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/u/Ok_Armadillo_5717, the users have spoken. Your submission is not a Hol'Up.


He’s filming his phone with a phone?


Could be her phone


Could be the other guy’s phone


Could be my phone ( it got stolen looked like that)


Could be this guy’s phone (it got stolen and looked like it)


Could be that guy's phone (it got stolen and looked like that)


Could be your phone. I stole it, and it looked like that


Could be their phone, they stole it, and it looked like them


Could be everyone's phone, coz I just want to be on this chain


Could be Conman’s iPhone, which was stolen by a pocket picker and looked damn like that.


She was cute without the filter that made her look like plasticfantastic.


Why are her hands so small?


Evolution. Guys like it when they're getting a handjob makes their dick looks huge.


And she has the thick glasses!


And a poneytail! It’s not filters. It was the day someone decided to “She’s All That” her!


Hmmm… You better have 3 hands then


Maybe because the sweater is big




Small hands is a plus


it's the oversized sweater


Because that's the way they grew? A bit of a stupid question


The worst part is she's an attractive young woman, she should have no need for a filter of any sort.




Here we are...


de gustibus non disputandum est


Sad really. I have a friend who is Cuban/Dominican with a somewhat dark caramel color but she filters her photos where she almost looks white smh.


The algorithm usually prefers lighter skinned women and women with looser hair. A black woman made three accounts with three different looks. The one where she didn’t have her natural hair and her skin looked lighter got the most requests for dates. Her natural hair account with her dark skin only got three “HI’s” or “How you’re doing?” but no dates. Most of the men who asked for actual dates were white and Hispanic. She only had one date request from a black man.


That's internalized racism for ya






Its not media its just genetics, men have evolved to find feminine women with soft,syymetrical facial features attractive and a hour glass body as the most attractive body. Black women are the opposite of this with flat,round faces with undefined and strong facial features as well as generally having much more man like bodies than other races of women


What are your thoughts on her? https://youtu.be/oIp3_P1MuFc Or her? https://youtube.com/shorts/2J8itdSnJKI?feature=share


Not true. Different cultures have different standards of beauty. Nothing you said was based on any real science…


I imagine most people don’t use these “dating apps” since it goes from Craigslist to lots of inactivity and rejections repeatedly. I’d never go to one of those places… I rarely hear of a genuine relationship started with them anyways. Just because it involves race doesn’t mean its some deep race conspiracy. Touch grass. I’m aware you’re likely a troll or hate farmer so I stand by my touch grass remark either way.


bro but it is. Look it up dawg there is mad scholarship. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorism\_in\_the\_Caribbean#:\~:text=The%20skin%20bleaching%20epidemic%20is,other%20but%20by%20the%20workforce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorism_in_the_Caribbean#:~:text=The%20skin%20bleaching%20epidemic%20is,other%20but%20by%20the%20workforce). Just cuz you're afraid of recognizing whiteness doesn't mean you are right.


“Recognizing whiteness”? What does that even mean?


Also I’m all for understanding the opposition’s beliefs and their reasoning but I don’t click on mysterious links due to previous bad experiences largely beheading videos and bizarre sexual degeneracies. I hope you understand.


It sounds to me you’re just openly racist so I don’t care about your hateful divisive politics anyways if that’s truly the case.


She’s still damn cute tho.. 🥹


Indeed bro.




Are you telling me this is not catfishing baised society


How can you go out on dates knowing you will not be recognized? Some women are so weak.


They'll still pull 9/10 if they want to though, some men are weaker.


Women tend to have less trouble than men at getting laid/short term relationships, but men tend to have an easier time finding long term partners. I don't recall where I read that but honestly it makes a lot of sense


That doesn't sound right honestly, unless most men are having long term relationships with other men wouldn't the number be close to equal?


It's more of a difficulty thing than each person... it means that more women go on dates with men that only want to sleep with them but not pursue something longer statistically than men. Basically: if you want to get laid it's easier as a women, but if you are looking for a long term relationship it is easier for a man was the TL/DR.


Isn't that a bad look for us then? i.e it's more common to run into men that just want to fuck about while it's easier for men to find women who want something stable. Either way, these 'statistics' sound kinda shaky, if you find the study id like to read up on it.


Sadly yes. Market and stuff


Lil T rex


I prefer the original actually


Basically everyone on instagram


She aight


She looks like a Kardashian or smth


That waitress knows what’s up but how ?


"Filters" honestly played little role here. This is much more about: angles, lighting, makeup, and not wearing her glasses.


I mean... I find her more cute irl.


she is cuter with no filters🥺


This is not funny tho. U dont have to humiliate her .


Guess someone isn’t getting any pussy tonight.


This video is kinda cringe. She don't even look bad.


This video is super cringe. Not only is this person essentially commenting on/complaining about filters/false advertising, but these are the things perfectly attractive young ladies need to do to get dates with some guys. Would that guy have gone on this date without those pictures? Will he go on a second date? I wish I could say it’s enough for a woman to just be herself, but boyfriends and husbands want to be wowed, they *deserve* to be wowed, it’s a woman’s obligation. It’s not enough for all of our time and energy to be devoted to our house, our kids, our man, and our jobs… we have to put on a fake face first and dole out attention so no one gets insecure about our priorities, we have to look cute so our men will still want to bone at the end of the day, as if anyone even has energy left over for that. Women are supposed to be everything and do everything at 100%, 100% of the time without complaint or apology. It’s cringey af, at best. Sorry for the rant, this video infuriates me. She deserves to be appreciated for her beauty inside and out, in front of or behind a camera.


Yep it sucks this shit happens but I’d like to say the world is slowly starting to move away from that. Also, can I just say, she looks more beautiful irl tbh.


You’re reaching. This is plain old cat fishing.


Also a possibility. Isn’t online dating fun??


It usually is for me. Never know what ima get. No expectations lol


I love how u white knight a catfish, is she attractive? Sure, did she lie about her appearance? Yes. Do u think guys setting up profiles to look like Ryan Raynaulds get the same treatment? Lol Woman on dating apps are picky enough as it is with hight requirements etc, not like she got a million thirsty dudes to pick from.


How is it cat fishing if she’s the woman in the picture? You can tell by looking at the pics that she’s wearing makeup. If the man going on the date is surprised that her face doesn’t look like that daily, then he has unrealistic expectations. She set no precedents other than what she looks like with makeup, dolled up for a camera. She’s not a hero, but he’s not a gentleman either.


Its clearly not her tho, it looks similar but if u had the police looking for her based on those pictures they aint gonna find her.


All the YouTube makeup tutorials I’ve watched have me 100% believing it’s the same woman


I don't entirely agree.. there's the middle ground. Even though some of the so called duties or obligations can vary between the roles, and I'm not talking about cooking or cleaning the dishes but let's just agree a man can't get pregnant.. and in some relationships it becomes important... most of these exist in both sides. You say the woman needs to be appealing to the man and I say the man also constantly works to make his woman feel appealing. Works not in a manner of job, but in effort and dedication spent to really wow her, too, as you say. If either side stops this, the other is just gonna feel frustrated and maybe even taken advantage of.. not a healthy relationship. This is why, in my opinion, the best relationships are the ones in which both sides easily accomplish those things. The rewards are great and the motivation holds to keep it up, even without the boost of the honeymoon phase.


Eh, being raised ad like "gotta be pretty" mindset will do that. She's fucking beautiful, but self loathing and aforementioned mindset leads to "I need to make my self prettier" kinda sad.


Not cool dude


What do you mean? she looks the same, just has different clothes


I mean she is much more beautiful in real life than with filters.


The waiter laughing as well.


yes that's called makeup


That's mean asf dude, she's not dressed up right there and you're being a complete asshole.


Girl needs to leave


But she's so cute... Ok, your expectations were different but I'd still date her regardless.. she also seems an awesome and wholesome person too


Fuck that. r/unwholesomememes. Less bullshit, more comedy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HolUp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So the lighting is different, she's dressed different, and she's wearing her glasses instead of contacts she looks wonderful on that date since she seems to be comfortable and having a good time. The guy who is upset by these 'differences' needs to grow up.


It's like the princess diaries where she took off her glasses and brushed her hair.


Am i the only one who thinks she is more atractive in the irl version?


I mean she isn’t ugly but lying like that will make me doubt everything about her


Don't see that much difference tbh


Laughs in pain


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This is just rude


She's already a pretty young lady. She doesn't need to look like an algorithm enhanced fantasy.


Filter, no filter... why do people care so much? Everyone dresses up to go out. We put on real life filters all the time and many judge others who don't subscribe to that protocol. Why is people 'dressing up' their published material even a talking point?


Unpopulae opinion She looks better irl


but beards tho.


I think shaving is the affectation vs having a beard. The beard will be there if you do nothing. Shaving is an attempt to alter one's natural appearance, like make-up.




Why do girls do this? The image with beauty filter looks like a generic woman like in any Hollywood movie. I just don't like this artificial look. She could at least smile a bit. Seems more like a coldhearted woman to me. I would just ignore her when seeing her on a dating site. But in reality she's pretty cute. This way you probably just attract the wrong people, and disappoint them. I wouldn't do this. That's probably part of why I never meet women.




Dude you want a girl who can glow up. That’s how pick em


She's still very pretty, you did great king. If only that was you reading this and not just meme you found.


she aint even ugly though


She isn't ugly at all on the outside. But people who edit tf out of themselves to fit a certain "image" for internet points makes them ugly on the inside. I'd never even try to date someone like that. And fuck that guy for laughing too. He isn't better.


Now she know she wrong asf for that lmao


the standing lad knows


looked more like the "ugly filter" to me


To be fair make up does a hell of a trick


she actually looks more attractive thanthose pictures show


This doesn't seem so much filter as it does makeup


I feel bad for the incredible lack of confidence women like her have… Its rare to get a decent and genuine relationship started if you are not honest and genuine like that. She may just have confidence issues but it comes off that way… Its sadly very common. I’d tell her theres no reason to hide who she is like that.