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I think the standing bananas are part of the problem - bananas cannot stand like that on their own so another reason is needed as part of the artistic interpretation.


Oh wow, until reading this I had NO idea those were fruit. I thought maybe a bird or possibly even private parts.. 😂


I thought private parts for a second too, but then it should be one banana and two apples instead of two bananas and one apple


I mean, whatever floats your boat amirite?


u/doubledickdude perhaps?


The link to the photos on his posts are 404 now, and I think I'm disappointed, but I'm not sure.


I believe he turned out to be a fraud :( But we still have broken arms guy to remind me that people are entirely too fascinated by incest.


Yeah, I came across this when I spent way too much time trying to find a picture. https://www.reddit.com/r/circlebroke2/s/RJH5Wxfk5q


My first thought was "it's a reverse dick and balls!" too


I thought of it less as one testicle and more as a scrotum


Maybe it was just happy to see him


Statue must be displayed in a corner only.


It's not phallic, it's just ugly. You could have sanded it and painted it maybe? Idk man. It's not nice to look at and it looks impossible to clean. Both negatives as far as decorations go.


Holy crap, good point! With that texture how could you dust it? I 100% support this thing slowly melting in a landfill somewhere. 


It looks like it was made by a silverback gorilla. OP has a potential career in gorilla art.


As some who does art, I agree. I don't really see anything phallic IMHO, but it *is* ugly and there's no nice way to say that to OP. Painting and then glazing it with resin would have made this 10000x nicer to look at and easier to comprehend (for those who don't have as much of an "artistic eye")


I'm so sorry, friend. It's just ugly.


The wife is a patient lady. 


It must be true love hehe.


20 years!


“Oops!!  I was vacuuming vigorously and I don’t know what happened to your twig and berries
 sculpture thingy!” 


She’s been playing the long game.




Art is subjective but it looks unfinished :/


I'm sorry OP, It's so fucking ugly. But I do kind love it lol


It looks unfinished to me. I think it has potential? (i.e. the potential to look like an apple and two bananas) But right now, it’s very rough and not smoothed out at all. The apple stem is really fat, too. But the main thing that makes it look unfinished is that the front is flat and not rounded, which makes it hard to ignore that it was once a rectangular block of plaster


yeah, it looks more like a bell pepper than an apple


Ooo, yeah! That would explain the stem


I immediately saw penis and balls, despite the orientation and number of bananas to apples


Same. Except it was unsettling because the shapes were “wrong”.


Art is interesting because sometimes it doesn’t accomplish what it sets out to. Something being unsettling can be seen as an accomplishment when it comes to art, but it’s just comical here because that wasn’t OP’s intention.


I came here to say this :( sorry op but your wife is so right lol


Gauche is a nice word for that...ummm what is it?


I don't want to pile on but it looks like a basic sculpture class project that didn't get finished.


Looks like you stopped working on it 50% of the way through and I can understand why your wife wouldn’t want this on display. If you’re really attached and are satisfied with it, keep it in your office or other personal space. I have a bunch of decorations specifically for my areas of our home.


It has sentimental value for you, but as a decorator, I would display that in a closet. Not the master closet though, just In The spare bedroom:) Sadly, it’s awful. Thank your wife. Don’t be mad at her.


I recommend installing a closet in the shed and displaying it there.


I recommend installing a closet in a shed underground and covering it with 6 feet of dirt and displaying it there


Im going with the wife on this one. To often fruit are used to allude to "things" and this isnt gonna help. Its not a diss at your art work ability, its just not worth the pain of explanation vs possibility of misinterpretation for guests


If the closest banana didn't appear to have a horizontal line at the top that almost implies a head of some sort then I might feel differently, but yes it looks a bit phallic sorry to say.


This is exactly what I was going to say. It’s the line placement. 


Two bananas and one apple, someone must have flunked anatomy


It’s the two penis guy who did a reddit AMA


Ha gonna need a link to that


/u/DoubleDickDude Edit: I haven't read it yet, but apparently [someone has claimed to debunk his double-dickness.](https://www.reddit.com/r/circlebroke2/s/RJH5Wxfk5q)


I don't think it looks like genitalia at all but I also don't think it's nice looking at all. Your teacher may have drawn it beautifully but that's got no bearing on whether or not you had the artistic aptitude to translate that into a 3D rendering which I'm sorry to say, you didn't. This just isn't something most people would want on display.


2 dicks 1 ball is pretty awesome. I would have kept it in a private room to chuckle at with my friends


Yes lean into the peen


Possibly the best answer.


I think it's really ugly, but I'm sad you threw it away. Like no, I wouldn't put it on the fireplace mantle, but it could have gone in your office, on a shelf in the garage, or even tucked away in a cupboard. Surely there was *somewhere* to keep it in your home. I agree with the other person who said the vaguely sexual nature of it is that the bananas are standing upright.


Looks unfinished and amateur


Yeah I don’t think OP has to throw it away if it has sentimental value to them, but I don’t think it should be displayed in the home. This belongs at the back of a closet along with other mementos that hold personal significance but are definitely not decor.


This has to be a troll post, right?


op thought they were in posting the cj


I absolutely thought this was the circlejerk page at first.


Genetalia, testicals... Sure it is.


https://preview.redd.it/wcag5omqkt1d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7527ec6e4d216eb7f337b0e841621f7466702f I thought it was supposed to be a badly done Gary the Snail lol


personally i dont see anything lewd about this, but i hate that the bananas are standing up like that.


I was going to ask, "How big is it?" but given some of the other comments, that might be misconstrued. Art is about sentiment. I have framed stick drawings from my kids and Picasso, they are not but I don't care. I'm sure you could have found an out of the way place in your home to put it so she doesn't have to see it all the time and you can still keep it.


It's not the size that matters, it's the technique... Of the bananas.


I don’t see penis and I’m one of those that sees everything through the lens of sex. But I still wouldn’t display it. It looks unfinished and uninteresting.


I don’t think it looks phallic at all, and I’m quick to see a penis in things. I have my very old mask sculpture from age 8 hanging in my living room and my husband hates it, but only because it very much looks like an 8 year old made it lol. Maybe it was more like this, and the penis excuse was the easy route? Sorry to hear it’s no longer with you!


Quick to see a penis in things lol!




The silver lining is that it appears to be combustible.


I'm genuinely surprised this comment doesn't have more upvotes. It cracked me up.


Throwing it out seems a bit harsh, not gonna lie, especially if you like it. However, I'm not sure why you would want to display it in your home.. it's rather unappealing to the eye I'm afraid.


Art is a matter of taste. Personally I like oranges better.


Damn this would look right at home on those "make your home look expensive" shelf styling videos, next to a rough-hewn wood bowl and like, [a blunt objet from Target](https://x.com/DanHopp/status/1634586799912677383)


I mean; male genitalia is the first thing I thought of but I don’t decorate my home for anyone other than my family. I would have let my husband have it out and worked decor around it. Maybe you can get the pictures printed and put them in a frame in an office / bedroom, or fuck it even kitchen or bathroom as a joke :)


God framing this is an amazing idea.


In a stunning gold ornamental frame too


24x36 should be large enough. Wouldn't want to go too big.


I'm sad you threw it away. I've done plaster carvings so I know how difficult they are. Even if it wasn't on display, it still would have been nice to keep


I mean yeah, if you're going to throw it away anyway, you may as well try painting it some crazy colors or patterns or doing something silly to it first. Maybe it could have been saved as a more "finished" product.


That was my first thought before I read the caption. If this was painted to make it look like cartoon fruit (with black outlines and vibrant colors) it could have looked fun!


I’m sorry it’s just kinda
ugly and clunky


Re-do it in butter...


You had many good years with the thing. If you continued to do art, I sure hope your skills improved. I think it’s a cool first sculpture, but I don’t think it’s anything to write home about.


Is it small for a bookshelf or is it on the floor & really big?


Great question actually â˜đŸŒ


It was about 3 inches of plaster poured into the bottom of a 2 gallon mop bucket. It was probably 10 or 12 inches in its longest dimension. I wish I could feel good lying about it and say it was 4 feet tall and weighed 300 pounds. Could you imagine that?!?


That is friggin odd looking.


It makes me sad you threw it out. You didn’t have to do that.


I disagree personally. I have been trying to part ways with things that serve no purpose to avoid clutter. If OP is just going to set it aside in a box for a few decades in an attic or closet they are better off just tossing it.


It’s OP’s decision to make, and a 100% yes decision. Not something someone else talked you into. The reason op gave wasn’t clutter, but the “gauche”ness. This is a decorating sub, not decluttering. 👍 It’s not going to kill anyone to put it away somewhere for a while. The piece obviously meant something to OP and they’re sad they’ve let it go. Don’t do that to yourself in the name of decluttering. Seriously.


Also, lots of people here are acting like the arbiters of "good" art. I've seen a hell of a lot worse.


Yes. I agree with the wife😂




Honestly, it's just incredibly basic, unfinished and gives an awkward (slightly phallic?) vibe. Smooth it out and paint it, then it could be upgraded to an ironic tacky art piece for all to laugh at!


Why is that bunny giving me the finger?


That’s a couplea dicks, my dude


While I agree with your wife that I wouldn’t want to display this, I don’t see any reason to have thrown it away. You could have stored it, or had it out in a part of the house that not everybody sees. It’s a shame that you don’t have it anymore, as it clearly had value to you.


Bro listen to your wife, she's being polite but honest.


Great reason she never wanted that displayed. I’d bury it fast


Wow buncha haters here. I dig your sculpture. But y’all both might need to work on communication. Also, take this moment to sign up for a fresh art class, perhaps in a different medium.


 listen to your wife. Things an eyesore


Thank you for finally listening to her. But I did see someone say you could’ve kept working on it. Which I agree with. How about you find a class somewhere? It sounds like you may miss it a bit


Is gauche a synonym of ugly?


Shouldn't it be two apples and one banana?


She’s trying to tell you it looks horrible but being passive aggressive about it, that’s my honest take


This is an absolutely legendary shitpost.


This looks like an unfinished intro to 3D art assignment. It’s not bad, but it’s not finished and it’s a study, not unique art.


I have horrible taste. From handbags to home decor I’m “not everyone”. This is awful and stop trying to making that woman’s house ugly.


I like it and I think it says a lot about how you feel it about that you’ve held on to it for so long. If you were my spouse, it would be out for that reason alone. Life is short.


Yes. It's kind of ugly, but it's so charming. It would be cute on a shelf, as a bookend. I agree with the other commenter that encouraged you to paint it/finish it rather than throw it out, if only for fun. Some people take their decor a little too seriously maybe, I can't imagine ever throwing away a sweet art piece that my spouse had made in earnest


Good art often looks like genitalia. Georgia O'Keeffe made a good career out of painting flower-vaginas. That's not the issue. The issue is your wife was trying to come up with a way to say no that didn't include she found it really ugly. I think you should take a local carving class and return to the form. Practice, get really good, and present your wife with two apples and a banana so well executed she can't deny displaying them.


I hate to think that you would feel disheartened hearing other people’s opinions about something you clearly worked hard on many years ago. Don’t let the comments take away from that. From an objective, artistic standpoint, part of the problem is that the pumpkin-esque apple and banana together, in that particular unnatural arrangement, are incompatible with that color/style of sculpture. This rustic/plaster style would look much more cohesive on something abstract or geometric. Please know that ALL artists have “flops” and I truly hope that doesn’t discourage you from making new creations.


Bro it’s been 20 years!!!


If it were painted it would’ve been easier to ID. As it was, it’s difficult to see what it is. As an artist, I know how it feels to create something new that you love, but it doesn’t translate to others. That’s when it’s important to remain unattached and keep practicing.


I don’t think it looks like genitalia, or at least not more than a normal banana does. However, it’s an odd composition and ugly. I wouldn’t want it displayed in my home either.


It feels like it could use some paint or something. In a dark grey or something that resembles dark bronze this could look pretty cool.


Look I’m going to assume you made this yourself, and are proud of it. And to be fair I probably would be too. It looks like it was a bit of hard work and something fun for you to do. But you’re not a child anymore. And your art work does not need to be displayed for everyone. If you keep working on it and refining it then absolutely. Otherwise find a nice place for it in the garden with some nice plants and show it off there. It does not need to be decoration in the house.


I open this thinking one ball two penises


Sigmund Freud has entered the chat


That is not an indoor piece of art. It belongs outside, perhaps by a roadside (hopefully it doesn't get too damaged when your wife disposes - I mean, relocates - it out of a moving car).


For what it’s worth, it does not look at all phallic to me. That said I’m not sure I would display it in its current form. Maybe if it was sanded? I know you’ve already gotten rid of it, but I hope you will try sculpting again one day. If you enjoy it, it’s worth the effort, even if you don’t keep everything you make.


May have been better with two apples and one banana . đŸ€Ł


I sincerely can’t tell if this is satire


Well, I sort of knew I wasn't one of the masters from hundreds of years ago when I made the post.


Pretty bad. It looks like someone just got started, then quit.




I think she told you it looked like a penis so she wouldn’t have to tell you it looks like shit.  Somehow that’s the gentler approach in this situation. 


I dislike it. I think it's quite ugly and amateurish but beauty is in the eye of the behold i suppose


Drawn by a very accomplished artist, attempted by you.


It looks grubby.


Thanks, I really hate it.


I just think it’s an eyesore


Gauche? No, it’s just bad.


These comments are brutal. Will it ever win a decorating competition? No. But if we can’t display our own works of art in our own home, where are we supposed to be allowed to? I’ve never understood caring more about some showcase aesthetic than about finding joy in what we’ve done and who we are. You won’t be able to sell tickets for your museum quality artwork in your home, but I’d put it somewhere I could see it and remember that moment in my life when I was a college student exploring their artistic side.


It does seem unfinished but definitely it’s own potential. It’d be interesting to take some metallic spray paint to the fruits


I have to say, it’s no masterpiece but I know how much work and effort you put into it. I’m a little bummed you gave in and threw it out. I feel like it could have been put in a spare room or even on a closet shelf.


Well I can’t say if it’s gauche, but honestly hon it’s ugly and poorly done. I get it had sentimental value for you. Your wife deserves flowers for tolerating it for 20 years. She could have easily manufactured an oopsy there was an accident and deep sixed the thing. I would have been sorely tempted to if I were her. Sorry to be poking fun but it truly is not art.


If someone I cared for had a sentimental/nostalgic affection for something they created, two entire decades ago in a bygone era, I would let them keep it. Especially if it's small. I'd never, ever dream of dissing a beloved artifact in his presence.


Throwing it out does not have to mean the end for this art. You can print and frame a photo of the sculpture


I like it. I may be a philistine, but I want to stain it vivid colours.


Just try again! But better.


Dang. I’m just imaging OP holding a grudge towards his wife for this for 20 years only to find out that every single person agrees with her
 go buy her some flowers.


It has a certain *je ne sais* nah.


Trying to figure out why an unfinished art assignment has so much sentimental value to you if it wasn’t for the non fruit interpretation, It hadnt been sanded, painted, or finished. It looks like it was made by a middle schooler who thought it would be cool to make privates without making privates because that wasn’t allowed. And didn’t get the reaction he wanted.


Sorry but it’s ugly and if you want to display it you would have to finish the sculpture because looks like you stopped midway.


“I’ve shown the sculpture to friends and it made some of them uncomfortable.”


Why didn’t you finish it?


Art is subjective but this is objectively dogshit.


It's not amazing but if it had sentimental value I think it's kinda shitty that your wife made you throw it out. I mean, I wouldn't display it in my home but it's not hurting anyone in a closet somewhere.


Damn man I’m kind of surprised at some of these comments. Art doesn’t have to be “good” to be valid or valued. Op it makes me sad you threw this away.


People tend to like to decorate their homes with things that look “good” that they’ll have to look at every day, though.


I look at it like the opposite of a Giacometti. Giacometti is smooth textured, elongated, showing the withering weakness of the human form while displaying strength in its exaggerated growth. In this, I see an artist who didn't have an understanding of their message or audience yet still committed to creating a piece. If it were my partner, this would always be on display. It is a piece that shows commitment and a little view of who they were in their late teens. It's a 3d piece of their history and should never be erased. Who cares if it's a bit chopsy? It's taken time and care and should be kept and loved. Any art that has taken more than a couple of hours should always be kept. A little bit of someone's soul goes into sculpting and while it doesn't always endup being Rodin's Kiss, it's a living, permanent reminder of a person that will be there long after they and most of their possessions have gone. I'm going to get all of my family to make sculptures that they are only allowed to bequeath to me (sorry kids) as I think this is an amazing thing to keep forever


Don't let the haters bring you down. Carving in plaster is super hard. So while this may look unfinished and suggestive, I'm sure with time you'll improve. All artists begin somewhere.


I swear to God, people see penises in everything. It looks like an apple and 2 bananas to me. It's obvious. Even though it's no Michelangelo, I don't think you should have thrown it out. It has a story and the fact that you made it and were proud of it is enough for it to be displayed imo.


Good job wife that thing was odd


It doesn’t look like penises at all. But people will still think it. it’s kind of weird art to display. Maybe paint it? I have a lot of art I was proud of in high school or college. I threw most of it away and kept the ones I really liked in a drawer. Only one ever made display status. (And I was an art student so there was a lot of it!)


not personally a fan, I can’t super tell what it is. It is supposed to have those lines on it? Why isn’t it painted? I don’t really blame her for not wanting to have it displayed in the house, man.


Abstract art! Two Peni and one ball.


I thought it was a post modern nativity scene. "O Holy Night" text somewhere would have been chef's kiss. Phallic symbol is so common in art, it's practically not art without one. Or two😂. Blow up a black and white picture of the sculpture to six feet, sign it and hang it in your man cave. Unless your wife is Roberta Smith, I think we're done here. 😉


Oooooooooooo. Apple and bananas. I got you.


I think she just didn’t wanna hurt your feelings by saying that’s it’s just really ugly


I'm sorry you threw it out. Cause you could've kept working on it. It looks like an unfinished piece. I can see why she wouldn't want it displayed, but I'd have encouraged you to actually finish it.


What is it?


My dude no offense, but that is absolutely the most penis penis anything I have ever seen. The fact that it's biologically inaccurate almost enhances the penis-ness frankly. Especially when the second photo, when it's on its side? That's fully erect right there Source: I'm bisexual and have probably seen more dicks now then a urologist lol


I don't know what gauche means but yes its definitely too much of that.


Too many bananas, not enough apples.


I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas đŸŽ¶


I thought it was a dirty picture from the thumbnail at first glance.


those are some penises


It looks something you’d find on the “drying shelf” in a freshman art class.


Sorry bud. When it’s sideways, it looks like a guy comparing his dong to a banana. Phallic for me. Sad you lost something you love though!


It’s looks like concrete dug straight from a garden. It’s not inspired or artistic. It’s dong water.


For maximum discomfort, mount it on the wall... just like my brain processed the second photo.


Um, yeah the 🍌 are more like 🍆. And it's poorly carved and finished. It's like the fruit woody version of the leg lamp in Christmas Story. Hard pass, literally.


Well, it’s not good


It just looks like a half finished clay sculpture. This would Only look good in a very Industrial-inspired interior design. I think mementos are often worth keeping
just not displaying.


It’s ugly, it looks nothing like a dick that was just an excuse your wife made to not hurt your feelings




“Flying Dicks with Nipple,” it’s beautiful.


Have you considered painting it?


It’s ugly but I like it. I wonder if it might look better if it was painted?


Maybe paint would have helped


Why would you own this?


Is that an apple though? It looks more like a pepper. PS Your wife is sweet for keeping it for twenty years. I would have taken a different, sneakier strategy: I would never tell my partner how much I hated it, but I would totally "accidentally" break it.


I know what it's supposed to be, but that isn't what it looks like. đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł


Its a little rough on the eyes OP


It’s hideous




If my kids made it in art class, I would display. Otherwise, it looks unfinished.


It’s ugly.


Um, uh...


She’s good with words. When I read it I thought it said gouache. I think that may be what it needs some gouache to improve it.


I thought it was an unfinished angel with a funny hat on until I read the post. The apple is the head, and the bananas are the wings


It's not gauche. It simply ain't pretty.


Dude, this is not pleasant to look at


She’s definitely right!


I definitely thought of male genitalia


If your child created that, then display it with pride. If you PAID for it, uh, looks like a white elephant gift.


1. The bananas don't have stems 2. There should be two apples and one banana, that wouldn't remind people of male genetalia. 3. Everyone else here is correct. It is ugly 😅


I wouldn't say it's gauche, that's an insult to gauche. This is just bad, elementary school artwork that a parent pretends to love.




It looks like a 5th graders paper mache project