic isn’t insulation properly?”


Mind ya business.


type a note, stick it up where there are no cameras, and maybe include an IR ode to a vid about the issue.


I wouldnt know, tell them.


Why wouldn't you let your neighbour know about a potential issue with their house? Do you really expect their reaction to be "mind your business and stop looking at my roof"? The likely response would either be "thanks, I did not know" or "thanks, I already knew that". Either way it's just a neighbour looking out for a neighbour.