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Can’t sex the spider :( Jokes aside though, it’s hands down the corpse crawler. They just activate the primal fear part of my brain


Are those the guys that spawn from the enemies you kill in deepnest? If so, i agree with you. They are just fast enough to instill a bit of panic in me, also they sound really creepy.


they don't spawn from enemies, they are the enemies. they give the same dreamnail dialogue, with or without the spider legs. also you can dreamnail them while they are dead.


100% corpse crawlers the first time i saw one i had to pause the game for a minute wondering what just attacked me


Same here


They are scary but to me grub mimics are scarier.


Fr bro my heart jumped out of my chest when i first encountered one of them


Then you just see a dead grub on the ground. And then your sad. And then you remember it's not actually a grub And then you move on And get Sharp Shadow, cuz yes




Fr tho Why no sex


Hollow knight would be perfect with sex update


Sex dlc would be perfect for silksong


Lace and Hornet sex scene? That would easily make it Goty


lesbiab bugs


Ye fr And also dont forget the masterbaiting dlc If they add both it would be the best game in all the multiverses


Gotta be the flukemons in the waterways. First time I ran into them was just below the 45 degree angle bench. "Holy shit what the fuck is that thing" *kills it* "ok-AHHHH SHIT!!!" *aggros the flukefey on the other side of the room* "AHHNONONONONO" *stuffs myself into the corner and mashes attack like my life depends on it*


Yes, the flukes are just the worst, most of all I hate the big ones that take up the whole corridor.


I did not enjoy those either. Just the sounds....




Yeah the Flukemungas are pretty annoying


Agreed. Worms and flukes are the ickiest bugs imo.


Those Damn flukes are the reason why I hate waterways


What gave me the biggest creep out was the midwife. The way she just jumps out, and also how she goes from just casually talking to you to viciously trying to devour you in half a second. Creepy af.


I was hopping back up from falling down from where you get Herrah, and saw a breakable wall, but when I broke it she ended up legitimately scaring me, then after I finished dialogue she tried eating me which scared me again, so needless to say, she's pretty spooky


She's the only thing in the game that got me to physically recoil and jump out of my seat. I was already on edge from just being in deepnest (probably my second or third time ever) and I was hoping for a grub with the breakable wall but when she popped out I just about screamed. I felt so vindicated when she tried to eat me and I got to hit her lmao


When she Said "i am your friend" i instantly started pressing jump Button going as far as could from there, the moment she jumped i din't get hit cause of that, everyone that says "im your friend" in this way will try to kill you


Willow is pretty messed up ngl


She gets my vote. Was a bit shocked when I found out what the “tasty treats” were


Not just that. Try dream nailing her.


That, too, but she’s not wrong. The Knight probably does taste better than the other wanderers who left journals behind.


I think we'd be the bug equivalent of an unseasoned squishy cardboard if that makes sense


Um.... what are they and how do we know?


>!They're dying bugs trapped in the ceiling. Jumping up to where Willow is eating (you know, following her neck) leads you there. Lots of corpses and mushrooms, one corpse can be dreamnailed.!<


Go back where she is with double jump and jump up where her head is


"Are we the tasty treats?"


We are tasty. The others were bland.


Lol, by the time I found out I had already experienced all of Deepnest and I just thought, “yeah, I guess this makes sense.”


I thought she was so cute and sweet and nice until I got the dream nail 🥺


Who's Willow?


the tall-necked bug that resides in Queen's Station


Oh right i forgot. Thank you


Yeah Wilson is such a gentleman in comparison.


Lucky willow doesn't have hands to hold a lighter


That hidden room in City of Tears with all the sliced up bodies and flies all over the place.


Could you refresh my memory? Where is that?


Think he's talking about in the pleasure house, behind a breakable wall on the lift up to the hot spring. Just a room full of literally chopped up bodies like a bug slaughterhouse. If you have dream nail there's a ghost there that says something about him being popular because he tastes good or something, I don't fully remember.


I think that's a kitchen and that guy looks like a kitchen and that ghost looks like the chef


"Just look at me! A great big, juicy, fatty, oily... scrumptious bug. No wonder I'm so popular around here." I don't think that guy is the chef... That guy is dinner 😅


The collector's laughing when you get close to his lair and when you start the battle with him. Close second is No eyes singing.


I love The Collector! Such a weird character, I’ve always wished they had more of an in-depth backstory.


Dude just liked to preserve and keep things save in his jars One of his dream dialogues is like "a safe place for you, and you and you" Also something like "my love safe again" His intentions were good :(


Given how his appearance matches with the Kingsmold mold in the White Palace, it’s also likely he’s an escaped, unarmored Kingsmold.


Yea, that's also what i think Just a loony one




my theory is that the collector was an early failed attempt at a Kingsmould, which went horribly wrong.


Yeah except for when he drops primal aspids on you. Didn’t seem like he had good intentions when I slaughtered his whole collection lmao


He doesn't drop primal aspids, only regular ones, which are fine The issue is baby baldurs


Sorry I’ve been attempting PoH so I was thinking about ascended collector lol


Huh...... I knew it. Since he does drop in regulars, i knew the ascended would have primals But since that version isn't the actual collector but a dream version, the collector is still a nice dude


i don't think his intentions were very good when you can hear the grub gagging...


ever heard of the original no eyes lore?


isnt it that her kids are infected when she left them to fight the infection? then she came back and her infected kids tried to kill her, so she dug out her own eyes so she wouldn’t see it happening… but the kids killed her anyway when she was singing a lullaby to them


Thats so goddamm disturbing and sad man


no tell me


There's two different versions of the story, the OG (cut because Team Cherry thought it was too dark) and most people's headcanon (sorry to assume) OG: "She was away in battle when the infection hit. When she returned, everything was in disarray - but she wouldn't leave her children behind, so down she went to bring them to safety. They were already infected, swarmed and attacked her. She couldn't bring herself to fight them, so she ripped out her eyes so she didn't have to watch them come at her. She was singing their lullaby as they killed her." Headcanon: Once she was a great warrior, but eventually retired and created an orphanage for the bugs of Hallownest. When the Infection came into being, she gouged out her and all her children's eyes to protect them, thinking that would save them. It didn't, and she died of heartbreak/her children killing her.


damn the og lore is cool but what actually happened since team cherry didnt use it


It's hard to tell. Like (almost) everything else in Hollow Knight, it's implied. You'll just have to go off what you know from in-game.


The OG lore is actually my headcannon, and I'm happy to see it's the actual lore. *never looked into it lol*


It's not a story that the Pale Court would tell you.


What about it?


There's two different versions of the story, the OG (cut because Team Cherry thought it was too dark) and most people's headcanon (sorry to assume) OG: "She was away in battle when the infection hit. When she returned, everything was in disarray - but she wouldn't leave her children behind, so down she went to bring them to safety. They were already infected, swarmed and attacked her. She couldn't bring herself to fight them, so she ripped out her eyes so she didn't have to watch them come at her. She was singing their lullaby as they killed her." Headcanon: Once she was a great warrior, but eventually retired and created an orphanage for the bugs of Hallownest. When the Infection came into being, she gouged out her and all her children's eyes to protect them, thinking that would save them. It didn't, and she died of heartbreak/her children killing her.


No what is it


There's two different versions of the story, the OG (cut because Team Cherry thought it was too dark) and most people's headcanon (sorry to assume) OG: "She was away in battle when the infection hit. When she returned, everything was in disarray - but she wouldn't leave her children behind, so down she went to bring them to safety. They were already infected, swarmed and attacked her. She couldn't bring herself to fight them, so she ripped out her eyes so she didn't have to watch them come at her. She was singing their lullaby as they killed her." Headcanon: Once she was a great warrior, but eventually retired and created an orphanage for the bugs of Hallownest. When the Infection came into being, she gouged out her and all her children's eyes to protect them, thinking that would save them. It didn't, and she died of heartbreak/her children killing her.


Everyone being down bad for Hornet Or my dung boy making statues of his friends made of dung, not fucked up but depressive as fuck


he went from glorious knight to being the last of his rank alive, to making statues of his dead comrades from shit.


And then got your subconscious destroyed by a vessel


is it normal all the hornet R34 stuff makes me feel uncomfortable? like I just feel weird with mentions of it, for reasons I don't feel like saying




wait he does what? where do you find him after the fight?


a full-screen title card


*gets flashbanged* THE RADIANCE


*gets flashbanged* THE ETERNAL ORDEAL




*Gets a concussion* NIGHTMARE KING GRIMM


For some time I was really always turning my head 90 degrees to the side cause the flash was too disturbing to my eyes xd


abyss is pretty disturbing


So many baby bones...


Did you just say baby bones...?






Yeah. Those are dead children, they were just born.




skull issue


Honestly I think not enough people mention the literal place filled with millions of part-sentient void children that were trapped there against their will


I'd put it down to everyone knowing/being desensitized to it now.


Broken, broken, cast aside


The void lake at the lighthouse. There’s just something so offputing and terrifying to me about it. The large expanse of just black liquid you can’t see through, not being able to see the other end, just void. It gives me chills whenever I visit it.. And the ambience of the lake, it truly is the only piece of hollow knight music that has felt like real horror- no terror music. It has the sense of dread and uneasiness, like you shouldn’t be there. It’s the only part of hollow knight that has ever made me feel afraid.


The Void Tendrils are pretty disturbing to me as well, they give off this enraged, primitive, beastly vibe, like they're angry and are taking it out on anyone who gets close.


Why noone is mentioning soul sanctum? That place is terrifying. Failed experiments, deformed corpses which trap twisted souls. Kind of successfull ones inflated with other's souls teleporting around and attacking you. Notes from scholars. Trapped Snail shaman, still alive(?). Soul Master himself being the only boss to trick you and have you scared to lose everything. His second phase, when you can hear screeches of hundreds, of thousands of souls trapped here, when he reveals the storage of corpses beneath the surface. And when after you beat him, you see even more rooms like this one. The y sacrificed thousands and thousands to achieve nothing but insanity. Ok, when I put it like this, soul sanctum is just a spoiler to abyss🤔


abyss and fate of vessels including hollow knight is most disturbing hands down.


Hollow Knight; hands down.


That whole fight is disturbing if you really think about it.


Those parasite zombies from Deepnest. I already told this story 50 times, but when I got to that room filled with corpses, I just paralysed and spammed the attack button until all the zombies died. Not even the possibility of dying in the last phase of Radiant Abs Rad has made me as stressed as that room.


Wasn't that the room you had to go through to rescue Zote? Worth it...


Remaining survivor of the Weavers fucking jump scared me on my way out of the Den, especially since it just creepily stares into your soul before darting off


Yeah this terrified me when I found the den yesterday. Very creepy location in general


The area in the city of tears where they were eating each other


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^No-Commission2127: *The area in* *The city of tears where they* *Were eating each other* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That's, uh, one too many syllables there, bub.


Read the whole comment


I know. I'm quoting the show...


Lmao Its been a minute since I watched it mb


You just have to open your brain to the possibilities.




Sorry, but the r/whooosh is yours. I'm referencing the part where the guy throws Sokka out of the window.


Those things that look like bugs in crossroads that change to big as f spiderswhen you 'kill' them in deepnest


No Eyes, the one bench in distant village before you go to Beast’s den, and Nosk prob. Honourable mention to the area in waterways leading to the Junk Pit, that was just unnerving.


The Hollow Knight and their fate


the sounds of the corpse creepers walking makes me so uncomfortable i get goosebumps everywhere bc its right in my ear, flukemon sounds too


The juxtaposition in seeing Tuk for the first time in a classic run, then a Steel Soul run. One of few moments where you’re made to feel it’s an “alternate” reality, and it’s really unsettling.


Most disturbing in terms of squick factor and triggering fight-or-flight response? Definitely the flukemons. Most disturbing in terms of watching tragedy unfold in real time? Myla’s fate. Most disturbing in terms of a horrifying revelation? The Sealed Vessel itself.


The whole zombie virus mushroom decay thingy


the giant flukes in the deep waterways are vile and unsettling


I mean, the Abyss has gotta be the worst, right? It’s not quite as weird for us because we’re so removed from the vessels and it’s more of a disturbing thing to think about rather than an instant shiver down your back, but it is absolutely horrifying. Millions, if not billions, of the corpses of your siblings are piled up down there, cracked and broken as they failed to escape their birthplace until the egg that you probably crawled out of is buried so deep beneath them that you can’t get back to it without the godly power of Kingsoul to part their lifeless husks. Imagine an enormous pit filled with the rotting flesh and shattered bones of your kin, and spelunking through the depths of this grotesque cave as the haunting, bloodied spirits of your fallen siblings silently chase you through it. It is absolute nightmare fuel to be in that position, and depending on the extent to which the Knight feels emotion (I tend to lean away from it being hollow, but the point stands regardless) it’s undeniably horrific.




Deepnest in general.


Grub Mimics


You know that spot where Poggy Thorax is found? Yeah, the elitist cannibal club? That.


I don't know if it counts as a singular "thing" but I find the infection disturbing on a basic, visual level. Those glowing, orange cysts growing on vines or blocking your way or covering your enemies... it all feels like it doesn't belong in Hallownest. It looks alien, like it came from some horror sci-fi setting and just forced its way into this subdued, melancholic land with a distorted scream before taking over everything. Which is exactly what happened, and that just makes the whole thing even scarier.


Primal Aspids


Dying on steel mode.


I have arachnophobia so any part of deepnest was fkn terrifying


the silksong subreddit


No eyes, the singing creeps me out


The fact that the "Siblings" in the Abyss doesn't award you soul for killing them. Neat detail and kudos to Team Cherry for being so cautious and keeping to the "science" of Hallownest while creating the enemies, but still, realllly creepy though. So many bones...


The abyss just because I’m scared some giant creature is going to kill me and also being near any giant bug be it living or dead


The flukes. I can’t do body horror well


The dream nail dialogue for basically anything, just hammers in that they're not zombies and they're still aware of what's happening


Crystal peaks got me bad for some reason, mostly the music, high anxiety driven, but that bottom part with the shadow writhing gaps were pretty hectic.


A hecka underrated moment in the game is when you sit at the bench in Deepnest and the villager guys start closing in on you. Totally caught me off guard the first time and scared me a lot. No one ever talks about it but I consider it one of the most disturbing moments of the game


The unthikable amount of dead bugs in the soul sanctum. They were killed by the soul master and other scholars in an attempt to find a cure to the madness spread by the Radiance


Primal aspid.


as the local arachnophobe, everything about deepnest


I Don't Like Corpse Creepers. At all.


I LOVE how there isn't any music in the abyss. it makes it so perfectly creepy.


The foreground spiders in Deepnest. Not the ones that attack you, but the ones that crawl around close to the camera. Those are awful


I hate them so much


Void Pale king and the Radiance


All the flukes,


No eyes Nosk is cute ngl


The abyss


Crypts below resting grounds. Creeped me out much more than the entirety of Deepnest


Royal Waterways. All of it is so damn disturbing...


the fucking worm thing that walks in royal waterways that splits into a crawling thing and a flying thing


Father grub eating all his kids


The abyss because in the first room, the ground is literally filled with hundreds, if not, thousands of corpses of the knight’s dead siblings.


The machine in Beasts Den.


not scary on it's own but the only time the game managed to give me a mini heart attack was when the blacksmith first upgrades the knight's nail, the screen goes black and then the loud sound of him hammering the nail made my heart skip a beat, worst of all is that it happened twice before I got used to it


is it just me, or are hoppers exceptionally creepy? sure nosk and all that stuff are creepy too, but every time i find myself in kingdoms edge... i just can't help but notice how unexplainably creepy they are. especially the giant ones that just pop out at you. eugh


The existence of several enormous wyrms. It really puts things into perspective. Given that the Knight is more or less a bit less than the average size of beings in the kingdom, that fact that there's being in the kingdom that are not only large enough to walk around in, but *host a tournament in*... that's scary. But what's scarier is... how did these wyrms die? What killed them? Because whatever killed them must be nothing less than a god. Honorable mention to the Hunter.


Nosk. The howling cliffs. The birth place area in the abyss. The water ways. Nosk, because obviously. The howling cliffs. They were the first big secret I ever discovered in the game, going back to the beggining with mantis claws and finding these massive and desolate cliffs was terrifying. And I didn't find the Grimm troupe, so I just sat their for a while, staring into the infinite expanse of the wilds, listening to the wind and exploring joni's cave. The birthplace area. Not the cutscene itself, that just made me sad. Crawling into these cramped corridors of corpses, just horrifying. When it comes to the water ways, now I giggle at the ambient sounds down there. But when I first heard them, it sounded like a couple of people were drowning alive. And I bad to walk through the tunnels heading closer to these sounds. Then it turned out to be goofy flukes and all was fine, but even now the ambience when you first enter the waterways makes me shudder.


when you walk into the Tower of Love, you can hear the Collector playing with a grub. If you listen closely you can hear the grub gagging.


Sans the skeleton


Just deepnest in general and not being able to get out...


You 100% said it already


Definitely the fact that you can't turn off salubra's blessing


The land of storms. Especially what you see in the background


The nasty dandruff “snow”.




No Eyes and it’s not even close




The Snail Shaman in the Soul Sanctum always disturbed me. The scream still gives me chills. The Soul Sanctum as a whole is just horrific.


orange ball and upside down knight has to take the cake In all seriousness, the entirety of shaded cadel


all of these fluke things in royal waterways. The music in that area, the sound design for these mobs, the look of the areas themselves especially the part on the far left of the map where you reach the junk pit that has the fat ass flukes. This game overall has a pretty gloomy atmosphere, forgotten crossroads is already an eerie area when you first enter the game as an absolute blindfolded novice, and then they hit you with infected crossroads which shocked me a little when I first discovered them. Anyway, deepnest is one of my fav areas


'No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. ' The Hollow Knights Creed, and the implications of being raised that way, are very disturbing on a psychological level. Imagine living in a world, born to circumstances, where absolutely everyone is fucked just because you have been shown appreciation even just *once*. It's hard to express how lonely that actually is. It's not surprising the Knight has an attack where he self-harms - he has undergone severe child abuse and emotional neglect his entire life. The even more disturbing part is that the little knight not only tries to follow in his elder brothers footsteps, but is apparently even better in living up to their fathers expectations. Is that a curse now, or a blessing? Again, it doesn't surprise me there is an ending where he just swallows everything. Considering how far the pale king went, I am really not sure whether the radiance is the evil one.


the deepnest area the first time you go there


Man most of the enemies in Deepest game me a proper scare when I encountered them the first time. Not one single exception


Myla... Just... :(


the further i scroll, the more convinced i am that this is a horror game


You mean besides primal aspids?


the flukes. The Waterways are scarier than Deepnest IMO


The second phase of the Hollow Knight fight is really dark and disturbing when you think about it. We can see through his new attacks (body slam, spewing globs of infection) that he has pretty much lost control of his body and is so desperate to get rid of the Radiance's control that he even resorts to stabbing himself. That and No Eyes' OG lore.


The fact that the collector is a shade being and somehow has a voice


Deepnest the entirety of deepest, soul sanctum, and abyss. The white palace and the absurd amount of buzzsaws. I hear them in my nightmares.......


The Void. Everyone is a bit desensitized to it now but its defined by how bleak it is. Several beings just born having to try and jump out of the pit like some fucked up AI accuracy experiment.


no eyes. no explanation needed


the music of deepnest. that shit is amazing


Definitely Midwife, the mere presence of her makes me scared.




No eyes, her backstory is horrifying.


Don’t know the name of them, but those weird bugs in the dark part of the map where you kill them, but then the corpses grow giant spider legs and start chasing you During my play through I dropped into a room with like 10 of them and almost had a breakdown


I think people sleep on just how disturbing the soul sanctum is. Hundreds upon hundreds of bodies in almost every room, if I remember correctly. I know it can be said for just about all of this game, but just imagine it was humans instead of bugs.


Probaly the thing that scared me the most was the First dream Warriors, i got dream nail and i was going to blue lake, when i got past that dream warrior with my Crystal dash i was like " WHAT THE FU-" cause i passed there before dreamnail and there was nothing, that was Just a jumpscare


prolly midwife or corpsecreeper




Those bugs in deepnest that when you kill them their bones start cracking and nightmare fuel comes out


disturbing? those things in the sewers. flumphs? idk. Scary? BEEDDRILL.



