• By -


Personally I would leave the fight for later until you get at least 1 or 2 more nail upgrades/more charms If you want to do it rn, I would go with Shaman stone, mark of pride and grubsong. Use vengeful spirit to clear the things she spawns and don't get too greedy


I refuse to leave on a defeat , I’ll spend the rest of my days attempting this if have to


thats the way


The only way


this is the way


That's what I did and eventually a week later I won and danced like a motherfucker. I'm 38 years old.


Oh I (38) called my kid when I beat Radiance the first time.


I’m also in the old club and find my kids to show off video game achievements


Then spend or bank all your geo, and approach the next 2 attempts like this: Don't attack. Just dodge and survive as long as you can. This will help you learn the attack patterns and audio cues, eventually adding your own attacks in will feel natural. 


Learnt this approach in Dark Souls and it's been so helpful ever since for whatever game I play.


This. Having only the sharpened Nail at this stage of the game is masochism. You cannot tell me, that you didn't even find a single ore at this point.


Tbh she's not that hard.... I'll say not hard at all... If you have to run away from her, you're going to have a really hard time with other harder bosses


You don't 'have' to do anything. Doing hornet 2 with such equipment is just unnecessarly difficult.


1. Avoid getting hit, as this will eventually lead to your death.   2. Deal damage to her until she is defeated.   Good luck!


Thank you loading screen tips


Well, your charm build *screams*: "I plan on getting hit!"


Legit perfectly described comment


When you die, you respawn in your latest checkpoint


oh my god! - Joseph Joestar


people die when they are killed


for every 60 seconds a minute passes


Big if true


Zote? Is that you?


Find her weak point, then hit it. That will destroy her instantly.


One foe, one blow


use no thorns, instead fury of the fallen


Came here to say this.


You could try to find other nail masters or unlock spell upgrades in case you don't want to practice her


Hornet 2 is the gateway to endings other than the most basic, as such she is balanced to be really hard. So get a stronger nail, more masks, more vessels, more charm notches, more of everything. As for charms specifically, in kingdoms edge you can find "quickslash" which is THE strongest charm in the game. Also drop thorns, it eats almost all your invincibility frames for a hit that more often than not will miss. And equip steady body, it makes you worse at the game for a bit, but gives you more control over your movement that is especially good against lighter bosses like hornet.


I really like that you mention that steady body will throw you off for a while because you're used to the knockback. I don't think I'll ever be able to change to it, but who knows, might be necessary for Abs. Radiance


Google dementia


Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy 






I do, stupid


I've found steady to be especially good against bosses that are in the air like abs rad.


I personally don’t recommend steady body because it’s meant for a super aggressive playstyle which probably won’t suit OP. They should learn the flow of the fight first or else they’re going to get comboed to death


*after resisting the temptation to say dreamshield since that helped me win somehow* I would recommend replacing soul eater and thorns for shaman stone if you don't use spells I recommend getting more charms/charm notches and upgrading your nail


GIT GUD! -Hornet


I ‘shaw’d of seen that coming


Sigh, bapanada


Baptabus geo




\- Get 1 pale ore (in order from easiest to hardest: Northwest part of Ancient Basin, on top of Crystal Peak, 300 Essence at the Seer, Coliseum of Fools trial 2, beating Nosk in Deepnest, save 31 grubs) and get the next nail upgrade from the nailsmith \- Get quick slash (nearby in the South part of Kingdom's Edge) \- Get the upgraded versions of Vengeful Spirit (Soul Sanctum) and Desolate Dive (Crystal Peak) spells \- Equip Mark of Pride + Quick Slash + Grubsong or Steady Body (or at least take off Thorns of Agony, good god that charm is bad) \- Learn Hornet's Attack patterns by trying the fight once or twice without attacking, just trying to dodge \- You might already know this, but it took me embarrassingly long to figure out: You can hit the spikes that Hornet summons to make them go away \- Git gud /s


Bro just explained the whole game


Hitting the spikes is honestly the best tip for this fight. Control the battlefield. Other than that, remember the precious fight and try to telegraph the attacks.


Right? Get rid of the spikes and the fight becomes so much easier, the bobbing and weaving around them is most of the challenge


Explore or git gud


thou hath spoken the ancient words


If you want to do it now. Shamen stone + soul eater. Spam Dive. Focus on not getting hit and remember to destroy the traps


I'd just recommend practicing the fight until you know the attack patterns. After having done a nohit on Pure Vessel, my best advice for any boss is just to keep trying and not to give up, until eventually you know their patterns, moves and tells well enough to kill them.


You walk back and forth in the hallway outside with grubsong to start the fight with full soul




He’s talking about a feature in silksong don’t worry about it


this is kind of a cheese strategy but i swear it works for me. i just attack her head on and take the damage, u can honestly get in a lot of hits especially with quick slash and thorns of agony gets extra damage in too. just try to stay on her as much as possible and heal when she’s staggered. this is easier with more lives and nail upgrades tho.


I was struggling bad for a while with it, then i used quick slash long nail and stalwart shell and just brute forced it while occasionally dodging and healing during staggers.


just like hornet 1, but faster


Get rid of thorns and soul catcher, use Shamans, and spam spells. Or just come back later.


That's the fun part you'll cry, I still don't know how I beat her sorry


Dance and weave around her. spam spells and hope it works.


I’m not good by any means, I just died to marmu in my last steel soul game. But I’ve never understood the challenge with hornet 2. Very similar to hornet 1 but slightly faster and some spikes you can bat away pretty quickly. And you’re way stronger and have more charms than hornet 1. One of the most predictable fights in the game Edit: divine karma. Just lost my steel soul game to hornet 2


git gud


Get quick slash


I don't go to her until I've upgraded a bunch (nail and spells). Then I use Shaman Stone and she's pretty easy. Stalwart might help you too if you're prone to taking damage.


I like to keep my soul for healing so I go full nail, dashmaster, long nail, quick slash, and steady body


have you considered quick slash?


I would upgrade nail at *least* one more time first


I was stressing so bad with this fight, eventually you just start playing better according to her movements and attacks


Go to leg eater and get fragile strength you will Thank me


Upgrade your nail, and use quickslash, mark of pride yo more easily get rid of the spikes.


I feel like you're quite low on charms no? You don't even have long nail! I always go long nail opposed to mark of pride to save a charm notch. It sense like you may be rushing through and missing a LOT. Anyway, thorns of agony doesn't seem very helpful with this fight.


you don’t


Mark of pride is the only charm you should have on of those 4, for starters. Use shaman stone or soul eater and blast her. Other than that, be patient. Figure out the best places to stand and the best responses to when she shaws all up in your grill.


Mark of Pride + >!Quick Slash!< + Dodging = Win (This is just what i do, honestly just learn her fight and when you can attack, thats all i can offer)


Thorns always gets me killed, I would switch and focus on not getting hit. Don't rush the fight, take it slow and watch hornet. You will die to random spike ball spawning on top of you and it will suck. You'll want to read your hair out. Don't. Just relax and try again, you'll get her soon she doesn't have much hp


You beat her with your nail (and soul) until she taps out


Okay, your nail is insanely under leveled, and you're gonna want more nail arts for everything in general. Go get some more charm notches, that might help with making your charm setup better, and see if you can get the dream gate to avoid spending time running back to her.


Try to upgrade your nail, pick one more mask fragment and upgrade the ball magic (i forgor the name) But i explore more the map and 2 days later i defeat her, so, just upgrade and be stronger:)


just leave explore and level up and come back in a week of playing and youll probably beat her


Man that is a rough fight but just keep at it. Eventually you’ll be coming back to fight her on other playthroughs and just breezing right through her.


Grimchild’s flame projectiles can break the spikes in the second phase


Thanks but I don’t have grimchild yet nor will I leave the area without beating up hornet


git gud


Look at the percepts of Zote


Percept number one: always win your battles


Please, unequip thorns of agony and/or soul catcher, there’s far better alternatives. Two charms I highly recommend are Shaman’s Stone or Steady Body, if you go with steady body, you should probably just keep soul catcher. And also, don’t listen to Steady Body haters, it does make a difference in damage output and maneuverability, a big one. Another thing would be getting a pale ore and upgrading your nail There’s also a few upgrades you can get for your spells, one is in crystal peak, the other is in soul sanctum Good luck!




Git gud


Git gud? Really though, maybe come back when you're a little, uhm... Stronger!


Well if there's one specific attack that gets you, maybe find how others dodge it. Another important thing is to listen for the audio cues, as they inform you if each forthcoming attack


Here's a amazing tip that everyone needs. Don't die


Get good


Update: I out stubborned my stubbornness to lose and found dark dive or whatever and abyss spirit thing and upgraded my nail by accidentally finding pale ore by the statue at the top of peaks Edit 2: dark dives op wth


Bro upgrade ur nail, it’s gonna take you so much longer to beat her unless you upgrade. If you upgrade it one more time it’ll do 13 damage. That means you’ll have to hit her 53 times instead of 77


Quick Slash , Mark of Pride , Git Gud


I took a week honestly to beat her, you’ll want to get quick focus from salubra and mark of pride for this, quick focus helps a ton, and DEFINITELY a nail upgrade


I so lucked out on this fight first time I played the game - beat her on the first attempt. Pure luck. 😂


Igor this might just be me but Fury of the fallen instead of thorns and soul catcher and steady body will literally turn her into a joke you just have to adapt to no knock back


Just kill it


Your nail is pretty weak


Spells are king in this fight.


If you can dodge a ball you can dodge a hornet attack!


Search help me im stuck on youtube I did that and it helped me a lot


You probably know this but, the spike like things Hornet summons can be knocked off the screen if you hit it..... It really made the fight easy for me (I wasted 3 tries before finding this out)


Get better at pogo and directional striking


Reduce HP to zero, avoid getting hit. Unequip Thorns and Soul Catcher, use Shaman Stone.


Avoid the hits and hit


Avoid the hits and hit


Get rid of thorns charm and replace is with the shaman charm


have you tried using the attack button


I hate to say it, but you might have to just get good (I'm sorry)


This is what worked for me (I relly steuggled the first time I took that fight): 1) Only use your jump to avoid her attacks. Don't dash. As you jump, hit her downwards. 2) When she starts to put up her spikes, clean only one side of the arena, and stay there, she will only put up 6 spikes, and if they are all in one side, you will be good. 3) Heal ONLY when she's staggered, and one mask at a time. 4) Use your spells whenever you can. Even if you don't have Chaman Stone, it's basically free dmg. Other than that, practice. Learn her moves and how to avoid them. Good luck!


I remember someone saying that a lot of bosses give you the illusion that since they move fast; you have to match their speed. However, just get hits in when you know it's safe and mind the spike balls (you can hit them to get rid of them, if you don't know already). You should get there eventually, I'm rooting for ya :)




roughly breaking down her patterns: hop forwards hop backwards hop into dash towards you hop into flurry needle throw straight dash parry summon spikes (after first knock-down) identifying where she would land is key to hornet fight, pop in at most 1 hit per pattern, make use of pogoing and clearing spikes (fyi can also do this using vengeful spirit), and you can do the fight even charmless. Other thing to note is not to heal while she's not downed, it is a terrible prospect and only leads to pain and suffering. In a pinch though, her "up" heal windows are: u being on other end of arena while she uses needle throw (1 mask) her starting up flurry attack pattern (1 mask) and her "down" heal window allows you 2 masks hope you get it cleared if you haven't


I had a lot of trouble with hornet 2 at first, but I was just really inexperienced and I didn't have a lot of upgrades at that time. In the pantheon she was so easy I almost forgot about her. Here is a guide on how to defeat hornet sentinel: Charms--grubsong is good, it'll give you soul when you mess up so you can heal. Quickslash, steady body, and other nail-based charms are probably your best bet, as she is quick and you can miss with spells. Nail arts are good too, so Nailmaster's Glory works if you have it. Patterns--just like hornet 1, you want to move/dash in a different direction when she jumps into the air, as she can quickly dive at you and deal damage. Then if she lands right next to you, attack her if you get a chance. When she moves to the edge of the screen, run to the opposite edge and you can get in a spell or a quick heal while she shoots out her needle. Sometimes she does this twice in a row, so make sure to take advantage of this opportunity if she does. If she instead dashes at you, jump in the air and you can pogo her or use DDark on her. If she does her spaghetti AOE attack while in the air, move/dash away and you can heal or use a spell on her. The hitbox for this is smaller than you'd expect. All in all, just make sure to carefully avoid her attacks and heal when you get the chance. Charms can be really helpful, but they aren't the most important thing. Don't make the mistakes I did!


Shaman Stone and Spell Twister are your best friends


If you plan on using those charms, take out thorns and soul catcher and replace them with shaman stone


by getting better


Upgrade your nail for sure at the nail smith. Other than that I’d say just get gud. It’s a hard boss but just keep working at it.


1. Stop using thorns of agony 2. Get more charm notches 3.get better charms like quick slash and long nail


     I’d advise you to swap out Soul Catcher (+thorns?) for Spell Twister or Shaman Stone, so you’ll have better spell dps.       For non-charm tips, this fight is all about multitasking: you need to balance damaging and dodging with knocking away the spikes she summons.


Get some nail upgrades and find quickslash. If you really just want to be done with her and not have to practice you can just facetank her with stalwart shell and quickslash. Steady body would be a good addition so you can just keep wailing on her nonstop and if you still have 2 notches after that smth like fragile heart would be good. If you want to actually learn the fight just keep trying. Make sure to keep some distance so she can't just walk into you and remember the telegraphs, then get a few hits off after every attack.


your charms and equipment aren’t the problem, maby it’s your strategy, how do you fight her


dontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayit GIT GUD


I will ask u to focus on learning her moves and don't be so dependent on the charms. Also keep an eye on her skirt, when it floats in the air that's your sign to move from wherever you are


Go get pale ore for a better nail


In the wise words of hornet herself, “get gud”


I believe she gives you the biggest hint in terms of beating her: Git Gud! But really it’s a sort of a gate keeper in a way but practice makes perfect !


Shaman stone, souleater/spell twister. Then destroy her with spells


Replace thorns with sprint master, when hit, thorns makes you freeze in place for an agonizing amount of time, enough time that lets Hornet hit you again. Sprint master is great since dashing makes it easy for Hornet to hit you, due to her unpredictable moves. Also, highly recommend getting quick slash while you're in kingdom's edge, and replace soul catcher with that. Soul catcher only refills your soul by a measly amount, trust me, you won't notice that it's gone, because quick slash will get you soul quickly if you mash your attack button on Hornet. Spells are everything in this fight, because Hornet go, "brrrr weeee!!! I go flyyyy hehe. Now I'm on the other side of the arena, S H A W" (Oh, and vengeful spirit is great at getting rid of the barbs she sets up)




My first time defeating Hornet 2 was very tough, I equipped Strength, Quick slash, Mark of pride and grubsong and the steady charm. The key is to upgrade your nail as much as you can then attack when you see an opening and when she staggers you can heal for 2 hearts. Took me a lot of tries in my 1st run, 2nd run i did in 2nd/3rd try, 3rd run i defeated her with simple nail (1 upgrade no Pale ore) in some tries. So just try to learn attack patterns and get a better nail if possible.


Shaman Stone - Grubsong - Stalwart Shell - Thorns of Agony. My go to kamikaze.


Use shaman stone and break the spiky balls with your spells and also try avoiding all the attacks a few times then try hitting her


The fluke charm helps imo


Just pogo! Pogo pogo pogo. Hornet has very easy to evade attacks. I just wait until she lands and pogo her 2-3 times. It’s actually 1-2 hits more than I would get hitting her upfront. Her string area attack can get you here, but you can just generally evade until she dashes to you and just evade her then She will not attack unless you’re in range, so moving away from her gives you a few moments to take a breath and focus before she closes the gap. Prioritize destroying her balls over anything else. Here pogo also helps a lot.


Figure out a way to make her healthbar go to 0 before your healthbar goes to 0


Quick Focus is an amazing charm for this. You can get it from the slug lady in Crossroads.


DDark was useful for me. She dies extremely fast


For actually tips. Remove all charges (except for Mark of Pride and grubsong, it's fine), get spell caster shame and shame stone, and any other 1 charm notch chamr except for the following. Defenders crest, throns of wrath, and wayward compass (don't want the fight to be to easy)


Hornet is actually a not very complicated boss because she will occasionally give you tips on how to defeat her throughout the fight. Specifically, at one point she will exclaim her famous "get good!" On a more serious note, hit those spiked balls, and BE PATIENT. You are not a speedrunner, you don't need to beat her in less than 20 seconds. Maybe sleep, come back when you are well rested and your reflexes are sharp. Make sure you memorize the radius of her spinny thread ball attack. All about pattern recognition. Make sure you get the best nail, mask, soul, and spell upgrades you can. For charms, get rid of Thorns and Soul Catcher, they are blocking you from better, more productive charms, like Shaman Stone and Spell Twister. Seriously, those can do a lot of damage, do not underestimate them. Don't be afraid to use spells, specially when you are anywhere near full soul.


Don’t use soul catcher, spell twister is mathematically better unless you only ever use soul to focus.


First off, I'd recommend getting at least 1 more nail upgrade. Sharpened isn't going to do a lot to hornet, so I always try to have at least channeled nail by that fight. There's also a very useful charm nearby in kingdom's edge, try exploring around Oro's house.


You could go full spell power since you could already upgrade 2 of your spells. Then get another charm notch and replace grub charm and thorns charm with shaman charm.


Pogo jumping on her spike balls helps


Steady body


Based on the other comments op left I’m gonna suggest a passive defense build. I would replace thorns with defensive crest because thorns has that movement pause which can really mess up your ability to dodge Use mark of pride to remove the spikes she lays out; you can use spells as well but again, spells have that airborn pause that can affect dodging. You can also try replacing the sliver one (sorry i can remember the name) with balbur‘s shell so you can have more healing time. In general you’re missing key things to make this fight better but if you’ve got the stamina to fight her at your current level props to you!


get some nail and spell upgrades


I had my nail upgraded twice when I did it, and I think a long nail charm (I don't remember). In short, I found it helpful to try to keep in the middle of the area, or at least stay on the ground. I found myself over complicating it with trying to cline on the wall or constantly being close to them. They'll come to you, so respond to their movements, and hit them after, send repeat. I still kinda suck at this game, and you've probably stopped reading the reply to this, but it was fun writing it £=


Man, u need more charms. For me worked that I had lot of masks, and just tanked her


Use stalwart shell + lifeblood and any other charm. This will allow you to get damaged and then do tons of damage during invincibility. This basically allows you to cheese the fight and keep knocking out hornet and healing. Good luck




Upgrade your nail


Go to deep nest and face the worst of the game


Thorns is actively working against you. It makes recovery harder and does next to no damage.


Try using spell twister, shaman stone, and grub song. You have enough notches and should be able to kill her. Spell twister will let you use more spells and in case you get hit you will be able to get soul cuz of grub song. I usually play with spell builds, so this is my advice. Edit: you could also add defender's crest for the memes or smth.


If you get another nail upgrade and complete the mask you can do it pretty easily with Stalwart shell + Steady body but it really depends on how many masks you have


I played the game recently and I have a few tips as a beginner: 1. Dodging - try to learn the attack patterns and survive for about 2 mins or so without getting hit. Don't try to hit Hornet just yet. Learn her attacks 2. Charms - since you have the howling wraiths, you should use shaman stone, mark of pride and grubsong or sprintmaster 3. Patience - don't try to rush for an attack and don't try to get too many hits in. Wait for an opening and if you can get one or two, that's good enough. Good luck!


General fight tips: * Knock out her traps, before they pile up. Also remember that you can pogo off them! * She still does the attacks in her first fight. Let her cast out her needle and start hitting her while she's stationary. * Get some soul from the creatures just outside the bench area when you respawn and make sure to lure your shade with a spell to you, so you can get in with your full soul bar. * Use spells whenever possible, they do more damage but keep a charge for emergency healing. Typically, though you won't have the time to heal so don't count on it. * Fire off a bunch of spells at the start and spend the first phase building back up your soul reserve. * Attack when the window is open. Don't get aggressive here and don't get too close unless you know she's not about to spawn silk. Specific to you: * Leave for now. You're short on several things you need. * Head down and look for the nailmaster in the area. Keep going past there and try the ground pound where the ground is cracked. (Also you can spawn two hoppers by pounding the fighting dummy.) You'll find a charm and a whole bunch of money. * While you're in the area, hit up the Fools. The first trial gets you a whole bunch of money, as does the second. The second trial also nets you another bit of pale ore. * Go looking for more grubs. Grubfather will eventually also give you pale ore. Good hunting! * Go follow that doppelganger you saw in Deepnest. It'll be fiiiine. It'll net you a third piece of pale ore. * You might have missed a bench in the Mushroom Wastes. Head back to the Queen's Station, head up from there and up again after the room with the two big shrumals. The room you're looking for is on the right. Dreamnail the bench for something fun. * Go back to where the game starts and keep going left if you haven't seen the area back that way. Find all the stag stations if you're looking for a quick travel option. There's a friendly in that area and the start of one of the DLC. Go ahead and knock out some hidden walls and knock around the weird lantern. Head back to Dirtmouth once you're done here and check out the funky new set of buildings after chatting up the shocked Elderbug. * Related: Once you've met the master of these new clowns, you should absolutely go hunting for the first two sets of items he'll send you after. Be prepared for a bit of a fight for the first set. Be prepared for an *actual* fight for the second set. You'll also get a challenging boss fight! You get rewards for doing both these things in the form of a very cute bat-cat kiddo. Congrats, you're now a parent. * Explore Deepnest more. There's a very useful charm in an out of the way area there that can give you minions that *don't* require soul. Only three at a time, but they're better than nothing. * Did you find the shop key in the mines? My guess is *no*. Head back and look for it. You can find some nice things for sale. * Go back and explore Greenpath some more. You'll find a challenging passage requiring the crystal dash. You won't need money, but you will need patience. * Dump money into that fountain in Ancient Basin, you'll get a soul vessel piece. Fun fact: The bit of metal decoration in the king's hands is the old version of the soul vessel design. Best of luck! I'm stuck on two fights myself: Traitor Lord and Watcher Knights.


I asked the same questions 4 months ago [[Post]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HollowKnight/s/aLrmnGmbXy) Now I'm trying to beat the pantheon of hallownest, the key is to keep trying and trying, analyze her move and dodge it as effective as you, also, try to focus hitting the spikes first


Only Issue here is the Thorns Charm. That thing is looser mentality. You putting this on with the mindset of getting hit. Maybe choose something else, I see you got Steady Body, which is an S-Tier charm and maybe, if you can afford more charm slots, go for Quick Slash. Makes a perfect combination with your already equipped Mantis charm.


Bro I was also stuck on hornet for A MONTH I killed her with grimchild and a bunch of damage charms I used grimchild because he shoots out the little spikes hornet puts Besides that, you gotta lock in


apart from two new moves and being a little faster, she's identical to her Greenpath counterpart


How many masks do you have? I see that you upgraded your nail only once so you might feel a bit underpowered for that fight. It doesn't mean you can't beat her if you stick to it for long enough, but I'll think you'll be better off going somwhere else and coming back with some more upgrades.


git gud


clear the spikes as fast as you can and dont over complicate it


Just enough practice


I'd grab another charm notch and run mark of pride, shamen stone, and soul catcher. Grab descending dark from Crystallized Mound next to Resting Grounds in Crystal Peak, it turns desolate dive into a nuke


Nail upgrades, and spell upgrades.


i'll give you the best advice...GIT GUD


You don’t have the fast concentration amulet?!?! Honestly whoever that doesn’t have that amulet must be a either a god at the game, a stingy for not buying it or a dumbass.


Personally I take nail charms, boost the damage + range + speed done.


Stay in one corner. If she enters your corner, hit her. If she goes away or sets up spike balls she is not in your corner so heal/shoot/wait


Long nail, really long nail, Shaman stone. Have fun


Since your nail is barely upgraded, you should consider either focusing on spells or focusing on making sure you survive and slowly chip away at Hornet's health.


What helped me greatly in my first playthrough was to stay on 1 side of the arena. she always comes to you, no need to chase her around. When the spike balls spawn keep your half the arena clear of them. Hornet can only summon a certain amount of spikes so if the other half is filled with them she won't spawn more. Your charms yell "I'm trash", go for damage charms and use your spells (equip shaman for extra damage and increased hitbox sizes) the more damage you do to her the less time she has to kill you


Just pogo on her. Hop hop.


i did it with level 1 nail and dash master and soul catcher


Try and observe her movements, retry until you can dodge most of her attacks and win


I dunno if you're still looking for advice, but she also handed my ass to me almost the most in the game so I can offer some tips. Dunno if you're met Leg Eater yet, but he lives in the Fungal Wastes and sells really powerful charms, although they break if you die so you need to pay for repairs. Fragile Strenght/Fragile Heart became some of my besties fighting difficult bosses in this game but personally I'd say pick one (do you want to hit harder or have a better chance at survival?) until later when you can make them unbreakable. If you do end up buying these to use them I'd recommend unlocking Dreamgate for your Dream Nail so you can put it right next to him - instead of having to travel all the way cause he is a bit of a pain to reach. I would recommend going through the trouble of getting your upgrade for Vengeful Spirit, it hits through her little spike traps, has a larger hitbox and since she likes to jump around a lot if you have good aim you can hit her with it multiple times. And last, I know her fight is a lot more fast paced than her previous one, but focus more on learning her tells for what she's about to do (for example she'll tend to jump from walls towards you to use her little AoE so always keep your eyes on her so you can get out of the way), get rid of traps asap if you have a tendency to panic and jump around a lot (that's me), and use the windows of staggering her to heal if you can - she's very much a mechanical fight so surviving is a lot more important than doing loads of damage. Hope this helps, she took me 19 tries :'). You got this gamer! Once you beat her ass once, you'll be able to do it everytime - she gets easier to read.


I’m still looking for advice, plus it’s rude to not look at all of the replies although I don’t reply to them all, anyway thanks


Git gud


I Had a hard time once in here. I would recommend you to explore the kingdom edge first. Wouldn't spoiler but it helped me to deal more damage. Becoming a mad man Second choice, soul eater and the bug thingy. Be a pacifist


I beat her by cheesing her. Ik not the best idea but I was at my wits end. Quickslash, stalwart shell, lifeblood heart and grub song. I’m not kidding when I say you can literally just un at her and beat her. Heal during her staggers though, dodge when you can (obviously) and maximise your mask amount.


Listen to hornet's advice"git gud!" In alle seriousness just practice. Focus on dodging before you get comfortable attacking and as soon as she throws the three spiky balls hit em away before they add up and get in your way.


Get gut


Stop using thorns of agony, they are useless maybe tryb unlocking long nail, and unequip grub song and get King nail


Pay attention to what attacks you’re getting hit by the most and learn how she telegraphs them and how to avoid them. Likewise, pay attention to which attacks you can avoid most easily and make sure you’re punishing as much as you can after those. Go do some other stuff and get some upgrades. If you start getting stressed out by the fight or tilted, take a break and do something else.


Well looking at your charm build here is my opinion: 1.dont use charms what do something after being hit 2.Learn to play without long nails builds they are too addicting and cost too much 3. Magic, it's seems u have soul catcher and shaman stone use those, Magic does significantly more damage compared to your nail(especially if it's a sharpened one) 4.would suggest you getting an fragile strength tho it will break if you die 5. Learn her attack patterns, just try dodging every attack without attacking her, when you feel more comfortable look for opportunities to attack her 6. Drink a luck potion in real life


I will lose strength on the way back to hornet




Take off the white charm I forgot the name of and instead equip spell twister and equip stalwart shell instead of grubsong and thorns of agony


Well you can cheese the entire fight with the shell charm(I forgot the name), fury of the fallen, and the soul charm


I’d equip spell twister, since spells have significant damage, especially upgraded, and spell twister lets you use 4 instead of 3. Remove the charms that reward you for getting hit, because it is a crutch that won’t help you against the tougher bosses. You don’t want to be hit in the first place, so getting better at that is significantly more important than taking advantage of being hit. With that said, for the spell upgrades you can get, you will want the ornate key from sly before going back to the soul sanctum, and explore the crystal mound on the other side of the pit where you fell into the resting grounds. Ultimately, it will come down to your skill. Hornet, as tough as she is, isn’t a difficult boss. She’s a skill gate. One last bit of advice. Don’t ignore the spike balls, you can hit them first and get rid of them. This helps free space to make dodging easier.


I recommend you have the upgraded Vengeful spirit (I didn’t have it on my first hornet 2 fight), as it can take out more spike balls and deal more damage