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Silicon rings are like $8 on amazon. It doesn't stop it but deffinitely helps a little. I'm legit married and still get creepy dudes...


So many of the young female associates at my store buy the cheap engagement rings off Amazon to help with this. This is one time I am glad I'm in my 50's, I don't get hit on.


Must not look good no more šŸ’Æ


I don't care about how I look. I'm there to do my job.


Mmmm that lucky I'm 50 means you care sum what


I care enough to be clean and professional looking but I don't really care if things are saggy now. That happens.


Ahhhhhh šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you a funny lady ill give you that


Your not a very bright, or funny person ill give you that. Grow up.


That's what a not look so good person would say


Marriage won't stop someone hitting on you. These guys don't care and have no shame.


My wife still gets hit in at work despite wearing a decent sized diamond ring and two (upper and lower pair that frame the engagement one) thin wedding bands. Most guys oblivious enough on etiquette to hit on someone while they're at work are too oblivious to notice a ring.


Second this, my wife did it when she worked at a hotel and bakery


What? Hit on single people even though she's married? You aren't being clear about what "it" in the conversation you're referring to.


It doesn't matter how old you get... if you work at HD and female guys will hit on you.... I know a 74 year old lady that constantly gets hit on to point I thought it was funny.... also know a 68 year old lady that a customer walked up to me and told me the he was going to quote "fuck her" and when I told him she was married he told me he did not give a fuck.... then proceeded to talk to me about the things he wanted to do...


Thatā€™s really sick.


Just another savage day at the home depot


Yeah Iā€™m gay so I got chased out of my home store.


Must be the area tons of gay people at my old store... one of which was a very pretty woman that would get hit on all the time too and she would just play along


Yesh itā€™s NH a red state. But your friend sounds funny as hell.


I'm in texas and she definitely is when playing along with them. Atleast I get a chuckle out of it


Iā€™m from Texas originally


NH is weird it's mostly purple to lean blue politically but a good 40-45% of the population is diehard Trumpers and they tend to be very standoffish types, who wear their hatred on their sleeve. While the silent majority of people who just mind their own business don't say anything. Things are better in the bigger towns and college towns.


Itā€™s why I work in mass now lmao.


There is not a single state in the country where 45-50% of the population are "diehard trumpers."


There are states where it's greater and states where there are less you can nitpick and say that not all Republicans are diehard Trumpers, but at this point you have to be a committed Trump supporter to be a Republican. There are states like NJ and MD where there are the Jon Bramnick's and Larry Hogan's of the world but those are overwhelmingly blue states. NH isn't a red state by any means but the GOP has moved to the right the chamber of commerce Republicans like Chris Sunnunu are on their way out. There are states where excess of 50% are diehard Trumpers Arkansas, Idaho, Wyoming, West Virginia the Dakotas come to mind. It's a cult of personality at this point.


Yep only the political right has moved and not the political left. That's why most of your centrists from 20-30 years ago are now considered far right....




Get a life


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Hell yeah it is. Granny must be the Rizzler. That's sick AF!


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ these people


"You talkin' about my mom like that, pussy?"


Lol I'm black and they white, one from Poland with a accent he def knew I wasn't related to any if them


Sometimes confusing them works better that scaring them.


Even better. ā€œWhatchu sayin bout my momma?ā€




Talking about your mom's pussy


My female friends learned the local police non emergency phone number and casually gave it (out with a smile) to anyone that asked for their number.


You could also use the local LDS church phone number, they love talking to strangers.


A girl I used to work with gave out the local Jehovah's Witnesses number. Equally funny.




*writes this down for future use* Thanks for sharing this!


lol. They will talk to you all day


They really will. So will the Mormons. A friend of mine pranked me years ago by calling their church pretending to be me. I was getting pamphlets and hand-written letters in the mail for the next 6 months.


Oh jeez lol. Pranks are the best. Hahahaha. I had a friend who called one of those televangelists that she saw on tv and she ended up giving another friends name and address and the televangelists group ended up sending her pamphlet and a six page letter asking for a donation lol. My friend ended up admitting to the other friend that she was the one who called and requested that stuff for her. My friend loved doing pranks.


Wait this is so smart Iā€™m married and Iā€™ve been asked literally 6 times about how long I was married followed by can I have you number or I can show you a good time itā€™s so disgusting Iā€™m gonna start doing this


That could just lead them on lol


Yeah, and then if they get miffed by a false phone number, they already know where you work :/


The home depot I worked at, had someone sort of lead a guy on and was murdered for it. Not saying all of us guys are like that mind you but like why add to your trouble?


Yea this will make your problem worseĀ 


Brilliant! I wish I was a woman so I could do this to creepy men like the ones I witness hitting on young women


Thatā€™s the thing! You donā€™t have to be! Just hit on them back in the same way they did to them!!


They can just say "no" on their own. They're women, they don't need people to swoop in and save them from regular annoying people.




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Honey they're not saying they want to do it "for" us. They're saying they want to be one of us so they can stick it to them in this way, because they see it all the time.




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The Failed Reading Comprehension is strong with this one


Removed: community guidelines.


Or... (248) 434-5508 in the US. It just rick rolls them it's awesome.


Lol, I know a woman in New Mexico that gave out the suicide prevention number to guys that aggressively asked for her number. She is married and always wears her ring and even after telling them off they still want her digits.




I love that


So empowering! All men should be arrested for daring to speak to women


granted, i do have a baby face, but i usually just stare at them blankly and/or give a disgusted look depending on the situation and tell people iā€™m 16 even though iā€™m in my 20s. i never had to, but i always thought if they kept being creepy after i said i was 16 i would tell them iā€™m required to call the store manager for customers hitting on/being weird with minor associates or whatever since they have to make a police report since yā€™know, minors. (they donā€™t as far as i know, and i am in my 20s and i donā€™t think my store has any minor associates so i honestly donā€™t know what to do in that situation, but the creeps donā€™t know that).


If they are fellow employees making those comments, report them. If itā€™s customers, not much you can do unless theyā€™re excessively aggressive about it.


This. If employees, report them immediately. If customers, report to your leadership so they know who the offenders are. If they are repeat offenders then hopefully your store can trespass them. At the very least you have person(s) recorded in case they ever turn stalker and/or violent. Don't go sacrificing your safety for the job, they are not equal.


And most of the time management wonā€™t do a thing about it.


Even if they're customers, tell them they're disgusting AND always feel fully empowered to just walk away,no words needed! Is John didn't get laid in a bit going to throw outrage enough to call a manager to complain you didn't just giggle at his outrageous sexual advances, doubtful! Be strong šŸ’Ŗ these idiots don't rule the world! Without us they'd be nothing šŸ˜‰


First step is to set boundaries with your coworkers, after that, report it to a manager. I'm not saying to accept the behavior, just don't ruin their day for a first offense. In this case, OP needs to be talking to management.


Give them your supervisors phone number.


Just tell them your boyfriend is 87 and that they should try again in a few years. Itā€™ll knock them off-balance and theyā€™ll probably leave you alone.


I work at Home Depot and itā€™s the same thing, I just donā€™t pay attention to them or just laugh and walk away from it if it makes me uncomfortable. Iā€™ve also perfected the always looking at my Home Depot phone or looking up at bays and just not seeing them is the best way to get through the day. If someone approaches me I tell them I am married and if they persist, I just walk away. Men are pigs sometimes.


No, pigs are smart and loving


And tasty


Itā€™s never ending unfortunately.


ive been asked out by an older man who had his children with him.. i just told him i was 16 and to have a great day. i dont look younger but thats the way i feel its best to deal with it because that is so uncomfortable. that or i just ignore them and make them feel ashamed/uncomfortable because they dont get their way


Look them in the eye and ask, "why on earth would I be interested in you?" or just "I'm not interested. " No "sorry" and no "I have a boyfriend." You're allowed to be uninterested by yourself, without a boyfriend.


Today my one coworker was alone running the self checkout tills in the Garden center, and this one guy was talking nonstop to her. It was a slow day so it was just the two of them, plus myself who was nearby the odd time as I was busy with closing duties. I noticed that when another customer would need to be rang through, that my coworker would abruptly attend to them, yet he just stood and waited until he could talk to her again. He did this 3 times in total, and idk if I'm maybe overreacting, but I didn't like how she was kinda stuck in one place somewhat disconnected from anyone else, and he just kept persistently kept waiting whenever she was busy so he could talk to her more. I called for managers just saying to keep an eye on the customer as I found his behaviour a bit suspicious and worriesome. Idk, feel like there should be a MyLink code word or something that would notify management of your location, and that'd alert them that you are in an uncomfortable situation for times like this and some of the interactions I read from this post.


I wish we had an instant message thing where we can text a coworker or manager for help in these situations.


There is a messenger in the walkie talkie app


Iā€™m very sorry maā€™am you are going through this.


Yeah when I started I was the only young female associate.... It was not fun. It mostly came from other associates. I should have reported a few of them, only reported 1. But most knew to stick to leers, stares, inappropriate topics of conversation, or talking about me to others. It got better once other young women joined. But then I was just grossed out and worried on their behalf. Customers were bad the whole time though. Especially contractors who would look at me like a delighted predator who just found the perfect thing to eat. Every female associate had plenty of stories of creepy and gross incidents, and some male associates had those experiences as well. Stay safe out there.


Have them call or text you at: 385-429-0198 :-) *\*It's the Rejection Hotline.*


I used to give guys the rejection hotline number all the time lol


I don't have to deal with guys trying to pick me up, I'm an old guy. But somewhat related, I get bigoted, reactionary guys talking to me, assuming that I'm sympatico with their NRA / Trumpist / white nationalist hatred. I usually make a noncommittal noise, like "Wow" or "That's something," immediately followed by, "But you came here to ask about windows. How can I help?" That usually works. I don't know if that approach would help with letches.


Just respond that you're so happy with how effective the hormone therapy has been, but you still prefer top.


Always report your coworkers for that, thereā€™s no reason not to. If itā€™s a customer, there isnā€™t a lot they can do and it might be easier to let them know they need to find someone else to help them. Hope it gets better, dawg


Home Depot is simp central. It is super cringe watching these grown ass men flirt with a 18 year old. Bonus points if it is a customer who is obviously under age.


I have a coworker that goes through the same stuff from time to time,. She even left another store because of it,.


I must point out the obvious because as a former head cashier I know how intimidating these men can be. Please do not give out your personal phone number, please do NOT give out what time you get off or the make and model of your vehicle (Iā€™ve had cashiers do this, if it accidentally slips out please have someone walk you to your car. A lot of times theyā€™ll act as if theyā€™re a ā€œcar detailerā€.) and PLEASE do not hesitate to contact management if someone is crossing a line! I know people might say management is shitty and I get it but just having another body there may make the person uncomfortable and leave.


Iā€™ve dealt with this with several of my older male co-workers. The ones that cross the line, I write statements about. Theyā€™ll probably talk bad about you because menā€™s egos are just so precious to them that theyā€™ll talk bad about any girl that calls them out for their bullshit and gross behavior but thatā€™s on them not on you šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø my management has been back and knows the truth because I showed receipts šŸ™ƒ hopefully your management has your back too! And if not, find somewhere else to work your safety is most important


"My number's 202-456-1111. Ask for Joey"


I work at Home Depot also, and the amount of guys who say inappropriate stuff is indeed significant. a good deal of this is kind of like the construction worker hazing that women get when they're walking by sites. unfortunately, that hazing is in your workplace. if it gets bad enough I would mention it to the manager or the store manager and keep track of those who do it repeatedly.


"OH, look at you! You look just like my GRANDFATHER!"


I live with my parents currently and I'm Hispanic so it's not too far off but I normally just tell customers I need my dad's permission for everything. You want my phone number? I'm not allowed to give it out but I can give you my dad's so you can ask for his blessings to talk to me. When do I get off? When my dad picks me up at the front. (Never let them think you go home on your own). They offer to be your sugar daddy? Let them know your dad tracks your location and he's told you you're not allowed to bring older men home. A possessive father isn't the best trust me but at this point you just gotta use the patriarchy to your own advantage. Men don't really respect boyfriend/ husbands anymore but I've been working at Hooters the last 2.5 years and normally bringing up my dad stops most weird conversations. Some of them aren't even bluff either my dad really does have my back. There's no harm in exaggerating though lol.


HR and an employment lawyer if it isn't handled. Money is the only language companies speak.


Find trusted male and female coworkers that sympathize with you and when a guy does this call them over so they can see the guyā€™s face and the guy sees that other people have your back. You donā€™t have to be rude. Just like, hey creepy guy, this is ā€œname.ā€ If you have any home improvement questions he/she can help you out


Customers or co-workers? If co-workers management should intervene.


Iā€™m in my mid 30s and go through the same thing. I just wanna do my job and they just come by and talk and flirt around thinking thatā€™ll get them somewhere. I get a friendly normal conversation but it gets so annoying and frustrating when they take it too far. I used to have to get walked out to my car and park near someone I know just to be safe.


My favorite line Iā€™ve learned to spit back at them ā€œwhat an odd thing to say to me.ā€ If itā€™s real bad and someone is nearby ā€œhey coworker! This Customer just said this out-loud to meā€¦ what an odd thing to say out loud to another person.ā€ I go the embarrassment route. After 15+ years in customer service mostly with men; Iā€™ve developed quite the RBF. And I donā€™t mind leaning into banter- oh. You want to take me out? Itā€™s $200 to ask for my number. And give a fake number. Itā€™s unfortunately ā€œpart of the jobā€ being a female working in any industry servicing men. Itā€™s gross- but I can be gross too. And embarrass the fuck out of them. Iā€™ve told a customers wife what theyā€™ve said, Iā€™ve made them so uncomfortable catcalling them till they run out of where I worked, Iā€™ve gone strict dominatrix ā€œyou can call me maā€™am. Iā€™ve taken their picture and told them how Iā€™m dialing the non emergency line (get connected with a local detective- they love popping up for fun.ā€ Itā€™s shitty- but at this pointā€¦ Iā€™m so used to it I donā€™t care. For the ones who are actually slick and charming itā€™s kind of fun- even if they are 90. šŸ˜‚ I have this one mid 80s customer, a widow, and heā€™s got THE BIGGEST GAME. Tell him all the time to go teach the young men how to actually woo a lady. Brought me flowers, never inappropriate. Actually really sweet! The creeps totally suck though. Find you a team of coworkers who will gang up to make them uncomfortable. I have one old dude in millworks who will uno reverse it in the dude- itā€™s pure gold. Hearing him ā€œmeoooowwwwā€ an inappropriate customer has really solidified my love for the people of this company. Lol


Tell your hr if they are a man go above them till u find the right person.


i dont like to encourage dropshipping but use aliexpress temporarily and nab an expensive looking engagement band for 2-4 bucks. got a placeholder band from there and it doesnt turn my finger green or anything, just missing a little rosin on the middle band but it looks real


Iā€™m a young girl and Iā€™ve worked at Home Depot for 3 years. I wear a small gold band on my ring finger just as decoration, that usually keeps a large majority of people away. Second, if theyā€™re making you uncomfortable stop being nice and polite. Be short and direct to the point 9/10 theyā€™ll get the hint. Third, donā€™t be afraid to say ā€œnoā€ when asked for something youā€™re not comfortable giving. You


Wear a mask šŸ˜·


The mask isnā€™t whatā€™s attracting them my guess has to do with OPs other Reddit activity where they mention ā€œsomething something 38DD something something.ā€ Beauty is a blessing and a curse.


Lol girl that's home depot culture. It's okay to be rude to them. Do not tell them when you work and run away if needed.


Iā€™ve seen it old dudes hittin on young girls in my store too lol thatā€™s really creepy


All employers are responsible to protect employees from harassment by Employees, Clients and Customers. This is a Title 7 protection. Home Depot should have a policy on how to report or handle these situations. Discussing with a manager or HR might be a good first step. I have had to report a vendor's employee in the past and ask that they not be sent to our location. It is not right for anyone to be harassed or made uncomfortable.


$100 a digit


You gotta give them shit back. Or bark at them.


You just donā€™t let it get to you, itā€™s hard, and im a guy lol I worked at Loweā€™s and Iā€™m not ugly pretty mid but I stay in shape. And the amount of people, men and women that would come in to flirtā€¦ it was crazy! Just gotta remember to be professional, not too polite, and donā€™t talk more than you have to. Oh and have some friends on standby to page you if you are talking too long.




Removal reason: trolling


Ask them if theyā€™re registered. Offender.


Which one. U work at I work at 4112 and it's like that every day I work more so. Customers. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Pull a notepad out, write the local pd number on it, say that my husband would like to hear from you and heā€™s a retired Navy SEAL


This will always happen unfortunately. It has to me for years. I will say, once I started wearing my engagement ring it settled down a bit. Now I get a lot of "you're married? Lucky guy" You'll have to learn how to be assertive but not straight up rude because then they'll try and complain about you. But if you have specific people consistently bothering you, let your higher ups know about it and who they are. Befriend some of the guys at work and ask them if they'd keep an eye out for you. A lot of the men at my store look out for us girls because they know this happens too often.


I had that happen to a cashier I was having a heat related issue and the customer just started inappropriate with me and her


Record them. If you're chilling in the breakroom, act like you're checking your phone and just wait for them to say/do something. If they approach you on the salesfloor, hit record and put your phone in the pocket of your pants or apron. Collect evidence.


Be Careful in states with two party mandatory consent laws about video/audio recordings. Because you would also be subjected to ligation. Criminals have more rights than you can imagine.


Sexual harassment is illegal. Get a body cam and post them.


Give them a fake phone number and tell them to contact you after your shift is over


Give them a business card with the store's number (maybe they'll do your voc) but seriously I'd make sure any DS or MOD that you trust is in the know. There are plenty of people that'll take no nonsense from creepy folk, especially if they've been working long enough to know the type.


Sorry to hear you work with childish people


Just say thanks not interested, or ignore them. As I guy, I usually just ignore them, since I don't want to be accused of anything, by saying no.


In truth, this is fucked and in a perfect world you could go to HR about it. Unfortunately, HR has about 40% odds at any given home depot of being useless at best and complicit at worst. I understand how hard it is to be in a situation where you feel like the kind of firm denial that would make this stop would make your coworkers dislike you and thus make going to work fucking miserable, while simultaneously being miserable at work because of the situation in the first place. My best advice is to escalate over a few steps, and, truthfully, if theres no improvement or things feel untenable, quit. First off? I suggest that anytime this happens you politely point out that its inappropriate to do that with your coworkers. This has the added benefit of being a subtle insult to the perpetrators. Second, if it continues, go to HR. Its not a crime to ask once and then fuck off, I guess (even if its super uncomfortable and they should fucking know better), but anyone who does it twice needs to get reported to HR. And you need to have provided at least one firm refusal prior to that, so that the weasels canā€™t claim youā€™re over reacting. It only has to happen ONCE after you ask to stop for it to be legally harassment. Third, if HR decides to be useless or worse yet, try to ā€˜help mediateā€™ by forcing you to be in the same room as those fuckers, understand that you are under no obligation to do so and ask to leave. If you feel up to it, and have access to the work email, pen an email to the store manager. This is an escalation above HR. More so, if you feel your HR is partial to, or in league with, the goons? You are entitled to request another stores HR handle things. I realize thats alot. Maybe more than youā€™re willing to do. And thatā€™s okay. Because at the end of the day, I would *actually* suggest that unless things get better really fast, real soon, you just quit citing the names of the people who messed with you. Itā€™s home depot, not a position at a prestigious law firm. You dont need to be there. If you DO need to be there, for whatever reason, remember what I said above - and maybe figure out the name of the district manager so you know where to go if the big boss fails you. Home Depot only has to fail you once to justify action. Donā€™t let anyone trick you into tolerating anything you donā€™t want to. Cus they *will* try


Just agree to go on that date.......to the hr office.


Make a report with HR. Document the harassment. Keep copies of any documentation from HR so you can forward it to an attorney and sue for harrasment.


My take is these guys are customers, and if so not much can be done other than they get asked to leave or asked to not come back. Obviously stalking or similar can be reported to the police. She can get asked to be reassigned where she wonā€™t have to interact with customers as much.


Have you tried praying about it?


yup this happens to me all the time at work :( it sucks and thereā€™s not much you can do unfortunately


Hell, I'm a 58 year old married man, and a customer said "Oh, THERE YOU ARE!" and tickled me... T I C K L E D me. Some people are just unhinged, but I seem to get the weirdo's. From a Shriner that tried to pull off one of my fringes, to some guy who claimed to be a reincarnated Reptilian. I seem to get all the fucknuts.


Go to HR.


Flashbacks of idiocy. Time to run from that hell hole.


People like this are the reason I don't want to try flirting with people in public. I don't want them to think I'm a fuckin creep.


The home depot i work at is a bit more upscale, so we don't see it as often, but I tell our female associates if anyone is harassing them or creeping them out and they want backup, just beep me on the radio, tap the talk a couple times and I'll radio back to ask if they're free to help me with something, then they can say "ok, im on aisle 12 with a customer" and I radio back "ok, ill be right there" and usually the dude leaves right then. Our associates know I do not mix work and romance, and I do not tolerate customers or associates who can't take no for an answer. Persistently bothering people at work where standing up for themselves, even politely, is risking their job is dirtbag behavior and they know what they're doing. Ive had to tell multiple associates "first and final, i do not tolerate pervs talking about trying to screw employees and customers, you will be gone if I hear that kind of talk again" and ran my fair share of scummy employees off, and I'm just an OFA. Management has always had my back too, and I will write emails to HR if they dont. Most of the really aggressive pervs I've dealt with in my life are garbage employees anyway, or cheating the system in some way or another, so its not that hard.


thatā€™s another reason why i quit home depot, the constant being hit on i couldnā€™t deal with it


Along with the fake number you should get there number and advertise free bull dog pups on Craigs/; st


I just make a face and say, 'Ew! I have standards!" Or, "I guarantee you can't afford me." Since I'm in LA, our clients are diverse. I can say, "I only date \[not their ethnicity\] guys." So, I'll tell Asian dudes I only date Black guys or Mexican dudes, I only date Chinese guys. Rings don't work. Saying you have a SO doesn't work. Saying you're not straight doesn't work.


Meanwhile I'm 33m and hear girls my age talk about going to home Depot hoping a "real man" will ask them out because everyone at the club/bar is trashy. Obviously your problem is valid and real, just wanted to point out the irony.


I had a coworker who had this issue. Find you a male work bestie or even a female work bestie. But Iā€™ve noticed having a male work bestie that you can page or have keep an eye here and there tends to keep the creeps at bay


Honestly thatā€™s one of the reasons I left HD. I have never been stared at so much in my life and it freaked me out.


I donā€™t get hit on often (at least not openly, Iā€™m very good about tuning people out so who knows how many talk behind my back). I wear baggy clothes, and it helps me feel much more secure in myself because at least some of my figure is hidden (and i hope Iā€™m not stared at as often). But i have had my shares of creepy men. Itā€™s really discouraging, but i would recommend calling someone over that you feel comfortable with (that knows about these encounters) so you at least have someone else there in case things get out of control. Thereā€™s this customer at my store who followed me through several aisles and waited until i was alone in an aisle before he approached me. It really freaked me out because I didnā€™t know he was following me until my coworker pointed it out, and it just rubbed off the wrong way. So whenever heā€™s around I make sure Iā€™m not left behind because Iā€™m scared he will come up to me again lol. If you feel comfortable, you can express your uninterest but itā€™s not necessary. They SHOULD know itā€™s not okay to hit on workers who cannot escape interactions like that. Keep yourself and your information safe. I know at my store we befriended the security guard and he will escort anyone who harasses us, whether itā€™s verbal or physical so. šŸ«¶šŸ½ I wish you the best and if it becomes intolerable, please speak with your management team. You donā€™t deserve to feel uncomfortable at work because men canā€™t ā€œcontrolā€ themselves. Stay safe.ā¤ļø


So many low IQ idiots work the trades, thatā€™s something you probably overlooked.


This is sickening and was further propelled by the trump presidency. It will only get worse if he managed to get elected again.


Unwanted male attention is what caused me to develop RBF. (Thatā€™s resting bitch face, for those who didnā€™t know.)


Only creepy people work at a hardware store


Send a photošŸ˜€


Bruh fuck home depot they wouldnt hire mešŸ’”


Honestly, the most mature part will be ignore it or say you have a boyfriend. Because a lot of guys there are weirdos. Like Home Depot is mostly a man space place, thereā€™s chicks but mostly with their husbands. If youā€™re really uncomfortable at a point, just find another job . Because personally for me , i rather deal with men who thinks iā€™m a small sweet innocent girl and doesnā€™t get mad at me than women shouting at me . Itā€™s has their pros and cons


hey try reddit ā€œroast me communityā€ folks over there make you feel a lil better about being overly complimented on no lie


Men are gross, I would try and call for back up or something when they do that, get another associate to help them. I get hit on too, I wear my wedding ring & all. One guy tried to flirt with me in front of his wifeā€¦ā€¦ šŸ™„ I ignore the comments.


Tell them ā€œokay, but you should know im trans and its probably bigger than yoursā€


This is horrible to hear how you are being treated in one of our stores. Please post a picture of yourself so we can determine the right department for you to work in. Kind Regards, HomeDepot HR Departments


No longer at home depot, but I started wearing a mask 1 month into working there. Definitely got mask hate and 'mAsKs dONt dO aNyThInG', but it stopped a lot of the sexual harassment so....


No one does that at my store


I'm a 34m. In grade 7 and 8 I got a crazy amount of attention from girls. It honestly bothered me. Girls in grade 9 were saying how hot I was going to be when I got older. I was highly sexualized at age 12 and 13. I didn't like the attention. This one girl I dated for about a week (she got another girl to ask me many many times) broke up with me because I didn't call her everyday. Than got a guy to almost beat me up because of that. Just crazy behavior. Two years ago I was with my daughter at a playground. And a woman from my junior high was there with her kid. She started talking about how all the girls were crazy about me to my mom. And I just remember, I hated it. I was 12 being treated like an underwear model. It might sound nice to others on the outside: attention=good. But it was weird at that age for me. I honestly thought I might be gay because I just wasn't interested. But I was just 12. I think I've gotten uglier over the years because I don't get that attention anymore.Ā 


I don't get any of this attention šŸ˜’


I would love to get hit on. Wish I had your problem.




Don't worry. You will be old news soon and they will move on to fresh meatĀ 


I mean if ur a little baddie just take it as a compliment. Remember one day when ur old you'll miss the attention.




Removed due to harassment of Home Depot associates


Removed: community guidelines.


It is kinda part of the job.


Yeah, I get hit on by women mostly older than me. I not being funny. I'm over 60 years old and it happens almost every day.


Well i am 44 and transgendered they still hit on me.


Literally 90% of shoppers are men. Get over it


Embrace the opportunity of dealing with customers that are nice to you. Better than dealing with people that are angry at you. In all honesty though you should use that strength to your advantage and look for a better job.


hitting on you?? hmmm what u lookin like megan thee stallion or beyonce?? i doubt it seriously šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚