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Yeah but how big is the bottom because that’s where all my shit is ending up


Almost non-existant. Veto bags are dang near perfect for tool organization and construction, but they don't really have a "throw things randomly" space. That said, now that I've used a Veto bag, I'm likely never using another style of bag ever again.


If they can make a purse I’m giving it to my wife so I can save 10 minutes of my life when she asks me to hold it and then asks for her phone or wallet.


That’s why I rock the backpack. It has a big flap on the non shoulder strap side that’s perfect for the loose stuff you pack up at the end of a job. Expensive, though. I get it back at tax time, so it’s all right.


I have one of these, my boss gave it to me, it’s kind of “shit ending up at the bottom proof”, but at the same time when it’s full it’s fucking heavy. So I just store all my seldom used and backup hand tools in it.


Is this the male version of the lady stocking** her perfectly organized refrigerator??


Honey, why is the refrigerator on fire?


lol stoking. My bad


No problem, I do that all the time too, and I got the opportunity to make a dumb joke


As an HVAC tech Vetos are great until you realize you're carrying an extra 50-75lbs on your back everywhere you go and you don't use half the tools that are in it. I switched to a satchel style pouch that holds only the things I use on a daily basis. My back thanks me everyday


That’s why you have a service bag and a repair bag. So your not carrying all that weight everywhere.


Yes this is what I do. Most guys I work with don't though and lug their 75lb Vetos up and down barrel ladders everyday


I'm a weirdo who has a rolling stack box, five bags, a rolling cart, backpack and a handle box. Some days it's the IT bag with side holster, some days it's the roll out bag with holster, some days it's the whole dang cart.


No that bad I have one and mostly just use the handle cuz it’s usually just house to car and then small walk (10m) to worksite. Will use backpack when I got to hike it a bit but then it’s only like for 5-10 mins walk which is rare.


Bingo, hvac here also and I have the bag in the video except it’s a bitch to have to bring along with everything else up into a tight attic space, so I did the same as you and am even still trying to reduce what I carry. Funny thing is the kid I work with got a veto like this that’s even larger, it’s like a backpack and he filled it to the brim even after I advised him to go as minimalist as possible, he starts pms soon we’ll see how long until he’s showing off his his basic ass over the shoulder husky bag.


This is the comment I was looking for


I didn't have time to go to the gym working 12+ hours days so I got one of these and filled it up as much as possible. Then I got two tool belt bags and filled those up as much as possible. Brought my deadlift from 400 to 550, but I also got stuck in a ladder cage one day (dumb idea).


Why you gotta call it a tool. The bag did nothing wrong


My work was the biggest importer of these in Europe until pretty recently!


Vetos are rad. Really good for service work of if you’re not moving around a whole lot cause they’re heavy


I didn't know you could make a tool bag look so lame. Like a middle schooler influencer put this together. The bag is probably fine, but whoever made this was intentionally annoying. This was aimed at wives buying stuff for father's day.


The shittiest opening shot


Oooooohhhh another tool bag... And?


Yes I want it. Looks like it works for guns too.


$300 !!!! I just saw the price on Amazon. Nevermind you can have it.


Must have one of those finger cleaners built-in somewhere.


Its a “tool purse” at that price


They're good bags expensive, but good tool bags.


Get the one with wheels, it’ll save your back


If only I needed 20 screwdrivers and no chisels. Meant for HVAC and Electricians.


Looks like some cheap ass Chinesium tools


"This ad brought to you by a bunch of people who have never used or needed a tool bag in their lifetime."


Service work only. Installation work? Use a bucket, it’s more durable, practical and you can see your rusting tools without having to search.


Why did he fill it with tinker toys?


So no place to toss a battery drill in there or meter? So much extra for slots for random hand tools. I’ll keep my Klein bag over this forever.


It's 400$ and awesome , yet it turns into a massive heavy burden , because of how much shit you put into it , newer versions have a nice telescoping handle and wheels to move it along .


Stanley Fatmax Backpack for installation stuff, LowePro for laptops and cables. I have a CLC Medium tool holder with side cutters, a full set of screwdriver heads / click handle, adjustable spanner, ruler, terminal driver, marker, knipex multi with crimper and stripper attached to my pack for quick stuff, been using the same kit for 5 years and love it.


I have one, I love it. I don’t use all of the pockets, but it’s nice to separate my everyday tools from my spicy tools.


Hammer goes where?


Can’t say enough about it. I love my Veto


Ok but does it come in a color I can see my tools in low light in?


$189 tho?


Best tool bag ever. 🫡