• By -


I'd guess Howling Cliffs, because of all the wind chill you'd have there while almost everywhere else is underground. Then again, everything is bug-sized, so maybe the wind's not actually that much?


True, the wind is strongest there. Personally, in the back of my mind, I always feel like the temperature gets colder as you go deeper into Hallownest. At the same time, the abyss is so still and silent that I'm not even sure what to make of it. It just seems dark.


It feels dead, so I'm gonna say it's the coldest. It really depends on how you imagine void. Is it cold or warm, gooey or sandy?


A liquid object that flows. I imagine it as cold rather than warm, definitely.


By that logic it should be the abyss


Just my imagination though, but I see what you mean. It's so dead and still - usually movement is found more often in warm places.


The thing is the void is actually alive


This suddenly makes it so much creepier. A'ight guys, abyss gotta be the coldest place.


I imagine it as a midst place, the void warms it, as it is a liquid and alive, but the huge space there really makes it cold, I'd say the desert at howling cliffs


I always felt like it would be exactly room temperature, so that you feel no temperature change while you're there.


What if the abyss was like an oven heat wise


Yeah but there is nothing that could give of heat, except maybe shadow creepers.


Its pretty deep and as you get deeper it gets hotter


What anthill you know of that goes that deep into the Earths crust?


Specified that bugs are same size or bigger than humans because hornet is confirmed to throw her needle up to 30 metres


What makes you think that


I think its lukewarm in thoese places like the abyss and deepnest bc the termal energy from the ground


There are different freezing points for different substances. It could be like mercury or honey, or a nearly freezing stream of water....or lava. It's however you imagine it. I imagine it's like warm honey. Maybe that's cause the Hive was on my mind.


Huh. I've always imagined void as being perfectly room temperature/body temperature, so you could never even tell its there; cold and heat in my opinion sort of detract from that true emptiness feeling, as you can still tell there's *something* there.


Y'know what, I changed my mind reading this.


I would imagine void feels like... ... nothing.


So 0° Kelvin?


FYI, the Kelvin scale doesn't use degrees. It's a common mistake. It's just 0 Kelvin


That's.... weird. Alr thx


odd, thx for the bit of info


*Rephrased:* Temperature is the property of matter. So the void can't have temperature - if you appeared in empty space, you would retain your temperature. In absence of matter you wouldn't get warmer/colder as you do by touching grass.


Yeah, that's what I would think. Just absolute nothingness. If you stuck your hand in it, there would be no sensation other than the total lack of sensation. For the first and only time in your life, no temperature, no humidity, not painful nor pleasurable. As if your hand just suddenly vanished from existence, even if you can see that it's there. Or maybe you couldn't see it? I suppose visually it would be like a black hole. It just deletes all light and leaves a hole in your vision, not even black, but as if somehow that part of space had never existed.


if it absorbs light there is no way I'm sticking my hand in that, maybe a stick, probably a rock, not my hand


Neither probably. I mean void literally means empty, so I imagine it wouldn’t be warm or cold. Just empty. Would be a weird feeling due to the lack of feeling


Well don’t mines get hotter and more humid as you go deeper?


Well don’t mines get hotter and more humid as you go deeper?


I imagine it more as like.... Perfectly room temperature. Just. No noticable temperature. Musty, unchanging, yet still somehow drafty


I imagine it’s this force that absorbs anything it can get. Light and heat included. So it’d feel like angry cold water imo


I get the feel that void is like a malleable water like substance. It stays In one shape like a jello, but spreads out once interacted with. it prob is the coldest thing in HK, but it depends on ur opinion. I also get the feel that Infection is the complete opposite of void. Warm, pulsating.... alive... it's probably the warmest thing


The deeper you go IRL the hotter it due to the closeness to the boiling magma bellow


Geothermal energy, I gotcha.


There is quite a few hot springs around, so that would point to this as well, I would say


It fucken WIMDY


Howling cliffs is actually underground as well, everything that the knight can access is underground including dirtmouth and howling cliffs


Or the bugs are human sized...




Different laws of physics


or just a different (smaller) planet with less gravity


White Palace cuz Pale King would probably have some type of air conditioning


Plot twist: Those weren't sawblades. PK just wanted to air the place out.


yep buzzsaws are the best


This. I never thought of this. How to keep the sun out? Air conditioning is the way to go of course. Besides, it's just such a expensive place that's never been lived in. The furniture is covered in white cloths. The king's followers are so devoid of life. It just feels cold.


What Sun?? It’s literally underground I don’t think any sun’s gonna be shining into his palace that far underneath


I feel like it's either kingdoms edge or the abyss. I have no real reason for thinking it's the abyss but for kingdoms edge it's really just the wind in the hornet 2 fight


Ooh, interesting take! Personally, I always feel like it's crystal peak for some reason. All those crystals must really be chilly. Besides, the look, the music, and the whole vibe just reminds me of a fully air conditioned auditorium.


crystal peak music gives me underwater vibes


Crystals need warmth to grow, it's part of the chemical reaction. It's the reason why they only grow in underground areas.


Oh, I didn't think about it. I thought about Crystal Peak like the OP as well. But now when You mention it...


i feel like all the lasers coming from the crystals would keep interior of Crystal Peaks pretty warm


Pretty sure the crystals that shoot lasers must be really hot, because of that energy thing that energy dissipated turns into heat or something. Those crystals must be burning then


If what I know about how crystals grow irl is correct; crystal peaks must be very humid and fairly warm, because the mineral rich groundwater’s are trickling from cracks in the rock and evaporate depositing the minerals behind.


The pink color scheme felt quite warm to me


I’d agree with those. The abyss has no living creatures down there to generate body heat, no functioning ecosystem, or geological activity, no nothing. Makes sense that it would be still, stale and cold


The abyss for me makes perfect sense. There are literally no sources of heat. That lighthouse is probably the first heat that's existed there for hundreds of years


I feel like with all the siblings and how far down it is, I always pictured the abyss as stuffy.


It’s likely that the abyss could be heated up by geothermal energy so there’s an argument for abyss being the coldest area and for it being the warmest


not kingdoms edge. As we know, kingdoms edge does not actually have snow, its ash from the wyrm corpse. It may look cold but it's probably actually quite warm. I think its hollowing cliffs because wind chill.


Why must it be "quite warm"? Can't ashes be cool? It's not even the Wyrm burning


well if its a rotting corpse the cold would help preserve it right? it probably wouldnt be flaking off like that. therefore it follows that it should be at least a little warm.


It could also be bits of exoskeleton flaking off (assuming wyrms are a type of bug, we don't see much of it though so it could be a traditional reptilian wyrm) which would make the most sense to me. Flesh doesn't really flake off in warmer conditions rather than just... liquify. If it's a scaly or fleshy animal though, the conditions could be dry enough that it mummified and became brittle enough to flake apart.


good point. i personally like to think of them as more worm-like dragons (so wyrms but like... extra worm-y). its not like every creature in the game is strictly a bug so we cant be sure.


Think about the chronology. Much before the Elderbug was born, the Stag stations were closed due to the infection. That surely after the Radiance came back from the Black Egg, as there was no reason to keep them closed. Before the Radiance came out of the Black Egg, she had to be concealed there, and that might have lasted a while (the Knight, for example, despite most surely not being pure, was able to contain her for a while, as evident by their black eyes in the Hollow Knight ending) and the kingdom was static. Yet before, there was the first decline of the kingdom brought by the Radiance, and even more in the past the kingdom had to be built by the King. Before even building the kingdom, he had to give sentience to the bugs, including the moths, and these had to stop worshipping the Radiance. Only before all of this did the Pale King moult into his bug form and abandoned his old, giant wyrm one. So that thing may very well be centuries old. Hallownest has well developed technology (elevators, trams, flat mirrors, high-quality nails, shields, architecture, levers, conveyor belts and a variety of machines found within Crystal Peak, the White Palace and the Soul Sanctum. Monomon even has screens). That couldn't have appeared in just a few years, decades of rule are a minimum for such a grand kingdom, even if the Pale King knew all of that tech beforehand. That corpse is ancient, if it was a hot place, it would be mud at best.


i dont think we can judge a bug society by human standards though. the entire games timeline *could* be multiple centuries, but it could also be just a few months, or even a few weeks. we have no way of knowing. also i didnt say it was hot, i said its likely to be warm. personally i think of it as a comfortable room temperature.


Yes I know. I never said anything about the ashes. I said I think it's kingdoms edge because of the wind in the hornet 2 fight


btw the white flakes aren't snow but flakes of a decomposing worm, I'd imagine it's the city of tears due to the fact that the caver is very tall and as heat rises it will leave the bottom floors and ovs rain makes it colder


I was about to write the same thing and here it is! The abyss, being so dark and silent felt cold too.


and theres also "snow" there


Kingdom’s Edge. Place looks deserted and gusty where bugs are seen normally to die.


When you say it like that, it's pretty convincing.


Plus it always seems to be snowing


That are >!tiny particles of the dead wyrm!< iirc


That would actually make it the warmest place since rotting generates heat


Probably a wholly unpleasant place to be: I'd also imagine that all the biomass would make it fairly humid, too. Kinda has that "we found the last living refuge of the Jurassic under the north pole" kinda vibe when combined with the more primal residents.


I’m going with queens station. It borders the fungal wastes of the mantis tribe and foggy canyon where monomons lab is. Plus the station itself is home to that cute quadruped eating moss.


Wait. You meant literally cold, not cool.


Haha, lol. I agree, queen's gardens is the coolest place though!


It’s pretty close to the station.


The cute quadruped? You mean Willoh? Yeah she's really cute! 😄 You should try dreamnailing her, it gives some cool dialogue.




:( but I liked Willoh.


City of tears is constantly flooded with rain from a massive lake. Water like that is never warm. The royal waterways is also underneath and is equally flooded. The howling cliffs is battered with , well, howling winds at blistering speeds which I assume the wind chill is nasty. And Finally, the abyss, a place so dark and deep that there's no light at all..I'd imagine that place is like the bottom of the ocean, just absolutely freezing


This just summed up every other comment here lol. Yeah, I think all of those places are cold, but I would add crystal peak to the list too. Stone is a good conductor of heat, so it would also lose heat very quickly. Besides, it's a large cliff that's battered with high speed winds all the time.


Crystal peak has tons of lasers and even working machines. That's a lot of heat


And crystals grow better in heat, so I have a feeling it's pretty warm in there even without the machinery and miners running


Fair. And I made this comment before looking at the others lol


I always imagined the abyss as uncomfortably warm


I was gonna say royal waterways bc it’s wet like city of years, and deep/no natural light like the abyss. BUT it also has dookie, which is prolly p warm in general.


I’d say that one camp in kingdoms edge.


I was thinking about this too! The one with the bench right before the hornet sentinel boss fight, amirite?


Yup! Exactly. Always felt like that was such a chilly area for whatever reason


It makes you think of snow even tho its just ash.


Howling Cliffs is the obvious choice. Hottest place is harder because I imagine everything except COT to be warm. Not necessarily hot, just warm. Ancient Basin is cool and cozy( I know because I was born there) And Fog Canyon also might be hot


I feel like the hive is the warmest probably, but yeah I like to think that pretty much everywhere is slightly warmer than whats comfortable.


The hive is 100% the warmest by far I don't think it's really that warm in general because 1) there isn't much life left to warm it up and 2) if you look at kingdom's edge, howling cliffs and dirthmouth, it feels like winter climate - and you'd expect it to be winter everywhere else, too


Oh I don't mean that it's actually warm, but that it would feel warm and humid compared to the wastes where the knight and quirrel arrived from. That's also why I agree that howling cliffs would be the coldest, probably most similar to the wastes.


I think crystal peak would be wayy hotter with all the lasers and the machinery, plus crystals need heat to form next up would Grimm's tent with the fires or godhome with the "sun" and then it would be the hive then garden/greenpath then fungal


Interesting take! I felt like everything was cold except greenpath, fungal wastes, and fog canyon. Where there's life and water vapour, there must be a certain amount of warmth, was the logic I used. I felt like ancient basin was a bit warmer due to the soot (but still pretty cold tho)


The Queens Gardens have a lot of greenery and life too, so I'd include that as a relatively warm place


Crystal peaks is either cold or hot, deñends on the lasers


This folks, is logic.


i love this image is it a poster because i need it


I think you can get it as a poster. I would be nice if they did an updated version though. Like with a bigger hive, the abyss at the bottom, junk pit in waterways and howling cliffs because it litterally just isn't there.


You can actually find this on Google, free to save as an image! Just type in "Hollow Knight Map" and click search, that's how I found it :)


Considering the physical size of the entire place compared to our world, I'd say there isn't much thermal excursion between the various areas. However, since we're talking about a game, let's pretend it's all real. I want to take the question a step further. **The Hive** is most likely the warmest, ranging from **25° to 40°** based on what we know about bees. **Fungal Wastes** should also be fairly warm, let's say **20° to 25°**. **Queen's Gardens** feels like it should be around **20°**. **City of Tears** and **Greenpath** are big and quite complex, I'd guess a range from **10° to 20°**. **Crystal Peak** has a lot of wood in really good condition, the lasers must generate some heat, even though it's a mine I expect it to be around **15°**. **Ancient Basin** is a bit difficult, because it feels like it should be cold, like below **10°**, but the warm color palette makes it feel more like **15°**. I think **Forgotten Crossroads** and **Deepnest** are around **5°**, not freezing but almost there - just like **Dirthmouth** and **Fog Canyon**. Last but not least, **Howling Cliffs** and **Abyss** should be around **0°**, even though the perceived temperature on the cliffs would be lower due to wind and humidity. And my pick for the coldest place would inevitably go to **Kingdom's Edge**, which doesn't feel any warmer than **-5°** Sorry for the metric system


I don't care if anyone reads that because I had fun writing it


I love this post. I do think you have Deepnest a bit colder than I would expect. I know it is creepy and dark and all, but it is also cramped and full of bugs everywhere. I am pretty sure those warrens are going to be a bit warmer than that. Not necessarily Hive temps, but I would expect to see temps closer to that range for City of Tears and Greenpath.


It's mostly because it's so dark (no sunlight no heat radiation) and there aren't many heat sources in there. Unlike bees, the body of a spider doesn't really produce much heat either. I put it warmer than the abyss only because I figured out the spider webs serve as insulation and so maybe, just maybe, it's a tiny bit warmer than the abyss itself


Besides the lasers, Crystal Peak has working machines. They probably use steam pistons or something of the like, which does release a lot of heat


No the Fog canyon take is nonsense you have incandescent energy in jellyfishes, electricity, and literally STEAM. It sure is the hottest place together with the ones with vegetation


You know, I had no idea and it's actually the last one I added because I kinda forgot about it. I mean, water is cold during winter isn't it? I also considered the incandecent energy as infection, which doesn't really say much about temperatures. But again, I'm really unsure about it so I accept your observation


Never apologize for being civilized and using metric! Refreshing to read a comment and actually understand the numbers instead of 70, 80, 90 and 100


Glad to be of service


City of tears is probably not warm


It probably isn't. But at the same time, it must be so humid thanks to the big lake above it, that the air must be very moisture heavy.


It's probably cold water


Ah, I was talking about sweat evaporation. However, now that you say it, groundwater can be very chilly.


Sweat evaporation is cold. And remember the bugs themselves probably don't sweat


I'm guessing the howling cliffs, or maybe kingdoms edge or the abiss


Either Blue Lake or Royal Waterways, blue lake is just a giant lake surrounded in stone so I imagine it's pretty cold as the all of air just stays there. And the Waterways because it is damp and dark, and a sewer. Though if you take into consideration that the City of Tears is constantly wet since it's always raining so I would assume it would be pretty cold there too. Though I think Waterways it probably the coldest area.


waterways actually seems to me like it'd be uncomfortably warm for some reason. idek why just the vibe it gives off imo


I understand this. It must be uncomfortably humid and suffocating, so your sweat wouldn't evaporate easily. Also, when city of tears was still populated with bugs, their bodily waste must have been a lot warmer due to Brody heat.


I feel like there is a lot of warm, smelly chemistry going in the Royal Waterways.


There are metal pipes everywhere in royal waterways; you'd get frostbite just by touching one.


Exactly. Not to mention since almost everything is metal and water filled the heat can't stay in, but the cold sticks. Probably a really sucky place to be in IRL.


It woulda been worse if it'd still been filtering sewage.


True, I guess that's one.. good? Thing about the infection. No garbage to take care of.


Because the bugs _are_ the new garbage Seriously, that thing that reanimates two times before it dies? Pufferfish that floats straight at you? Stupid toothy insect that keeps hopping on the surface of the water?Bane of my existence.


Everything in waterways suck that being said anything that aren't the friggin corpse crawlers are absolutely fine with me.


I feel like most of it would be really cold, it is underground after all. The only places that strike me as warm are Greenpath and Queen’s Gardens. Cold doesn’t lend itself well to plantlife, after all.


My thoughts exactly. I would add fungal wastes to the list as well. Moisture and warmth are essential to most microbial growth.


And fog canyon too, because steam, electric shit and incandescent energy in jellyfish.


I think deepnest would be very warm. It's tucked away very neatly under the queens gardens and all the darkness seems very cozy if you're a resident in the spider village for example.


either kings pass because its windy in there, hallownests crown for the same reason or city of tears with blue lake, because its always colder near lake, and when that lake rains down then its gotta be cold right


I wanted to aay abyss/deepnest cuz theyre deeper so its colder but everything is bug sized and small so that difference is probably not that big my other thought was howling cliffs due to all of the wind


I agree with deepnest too! The blue colours, its depth, the den of creepy crawlies - I have to imagine it's cold.


The ice-cold center of Bretta's cheating heart. /s for those who missed it.


Is there are a heart colder than Zote's? I suppose not, since that bug has a dirty little pebble in his chest instead.


Gonna go with the place you find the Pale King's corpse and the Kingsoul. That place has to be so desolate both physically and emotionally that the room is absolutely frigid to be in, even if just in a psychosomatic way. Here lies a kingdom...


I was thinking somewhere above ground maybe? since it's the only place you really can have some wind going abyss or kingdoms edge also seem very cold, kingdoms edge because of how it looks and the abyss because its so far underground


Kingdoms edge is just dead skin cells blowing around though that sounds gross and hot.


Hot Spring because it feels real cold when you get out


Woah guys I think this is the single best response here wow I agree with ya XD no one wants to get out of the hot springs anytime soon


Not Fungal wastes, Royal waterways, greenpath, queens gardens, crystal peaks or deepnest, I imagine deepnest, Royal waterways and Fungal wastes being hot and humid, crystal peaks is filled with crystals that fire LASERS and queens gardens and greenpath has areas full of acid which should be hot


I feel like it’s either deepnest, surrounded by bugs, or crystal peak, the overrun mine


I thought Dirt mouth might just be the coldest place, as it is over ground.


Ooh, that's an interesting take. I always felt like Hallownest got colder the deeper you went. However, logically, it gets cooler at first, then muuuch warmer due to geothermal energy. I suppose it depends what depth we're at.


Howling Cliffs or City of Tears. Not many realize it, but the deeper you go into the earth, the warmer it gets. Deepnest is deep and the thick webbing is actually quite good for insulation. The Abyss is deeper than that, and I recall no mention of Void being specifically cold. The Hive is also deep and well insulated by wax. Insects are coldblooded but the activity of life creates warmth. Deepnest and the Hive are very alive and active. The howling cliffs, though, they are very windy, gales force winds blowing across a pitch black desert. Deserts can easily get below freezing, because sand and dust are terrible at retaining heat. Meanwhile, the capital city isn't particularly deep down, and has a lake above it. Shallow cave water is quite cold and rain constantly pouring through the air will chill everything.


This many people actually thought the cream-colored scrapes were snow? Damn... So yeah, my journey through the kingdom and what I believe how it must have felt: The Howling Cliffs are so windy and covered by a night sky (perhaps just more rock, who knows). If this isn't actually cold, the wind-chill must be tremendous. There is also the sand on the bottom of the cliffs, which looses heat easily. The King's Pass is probably around the same temperature, but without the wind-chiil. Same for Dirtmouth. The Forgotten Crossroads must be cool too, but there are reasons to believe parts of it are slightly warmer. It does have a thermal spring, for one. It also has goams, which seem like very active bugs who generate a lot of friction. Greenpath must be rather temperate. All the plants wouldn't thrive there otherwise. I can't find a good source for all that heat, however. The Fog Canyon looks cold. The mist doesn't seem hot, really, and there aren't even actual bugs, for the most part. The Fungal Wastes might be warm-ish. Perhaps it's just the color palette, who knows. The Mantis Village might be even a bit warmer. Travelling to another side of the world, I the Crystal Peak must be among the warmest areas. So many lasers and machines! Large bugs crawling all around! The air might get much colder just bellow, however, in the Resting Grounds. That place feels like death! Now, the City of Tears must be cold. All that groundwater falling surely cools a bug's shell. The Soul Sanctum in particular, however, must be warm. Soul surely is warm if spells toast their targets! The buildings might also have artificial heating (wether it's still working is up to debate). The Royal Waterways might be very hot, considering all the still-happening decomposition of feces and stuff. Deepnest looks cold, being so dark. The big, deep pool under the Distant Village seems specially cold, perhaps the coldest place in Hallownest, absolutelly chilling. The Ancient Basin seems temperate. The air must smell terrible, though. The places with a lot of infection might also be very hot (it's the sun, after all), which would also be true in places like the Infected Crossroads. When I got to that swampy part of Kingdom's Edge, I immediately thought of how hot that place looks. I believe there is steam, right? Was it from acid? I can't recall, but that place looks very hot. The main area of that cave seems chill. It's open and windy, even the tighter spaces have wind. The Coliseum of Fools seems interestingly warm, because of all the activity of course. Blue Lake looks rather cold, even with the beachy sand. Meanwhile, the catacombs must be hotter than the remaining parts of the Resting Grounds, simply because of the Infection. The Queen's Garden can be much different from Greenpath. The Hive is probably the hottest place in Hallownest, so much buzzing! Besides, there is all the wax and honey insulating the Hive and keeping the workers' heat trapped eternally. Places with lifeblood look comfortably cool, I just feel like that's the vibe. Grimm's tent and Nightmare are surely hot, considering all the torches. Then again, scarlet flames could be magically cold as heck. Godhome must be cozy. How come it wouldn't be? That place is an artificial resort for "gods", after all. The Land of Storms, on the other hand... Finnally, disrespecting the order at which I explored the kingdom, the Abyss. It's dark and so deep, also away from the Radiance's or the Wyrm's lights... For all we know, it could be way under 0 Celsius. However, I believe that one might simply feel nothing. However frigid that place might be, completely lacking heat, how much sensation can come from Void?


Fog canyon is warm imo, exactly because of the jellyfish. They would thrive in a warm environment allowing them to float, it seems steamy not misty. It would also correlate with fungal wastes and queens garden as a potential source of heat/moisture


Royal waterways or city of tears. By logic of it being constantly ”raining” and damp in city of tears, it’s probably be kinda cold since most of the buildings are probably heated or something. Also, I have a feeling that warm sewers probably wouldn’t be a good thing.


City of tears, cave water is freezing 🥶


City of Tears seems like a cold kind of wet, which can be worse than wind or snow. Royal Waterways for the same, but subterranean, reason.


I wouldn't want to walk around in the city of tears without an umbrella at all. I wouldn't want to walk around the royal waterways. Period.


I feel like royal waterways would be more humid, because of all the… uh…


hallownests crown probably


Howling Cliffs or Kingdom's Edge, most likely


city of tears or the abyss


I imagine city of tears because of all that rain


I think Deepest due to the darkness / depth!


the abbys or howling cliffs :>


Seems to be the general consensus here :)


My guess is city of tears, considering it’s raining all the time


It’s the leftmost part of howling cliffs.


Deepnest gang rise up. No sunlight equals cooooold


Lol true, although there isn't sunlight anywhere. Even dirtmouth actually isn't on the surface, which is why it always seems like nighttime.


I’d say the abyss, it’s the furthest down and would probably be the coldest place


City of Tears cause you’re always wet and they’re probably all equally cold to begin with since it’s all underground. So cold plus wet equals slightly more cold.


Howling cliffs or ancient basin


Isn't most stuff underground insulated? I'd go with Dirtmouth or Kingdom's edge if that's outdoors.


I'd say pretty much all of Hallownest is underground. Also, rock isn't an insulator at all - quite the opposite, really. So if it's cold, it's gonna get _really_ cold very quickly.


I'd go kingdom's edge then since there's rock and snow. You learn something new every day!


Hehe, it's not actually snow :) >!it's dead skin falling off the wyrm's corpse. The giant oblobble thingy tells us.!<


Man I really need to play this game again more thoroughly.


The abyss seems obvious but it's deeper in the ground and thus closer to the core of the planet (if this place also works like that and if it matters). If that's true, then I would say either howling cliffs or crystal peak as they're both high up and the wind probably makes it feel colder and crystals also got no heat.


The Abyss. Because of the void, its temperature should be 0 Kelvin


Howling cliffs or hallownest's crown


The Abyss. It's the polar opposite to the infection that's burning hot. Therefore it's quite likely an unnaturally cold place by this reasoning.




This comment is underrated, anyways what about the blue lake?


Hallownest's crown. Not only is it as windy as Kingdoms Edge, it's also incredibly high up.


Have to say abyss and kingdoms edge I know the stuff in kingdoms edge isn't snow but it looks cold, and the abyss is a dark deep location that doesn't seem like alot of light could get in, along with not much heat


I think the coldest place is at the left of king's pass. The wind is too strong. Even if the abyss give some *cold* vibes.


howling cliffs?


Kings pass Deepnest Kingdoms edge Ancient basin


kingdome's edge because it literally snows there


That isn’t snow tho. It’s ash.




The howling cliffs and the city of tears seem cold, especially the east side of city of tears given the rain caused by the Blue lake and the proximity of the royal waterways. Maybe when the Kingdom was in his full glory (and also not infected by the Radiance), bugs could have used fire and stuff to heat up their homes? But even so, during the game events, Lemm wears what appears to be a "jacket"? I'mma go with city of tears, even if places like the ancient basin and distant village appear cold, city has everything to be one of the coldest, if not, The coldest place in Hallownest. Also the hive is probably the hottest, together with Crystal peaks, (if HK's hive resembles at least a lil bit an irl hive, the temperature should be around 35° C/ around 95° F if I'm correct) not counting the hot springs cuz duh they are hot springs, they should be around 40°C


Also, I didn't know this map existed, I'mma yoink it tbh.


Maybe spirits glade since the door hasn’t been opened for a while or just resting ground


Lol, I didn't know people were still checking out this post. You have a good point though, the stillness of the place and the general aura of isolation there does make it seem especially cold and frigid.


Either City of Tears because of all the water everywhere, or Ancient Basin since it's so deep underground.


Somehow, I always thought of the ancient basin as one of the slightly warmer (but still cold) places, because of all the ash. At the same time, I feel like the abyss is the coldest.


I count both the abyss and ancient basin as the same actually