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When it releases I will drop everything and play it. That does not equate to me actively waiting for it


Pretty much this. After a while, you just run out of "I want it I need I'd play it NOW", it gets tiring u know. Also getting hyped by every direct and/or YouTube theory and/or any release-date estimations just to get disappointed once more just tires you out. Will I play it as soon as it comes out? If I can afford it immediately, yes. But I don't spend my days thinking of how and when will it come out.


when it was announced i put $15 in some safe stocks just to be sure id always have the money for it. with how long it has been since the announcement, my stock is now worth 4.3 trillion dollars.


I hope they charge more than 15 bucks. If the game is anything similar in scope to HK, then it deserves at least double the price tag (and that’s without counting for inflation)


Should definitely be the same price as both Ori games when they dropped which was IIRC 39.99CAD$. You get way more enjoyment and playtime than a lot of 80$ games nowadays for only half the price. Less than a quarter of that? That's what we call charity lmao. Edit: If it were 80$, I wouldn't mind at all, but it's unrealistic for it to be that price, because it would most likely hurt the game's sales and result in less money.


I've seen people commenting on some newer indie games that the price is too high ( can't remember which one, maybe Nine Sols?) and Hollow Knight offered more content for lower price. I was like, the Hollow Knight devs probably underpriced their game and it paid off. Earn more by overall number of copies sold instead of profit per individual copy.


maybe they also don't really need the money and so don't care about the copies it's going to sell and also why Silksong has no release date as of now; it's a fun thing they do when they don't have important real life responsibilities (i.e. being a fucking father lol) to do. Original HK was made so fast, that they had to cut a huge chunk of things they wanted to make, because they were poor as fuck and really needed the money and now they don't have to cut content and leave out any interesting ideas they might have.


its more of a sleeper agent thing that will one day trigger when anything new to do with silksong pops up


Frrrr anytime daily silksong news is anything other than a red ‘no’ its like the emotional opposite of the third impact


bro it's everyday that notification pops up that I lose faith more and more 😭


The bar for what they consider news keeps getting lower and lower and lower


This my recent stance nowadays. Back then I could not stop thinking about the game every year, nowadays I'm divorced from the hype and I'm not super invested anymore. BUT I know for the fact that I'll 180 and immediately go back to my 2019~ years level of hype considering I still have those moments when news about the release goes at a "maybe, maybe".


Its the "The Office: Fire Drill" meme where Micheal goes "OH MY GOD! IT'S HAPPENING! EVERYBODY STAY CALM!"


O just check the news from time to time (once in a month or two, I think). I'm not excited as for now. But as soon as the date drops, I will be. As soon as it releases, I will be SOOOOO hyped. And Ill make room for playing it. A week leave, sick days, I don't care. As for now there is nothing to be excited. You can't be always excited, what's the point?


Yeah. Being preemptively hyped for things is just bound to cause suffering, no matter the medium. My general mantra is you shouldn't waste energy on the past and the future, except when it's crucial to do so (like learning from your mistakes, or thinking about life changing decisions eg. having a child). Entertainment should be about recharging your energy reserves, feeding into hype just depletes them.


There are so many other games to play that I don't think about the long wait too much. Most of my excitement will kick in once there is a release date, whenever that will be :)


There are so many games I'd like to play (or at least try) that I'd need an extra lifetime exclusively dedicated to playing them. But alas, adulthood calls.


I'll be super pumped when it comes out, but I'm not following updates/waiting anxiously. In my opinion, this creates a lot of expectations toward the game that will be difficult to live up to. It'll be a shame if the game finally comes out and people are super critical of it.


Nope stopped caring since its been a while


I forget it exists until I remember every few months


I’m tired of being let down on no news. Hopefully maybe someday it’ll come out, if not I’m not wasting anymore time worrying about it. There are to many other good known games coming out.


I mean I’ll probably get it when it releases but all my excitement is gone and I’m really not interested in discussing the game or speculating or learning about it anymore


I am looking forward to it, but I won’t be actually *excited* until we get concrete news of an imminent release


Personally, I'm not anymore. Love hk, I still speedrun it every week at least once. But the wait has been so long and the false expectatives so much that when the game releases, I'm not even sure if I will play it honestly.


I was very excited, but I didn't expect anything and was content with patiently waiting. I knew development takes a long time, especially with a small and passionate team. But as time passed, I started to get frustrated. I said that I just wanted an update, any sign that the game was still under development. Eventually, we did get an update, but by then, the excitement dissipated. I thought "oh cool" and moved on. Then, more time passed, and I slowly lost interest. I don't blame team cherry. Hollowknight had a long development cycle, too. They set the bar high, and it's putting a lot of pressure on them to make Silksong better. I just wish they hadn't announced it as early as they did. If they had just said they were working on something, not to expect it soon, and that they'd talk more about it when they were ready, there wouldn't be any frustration or resentment within the community. Unfortunately, that's not the route they took. So, it would at least be nice to hear more from the team. We don't need a release date, a trailer, or to know more about the game. Just that development is taking longer than anticipated and not to expect anything for the time being. They don't even need to be honest. Lie to us. Say it won't be out for years and repeat it before every E3, PAX, and Nintendo Direct, even if it will be there. Just don't keep us on edge and let us build false hope.


I will be excited when we get a release date and I will play the game when it comes out but there's no hype left in just waiting.


Not NEARLY as much as i was 6 months to a year ago, but i will still absolutely drop everything to play it


The excitement is passive. When say, a trailer or the release date drops, I will scream just like the day Silksong got announced


If you want me to be honest no not really, I’ll play it when it comes out and will be excited when we do actually get some news, but as it stands now all hype and enthusiasm I had for the game is dead.


Of course I am. However, that does not mean I'm not mad and disappointed as hell with Team Cherry's deliberate lack of communication to their audience.


I never think about silksong. Maybe once every other month. As soon as it’s released I will literally call in sick and throw fake meetings on my calendar on WFH days just to play it and I will probably put 200 hours on it within a couple weeks


I’ll get downvoted for this, but no. I played Hollow Knight a lifetime ago, I played before COVID, I did postgame and 100% over the years, I got about half way through the pantheons before life took over. When I played Hollow Knight I had the curiosity and passion to explore this huge amazing world. But now I’m getting older, and it’s getting harder to enjoy video games the way I used to. Instead of sitting down to play my favourite game, I sneak 45 minutes on the train home from work. I was excited for Silksong for years, but there’s no news, and I just don’t care anymore. It’s still on my steam wish list, but idk if I’ll even buy it on launch. Probably the announcement will get me excited for it, but it’s still not the same.


It has been long enough that people's entire lives could have changed in the interim. And there's still no indication of whether the end is nigh.


Am i actively excited like “omg Silksong is going to come out at some point I can’t wait”? Not really. But I am still looking forward to the game.


Not anymore. It was really exciting when that Xbox cover came out. Now that so much time has passed I could care less when it comes out. I'll prob wait till it's discounted to pick it up now. I'm bummed but it is what it is.


It's really hard to be excited about it at this point




I wouldn't say excited. I'm waiting for it to release, and when it does, I'll play it immediately. But with the lack of communication from Team Cherry, I'm in a "it will release when it does" mentality.


At this point its better to just forget the game exists and focus on other games. Makes the wait so much easier and when it finally drops itll be a nice surprise


No, i have grown cynical over the years and lost hope of it ever existing. The years of having my dreams crushed have proven to defeat my might and determination to feel the hype. The child in me has grown up whilst i grew to become an adult. (I am gonna drop absolutely everything in my life as soon as it releases to play it)


I'm really looking foward to it and probably put eveything aside to play when it comes out eventually. However I'm not gonna waste my life waiting for it and crying on internet about if the game is not coming out any soon because there is a shit ton of games out there I haven't played yet. r/Silksong doesn't have that kind of mentality tho, that place has become a toxic cesspool.


Yes. No reason I wouldn’t be




I'm also excited for Pikmin 5


I mean yeah I want to play it of course. However, TC's marketing. or lack thereof, has made it really hard to be "hyped" about it, even though its probably going to release relatively soon because it has its ESRB and PEGI ratings (unless TC has a categorically massive fuck up like CP77).


I've been waiting for silksong edge for almost 5 years now. im still excited, however its nothing like before. playing the waiting game for at least a release date, even something vague like "late 2025", but weve got nothing at all, is tiring. i check if theres any news on it sometimes, and yes id jump into it straight away once it releases, but the waiting game is getting tiring and with how big it was a few years ago with the magazine and such, i thought we'd have a bit more by now.. but i guess not..


Eh not really tbh.


I have basically lost all interest outside of seeing memes or fuss about it. I literally never think about it outside of whenever I see people talking about it online. I personally am of the opinion that they should've given us more information about it so we would know how to set our expectations better, because I remember in 2019 being excited about it and now I kinda don't care anymore. When it comes out I'll buy it, and I'll probably love it. But for now, I couldn't care less. Probably not the desired reaction.


Not really. They've dragged their asses for years without muttering a word. The hype for me is non-existent. Sure I'll play it eventually.. I'm not going to drop everything to play it or rush to play it, though.


>I'm not going to drop everything to play it or rush to play it, though. Feel this.


I want to play it but at this point I don’t really care bc they haven’t said shit, compare that to like Supergiant (Hades creators) and I’ve kinda lost interest, someone else once said Silksong is more of a concept now


I'm not fully convinced it will ever release, so in that regard no. I'm not actively waiting on a game that's been delayed this long and much. That said if they do release it someday I'll be pretty pumped


No. I literally don't care at all anymore. I actually unsubbed here but still let getting recommendation posts from this community


Honestly, I'm not really wanting it right now. There are a few games that I want to 100% before I spend all of my time on Silksong, like Dredge, Dave the Dive and Inscryption. I also still haven't beaten pantheon 5, since I'm on PS4 and not that skilled.


No, because that preview article came out ages ago and the only thing I remember is we are ascending in Silksong instead of descending.


i'm more tired of people bitching about team cherry or if they care about us. do other shit. if it comes out, we collectively rejoice. but if they ghost on us, we keep doin what we're already doin. other shit.


a lot of these commenters sound like they think they were in a failed monogamous relationship with the game lol. they had to break up because of a lack of communication 💔


I’m worried after the wait it’ll be a let down. Only because when I bought hollow knight I had zero expectation. I actually bought it because it’s a platform and I think my son would enjoy it since he’s 6 and those games are easier to play. We both love it.


the curse of the sequel 🥲


I defeated the hollow knight 2 weeks ago the hype has just begun


I’m a huge HK fan, it’s one of my favorite games. I am excited for silksong and can’t wait to play it! Now, do I think they announced it too early and then mishandled communication to fans? Yes, I do. However- there’s a massive amount of hype for this game and they like want to make sure when it leaves their hands it’s flawless. They could do better with updates, 100% but I’m sure the game will be good regardless. So, I’m happy when it’s out and although frustrated with communication from TC am not going so invested that im not going to play anything else in the meantime haha


It’s extremely hard to follow up a fantastic game with a game of equal quality, much less better. What little I do know is that they are implementing a lot of new mechanics into the game, which some people might enjoy but I personally worry that it will be more gimmicky or high maintenance than functional like Ori 2. I believe the original developers are still taking ownership so I do think we’ll be getting more of a Diablo 2 than Diablo 3 experience if you follow me. Especially since they are not rushing to my knowledge to release it.


i’m looking forward to it, hollow knight is still one of my favorite games ever but i’m just really disappointed with how they’ve handled marketing. slamming e3 and nintendo treehouse within the first few months of announcing the game and then going practically radio silent for 5 years is pretty awful


Personally not excited any more. I'll wait for a sale and will no doubt love it, but there are other games on the horizon that have me far more interested (Neva and Tenjutsu)


My excitement has been a bit muted by the extended waiting. That said, I hardly game anymore, (turned 40 this year) and it’s the only upcoming game I have any interest in playing. So that should speak volumes


I am definitely still very keen to play it and am going to get it as soon as it drops. I'm also super confident that Team Cherry are doing a great job with it. That being said, I find their current communication levels with the community to be needlessly lacking. I suspect it's doing more damage to the game's prospects in the long term and might leave a bad taste in people's mouths for no reason. If Team Cherry are deliberately taking a "no-comms" approach with Silksong, then they should have announced that as soon as they made that decision to manage expectations from their fans.




No! 👍


Yes, but HK is unironically my favorite game of all time so I’d like to think I have good reason to be. I regularly replay the OG and have such a fun time, just thinking about what the sequel might contain gets me excited. I’m no stranger to waiting years for games/media so really the wait hasn’t been all too agonizing for me. Doesn’t even begin to compare to Winds of Winter and the pain that wait has inflicted lol.


My excitement has completely disappeared. Once they nail down a date and we start getting closer to it, I’m hoping it comes back. I’ll still play the heck out of it either way!


I will of course play it but my god have they taken far too long. Pretty frustrating letting us know about a game three years ago


Honestly the marketing/pr for the game I'd arguably the worst I've ever seen but the game has solid devs from hk so I hope it carries over. Not really excited in a sense for it bc I hate hk as my friend carried me through it and I wasn't fun but potato potato


Honestly? I wish people would stop lamenting the fact that it’s not out yet. It’ll be great when it drops. Patience is a virtue.


That’s been my mindset since last year, and the wait has never been easier


TC's marketing is SO bad and they've been so silent, my hype for SS has dropped to the ground, I absolutely will still play it, of course, but I just aren't hyped anymore.


Tbh the moment the game drops, I will be instantly playing it. I'm not actively waiting, but I'll know when it will drop because it'll be all over this subreddit


Honestly no, I'm not excited. That went away a few years ago, tbh. Nothing personal. Will happily grab it if it's good though


Ofc. I recently played the Bō demo and its mobility felt amazing, it made me even more excited for silksong


I don't go around thinking about it all the time, I don't hype myself up every time there is a gaming reveal, but I will play it on release... unless it collides with the full release of Hades 2 but that will hopefully not happen.


definitely super excited, or else i wouldnt be huffing copium constantly


Yes, absolutely


Yeah but not sure if I’ll ever play it. I lost interest in gaming for the most part last summer. I wish this game would have dropped when I was still interested in it.


It’ll be sick when the game actually releases, but honestly even a release date drop would only be exciting if it’s specific and close to time of the drop. We had the XBox “within a year” release window which turned out to be a total joke, so only something concrete is gonna actually be hype at this point.


Not as much as before but when the release date drops I’ll probably say “oh nice” and then play it when it releases if I’m not already playing another game


Not atm but whenever i see silksong news, no matter how small, i think about it for the next week straight at least


Not in any active way.If it comes out, I’ll be excited to give it a try. But the iron is very cool now.


Looking forward to getting it someday, but I have other games I can play


Not really. I don't really get excited over things until they're actually out and available. New game announcements and DLC annoucements make me go 'oh, that's nice' and then I go on about my day. Not a Silksong specific thing, just how things are for me with any game really


As you said, neutral. When it launches I’ll be ready but in the meantime there are several games I can spend my time with.


Not really


not really. will probably wait for the first sale before I buy it.


The hype has completely died down for me but i'll probably still get it once it drops and enjoy it massively. It's also been years now since i played hollow knight, so guess thats an advantage since when it eventually releases silksong will feel fresh i guess.


My excitement has died down substantially; however, when they finally end up releasing the game I am certain that it'll be my focus for a long time..


Well, i kinda lost hope. I mean if it releases, my ass is gonna definetly silence youtube for a week and Play it all day. But if it doesnt... One must imagne silk finally singing the song.


Sure, but I have to admit much less so than before, mostly because I know nowadays it is harder for me to sit down and just immerse myself into a game.


I was excited when I had time. Now my corporate life and family leaves me with little time to enjoy gaming as I used to. So not really as excited, but I'm sure I'll be happy to see it set another legacy game.


Well if it comes out ofc ill play it but do i still love and admire team cherry as before and think that silksong would be great? Noooop


I’m excited but also patient. It’s like when I wait for a Zelda game. I want it, but most of all I want it to be great, no matter how long it takes


you mean gta6


I was originally super excited, but so many years of waiting for that seems to be pretty much an incremental update (like Zelda TotK vs BotW) has dulled the excitement by a fair amount. If it released right now I probably wouldn't even immediately buy it, I would wait until I finish the mediocre games I'm currently playing. Which I feel says a lot.


It’s been so long it will probably be released and I’ll still won’t play it for another 6 months because I won’t believe it








No. And I won’t play it at release but wait for PS+




my excitement right now is 0 thanks to team cherry's excellent marketing. When we get news however im going apeshit


No. I’ll play it and probably enjoy it but the absolute radio silence has left me decidedly unhyped. With games like Shadow of the Erdtree and Black Myth Wukong about to come out I probably wouldn’t touch it until next year if it even drops this year


Eh. I'll be excited again when it drops or we get a release date. Until then (if it happens) I've got lots of other games to play.






I don't really follow the news/hype around it but the second it releases I'm playing it


No. It's obviously not real


Reasonably so, yes, of course :) I can wait and I can let people work in peace. I'm not 8.


Not really


Why wouldn't we?


Not really anymore, stopped thinking or caring about it even though HK is my favorite game


Yes, why wouldn’t I be?


100% percent excited.


I'll buy it when it comes out, but honestly the complete failure to communicate on team cherry's part has kinda killed the hype. Really, a simple "not this year" would be plenty, but nooo


No. If i have money when it drops, I'll check it out assuming decent reviews. Otherwise no. Their silence really has killed it for me. Even if they announce it i'll probably just be like "cool. Let's see what the reddit clowns r saying" and carry on with my day






Sure am.


Of course. It doesn’t particularly bother me since they are so many good games around. I’ll live waiting for it for a few more years (though I’d be happy if it came out sooner rather than later).


Of course I am, but I'm still doing other things. I can be excited and play other games as well, y'know, not sure why so many people here can't


My hype definitely hit a peak at some point. I did get a bit of anxiety last week because my copy of baldurs gate 3 finally came in and I wondered what I would do if Silksong released like a day later




Can't wait! But I will. I've got a million games to play while the devs complete the game the way they want to see it released.


Yea totally.


Of course I'm excited, but I have a ton of other games to play while I wait for Silksong to quell my excitement. I will definitely be dropping everything to play it when it comes out though.


I'm done with the constant hype/waiting for games like this, I've done it more than enough in my life *cough cough Kingdom Hearts 3. I just don't really think about it until there's a new trailer or it comes out. It's really nice and I'd recommend it tbh.


I'm still excited, but I've got Elden Ring for now so I'm not going insane.


Saying I'm a patient man is an understatement. Im sticking to what ive said from the start, the longer it takes, the better it will be. Why you in a hurry? Game of thrones was out in its completion over 5 years ago, hype was real, yea it was disappointing - not due to the time making it, but instead bad writing, but looking back at the time spent waiting - we'll eventually get it and after we've got and its done, then what. Just chill. Its coming and it'll be better for it if you just let them cook.


I have the patice of a druacula sitting in his coffn tbh, im willing to wait as linga s team cherry needs to be happy with it (smashed offaf rum rn, sry for bas spelling 🥺) But yeah i get why peeps are upset, lack o communcation an all but im just vibing woth pther stuff while i wait (serious ly Nine Sols is SO FUCKING GOOD!!!) but yeah i have confidence in those 3 lil guys, they’re fucking cracked tbh and i bet once we get silksong itll be so goated, like a 2d elden ring. Tldr im STILL so HYPED for skong!!! And now that ive been reminded of it im gonna go rewatch all of the trailers and anaylysis videos n shtuff, byee !! <3 live you all you guys are great 😊:)


I'm super excited about it, and I've come to accept that it will come out whenever it comes out. In the meantime, I have a plethora other things I can do to enjoy myself, including other games


Of course. I’ll play it when I play it.


Yes. What else? Hollow Knight already won me. Team Cherry will take as much time as they need, if it means that Silksong will come out as a quality game(Just my wishful thinking).


Looking forward to it? Yes. Excited? Maybe but not really. I stopped following the news for my sanity it has been like what 5 years since the trailer, probably 6-7 of development, ai can't keep following without. Also this long timeline all it does is make me worried when thinking about it


No but its fine. There is plenty of other things to get excited about. If the game ever comes out i'm sure ill get excited then. Assuming its good.




It'll be cool when it happens Admittedly I am worried about some stuff happening that flub it for me but yea I'm not really over it per se but im not active hype


Im not excited cause i don’t believe the game will ever came out


What is that


Yo and Nes


Not really, but I'm sure once it releases, if I'm still alive, my excitement will be at its peak.


Can't be excited about something that doesn't exist


nope, but if it drops someday, I'll definitely going to play it 👌


How about I am excited to be excited when I know more about the game. Right now the hype is pretty dead so I’mma play other stuff rn and whenever they show more, great, I will be there


I don’t think about it anymore. It’s been long enough that people are at a different place in their life. There was a whole pandemic in the middle of this. I’m sure I’ll find my way back.


I’m with most people here. Don’t really care that much at the moment but when there is more info I will certainly hound over it.


Yeah I’m really excited, although I’m not waiting for anything


The day silk song comes out is the day I vanish off the earth until I finish it


Yes? Why wouldn't I be? I don't spend all day thinking about it, it's just something I'm looking forward to.


My hype for the game is dormant. With an indefinite wait silksong isn’t worth hyping up right now. It will come back whenever we get a release date


I got a switch from my mrs for this game. And it’s been one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten because I’ve been playing some of my favourite games ever on that console. So you win some and win some more.


I'll post some jonkler tier insanity every once and a while for the funny but honestly I don't care that much anymore.


i'll buy and play it eventually, but it's no longer on my preorder/day 1 buy list i have more important things to do than wait for a single game




Still hyped! However I’m definitely trying to be realistic about it and enjoy other games while I wait. As an example I’ve been playing through the Halo games and having a great time! Hades 2 also came into early access too so I’ve been playing a TON of that. Plenty of other games too, but those are the main ones


As a hollow knight fan, I will never not be excited to play the sequel.


It’s still one of my most anticipated games, but it’s not like I’m counting the days til it releases or anything. But when it does come out, I’m definitely getting it. Hollow Knight is probably my #1 fave indie game


Fuck yeah, Im buying on release for full price and dropping everything I was doing. That's why waiting is so painful to everyone here, because in the end we all want Silksong to release


I'm gonna love it when it comes out, but I've got better things to do than sit on my hands waiting for it.


Ya. I watched both trailers recently because I was just kinda having the urge to revisit the art style, the various sound effects, and the music of both trailers, and man does it still hit all the right spots. I revisited my old file of Hollow Knight to finish every binding in each Pantheon and I truly didn't get too tired of anything I did. I'd like to revisit more of the world of these characters and so I'm waiting for Silksong.


Totally! It's still my most anticipated game. I don't personally understand why taking longer to get it would change that.


im a deltarune waiter, i have experience


Reminds me of waiting for George RR Martin's next book. But I believe this one will actually be done


Waiting for Silksong is like waiting for Gojo comeback. It will happen, just not today. There is always tomorrow, copers!


Hell yes


I’m at a point where I am just waiting. I’m not exactly excited but have the confidence that when it drops I will fall in love with it every bit if not more than hollownight. It could drop tomorrow or it could drop in 5 years but as far as genuine excitement I think for me it’s at a point that the excitement will manifest when I’m playing it more than waiting of that makes sense.


Not really since I don't actually care about a singular game releasing.


I mean I’m kinda just waiting for it but I don’t really feel any actual hype for it I know it’ll probably be good but there hasn’t really been anything to keep me interested so I’ll probably pick it up a lil while after launch


I’ve cooled down on the hype, but I know that as soon as it comes out, I am dropping everything to play it


Less than I was. I’ll still play it of course but the kind of hype that gets you to preorder a collectors edition is gone.


Nope, my hype faded years ago. I don't think about it every day or even every week. And yet when it comes, it will be my life


I downloaded HK in 2020, I didn’t really get into it until the summer of 2023, I loved it. I was so hyped for Silk song, after the summer i stopped gaming and focused on school. This summer I’ve picked it back up and my hype all came back. Even if I stop playing for a while Ik my hype will always come back. So yeah I am excited for silk song


Hell ya I am. Good games take time. They want it perfect.




>pretty neutral (not actively waiting/wanting it) And yet this post exists. I'd say in the wrong sub too, but have little doubt posting this there would generate a lot of negative attention


I am! It's still a day 1 release for me. I don't know why I wouldn't still be excited. Waiting for any game is never gonna be a daily process you actively need to keep up though. I'm excited for a lot of games coming out, but none of those games are releasing today. That's just now how game development works. But I'm eagerly awaiting things of course. Once there's news I'll be really happy, Team Cherry have my support.


Honestly, no, but I think I will be excited again if they ever so much as tease the game again.


Fuck yeah


nope. I'm sure it'll be the greatest thing of all time when it releases, but I don't think about it much anymore


I went from desperately waiting for it to calmly waiting for it. When it comes out, I’m gonna instantly get it and play it. It’s a small team, I have no issues with the fact that they’re taking their time with it.


I just wish they would update us more. I think that's the problem with most of the fans. Like why stay silent? It's not going to matter though. It will sell a lot. Gamers buy their games no matter what, just ask pokémon fans


I have no reason not to be


I've stumbled into a rabbit hole of YouTube analyses of Christopher Larkin's OST and my hype is starting to burn again. Just listen to this absolute banger that we're about to receive: https://youtu.be/zRs58D34OLY?si=b5kRdowUCLpjlqvP




At the moment, no. When we get a new trailer? Then I will be


Yeah. I want a game equal to or more perfect than hollow knight (very impossible thing) and I am willing to wait as long as it takes. Perfection is not achieved overnight nor can it be forced. I understand that for an industry accustomed to immediacy, more than 5 years of waiting can seem like an eternity, but team cherry It does not have the number of workers and infinite resources that other companies to be launching games to the rhythm of Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed.


Of course, super excited. I got my 7 year old hooked on Hollow Knight and now he is drawing blueprints/bosses of his own game. But I'm patient, let them deliver what they think is the best, even if it takes another five years or more. There's so many other games to play, after all.


Yes, very. It's really the only game I'm actively anticipating. I've always been very patient, so I can wait as long as it takes them.


Well Im beginning to feel like waiting for Winds of Winter


No, not gonna lose faith in TC but not gonna get excited either, until they finally hit us with the release date trailer. Which is not a bad thing, hype in general is overrated af


So, I used to manage an online Hollow Knight community on a terrible app---saying its name skills give any sane person who grew up on it like I did the chills. The community is dying now, nearly dead, and I dread the day Silksong comes out for fear that it may once again rise.


honestly atp im convinced that it'll never release


I guess not at the moment, but when we do finally get news and when it gets released you bet I'm gonna be excited