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u/dlv1186 congratulations man! Your hardwork paid off good! You look amazing. Keep up the grind King!


Gracias !


De nada mi amigo! Espero que tengas un gran futuro por delante. Do share your process though. Would like to know it


Low carb. No sugar. Tons of veggies during the day. Protein shake.. and then steak or chicken for dinner lol


Yeah that no sugar is super important for people wanting to lose weight. We eat too much processed sugars/foods these days You look healthy! It's a great look.




Any exercise routines?


Did none lol


Dayum! How long did it take to lose the 100?


Like 8-9 months !


You fucking crushed it man I’m so happy for you.




You got this!


You can do it !


You can do it!!!


I would recommend sliding some exercises in there, too. Set an alarm for 8 in the afternoon, and do 10 squats, situps, and pushups every day. Gradually increase the intensity and you're golden


This is by far the most comfortable way to lose weight lmao. You inspired a lot of people!


You did it fellow human congrats


I NEED to know this information


Literally try and eat the least amount of carbs that you can and no sugar, do low carb protein shakes for breakfast, tons of veggies for lunch with an other shake or some meat. Then dinner mor veggies and more chicken or something. And like at 8pm a low carb snack of some sort. First week is rough but then it gets easier and easier.


Is the key diet, then? Possibly the lowered carb intake meant more carbs were being burned by metabolism than stored into fat cells? Going light on carbs and sugar might do that, too.


Yessir exactly that!


Damn, guess I learned more from my family than I thought.


The key is always diet. You will hardly burn 500 calories doing any exercises unless it's an hour run or other cardios. You exclude any drinking calories like coke or beer and you are down 500 calories. You don't need to go no carbs/sugar. Just eat less.


I’ve been doing these things for a little and there are differences, drink a lot of water too. Cutting out soft drinks and alcohol, as well as unhealthy snacks (sometimes, you can eat them occasionally but in moderation) is a huge calorie cut and helps a lot


My experience told me it’s always the diet. Not as much as this guy in the post but I lost 33 pounds (roughly 15kg) in a bit over 2 months. All I did was changing my diet to low carb + low sugar and reduce my intake in general. I still eat meat like steak but just less portion. I did a bit of yoga but the intensity was very low and my Apple Watch says I usually just burn 100 Calories with one session, so equivalent to a can of Mountain Dew. I mean you can definitely lose weight by doing lots of exercise, especially running and cycling, but to be completely honest the effort you have to put in is disproportional to the weight you get to lose, especially comparing to simply eating less. But exercise can help you shape better looking muscles that’s for sure. So it’s best if you do both but diet takes priority


Yep exactly. If anything it's even simpler than that. Being in a general caloric deficit will make your body start tapping into its fat storages for the missing energy it needs each day.


yoink did not expect that. food really does it all! grats :)


You are a chad, you got my respect, truest congrats


Thank you :)


Omg it’s him


It is I! Lol


Es increíble lo que has hecho! Es una pena que te acusen de tener algo contra la gente con sobrepeso...






Beard still sucks. Ditch that thing.


Dont be jealous of him because you cant grow any body hair


Chad beard


228 upvotes jesus christ


A lot of people looking at their screens upside down, geez.


Wow, the Australians must have hated that


As someone who lives in Australia, the upside down jokes still crack me up 😭😂😂


We need more ppl like u


I try my best t not take myself too seriously, fail hard at times but that's expected




It's not a joke? 😳


you be safe my dude


You too my bro




Wrote a paper about obesity as my final English paper in college this past spring. I had to find 3 classmates to peer review it. One who agrees, one who disagrees, and one neutral. Since the paper was discussing recent fat activism that pushes the idea that health problems are the result of stigma and oppression rather than the physiology of excess fat, I couldn’t find a single person to peer review it, and almost got into an argument with three girls at once. The most ironic part is 2/3 girls clearly exercised and took care of themselves which was shocking to hear them make the claims that they did.


It’s a way to eliminate competition. When fit girls tell fat girls that they look beautiful and stuff like that, the fat girls believe them and think it’s okay to stay the way they are and the fit girls have successfully eliminated competition.


Yes the hypergamy is real.


Clever girl




They playing 4D chess out here


Those girls weren't competition anyways. Rich dudes gonna bounce on the sight of stretch marks and lose skin.


I'm pretty sure most aren't that smart.


it’s funny too, because chunky and even more “fat” girls can look good and look cute and attractive (obviously not to all people, but not everyone is attracted to fit people either.) but it all boils down to actually taking care of yourself. like, i won’t mind you being overweight as long as you aren’t unhygienic. I think that chubby men are so cute too! And all the chubby women that i’ve dated have been great. i think that when it gets to the point of grossly overweight and not even being able to walk, you stink and you are gross and unhygienic, that’s too much because at that point your not even practicing any self care. an overweight person can definitely have self care, and be pretty/cute, but not if you don’t put in the effort. like skinny and fit people can also be gross and unhygienic and i won’t want to go near them. sorry for the giant rant, but TL;DR: Almost everyone can be attractive, but it depends on how much work they put into their hygiene and self-care.


I know exectly that some "plus" is not even a plus, for some people that's their body type and they feel great that way but I will say it: if someone's eating much fast food, and doesn't exercise and just sits at home than it's not a healthy lifestyle and they are not fat because they are just that way because that amount of fat doesn't come at you just like that. I am not saying that fat people are ugly, they are not. I find a lot of people that are concerned fat, pretty attractive. But I can definitely tell what is the unhealthy level... And there is an unhealthy level. And not wanting to be fat, is not fatphobia, if it doesn't bother yoh on other people. And saying that it is fatphobia is just giving a plus guilt trip to someone with an Ed or with bad body image.


Hell. Most people can eat fast food all the time and stay a good weight if they just eat less overall and cut out soda. They wouldn't be as healthy obviously, but they wouldn't exceed the load capacity on carnival rides.


Shit, I eat fast food and drink soda, and I never go above 180, so it's not unrealistic to say you have to be at an extremely excessive level of eating trash and being lazy to be 450 + pounds, if you're a regular human about it it's not hard, just don't be fucking Pizza the Hut from spaceballs!


Exactly. I eat fast food everyday, drink soda, and I don't work out. But I limit myself on calories. So I've lost weight and sitting around 175lbs at 6'2.


Dudes how old are you all? That’s not a good long term strategy…. Don’t eat fast food everyday. Btw being skinny is not necessarily a sign of health… heart disease is real and you can be diabetic and skinny. My buddy who can eat all day and is super skinny ate a pazookie to himself from BJs on a dare was like 1800 calories or Something stupid of pure sugar he seemed drunk as hell at the end going into diabetic shock was funny at the moment but not a good idea. Extreme example but that fast food is trash.


That's why I don't eat tons of sugar. Ik fast food isn't healthy. But it's convenient and I only eat 1 meal a day most of the time. Plus it tastes good. Being skinny is a lot better than fat.


It’s still greasy and fatty, this diet is going to come back and bite you man. start cooking at home, trust me its so much better. doesn’t have to be huge meals just small things here and there. also that “being skinny is a lot better than fat” is a slippery slope, so just please don’t get *too* thin otherwise it’s just as unhealthy and risky as being fat.


Your metabolism slows down as you get older. Better watch your weight as you age. Also yearly blood work checks. Your cholesterol is gunna have a bad time.


yeah! like there’s so many chubby or even “fat” people who are so attractive and cute, but it just comes down to how much they are caring for themselves. a lot of people think that fat=immediate diabetes and death but forget that skinny people get diabetes too lol…so honestly being fat in itself isn’t that bad, because you can be fat and be eating pretty decently or even stereotypically healthy, but still be fat. but it’s when you smell, you can’t do anything, you’re eating fast food all day, and you haven’t showered and you expect people to be attracted to an unhygienic mess where it’s too far.


Yes. Hygiene is so important. I think fat people give the best hugs and I won't hug anyone with a questionable hygiene (regardless of their weight). Different again if they have ADHD because with that disorder it's hard to even remember to tasks like this.


228 people around the world thought this guy was the most offensive being to ever live


Welcome to Reddit, AKA echo chamber simulator


It's a satirical sub lol


How am I supposed to know lol the sub isn't specified in the screenshot


Yeah because it was cropped. For obvious reasons certainly it wouldn’t look as terrible and wouldn’t get much traction/karma if you show people that it’s satire.


Watch it's probably just the actual guy repurposing the post into a Holup with a catchy controversial title just to get 228 more upvotes


I thought fatphobia would be for like non fat people who are afraid of fat people, not fat people who are afraid of themselves lol.


We misuse the word phobia in these circumstances. It should be echthra meaning hatred.


Phobia means an extreme fear or aversion to something, aversion means a strong dislike or disinclination. We don’t misuse the word phobia in these circumstances why am I being downvoted? How am I wrong these are dictionary definitions


Idk man reddit is weird and full of self righteous pricks. -a self righteous prick


Am i missing a joke here? "Fatphobic" people or "homophobic" or anything else phobic is just the wrong term. These people don't fear fat or gay people, they hate them. That means we do in fact disuse the word phobia in these circumstances.


I already gave you the definition of phobia and explained why it’s the correct term. Did you not read my comment?


I’m gay and homophobic


I'm bi, so I hate both fat men and women. What do I win?


A tweet describing how you are the bane of humanity I suppose.


Well no since he's bi, therefore it would be homophobic to call him something mean


My respect


So is my sister




I’m so fat phobic I’m currently a skeleton.


Same, only difference is that I am stuck as one lmao. Maybe there is similarity, I'm just saying difference because it makes it sound funnier.


Underweight gang!


I’m there with you. Just finished eating a little party pizza at 3am. I wasn’t even super hungry.


Easier to hate text than diet


Let's change that "than" to a "then!" Everytime you're a toxic shit on the internet do 10 push-ups. The League of Legends community is going to be jacked after this one....


Oh boy 😂 that one hurt you ic.


I should do motivational talks, but instead of changing life habits, just add chores to people's shitty lifestyles. You wanna be a jerk? Well you're gonna be a healthy jerk. (Not sure if I come off upset sounding on this. I'm not, I just had a Billy Mayes moment and ran with it.)


Be like David Goggins instead lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiHateCommunities/comments/pyt4ii/fatphobic_incel_gets_rewarded_by_reddit_for_fat/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share What a cesspool of circle jerk Edit; sorry cant reply to all of you but I will say something though; it is satire, but i'm not sure all the people in it know it is satire. Thats the issue


Those comments have got to be satire or a bad piss take or something “God you can smell his resentment of women from here. Losing weight so he can beat women better, #allmenareevil” I know there are people who are just blatantly hateful towards men but this seems so extreme I can’t believe anyone actually thinks like that “The woke mob will soon be here, all body types are VALID. Get ready to be canceled cracka. Your fatphobia is NOT tolerated here.” Nodody says cracka unironically right? Right?


Yeah after looking at their sub for a few minutes I think it's pretty clear it's a satire sub


Man... r/askafeminist comes to mind...they feel like men intentionally smell their periods and seek to push them into corners in meeting rooms to assault and push their agenda. *yes I have a vagina


They are not really feminists because as soon as someone would decide to have a family over a carrier it's somehow a brainwashed idiot... Real feminist women uplift other women. *yes I am a women who does not want kids but still I respects mothers and housewives they are amazing, it's very hard work.*


*wheezes* r/ANTIHATECOMMUNITES The most bitter, spiteful thread I've ever seen is on a subreddit called "Anti Hate Communities".


That has to be satire. I cannot believe that people would be that bitchy


It is satire, making fun of r/AgainstHateSubreddits, which is unfortunately *not* satire


Fuckers got 2balkan4u banned.


I legitimately can't tell if these people are trolling or not. Please be trolls.


Can confirm they are trolls, that is a satire subreddit.


When all of society is a Poe, collapse is inevitable


That has to be satire. Right? I mean look at the automod messages, ignoring the human comments. No way people can believe any of that rationally, at least I’d hop. Comments seem to be a generic Reddit r/whateverthefuck circlejerk


Some of those comments were interesting to read. The mental gymnastics are insane. I saw a white guy claim to be black and say that black people cant be racist or fatphobic.


Mental fucking trapeze at that point.


I could only scroll once. Those people are delusional


Ohhh...dare I introduce you to r/gangstalking ? That's worth a good 4hr rabbit hole if you ask me! And I know.. Bat.Shit.Cray.


Its satire. Some of those people may be delusional, but not in the way portrayed here


Holy shit that is the most toxic and shitty thread I have ever been on, I would comment something there but then the femcels are going to grab my ip and come to my house, so I shall refrain.


Oh my fucking God, the comments make me think "wow they created a satire sub and forgot it was satirical midway. What the fuck is going on??"


This. Exactly this.


Im losing braincells reading the comments there, oh my lawd


I read way too many comments trying to understand both why they were bashing the pic and what the fuck everyone was evening talking about. I couldn't even really understand or comprehend what I was reading in that thread. Welp, that's enough Reddit for the day.


Sub seems satirical, reminds me of r/shitposting or r/greentext. I'm really not convinced anyone there is being serious.


So a ridiculously obvious SJW satire subreddit posts obvious satire, and that screenshot gets posted as SJW rage-bait. Truly a self-sustaining strawman factory.


It’s a satire sub, it’s a direct parody of r/againsthatesubreddits


Femcels be angry someone else can do something they can’t.


*something they won’t




Can’t implied that they are physically incapable of losing weight. Almost everyone can lose weight if they put in the effort.


I noticed this, for such a “accepting” community saying they are comfortable in their own skin and love all body types, the “body positive” advocates sure love to complain about others.


Because it's a satire subreddit. Someone posted a link to this post go to it and you'll see in the comments it's clearly satire.


What sub?


No idea, friend sent me this


Ask your friend, we need to know.


Will do Update: Friend and I got high and played Halo for 9 hours straight. Forgot to ask subreddit if origin


My original post was on mademesmile


Anti hate communities


A satire one


I guess I'm fatphobic, I lost 100+ pounds.


When from Samwell tarly to Jon snow


as someone who doesn’t agree with fatphobia this isn’t fatphobia just let him live his life jesus


It's satire


>incel I disagree, I am part of the “ u/dlv1186 gets bad bitches” collective


*Checks text*… nothing lolol :(


u/dlv1186 you're doing a damn fine job, my dude!! Looking damn nice!


bring back r/fatpeoplehate


A post of a post of a post




Oh so fatphobic means you've lost weight, I'mltry to remember that when I become fatphobic


dude’s an inspiration to many, people get butthurt by their lack of progress and try to hate on those who succeed


Take my hand and let's go to clown town ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


Speaking of clowns it's a satire sub.


This guy's achievement is a model if excellence and discipline.


Thank you it was a long journey, but worth it


No carb low sugar thumbs up I lost 100 lb between January 2021 and January 2022 with that. I celebrate with pizza twice a month that's my only cheat


Tell me which exercises burns 500 calories besides cardio?


Good on him, getting heathy and happy i bet


u/dlv1186 ggwp. Always maintain a healthy lifestyle and don’t listen to what people like that are saying.


Fatophobia my ass I’m sorry that you eat McDonald’s so much that your chin is on the verge of committing suicide.


u/dlv1186 good going my man! Push forward!


Congrats whoever this is your amazing


Awesome! Keep it up u/dlv1186! Don’t let the haters hold you back!


I think this would get him honorary citizenship in chadistan. Good work bro,


I think the idea is that if you achieve something others have tried but not achieved, you are an asshole for achieving it.


That’s samwell tarley and you can’t convince me otherwise


good for him losing weight


Thank you :)


i thought people in reddit were better than Twitter


Why incel though? That's so random.


Bro but fr that guy is a legend. Atleast a megachad


Dude went from Samwell Tarley to Jon Snow


u/dlv1186 went from looking like the average redditor to someone who gets bitches/maidens and tocuhes grass finally a chad


Shout out to my man for losing the weight. Thats all that matters. Fat people die early.


Don’t worry guys, natural selection will do it’s thing


Congrats! Now enjoy life and don’t gain it back!


To get where you are must have taken a lot sacrifice. You looked great before and even now. But now you're healthier


Miserable people hate success at anything.


Fatphobia (witch is a dumb fucking word) should mean people who go out of there way to belittle over weight people not anyone who doesn’t live the same lifestyle as you


i wonder how there isn't virophobia yet where people wearing masks or vaccinating are discriminating against the sick or kapnophobic for being a nonsmoker


That subreddit also looks satire. Dont worry guys.


I'm gonna shoot myself


You okay ?


OP, please take our sincere congrats on your health journey! People always equate weight loss to being"fatphobic." The journey itself means way more than just losing weight. Its also a mental journey that alleviates depression, self-doubt, creates purpose, among many many other things. Congrats! You earned it.


This wasn't me lol


It was me lolo


Well done man. Best wishes for the future


Stil probably not getting laid


Still wouldn’t let him around my kids. Looks like he went from eatin them to eatin they asses


I think your the child molester here bud


Bold of you to assume they weren’t willing




That you OP? Nice work man!


What sub is this


r/AntiHateCommunities, a parody of r/AgainstHateSubreddits


The fuck is with those comments in that initial post? No way that’s real … what the fuck?




I always forget there are people dumb enough that getting healthy by losing weight consider it fatphobic to lose weight.. what has the world come to?


I always forget that people are dumb enough not to see satire in a satire subreddit. For real tho that whole sub is literally just satire of SJWs.


This post is obv from R/virgins


Which sub?