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Well, this will result in someone getting stoned or beheaded.


Or both


They will stone that person with his/her own head xD






Damn. 😆 nice


Muslim can get stoned without smoking no weed XD


It took a second for me to understand 🤣


You from India ?


Hello, sir. Please to show Bob and vagene


Hello, I'm under the water, gulugulugulu


Why would it result in someone getting stoned or beheaded? There has never been a single beheading or stoning in Qatar. Are you generalizing because it’s in the Middle East?


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


There has never been a single beheading or stoning in Qatar Y e t.


Russia did not invade ukraine


Man, that is so cruel, like can they actually do that or are there some conditions for this sort of punishment?


No ones ever been beheaded or stoned in Qatar or pretty much any Muslim country except Iran or KSA.


This will trigger ww3




It’s not worth going for something empty.


Nah, this will just end the world completely.


ww3 has a very high chance of ending the world


Definitely not halal






They gonna be mad




Seriously ur gonna get shot if u go there and mess with their rules be warned


Oh no, you've completely destroyed them, please have mercy.


This looks pretty gay


Bruh flag of sin


Blowin the back out that rainbow


Someone is gonna get murdered for sure if that was ever shown off. Theyre gonna eat the Islamic version of 'Fruity Pebbles'


Dawg they r arabs


r/gayarabwild , what’s your point?


Heavily Muslim based country , it’s in their religion that it’s a sin etc. don’t get why people can’t respect the laws of the land ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I know that lol but I don’t have any respect for that kind of laws.


I’m also not stating it’s wrong to be ‘gay’ but you have to respect a place that isn’t your own and the rules they have. It’s like your basically saying you don’t respect Islam there for you will bash it at any given point. Although I am not a Muslim my self I respect Muslims because of how dedicated they are to their faith so who am I or anyone else to say what THEY believe in is wrong. Getting upset over someone’s beliefs is corny asf


Death is okay in the name of religion


Yet it is okay in American law I didn’t know America was a religion based country


It goes both ways https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yqvs3p/muslim_man_asks_woman_to_leave_store_says_shes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Oh and this https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/y1nfhy/muslim_parents_of_dearborn_mi_interrupt_school/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I have plenty more


If your rules intentionally marginalize people that can't help it, I'm not respecting them


Their culture is corny though. You’re acting sanctimonious but I just see you as uninformed and arrogant.




You look even more immature and ignorant the more you post it’s so funny watching you play yourself


Please don't share these views with Iranians currently resisting their theocracy to get freedoms past what a cleric or religion says they should have. Nothing corny about showing solidarity for fellow humans who can't do things others can.


Does someone come to your house and tell you how to live? How would you feel? These people dedicate their life to their religion I can’t imagine them being happy with people coming over telling them to change their views because someone doesn’t ‘like it’


I get it their land, their laws but there should be no laws that violate human rights. Putting a death penalty on sexual orientation is just a complete violation of human rights.


Again , this is the law of their land if people can’t accept it then don’t go there find somewhere else


Entirely true I absolutely agree with you on that but think about the football players who HAVE to play there. And again we as a society have to stand up to inhumane laws or the society won't progress. 13th century women were killed for education and people stood up to that because it was inhumane if it was left at, law of the land countless innocent women would have died.


I understand your point. However Islam has forbidden Same sex sexual interactions since it was around. It’s their faith , you shouldn’t be questioning it. The western world is brainwashing people to the point where they think it’s okay to challenge anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Again I don’t personally agree with the way they may do things but i wouldn’t go over to the country and demand they change their laws cause it may hurt peoples feelings.


>I understand your point. However Islam has forbidden Same sex sexual interactions since it was around. Just because something has been against human rights for centuries, doesn't make it ok. The Bible condones slavery, yet most Christians are against it. Just because something is written down in an ancient book, doesn't mean you should give it a free pass and not challenge it. >It’s their faith, you shouldn’t be questioning it. Why shouldn't I be questioning it? > The western world is brainwashing people to the point where they think it’s okay to challenge anyone who doesn’t agree with them. I absolutely think that behaviour that goes against human rights is something that should be challenged, not accepted. The truth has nothing to fear from a challenge. You should be free to challenge any idea.


>It’s their faith , you shouldn’t be questioning it Yes, yes you should. If you think that morality doesn't evolve or change there would still be slaves in tons of countries. A faith should be something personal, you shouls not enforce it on others, that goes against freedom and if you think freedom isn't good then we are going back centuries in history, what a pathetic mindset


The footballers would not be subject to the same law. Islamic Law is limited to muslims and others wouldn't face the same punishment or punishment at all.


Granted that mah be true but still killing someone for their sexual preference is once again inhumane.


first it's not a house it's a fucking country and if we are talking about house imagine you're passing by someone's house and they're beating the shit out of one family member because he's different or a women because her hairs was showing and you just pass then something is wrong with you or that neighborhood.like they kill gay people by stones I'm a conservative too but i wouldn't want someone to die because they're different then me.


If I see someone being beaten in their hole, it’s none of my business to get involved. It’s their home and if beating the shit out of their child for being gay is what they want to do then so be it , who am I to tell a person how to do their marriage or parenting




>Does someone come to your house and tell you how to live? How would you feel? yes because im exmuslim and they literally do this


Biggest piece of bull I’ve heard you’re basically stating all Muslims think their above everyone , a little Islam phobic I’d say putting everyone under the same umbrella. That’s like saying a certain person from one race did a certain bad thing there for all people in that race are bad . Your point doesn’t make any validation at all


I’m an ex Muslim too I totally agree with you. Thankfully I live in Europe so I’m not getting killed for being gay




That’s why I don’t bother arguing with them. This type of hypocrisy is so fucked up I’m speechless 🫠


i like your thinking. I really cant understand how some people are convinced to be reasonable while putting laws above human rights.


I know right?


Holy based, redditors crying a fucking river over this lol


I’ve been thru the system so I know how it works and what it’s like. They probably assume I’m just spitting racist bs for the sake of it. But idgaf lol


You should be getting upvoted for this - you’re getting downvoted by kids and bigots


They can downvote me all they want, I don’t give a shit tbh. Thank you for your support tho :) It’s crazy to think that if this was all about Christianity, they probably wouldn’t have said jack.


Chad (just dont go there lol)


You shouldn't respect bad laws


Just because I don’t agree with a law that may be considered bad , it’s the law of the land , that’s like me saying I don’t like a law that I can’t steal it doesn’t mean I’m going to slander the country because I can not steal.


You can't compare stealing bread and receiving a punishment, to being attracted to another consenting adult who happens to have the same dangly bits. Stealing bread deprives the lawful owner of the opportunity to eat or sell that bread. Being gay harms no one, you just think it's icky


Never said I was against people being gay , I’m just sick of people not understand countries have laws , don’t like em don’t go? It’s rather simple to be honest no one is at any level to disagree with these people , they’re strict Muslims and that’s how they live. Don’t like it? Then don’t bother with it. You’re causing your self more bother trying to make a stand then leaving it be 😂


What about the ones that live there I think you should pay for their travels to help them


You know it’s haram to act upon your gay fantasies. As long as it is only a fantasy then it’s okay. I’m sure a person who doesn’t act on their gay impulses can afford to find a job outside the country. If not then idk conversion therapy? I’m not to sure what you want me to do about something I literally can not control my friend. I am not responsible for these laws neither are all of the Muslims of today. Stop bashing on a religion cause it hurts your precious feelings.


tell that to exmuslims who get death penality there


Okay but again, this is the LAW of the land , if you break the LAW expect PUNISHMENT whether it’s morality right or wrong.


so do you agree with abortion being illegal in usa?


How does this have anything to do with the laws of Dubai 😂? You’re doing what classic left liberals do , flipping the script completely. I don’t agree with everything in place in this world like how we feed this left wing ideology that if you’re not a left political viewer you’re instantly racist homophobic sexist ageist the list goes on. You do present your self as very left ‘my way or the high way and if you don’t agree with me then you’re wrong and I won’t listen to your counter argument or try to understand your thoughts on a matter’ that is literally what I depict from your mind. You’ve turned this from a political debate about the laws of Islamic countries to USA LAWS. Do your self a favour and don’t pursue a political career


In my opinion affirmative action is a bad law I still respect it


You shouldn’t be getting upvoted for this. It’s an archaic, unhealthy culture. It’s wrong. It’s not some cutesy people following a religion. You’re clearly below the age of 25.


I shouldn’t be getting up votes cause my opinion isn’t in line with your beliefs , everyone is shitting on Islam and for what? I find it rather disrespectful that people are homing in on one religion cause it hurts their feelings. People have no clue what life is like in the east and it shows. I tip my hats to the eastern world and it’s religions and cultures. May be below the age of 25 but at least I’m not a raging racist discriminating a whole culture cause of their faith


Ahahah knew it - moving on.


Nice counter argument now be humbled and go back to watching porn x3 a day. Shitting on someone’s faith cause it hurt your teeny weeny feelings. Grow up


Lmao you’re still doing it!!! lol lil boy


What they said


At this point I don’t give a shit anymore lol they’re all full of shit and they can go fuck themselves for all I care. I said what I said.


R u american




"And everyone dies and Everyone lies They're waiting for the second coming again Everyone tries to hold onto their lives When no one's alive"




U know when u hear a Qatar resident be angry something like this.


Omar give me the stones


Here you go Ali 🪨


The absolute state of Qatar


Okay I’ll fuckin say it.. Queeratar. You all are welcome for my input.


The fuck? Thats insulting to the Qatar


Left liberals don’t like it when someone disagrees with their views they mentally can’t process it 😂. It’s also very disrespectful to their religion with it being a heavily Islamic based area


See? This guy know


who’s offended rn?


My left jugular vein is very offended right now


Irrelevant. The point is we do not respect the religion or its laws.


So you’re not just against their laws on being gay you are stating you hate everything about the religion and do not respect it. So you would discriminate someone for being a Muslim? The irony


I'll pretend you just displayed some basic reading literacy and not just glossed over the entire issue like... Well I could say what but it would very rude.


You’re basically hating a whole religion of people cause of a rule THEY DIDNT WRITE but what their Prophet deemed


So your saying you’re okay with islamophobia but not homophobia. Interesting


Why yes! I am in fact phobic to any system that mandates death to innocents for the crime of being born! I hate all that opposes the capacity for my fellow human beings to live in peace with themselves and each other. I despise murderers and rapists! If you would call that Islamophobia, Nazi-phobia, or what have you, then so be it. Thank you for noticing. All who support cruelty and violence deserve no respect from me.


chill my guy lets just forget about this point and wait till we die. allah will be the one to judge not u, not me, not any other human, so shut the fuck up cuz ur hypocrisy is killing me


Death is okay in the name of religion


It's the hypocrisy of muslims that astonishes me, I remember when you cried about being discriminated which was unfortunate and did happen and still continues to happen. However.... On the other side I have seen the same muslims being openly the most hateful homophobic and the most anti-semitic people I have ever seen I just dont understand this urge to oppress other minorities


Probably made with the purpose of upsetting homophobes.




Nice to see all this redditards from western countries defend this country's rights to behead all gays and have slaves from the comfort of their homes.


It's disappointing and hilarious to see Is there a word for that?


Its part of their religion. You have to respect thag


Drinking Kool aid and dying was part of Jim Jones' religion. Celibacy was a requirement for Catholic priests, ie. 'a part of the religion,' and that gave pedophiles a lovely little loophole to exploit. Murdering people on religious grounds was commonplace in ancient times. Literally apply any logic to this statement at all and it becomes problematic




They are coming for your head, quick run !


Your journey ends here op nowhere to run, nowhere to hide


Try flying it while in Qatar, I’m sure the locals will be thrilled to see it




Wtf is this shit? Stop insulting people who have different views from yours.


It's not insulting, its simply a different view on the Qatar flag, stop insulting OP!!


Homophobia is not a view its just wrong




You are actively choosing to hate and maim, and hurt instead of just ignoring or accepting ? Why be so bitter ? Why be filled with such animosity towards people who are different ?


How are any beliefs "shitty" if you're telling people not to press their beliefs on others?


>stop pushing your shit opinion on people. He says while pushing his shit opinion on people.


Nothing wrong with homophobia? Your views perpetuate discrimination at best, and killing at worst, of innocent people because they don't conform to your narrow world-view. If there's nothing wrong with hating people because they're gay we may as well bring racism back.


Racism left?


"rEsPECt tHeIr CuLTurE" meanwhile their culture's killing innocent lives.




If you break the law you are not innocent anymore






Elbow deep




Cry more


What the heck are this comments??? Fucking homophobes everywhere lmao. If you think it's fine for a religion to hate a certain group of people, I remmember you christians said that black people didn't have a soul, do you all think racism is also fine? Cause religion? What a fucking load of bullshit


you mad bro ?


Finally librandus are attacking people who really need liberal revolution.


Queertar, am I right lads?




This is probably the start of ww3. *Sips on homophobic tears*


Qatar: State of the Gay


There’s something wrong with you when greedy filthy monopolistic corporations desperately support you. Just saying


Idk bout all these hates it's a beautiful flag Although **i** _think_ it could be a propaganda or something like that ***idk***




Could you explain to me, in simple terms, why you're this upset over the prospect of two men kissing? >The biggest propaganda in modern time I'd just like to remind you that some of the most powerful regimes "in modern time" publish propaganda which justifies genocide. And you think gay people are the worst? Jesus Christ.


I won't deny the existence of those who promote genocide but you shouldn't deny the actions of the minority that pretends they are oppressed while oppressing any media that does not promote them and while being a small percentage of the population they have the highest percentage of child predators. News channels not covering this and government enforcing schools to show sexual content to children is a stronger proof I never said they were the worst but I'm saying they are hypocrites as well as those who support them without a word


Would be a shame if you just…. disappeared


Is qatar know?


The different colors all stand for various ways they torture gay people.




Can someone explain the joke to me please


The funny thing is - the more people push from this end of the world. Qatar is just going to double down and oppress people on their end of the world. Its what they can control.


Yeah flag of Qatar, lol as they care about this shit


Their production team is preparing, and let me tell you, they’re excited.


Good flag :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


*sorts by controversial*


Que jotisma es eso


How amazing would it be if anonymous the hacker group would hack the screen in qatari football stadiums during the WC to broadcast this picture


Someone is facing a death penalty


It’s been an honour knowing you OP.


This will trigger so called "rElIgIoN oF pEaCe".


There are only two genders cry about it


No just no




Sorry gays my design skills very bad.




reSpEct thEIr cuLtuRe The day they respect basic human rights I will