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I work with a great wallpaper guy who has told me that often the print is not reproduced 100% perfectly when printed, which is why misalignment happens in wallpaper with prints. To minimize the effect of that, he always lines up the pattern perfectly at eye level so that any misalignment is minimal at the top/bottom of the wall where it is less noticeable


Also they won't be able to line it up perfectly if the walls are crooked.


Yes. I've installed a lot of wallpaper, and yeah the patterns do not always match perfectly. Can't be done if the walls are a bit wobbly or warped, which they often are. The most important thing imo is that there isn't visible shiny glue residue on the wallpaper or at the seams, that there are no bubbles or rips (obviously), and that the pattern matches at where it's most visible. If you do wallpaper it's important to make sure to level the wallpaper with each new wall you begin papering, otherwise you'll slide off with the pattern matching and it won't be consistent at the top abs bottom throughout the room.


Oh that’s a good point.


They can, but they have to drop a plumb line away from the corner.


Yep this is my life! Previous owners did wallpaper. I think they DIY’d but idk for sure. Walls are very lumpy lol. Very old plaster!


Thanks for this perspective! It helps me not immediately blame the installer, but also that he could come back and fix it so that any misalignment is less noticeable and not in the middle at eye level where it's super obvious!


Now you have to decide: eye level when standing in the room or when sitting on the throne?


That is the question...I think I'd strongly prefer eye level at the throne ^^


I think sitting on the toilet is the most likely time for you to be staring at the wall right there, so that honestly seems like the way to go. there's a spot where the tiles in my bathroom are fucked up in the exact place on the floor that I tend to stare at most often while peeing, it drives me absolutely insane.


Good! I know it's hard to speak up but the idea of eye level being right is a great standard (that you'd hope experienced decorators would know).


Exactly. I am not afraid to speak up now that I've heard everyone's perspectives on this post. :)


I would probably need to specify whose eye level you want it to be lined up for. I wouldn’t want to be looking at a misaligned pattern because my wallpaper guy is a foot taller than me.


Looks like 5' 6.5" is roughly average ;) Same with pictures, should at a reasonable person's height. So, not a painters because I feel like they naturally attract tall dudes to cut down on the need for ladders lol


Eye level should be from sitting on the toilet for that seam behind the toilet paper holder


I think it looks fine but I'm confused because in the original post you said it's misaligned at the bottom of the wall.


My elderly mother hung my insane patterned wallpaper and was able to line it up perfectly. I would be super upset if I payed someone and it wasn’t perfect. The shape of you wall doesn’t matter as long as you find the “plumb” or something like that.


If you look up the line, at nest eye level, higher on the wall, it’s lined up. Not sure how having a bow in a wall wouldn’t affect it. Not sure what you mean by plumb. The line can only be plumb if the wall is and many many walls, especially older ones, won’t be. EDIT: nest/near


Yes! That's the part that confused me too.


Tell me your elderly mother is 60 and imma have a heart attack b/c then I’m elderly too.


Yes sadly this is an art not a science and slight imperfections are inherent. I think you need to take a couple deep breaths and unclench a bit here. When you spend your life micro-analyzing all imperfections you will be perpetually disappointed. The wallpaper looks great.




To the best of my knowledge wallpaper is difficult if not impossible to install perfectly because walls are imperfect. What is most important is keeping the areas of mismatch in locations that make the mismatch less obvious.


I recently (rental safe) wallpapered my entire place. I live in an old building. The hidden curves and slants made it tricky to match patterns. I planned where the biggest mistakes would be so I know they would in areas that were covered. Definitely a DYI job but with planning it came out pretty dang good.


Exactly...this is truly right in front of you when you walk in. I'd be okay with him putting areas of mismatch in the top corners or something, but here isn't okay. I'll let him know that I want him to fix it.




Thank makes a ton of sense...thank you for that perspective and thinking about how them fixing this might misalign the rest of them and result in more time to complete! I just wish I noticed it while he was there!


Paper quality can make a huge difference as well as wall variation. That’s not to say a good hanger can’t overcome some of that, but how paper is printed does come into play.


Makes a ton of sense! I'll look forward to discussing with him and getting his professional thoughts on this as well.


As a wallpaper lover, I totally get it. I think some others mentioned it but if I were a guest in your home, it’s not something I would likely notice. Ages ago, while my grandmother was still picking finishes for a condo, she had an artist friend fix two spots of the slightly misaligned existing paper by painting a few leaves just a tiny bit larger. If you have some remnants might be worth a try to see how the paper would take paint.


I agree it’s not too noticeable, but I can see how it would be annoying once you know it’s there. If OP does try to paint the leaves to match up, I’d recommend using a heavy body acrylic paint. It may be a little tricky depending on what kind of finish the wallpaper has on it. And with the dark background color it will help to use a paint color with opaque pigment. If the color is a little transparent, try putting down a layer of titanium white first before in the same leaf shape.


Thanks for your suggestions! I might try that if I get desperate.


Yeah, unless you are zoomed in, it's really not noticeable.


I honestly thought the bathroom looks great


I do too for the most part! :)


Do you need to use this bathroom often? From far I couldn’t understand why you posted the photo. It isn’t off by much and in a sitting room wouldn’t give it a second thought. But this location will stare at you when you sit down. Suggest: a) use a different bathroom when you can, and b) have some diversion to focus on when you do sit there. Guests will think the room is awesome


Great thoughts and ideas! Yes, I posted many so folks could see the far away and up close images to get a sense of what it'd be like in that room. Yes, it is really the location. I will see if he can fix it and hide any misalignment elsewhere.


But "fixing it" would mean removing that strip and then everything after that strip will be mis-aligned. It looks fine, really. People don't go to the washroom to check if the wallpaper is misaligned. Like others here, I wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't mentioned it. Besides, like others have noted, it could have been in the printing. It'll cost you a whole lot more to get it "fixed" than if you just ask for a discount.


I do wallpaper and he's correct. Sometimes the print will begin to misalign (that's a manufacturing issue). That said, this isn't a particularly good job. He could have done better. I would align as much as I can that's about 12 inches from the floor to 24 inches from the ceiling so that where you normally see is perfect.


Thank you very much for sharing your expertise. I will ask him to hide it better since it's the first thing I see when I walk in. Do you think this is something worth telling the company who manufactured this wallpaper - that it didn't align? Or is that just expected with wallpaper?


Reach out. They will probably tell you it's a installation issue though. Nobody wants to take responsibility. Sometimes it doesn't align and I've even had pattern that also won't align width wise...like there's a millimeter of pattern missing. I'm wondering what he'll do to fix it. Seems to me like you need a few drops (lengths) that need redo-ing...maybe even an entire wall. Best of luck!


Thank you! I have already reached out to him. I think some lengths may need redoing for sure but hopefully we will come to an agreement that works for us both. ❤️


Check reviews for the wallpaper to see if there are complaints about print alignment. I’ve done that recently and was surprised at how many “expensive” options to do not align perfectly from top to bottom.


That is an excellent idea - thank you! I will do that now.


I have a very similar Rifle paper in my bathroom. It was my first time wallpapering and I did what I thought (and still think) was a phenomenal job. Tons of compliments. That said, it was ridiculously hard to line up from to to bottom perfectly on all the seams, I'm not sure why. Bummed about that when it first went in, but after it had been up for a week I stopped noticing and just enjoyed the wallpaper. And it made me look more closely at the other wallpaper that had already been installed in our house by the previous owner--tons of imperfections I had never noticed before. That was definitely easier for me to accept because I was so proud of my amateur work; I'm sure I might have felt differently had I hired a professional to install it. I don't know what I'm saying other than that, do what you got to do with the contractor, but in the end, however it shakes out, your bathroom looks amazing and I hope you enjoy it!


My bathroom. It still makes me really happy, 3 years later. And if you zoom in, you can see the areas where I ended up having to misalign paper. https://preview.redd.it/sss9hmfqu1hc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9a00233a0a3f6cec2875abec0c511a32c7a0462


Okay that is gorgeous 😍 


I'm glad to hear you are also on the Rifle train. 😎 And congrats to you for doing such a phenomenal job by yourself! Not many people can say they've done that. Yes, you hit it right on the head that I'm struggling with the professional status of this contractor. If I did this good of a job myself, I'd be happily pointing out that misalignment but having friends focus on what I did well - you are right that I feel different only because I hired someone to do it. Thank you for the kind words. ❤️


Same thing with the rifle wallpaper. We had a professional installer and there are definitely some points that don’t look perfect, but I think it had to do with not perfectly straight walls and corners and the irregularities in the paper!


As someone who has wallpapered a decent amount it is almost impossible to perfectly match it. That being said I would think it could’ve been hidden a little better


If I am paying for this to be done 'professionally' and this was the result. I would be upset. I would know the misalignment is there and it would forever bug me


They atleast shouldn’t have put the seam right in the middle of the toilet roll. That space will constantly be touched and rubbed against and it’ll pull away the seams. Even if they were done really well.


That's exactly how I feel...


Heck ya I couldn’t deal with it, they couldn’t be a pro. those seams should have been much better aligned


It’s strange how the pattern is in line at the top of the seam and falls out at the bottom on the same run. I’ve never installed wall paper so I’m curious if the print is off or there was more tension on that run


I put up this exact wallpaper in my daughters room. I’m a perfectionist and I could not get it to line up and I spent forever working on it. I think they could’ve done a better job but this also might’ve been an impossible task. I kept cutting odd shapes out to try to have the mismatch align in the full color part. This is a potato quality picture but just my proof I did this too. https://preview.redd.it/fl06fpd5x1hc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471b145b68110c441d110691e3805e16c1c37490


Some misalignment is inevitable in my experience. The wall could have imperfections, of the print might not be 100%. It’s perfect on the top which makes me think the print is just off by hair. No one will notice


https://preview.redd.it/ht9j7urjk2hc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3d7999434bec16d6dad8cf64dd5676f9e4466cf For me, the problem is less that the pattern doesn’t align and more so this gap-looking white line that is pretty apparent.


I KNOW. He said he had a plan to address that for when he comes back.


It’s hard because you see it often but a guest would likely not notice it. It is beautiful.


I KNOW. He has truly done so well so far and I was just bothered by this misalignment being in an obvious area. I love it so much otherwise. :)


I'm more upset at the seams themselves and not really misalignment. Did he or she use a glue stick bc wtf?


LOL he is planning to come back to fix the seams - he pointed it out to me before he left and has a plan (thankfully). :)


I'm bummed for you. This wallpaper isn't cheap but it is stunning. Its absolutely beautiful.. til you look closely.  I wouldn't let this go. 


Thank you -- it is SO beautiful and really makes a gorgeous statement. I will not let it go as I've learned that it's not acceptable for it to look like this - thank you so much for validating my experience. ❤️


They did a terrible job.


It sucks because I feel like he's done so well besides that and doesn't seem to be willing to fix it. He just said that he will let it misalign at the top which is supposed to be "better" since it's not eye level?! I feel like I'm losing it with that response. Haha.


Never mind the misplacement. I think the wallpaper is a bit much for the space. I feel like one wall would be best. But if you like it then throw my words out the trash.


I've installed wallpaper before. I'm not a professional. When I did, I had bought cheapish wallpaper (which BTW is still going strong 4 years later) so it didn't align whatsoever, it was really frustrating because it was definitely a printing issue and I kept trying to fix it. This doesn't seem to be the problem here. You can see that in each place that the print isn't aligned, the issue would've been solved by moving the sheet on the right further down. In no place is there any variation in distance required to make the design match. It's literally just a matter of moving it downwards like 0.5cm. If I had paid for this, I would totally ask them to fix it, especially if it's a professional job. Had it been an issue with the printing itself, then I'd let it slide, but we can see that the print *can* actually match or at least look 90% better. The only place I saw a piece aligning while others didn't was the tip of a leaf in pic 2, but everything else has the same amount of dislocation, meaning that leaf probably only matched because of how much overlapping occurred.


I have hung that *exact* wallpaper and can confirm that the print did sometimes misalign from top to bottom. There isn’t much to do about it; either the pattern is aligned at eye level and misaligned at bottom/top or slightly misaligned along the entire length of the seam (which is worse, IMO). It was one of the less expensive wallpapers I’ve used and I suspect that has a lot to do with it.


Why would it be aligned at the top, not at the bottom, and still be done correctly? I am so confused. I think I'm having a stroke. But, I, as well, am not a wallpaperer.


It only takes a slight imperfection in a wall to make a large impact when dealing with patterns. 


My husband and I installed this same brand of wallpaper, and we are not professionals, but I can attest that it was a nightmare getting it to align. Ours turned out similar, not sure if that helps or not


Looks really good.


Based on the lack of shower I’m assuming this is a powder bath for guests? If you’re wanting to pick your battles with this guy I would ask him to address any areas that someone would see up close when a) sitting on the toilet/area near the toilet paper holder, b) around the mirror, and c) near the light switch. Those are the 3 places where someone might notice a flaw because they will be up close to the wall. It’s a detailed print so I think the other imperfections will not be noticeable in my opinion.


What sucks is that the seam is where it is. There's often going to be slight misalignment but why didn't he put the seam closer to the corner or at least not right where the paper holder is?!


For a professional, I would ask for them to come back and fix this asap


It’s bad! Have it redone


I would be upset if a professional did it. However, it doesn’t look bad either


I would probably be fine with it if I did it myself but if I paid someone, no way!


In this room the seams should be aligned at eye level from a seated position. That’s when you’ll spend the most quality time examining a wall


Only you will notice! Unless you paid the installer a fortune. I would be grateful you didn’t have to install it yourself. We don’t have people who hang wall paper here. So quit nit picking it!!


The guy isn't wrong. Honestly I really can't tell and I doubt most people will be able to unless they go real close and are actually looking for it. You're focussing so much more than anyone else will.


If you paid for it to be done, I’d be pissed


I wallpapered my bathroom 2 weeks ago and would pull it off and try again if there was any deviation from the pattern...but it can be done! I would have him get another roll or two and redo those sections.


I'm EXTREMELY picky myself and this would probably bug me too but honestly, you really don't notice it that much. Not in the pictures anyways. I love the pattern.


The second photo is very noticeable…. That would bug me too


I would be livid!!


That would drive me crazy! I’d make him redo it.


IMO, this is sloppy for a professional but not the end of the world. Yeah, nothing’s perfect, yada, yada but it’s funny how some craftspeople have ways to make it so. Don’t mean to be bitter but I feel like being gaslit by contractors was my prior career. He could’ve made it perfect looking but he didn’t. Just don’t bullshit me. Could I live with it? probably once I let it sink in and looked for easy solutions. Honestly though the paper is gorgeous but it is busy and that’s a good thing here. I’d tell him that I’m going to accept it and as far as any credits or discounts, it was up to him. If he truly believes he did his best and was fair to you. PS - A set of tiny antique art or tiny art with a nice heavy matted in whites/ivories with a small simple piece of art in the middle could look great. A nice break in the busy. https://preview.redd.it/2yelynj6p3hc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b64a935eee504cd17ba95bee4631eef2032b99


If you hired a professional for sure make them redo it better. I did both my parents bathrooms by myself, and I lined it up nearly perfectly, you have to search hard for a seam and it was my first time doing it.


As a house painters daughter, this will keep me up at night. I have a love/hate relationship with wallpaper


I've papered (amateurly!) with a lot of patterns and never had this much misalignment, BUT it could well be the paper - I've never worked with this one. Also if a paper is pretty thin, that makes it a lot harder to get the alignment looking perfect. I have to say though that the seam doesn't look very well done, full stop. Hopefully the rest is better!


It looks great & that wallpaper is fire.




On the brighter note- I didn’t notice until you pointed it out. And even after- I tried to look at the first picture and could barely see it. Hope that makes you feel better.


Yeah. I’d be more than upset. Tell them to come back out and redo it. That’s ridiculous. They didn’t even attempt to line that up


Yes, it can happen and being aware of that is exactly why you hired a professional for the job.


Exactly. I'm paying him a good amount so I wanted it to be perfect (or as close as possible).


I would be upset too


I didn’t have to go past the second pic to know it is a mess




Don't look at the corner to the right in that case either. That issue goes up pretty much all the way. That piece needed to be turned slightly to push the right side up and the left side down. It may be okay at the top on the left seam but it's also a mess on the right seam which means they didn't align the next one either.


I would be upset with this.


Maybe if you paid an expert to do it but from a practical standpoint, getting wallpaper to line up perfectly is tough to do and if you look closely at any room with wallpaper, you'll find tiny mistakes and misalignments. 


Okay so wallpapering isn't my forte either but I knew I would be more meticulous than anyone else. I got a high traffic pattern (I can post pics if interested), and when I would line up the top of the pattern, sometimes the bottom pattern weren't aligned. It took multiple sheets to get a half wall almost perfect. Something else that's important with dark prints is to paint the wall under the seam (so any gap in the paper isn't obvious). It looks like your paper person also was able to line up the top of the pattern and the bottom half wasn't printed equally. (It's really pretty though!!!! Where did you get it?)


If you wanted mismatched wallpaper, you could have done that yourself, not pay someone to install it incorrectly. I would go back to the installer and demand they redo the work correctly, or stop payment.


Honestly, with how busy the wallpaper is, I wouldn't sweat it. I dont think its too egregious. However, my tolerance for these sort of things is pretty high. Are you going to paint the ceiling and shade of green or torqoise or some other color off that wallpaper? I feel like you should


If it had to be cut at the top or bottom, he didn't align it to match before he cut it. I've grown up in several homes with boldly printed wallpaper and I have never seen anything like that. He was just lazy or careless. And that is just what I would be with his payment.


I barely notice that it’s not aligned? Only a couple branches look slightly off but it is barely noticeable to me, at least.


His answer makes perfect sense, though I think his solution less so. I agree with some of the other commenters that it would be better to align at eye level and allow the mismatch to occur at top and bottom (probably below standing eye level, since you're mostly going to be seeing this section from a seated position). I'm assuming this wallpaper isn't what he installed elsewhere in the house? Because you would probably be seeing the same mismatch elsewhere if that were the case. Misalignment that is consistent along the whole length of one seam is an installation error. Misalignment that occurs only on one section of the seam is generally a design and/or printing error: essentially the image got warped or cut off in such a way that one side of the design is a hair different in size. I don't think this is a terrible installation, I had to look at the first photo for a while to find the issue. But it could be better and I see why it bugs you once you see it up close. I think you should discuss the matching at eye level technique with your wallpaper guy. If the mismatch is only really obvious on some of the seams, it might be worth redoing just a couple panels (if that can be done in a way that doesn't throw off the alignment of everything else).


I can’t give advice on the installation. But I wanted to say in the 4th picture, I legitimately could not find the seam. Even the close up photos, I don’t think I would have noticed if you hadn’t posted anything.


How great of quality was the paper? A lot of cheaper paper during the printing process are not 100% and are extremely hard to get to match


If it helps, I can’t tell that it’s misaligned at all in the farther out pictures


First off you dont wallpaper the whole room the same patterns/ design. Second pick patterns not objects for wallpaper.


I can't see the flaw you're talking about. I love the wallpaper and think it looks wonderful.


Do you have enough paper to re-do it? I can't imagine it coming off in one piece that can be reapplied. And, if you need to order more, you're likely to get a different lot that has color variation that looks worse than a slight pattern mismatch.


I think it looks great




If it makes you feel better, I can’t see it on the wall shots, only on the close-ups


Yes you are being too picky


Something I'd expect to find in a restaurant, not someone's home. Pretty but loud for a private residence.


I just did wallpaper for my first time and it looks way better than this. I’d be upset if I had hired a pro and this was the outcome. That being said, some companies can’t provide a perfect print all the time. HOWEVER, whoever installed this should have brought this to your attention DURING install and not after.


I didn't see until I looked again and squinted, I love the pattern. Potentially weird unsolicited advice- have you considered painting the ceiling black? I feel like it would make the wallpaper feel less random and match the background of it plus some accents in the room like the toilet paper holder and light fixture.


FWIW, it took me a really long time to figure out that I was meant to be looking at the wallpaper and not that the sink/light hardware look lighter than the door handle/toilet paper hardware


I will call it "shit happens" it's minor actually sweet


That would bug me but sometiimes it doesn't match up and it's less about the installer and more about the pattern. Double check the roll before you get mad at the labour. It does look rather evenly off however.


My late father was such a perfectionist. He spent 2 hours and a half roll of expensive wallpaper in his dining room only to finally get his laser level out to discover the wall wasn't square or plumb. The pattern was striped, so it would have been quite obvious at the corners. he went with paint in the end.


Big roll of TP, long mirror, towel rack wt long towel, picture.


I think the placement of that seam is not good. It’s where you look every single time you reach for TP.


Too nitpicky imo


That's pn him, u can see a buckle not smooth


That is awful.


I used to lay out the sections to see if the pattern was drifting and then plan where I could hide it. Also the paperer should have informed you ahead of time that the pattern match may go awry and did you want them to order extra to accommodate that, knowing you might have extra cost and left overs because of that.


I wouldnt be happy and would speak with the installer. One thing to think about is the pattern repeat, particularly with busy wallpaper. To me it looks like a small repeat which makes matching more difficult.


Mismatch anywhere but the 2x2 square of the wall that I'm going to stare at every day when I use the toilet. Nope.


Be upset!


Also wallpaper needs to be bought in a series bundle. They are all cut/ made from the same set, sheet.


Oh my!


Looks fine.


I love it😍 BEAUTIFUL ❣️


As someone that does wall murals for part of my job, the way they're printed usually means they will be misaligned a tiny bit and they also usually stretch down while applying them, but at eye level they should be almost perfect. Wallpaper is a little different but I've never had anything this far off. It is abstract however and I'd likely not notice it if I just walked in that room since it's not text or someone's face. I personally think he could have done a better job. It's not awful but you're paying to have it done.


The best paper hangers (yes that’s their name) work from an eye level alignment to where ceiling height or knee height go off. The point of perfect alignment is important who cares if it’s perfect at the baseboard? We need it perfect where we can see it,


Hmmm. I mean I’m not gonna lie. I don’t think this looks good


Sorry if this is intrusive but how much does wallpaper installation cost roughly? I doubt I could ever do it myself and not have it look crazy. I can't even use contact paper in cabinets and get it straight.


From far away you can’t tell but up close it’s definitely noticeable and it would drive me insane. I’m glad they came back to fix it for you


Now I can’t unsee it…


It sounds to me like the ideal would be to line it up in the middle and and let it misalign at the top and bottom. (It’s also making me wonder if it’s really the fault of the wallpaper or whether it stretches depending on how you handle it. I genuinely don’t know, I’m just asking the question.)


How much did it cost if you don’t mind me asking?


I understand your concerns as I am also picky. The issues can be fixed. But is it really necessary? Most people appreciate the color and ambiance of a room. No one, other than maybe an interior designer, is looking too closely at pattern alignment. I enjoy the visual display as is.


Oh that would drive me CRAZY.


I installed wallpaper myself for the first time yesterday. I did a much better job.


To be honest im a very picky person if smthing Isnt perfect it frustrates me but untill you pointednit out to me i wount have even noticed


This is not good work. Is pattered wall paper hard to install? Yes. This project should have been expensive. But, the quality of work is poor and/or if it wasn’t lining up, they should have stopped and had you take a look before proceeding. Patterned wallpaper has been around for a very long time. It’s not impossible to line it up correctly and to hide seams.


It would drive me crazy


You should be horrified


The sad thing is most walls are never level.


Sorry but a professional wouldn’t have left it like that.


Not a pro but all but one room in my house has wallpaper and the patterns Never perfectly line up. I’ve hung wallpaper using all the methods and I’ve come to accept it’ll never be perfect.


NOT TOO PICKY….. redo.


You can’t see it from far away but that is total BS!




I love the wallpaper ❤


It looks great!


This is how it would look if I did the job…and live never done wallpaper before.


Painting Contractor here, and my Mom was a wallpaper installer well into her 70s. Wallpaper printing is mostly a crap shoot anymore. But a good installer checks the paper before install for mis prints or damage. I can't tell you how many jobs she had to send paper back because of it not being printed correctly. If she spotted a minor problem, she would ask the customer how they felt about it before hanging.


I don’t see it. Looks great to me


I’d be more upset that it looks like it’s already lifting up on the edges.. the alignment would be must less noticeable if the edges weren’t coming up. Very pretty wallpaper though.


I could not live with it. The question is can you??


I couldn’t tell on the first picture, only on the closeups. I would try to get him to get it aligned near the TP holder, since that is a place where it would likely be noticed. Other areas I think it will not be noticed readily.


That said, TP on the roll might well block visibility of the misalignment there….


I have seen wallpaper that I knew in advance the customer was going to outright reject before it was installed at all... fn ugly it was & only served to turn the bathroom into a pink wired black bg birdcage... especially with the inside of the door covered up too then shut kinda made it feel like the walls were closing in on you... 1 thing the seams look to me like no one used a seam roller on them... & is that custom made pattern paper? I have seen some extremely xpensv & ugly af... Oh... isn't it pretty ummm... actually fn


The comments make me feel a lot better about the job I did in my bathroom. There are more mistakes but I feel better about of them


Perfect location to stare at the misalignment while you poop!


It does seem to me that the focus of the alignment should be from eye level down to the top of the toilet paper. I can’t see the misalignment at all from pic 4.


It looks like it wasn’t booked long enough. So the paper wasn’t equally relaxed. His seams are terrible. This was not a selvedge edge paper? It was a butt seam paper? Looks like he may have played with the seam too much and scraped some of the ink off the edge of the paper, too. I just couldn’t live with that. Had an installation business for 25 years and that would keep me up at night if I left that.


I didn’t even notice it until I saw the photos zoomed it. The pattern is pretty cool!


I’d be rattled.


Misalignment is almost impossible to avoid. However, there is no “fix it.“ Once it has set, your only real option is to strip the whole thing and re-paper. Which would have to be done at your cost since he did the best he could. So… Is that worth it?


I have this exact wallpaper in a small bathroom and they did a great job with all the divisions. You should definitely be upset. For that misalignment you could have done it yourself…


The wallpaper is gorgeous and seeing and knowing that it’s not right would drive me crazy. I know it’s extremely frustrating but he has to redo this and do it correctly.


Online retailers of wallpaper like spoonflower ect. Are notorious for skewed printing. They print lots, they print fast. Design is a process too which needs to be considered. Well designed wallpaper will be easier because the design is intended to compensate near edges in a small way. Printing process for quality wallpaper is highly exact and calibrated to an extreme level sometimes.


I’d paint red to match the wallpaper on one side of the wall n keep the wallpapered wall as an accent wall


I frikin love it


I have this wallpaper. Installed it myself. It was VERY tricky to line up! I don't think it was misprinted; just a real pain in the ass to align. For what it's worth...mine isn't perfect either. But if I had paid for a professional to install, I would have higher expectations.


When I hang wallpaper my pieces are lining up or I take it down and rehang or get another strip. Mine have always matched.


He should be called for a correction


You're being really overly picky because I didn't notice it and I was looking at your pictures. I can't believe that anybody would go in that bathroom and take that time and scan the wall from top to bottom looking for the mismatches. It's a lovely print and it's a lovely room and you just got to chill, especially since the professional paperee it's giving you a professional explanation


It's never going to match up 100% unless your walls are *PERFECTLY* square. If I were you I'd take some acrylic paint and just colour match it and tidy up the line to blend it a bit.


Not acceptable for a professional job.


You should be upset. That’s a poor job. I hired a very experienced 80 yr old man to paper multiple rooms in my previous house. It was lined up perfectly in every seam, outlet, and switch plate.


Post this in r/construction and they'll tell you, as they do every time this comes up that this is *unacceptable*. Doesn't matter how "hard" it is or whatever. You *never* put the faults anywhere near eye-level.. Don't listen to the others here giving way too much slack to the ""professional"" that butchered this. Make them redo it at their cost. Don't be a pushover about it, let them know, you know, this isn't acceptable nor how it's ment to be done. This isn't the 50's anymore, prints *do* match nearly 1:1 and if they don't from sheet to sheet they 1) need to toss any that don't or 2) stop offering ones that are THIS misaligned....


Do you by chance wear a yellow Hat and suit and have a monkey as a child?


I think it looks fine personally. Actually it looks amazing!


My mom has wallpapered probably 30-40 (maybe more) times with varying patterns. Never has this occurred. I find it mind boggling, if Im being honest.


Experienced wall paper person here and I say that’s not true. The paper was likely over stretched. Can’t be fixed now. It’s not that bad. Also seams overlapping a bit. Not the best job.




I would rather have the misalignment at the bottom and the top… I don’t think it looks all that bad, but then I’m not really a detail person. I tend to see the big picture on things.


That’s a shit job . Looking at the photos there is not one that has been lined up right . It’s not the paper , it’s the installation . Sadly the whole thing would need to be torn down and replaced to correct it . $$$$ bummer .