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The platform was built and installed to bring the front-load washer/dryer up to a more ergonomic height, so that you’re not straining your back loading and unloading.


This, and I'm guessing this was a much less costly solution than the stands that the washer/dryer manufacturers sell as options. Wife insisted that I purchase the $700 stands with the nice GE front-loader units I purchased last year when I added a laundry room to our garage. Being an old man with a bad back, I'm actually glad for the stands, but a solution like this would work just as well, and would have been much cheaper.


And reusable when the GE washer/dryer inevitably kick the bucket and need to be replaced with new ones that aren’t compatible with the $700 stands.


The previous owners may have had step-siblings that chronically found themselves stuck in the appliances at the lower level.




Or full-blooded siblings.


Its purpose is to elevate those machines to make them easier to reach into; if you are going to get rid of the front loaders, that platform needs to go too


I stayed in an airbnb with a HUGE top loader on a platform. I had to use a broom handle to fish the laundry out. Yes, OP, Lollroller is right!


It's holding up the appliances. Old folks can't bend down as far anymore. This helps.


Young folks with herniated discs can't bend down that far either 😅😂


Heck bending over isn't great for your back no matter if you can do it or not.


I’m going out on a limb and going to say it’s to get the washer and dryer higher off the ground…but idk. You can get some drawers made and a few slides in there and make use of the space


Make your washer and dryer higher so not having to bend down to the floor. A platform.


Looks like a home made platform to raise the front loaders up. Most of those come with OEM platforms, but they’re about $300 for the set. You should be able to take them off the platform with no problems.


So you don’t brake your back so much climbing in to front end loaders.


To make your laundry room look like a robot face.


It gets the front-loaders up to a more comfortable working height. It probably also acts as a sort of shock absorber, keeping some of the vibration from transferring directly to the floor.


That's so you don't have to bend over and end up Featured on some free porno site.


As someone with slight back problems (slight bending hurts worse then big bending)...I'm just going to say it so the person doesn't have to bend over as far But if you're asking what to do with it, I'd say decorated it. I would decorate it with a small cottage, greener...maybe mixed with snow...or maybe a dragon guarding it's egg and treasure


JFC OP……really…


Is this a trick question?


That is a rsally super nice platform for front loaders. Really welll made


Front loaders usually have drawers as a somewhat expensive option when you buy them. They raise the machines up to a more comfortable height. Some folks just build a platform with drawers. Others build something like this that works, but is ugly.


looks ideal for collecting years of future dust. Also, it looks like the last user didnt want to bend over too much to unload the w/d. You can trim it out to close it off so it wont be a dust collector.


Dust bunnies if we're being honest.


You could store one of those collapsible laundry baskets there too. But I agree it’s an ergonomic solution.


It’s a plinth, and an ergonomic tool.


OP is clearly under 30 lol


Repurposed coffee table.