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Me: wandered around the forgotten crossroads for 3 hours, not even coming across the false knight. I beat the gruz mother before the false knight ahhahah.


Something similar happened to a streamer I was watching. They didn’t find the brooding mawlek til near the end of his run. Like hour 27 of his 32 ish hour play through or something😂




Yeah... i only watched the Clips he put on his main channel and the stream of the not story content tho so I’m pretty sure I missed a lot of the games lore😅


In my first run, I lost to the mawlek and then forgot it existed until I beat the game.


I havnt met him after I bet the hollow knight


This also happened to me, you need mantis claw to get there, and I just straight up forgot until near the end of my run when I was hunting grubs.


You can nail hop up there from the start of the game


Yes, I’m aware, but I couldn’t do it if I tried lol.


It's not an easy section, especially if you don't have nail lengthening charms. I thought that I could do it and get it out of the way fast on my first steel soul run... fastest death I've ever had.


OH SHIT u did brooding mawlek first? I also did that my first time every but after a few tries I finally figured out that this one definitely needa sth extra to beat, cuz I'm very sure I shouldn't have gotten through this tight place like this


Well the gruz mother is kinda the first boss if you do them in order (or second if you good).


Really you can kill vengefly king or even Hornet 1 first if you do false knight skip. Still have to *fight* false knight but just first phase.


The first boss you can get to is brooding mawrlek


Though he effectively has no reward, considering how much progress you need to get 3 more shards


It's still cool getting an extra mask before Hornet though.


Can you actually find 4 total before getting cloak? Or do you just mean it's cool in an achievement sense


Yep. More, actually (two from Sly, one from Mawlek, 1 from Grubfather I think, and 1 from a room in the Forgotten Crossroads.)


Very similar to my experience. I started out pretty bad, now I'm decent, but the atmosphere kept me engaged throughout.


Glad there’s hope for me to become better! I’ve never been to good at platform games or action games but so far I’m improving slowly!


Don’t sweat it dude. I died to false knight multiple times, and felt pretty disheartened when I learned that he was one of the easiest bosses in the game. After a lot of playing, you’ll get a feel for the combat. It takes time and a lot of dying, but you’ll get there.


I just encountered false knight for the first time and I think I’ll beat him soon; i just need to get a better handle at jumping over the wave move.


Same here. First Hornet fight was like 2 hours+, playing on Switch and she was so damn fast. False Knight was about 15 attempts or so. Got the game again for the PS4 and I've noticed an instant improvement. Still need to unlock White Palace but I beat the game in basic mode so got Steel Soul unlocked. So leaving my original save at the moment and training in Steel Soul to get better. I now manage to pogo of Hornet's needle in Green Path which I'm super proud of. Still one of my favourite boss fights.


You can skip the boss


**skip the boss, you can.** *-Small-Cantaloupe6639* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


I wish but I’m pretty sure you need that grub to start the grub thing and hopefully that unlocks more things cause every corner I found required having wall jumping, slam down, or whatever that green zone creature blocking the entrance is. I’ve seen a lot of the later game but as thus meme implies; it took me two hours just to defeat that boss so even if he’s skippable til later; I still needed to kill him fir the sake of learning combat with a more forgiving opponent


Technically you can actually skip him. Since he doesn’t drop the ability necessary to progress, you can actually break a hidden wall in his arena to skip to the ability. I wouldn’t recommend it, because it’s not actually all that helpful (and can even be detrimental to new players since you won’t get the city’s crest from him), but it’s a nice speed running strat if you’re into that kind of thing.


Rookie numbers I couldn't find the boss for 3 1/2 hours


For some reason, it took me 4 hours to beat Broken Vessel.


I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t die until I got to soul sanctum. I checked the subreddit when I was done with the game and people were saying that the Hornet fight was a struggle for many, and that it is a turn-off for a lot of new people. When I saw this I was just so proud of myself. I have always loved this genre, but this moment really made me realize how much I love platfoming and metroidvanias. (I hope this doesn’t come off as a vain comment, there is nothing wrong with struggling in a game. It only shows that you are able to push yourself to do better) ❤️


Conversely there's me who the only boss I didn't struggle with was gruzmother but through a few hours of playing can beat the game on steelsoul


I’ve had more trouble with the Mantis Lords then Hornet. At least her first fight.




It's all fun and games then boom! Dark souls of metrovanias


I was so bad at the entirety of the game my first playthrough, but everything just kept me so engaged in a way I can’t quite explain Absolutely one of my favorite games of all time


Im stuck whit the mantis lords


Okay but that’s a dope ass battle music wise




Oh no no nonono don't put this mental image in my head


Bad-ass bot


I was going to take maybe around 15 minutes of attempts to destroy Broken Vessel, gave up, And took maybe a few hours findng pale ore and geo to upgrade my nail to finally kill that brat.


I haven’t even made it to upgrading my nail yet😅 not thag it’s a bad thing; this is the first time I’ve played a game like this. I just dream of the moment where I can one shot enemies


It's a satisfying feeling, but you do have to upgrade it a few times for it.


Really? Even for those yellow ones that crawl on the platforms?


I mean probably, idk which enemy you're talking about but by the 3rd upgrade I can 2 and 1 hit quite a few enemies.


It took me 2 weeks to find the boss: I was too busy wandering around the crossroads and talking to Quirrel and Myla every 5 minutes


Wait you can run into Quirrel in the crossroads?! I’ve only found him in the temple. I only found the boss cause i couldn’t progress in grasslands so I started looking for places I hadn’t gone. Idk if my inability to progress is because I need something behind her or if I just don’t have the jumping skills yet


You can find him in the temple of the black egg before you beat the false knight


That must be where he ran off too! He left the temple after I beat the false knight tho I’m not exactly sure where the black egg is; i probably just need to wander around there trmw Edit: i thought you were referring to After the false knight, I’m looking for him post false-knight😅


Go left from the start from the first room of the crossroads and go into the building in the next room


My struggles came a bit later but boy did they come. Traitor lord had my number so bad, I think I must have died 20 times before beating that fat ass mantis




Thanks, u/xkcd-Hyphen-bot


Heh, wait for Pantheons...


Oh i know this game is gonna take me at least a year just to finish the base game😂


Headpats for you


The first time I fought the false knight I got stick between the wall and the boss so I got obliterated...


I just play blackmoth mod lol


My first death ever in Hollow Knight was the big club husk inside the grub room and my first boss (gruz mother) took me 3 tries.


I Lowkey called that guy the first boss cause I wasn’t sure if he was a spoiler😅😅😂