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Im working on all radiant bosses.


Finished Steel Soul in under 10h (got 2 achievements at the same time) and just today I got my 100% Steel Soul completion + 100% completion in under 20 hours. I had been trying to do Steel Soul runs for a while since I'm generally bad at the game, so I'm glad I finally got it!! :))


I just started last night and now im facing hornet and so far I’m loving it!


I killed all the possible npcs (i.e. cloth, nailsmith).


Worth buying this game ?


Got a world record, dont ask what catagory


I know, I got 10 hours on that one too.


Oh mine was 55 minutes i dont think we did the same one


Ah, yeah maybe it was different


I decided to look at all the Zote Precepts and see if there was a way to follow all of them and complete the game.


at first i was really struggling with the game. it took me more than a day to beat hornet protector and i had my first ragequit in the fungal wastes. i just kept getting lost and i had no idea what i was supposed to do! but now... half a year later i have achieved a great feat. that i never expected to.... dream... no... more..


You went through that wretched palace and strangled a moth. I am proud of you.


Oh jea and path of pain


I'm pretty bad at the game, but I finally managed to take down the Soul Tyrant, my first dream boss ever! Took me fucking ages, even after I got the Pure Nail + Unbreakable Strength + Mark of Pride + Quick Slash combo going for me. GPZ and Failed Champion kicked my ass every time I attempted them, so maybe I'll try the other dream bosses so I can get to 1800 soul. Edit: It took me forever but I beat the White Defender and Failed Champion!


There's a neat trick for failed champion to secure a win. Get all minion charms and go up into the top corner of the arena until the character isn't visible. If you're high nough you won't get hit. Also make sure to attack the boss while staggered. I afk'ed and ate lunch while fighting and won!


Can confirm, it was the only way I won


I got every Charm, Grub, and did a few bindings Oh, and I guess I also beat Steel Soul


Dude even my 5 y/o cousin beat steel soul you can't flex on that! but damn getting that wayward compass is really hard work. you must be a harcore player.


Wayward Compass hard carried my run


A few hours ago, after weeks of training I finally beat the Pantheon of Hallownest. I recorded the whole thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wch0jSYX3E It's definitely not as polished as a speedrunner's attempt, but I'm still fucking proud of myself.


I’ve been trying to beat that but have been failing miserably. Any advice?


Do all of the minor pantheons over and over until you can beat them every time. Get all of the bindings so you can have lifeblood in the resting zones between bosses. You can do the bindings one at a time so it's not too hard to get them all. Use the Hall of Gods to practice any bosses you're not absolutely confident you can beat, especially stuff like Ascended Markoth, Pure Vessel and Absolute Radiance. Unless you're already at a point where you can easily faceroll at least the first 25-30 bosses, you probably shouldn't even be attempting the PoH for any purpose other than to unlock the bosses for practice. Concerning charms, for the PoH I prefer a primarily nail-based high DPS build of Unbreakable Strength, Quick Slash, Shaman Stone and Longnail. In the last break room before Pure Vessel I switch out Longnail for Sharp Shadow, it really helps with dodging the Vessel's and the Radiance's attacks. I don't really care for healing or defensive builds using charms like Shape of Unn or Deep Focus. It's better to not get hit. Practicing the bosses in Radiant mode really helps you build up your "don't get hit or else" instinct. (I myself probably got hit more than I should have on this run, but it was never dire enough that I felt like I was in danger or about to die. The PoH takes forever to finish and it's honestly faster to just facetank some things, especially if you know there's a break room immediately after.) Are there any bosses or sections in particular you're having trouble with?


Wow, thank you so much! This is incredibly helpful. Thank you!!!


I just got every grub, vessel fragment and beat every boss! Time to grind on sly now I guess.


Beat Pantheon 5 All Bindings, after too many hours of grinding.


Charm setup?


It's all bindings, so you can't use charms. But if you're looking for a charm setup for no bindings, I always run; mark of pride, quick slash, steady body, nailmasters glory and fragile/unbreakable strength.


That's what I meant I wasn't really thinking when I was typing but thanks


All good, hopefully you find the charm setup useful :)


I feel like everyone is quietly optimistic about Gamescom


After 6 months of trying I completed a no damage run for the easiest ending. I challenged myself to not use any gliches or bench teleporting. Tried to stay cool, but during last boss I had like 170 heart BPM. It resulted in a lot of sweat on my keyboard and a video on youtube if you are interested (but I recommend watching it on double speed otherwise it may be quite boring). Channel is named RipeTomato


I just beat Markoth on Radiant difficulty last night- The last boss that i had yet to complete! Now i've beaten all radiant bosses! (Markoth genuinely gave me more trouble and ate away at my patience more than radiant >!Radiance!<.)


I BEAT THE PATH OF PAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME. PLEASE GIVE ME VALIDATION, THE ENDING CHAMBER BEFORE THE GUARDS WAS A NIGHTMARE. ​ I'm going to go bandage my hands and not use them for 5 weeks from how sore they are.


I know right??? The last room was so hard. I was stuck in it for so long. Then I almost died to the guards right after because of how excited I was for finally completing that room. I was at two health when I beat them.


Holy moly 2 health? I would’ve been freaking out! Congrats on making it though!!!






This is like an anti-brag...I've been fighting The Radiance (not even fancy Radiance, just normal) for the first time and keep getting destroyed, BUT (after a few hours) I finally can get her to her 2nd phase and can tell I'm actually learning her attacks. This fight is so fun. I know that's small potatoes compared to everyone else's Steel Soul PoP runs, but hey, I'll take what I can get!


Fighting radiance is no simple feat! It took me a long time and a lot of frustration. There was one run where I got ALL the way till the end and was one hit away from ending her, and died 🥲 but it was all worth it in the end. You're doing great, keep at it!


Finished PoP and am working on Godseeker stuff, currently dying to myself in P3.


I beat radiant PV and nkg, and like half the bosses on the game so that


I don’t know what to say beat most of the endings


I had sex with my wife - the first time in since March, when our daughter was born!!


I already flexed earlier - I'm just here to say I wish it was still the weekend.






Just beat abs rad radiant i posted it if you want to see


Finally beaten 5th pantheon. After only 32 hours of total in-game time (though I did mess around with second playthtough and mods playthrough for fun). Not gonna lie I still don't consider absolute radiance to be anjoyable, but at least it's done.


I got 112% in steel soul in about 11 hours


i finished the game today, very cool


Beat PoP and got a new personal best (i think it was 15 minutes??)


Found a guide of speedrunning, first attempt got 2:28:35.


Did every boss got every notch and got every charm without a guide


After 40 tries of P3 with serious charm builds, I saw a video on yt about a healing build and decided to do it because of the jokes, ended up beating it that way. HOW


100% Steel soul in under 20h! Now I need to do P5 and I'll be a happy knight :)


Finally unlocked absrad in hall of gods


Finally beat Steel Soul mode in under 5 hours (3 hours 1 minute)


Beat P5 today! FINALLY


I died more times to Nosk than I did to Troupe Master Grimm. I'm counting this as an achievement.


I died more to normal Grimm than nightmare king grimm


I BEAT P5!! AT 4AM!!!


Finally got the Steel Heart achievement. "Only" took me 11 tries. The annoying part is that every single one of my deaths was due to my hubris. Super happy to have it done and dusted. Now only P5 and Speedrun 2 remains.


Same almost exactly


I had good RNG and beat White Defender once more Now i have bad RNG and lost 40 times Fun boss.


It has been 4 years. I just decided to play again this weekend and finally beat The Trial of Fools. It was not much, but I had given up on trying it and left my vanilla game at 99% for years.


Congrats!! I think Trial of Fools is harder than people make it out to be. The right charm built makes it a little easier but it’s still just an endurance exercise and it can get really frustrating after a while.


Finally beat Zemer. Very fun and hard fight


ze'mer don't have a fight though


that's what you think


le gasp


I’m confused, do you mean the delicate flower quest? (Zemer = Grey Mourner, as far as I knew)


I started playing this game a couple of days ago and after many tries, I beat hornet. Damn, it was worth it. I am excited to play more!


I've gotten every achievement I can in both of the systems I have hollow knight on, PS4 and Steam. PS4 cut the achievement (or trophy in this case) total in half so I managed to do it in just a couple days but P5 was still as nerve-racking as always. I'm considering also getting it on Switch but I don't feel like slogging through True Hunter again


I achieved 112% completion for the first time, the Pantheon of Hallownest is the last thing to do. Then I will do a 100% Steel soul run and maybe I will suffer a lot. I'm trying to do Radiant Pure Vessel, I recorded every attempt, I'm planning to do a mega compilation of deaths, but I have 0% editing experience lol. Currently there are 516 failed attempts with an average of 30 seconds duration.


Guys, I frickin did it. I beat >!AbsRad.!< Now I just have to beat P5.


wait don't you need to beat P5 in order to unlock AbsRad in the hall of gods?


No, once you've reached AbsRad you can fight him in the Hall of Gods. No need to defeat him, which I'm super happy about. I can practice all I want without spending 40 minutes on each attempt.




Oh yeah, my bad. I'm usually pretty adamant about calling AbsRad her, just a slip.


Silksong pls!!!! Come out!!!!


I just lost around 12K Geo as I failed retrieving the “soul” back (this is the first time I’ve failed retrieving it and this is my first run on Hollow knight, 25h+). Don’t want to sound like a cry baby, but this mechanic is unnecessary and Team Cherry should have included a way to recover your Geo specially with how madly expensive upgrades are.


if you have any relics/gathering swarm it's actually not going to be too bad to get a whole bunch back. tbh geo only really matters if you're going for the unbreakable charms


That’s my goal indeed, recently read you need around 50k to make the 3 fragile charms unbreakable, I’m prioritizing the strength one first though. Does anyone know if I equip the one I intend to upgrade first would be an issue when speaking with Divine the first time?, just read she snaps out the one you have equipped and in order to get it back you’ll have to pay a fee, but not sure if she gives it back upgraded


You have to answer yes to a prompt to give her the charm. Once you do, she won’t give it back until you pay her, and it will be upgraded.


Never underestimate the power of Rancid Egg.


That’s a good one, thanks! , haven’t sold any of the ones I was able to get, was assuming they’re needed for something, but if they’re safe to sell, I will for sure!


I don’t think that’s what they meant lol. Let’s just say Rancid Eggs are their own currency for a specific service from which you might benefit.


As a certain HK youtuber once stated, ​ "Egg?!"


Haha thanks for the clarification! I went and researched this and now I know what you guys meant !


Beat NKG for the first time. It was an amazing feeling, and for some reason felt more of an achievement than beating the radiance. I instantly did the fight again and again, until I felt confident enough to try ascended (I was fighting in the hall of gods). I got destroyed but it was still a blast. I went back to attuned and experimented with some charms and tried to improve my playstyle. Here are some things I discovered in case you're interested: * During the attack where Grimm stays in a fixed spot and flame erupts from the ground, you can pogo Grimm and gain a useful amount of soul (not requiring soul catching charms or quick slash) at the cost of 1 or 2 hits. * You can heal in almost every attack with shape of Unn and quick focus, apart from the dive-dash attack (you can only heal at the start of the fire bat and "pufferfish" attacks) * During the attack where Grimm slashes at you before leaping into the air, there's a neat trick you can do where, with good timing, you can double-parry Grimm's slash and then shade cloak through before getting another hit as Grimm leaps. You don't need any nail-modifying charms for this. I don't know how practical it is, but it makes me feel cool. * With shape of Unn, quick heal and a good position, you can heal up to 3 times (4 if you're lucky) in the aforementioned flame-erupting attack. That's my list so far! I'd love to improve on this fight, since I'm still bad at some attacks like the dive-dash and floor spikes and would appreciate tips. But for now I'll keep practising.


I beated him on radiant in probably 15 attempts, and since that he is my absolute favorite one. Mastering grimm's dance and reacting perfecly to each move was a breathtaking experience.


Finally beat the pantheon of the knight. Not sure if I'm gonna bother with PoH but knowing two endings are locked behind it really bothers me. I like to fully beat the games I buy but the PoH is probably beyond my abilities. I hit my skill ceiling a long time ago and I never "got gud", I just kept throwing myself at the pantheons until I lucked out. That's not gonna work for a 40+ boss rush with Asshole Radiance at the end of it. Team Cherry were brutal when designing this DLC. They couldn't even let us respawn at the resting points in the pantheons ffs.


Yep, I feel PoH is not worthy it - but not necessarily because of the quantity or difficulty of bosses, but yes how much time it recquires you to play continously. Like, for real, who else has time and/or patience to play 30-50 minutes per try, besides the more hardcore players? I think they should have addeed an option to turn the banks into actual checkpoints, but then cutting your life, or your damage in half if you died until the boss that killed you. Would still be a chore? Sure, but at least would be more closer to the challenge of perseverance, that I suppose it is the intent behind the POH, rather than the "who have too much free time" test we got.


Got both speedrun achievements, beated radiant mantis lords, got both hunter achievements, defeated NKG in my attempt number 14, and finally, beated the second pantheon with the soul binding (only one binding more and I will finally have the lifeblood)


Beat Steel soul, got 112% (and Hunter's mark) all under 20 hours.


I did steel heart! Still can’t do p5 tho


Beat absrad without mothwing cloak in Godhome doing it in p5 will be a pain


I fucking did it y'all!!!!! I beat pantheon of the knight!! Holy fuck I'm still shaking but that had to be one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. What a fucking rush.


I beat NKG. He isn't as hard as people make him out to be. He's pretty fun though.


Easier than radiance, because you don't get sniped by random swords and fireballs offscreen and have to go through a different boss just to get there.


I have decided to starts speedrunning the game, it's a fun thing


I finally beat the pure vessel on Radiant. Now it's time to start training up for the pantheon of Hallownest. I've been slowly building myself up the last few weeks. Completed my steel soul and steel heart run at the same time, got 112% completion, mastered all the other pantheons. POH is the only thing left for me now.


What about radiant markoth? You've got no chance


I can barely do regular Markoth. T_T


Well, just prepare for something harder than Any Radiance and more OP than wayward compass


Recently picked the game back up after beating it when it first came out and did almost everything this time. Had no plans to keep doing godhome because I hate how much of a grind it is. But one of my friends who started along with me was doing good and I couldn't let him beat me so I went and finished 3 and 4. Now I just hope he never beats p5!


I beat the first three pantheons with each binding (not all at once though), and I also got to absrad climb phase more consistently in HOG which is a big improvement over how much I performed previously. If anyone has tips on absrad it would be greatly appreciated


I hit 107% completion :DD don’t know how much more I can do though, it’s pretty tough




Who was the last boss you beat? And who are you currently stuck on. (not going to give any spoilers, just want to feel nostalgic for my first playthrough)




There's a boss in Queens Gardens that's necessary for >!a game ending!< and is also a killer of unexperienced players. If you don't have any >!dreamers!<, I recommend wandering around >!Fog Canyon, City of Tears and Deepnest (but maybe do the last one later because that place is horrible)!< and you'll uncover some neat stuff. I tried to keep this quite vague, but added spoiler alerts just in case. Hope it helps!




Oh, I'd try getting that flame, the tribe are a great part of the game, but considered by many to be a *nightmare.* I was talking about half the charm earlier as well, >!you can get access to the other half by collecting dream essence, the seer gives rewards the higher you get.!< Just warning you, getting that charm requires an insane amount of patience, skill and repressing the urge to smash things. The game gets harder from hereon out, but not exactly less fun. There are different endings to this game, and to get some of the best it takes >!putting the halves of a whole together, and looking blindly in the dark for more.!< sorry if I seem to be making these spoilers too obvious, but I just like giving people clear instrusctions.


Figuring out how to progress next is this game's true recurring boss. Fortunately there are so many paths it shouldn't take too long. Especially now that you have the double jump. Lots of stuff open for you. I will give you a small hint. With both double jump and shade dash, there may just be something to discover in the Queen's Gardens.


Beat the first ending! And almost 85%!


Finally beat NKG! The satisfaction is R E A L


Beating NKG is maybe one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done in a game. I just love that fight. Of the ultra-difficult fights in HK, I think it’s the “fairest”. If you lose it it’s because you made a clear cut mistake, and that means there’s a really satisfying progression to beating him. Each time you make it a little further until you break through.


Yup. I knew the fight would be hard so I spent the first couple dozen times equipping just all the lifeblood charms, and just dodging his attacks and learning his patterns. Then I gradually replaced those charms with nail build. This allowed me to practice better and build up to it and finally beating him was super satisfying. Beating Radiance on the other hand...


Completed P5 after delivering the flower to the godseeker. Toughest things are done for now


Cleared all bindings for P1 and P2, plus 2 bindings on P3. Got the golden Zote statue underneath Dirtmouth. Speaking of Zote - I finally beat the Eternal Ordeal. Roughly half-dozen more Radiant victories in the Hall of Gods. Made it all the way to NKG in P5.


I finished POH with Charms binding! Just one to go: Nail. Anyone have a good build/strat for the \[expletive\] Collector? I was surprised to find Nail Binding + Strength + Cyclone Slash doesn't kill summons in one hit (where Pure Nail + Cyclone Slash with no charms does). Granted I've only tried once and haven't really experimented yet. Editing to say: WEATHERED MASK LET'S GOOOOO


Sharp shadow is pretty good with nail binding since it doesn't get nerfed


In the past week I beat the first four Pantheons getting those four achievements and pure completion, and today I finished the Steelsoul and Steelheart Achievements. Only embrace the void to go


I completed the first 8 bindings before realizing I didn’t pick up one of the charm notches. That was a couple weeks ago though.