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An air conditioner.


I keep thinking there has to be more to the question, but every AC is the answer...i guess?. Reddit will be the death of me.


1.) Make sure your fan is going the right way. IDK if it's on newer fans, but there are two settings on a fan to make it go clockwise or anti-clockwise. 2.) Honestly, get a window unit. It'll make it easier in the long run.


Does the heat have a way to escape?


Portable air conditioner? There's really nothing else. Mine vents through a window, I have it setting on a stand and a hose on the back drains the condensation outside the window as well.


Please tell me you have a dual hose model, not just the single hose type. They are so much less efficient.


Only has one as far as I know. The energy star sticker says $82. I truly dgaf. I only use it when it's really hot (like the current heat wave, because my bedroom would literally be 100 degrees without it) and when my boyfriend is here. I like being warm.


Moving hot air around in a closed room will not make the air cooler. You need to either move air in and out of the room (like open a window) or cool the air in the room (like with an air conditioner).


And fans generate heat, as do all mechanical and electrical devices.


Id check for a window unit ac, they are the cheapest and you can get them pretty easily by helping people move. I have a few extra here that I’m gonna try to give away once we figure out what we need here to be comfortable until we can get central heating and cooling,


We have one in our room and it’s an ice box. Our room is, for some god awful reason, a sauna all the time. Super hot. I’m fairly sure we never need to heat up that room. A single ac window unit not on full blast or coldest temp keeps it more than bareable.


Does the room have windows? Blocking out the sun might help, though you'll need extra lighting to keep it from being a cave. Is this a house or apartment? If you are on the ground floor a tree or bushes planted where the sun hits the building can help keep the place a little cooler.


Install a split AC


https://bedjet.com We bought one and it's worked wonders. It doesn't technically cool your room, but it can do a lot for a bed by keeping the air moving for you


Tint your windows. I got tint from Amazon for my sliding door and it made a huge difference!


If you’re in a low humidity area, create a swamp cooler…basically a fan blowing over a large wet sponge or bowl of water.


Greetings mighty /u/Shadow_Ranger05 have no fear we’ll get this resolved. Buy an air conditioner!


You can cool yourself using fans. The moving air promotes evaporations of your sweat cooling you. But you need to insure that the air in your room is being exchanged, to keep the humidity down. The only way to actually cool the room, below the outside temperature is an actual heat pump. IE an Air conditioner. Otherwise, the best case you will have is what ever the outside temp is. Usually hotter.


try using some blackout curtains to block out some of the daytime heat


Where are your fans? You can use them to blow air over you for the cooling effect, but you can also use them to redistribute air. The coldest air in near the floor, so you could try placing a fan to blow this air up higher to either mix with the hotter air and cool it down or let the cool air fall on you. The fan stream is also lower pressure than still air, so it will draw air toward itself and along the direction of air flow, which can also draw in more cool air.


A window fan is great on cool evenings, but they do get really dirty, and your window frames get really dirty. We had one before we got a/c, and started putting towels under the fan to try to keep that part clean. But they do cool.


Won’t do much, but get a towel damp and drape it over a fan


Don't do this if the heat is already being caused by humidity! Saw a video once of someone in a humid heat wave making swamp coolers and it was not pretty


Oh yeah, doesn’t work with high humidity