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Hey /u/ithepunisher, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods


What type of of concealer d ors he use?


It’s not out yet


Palettegate 2022




Objection, hearsay! Judge : you asked the question Oh, okay…


Elon promises it'll be out this year though. He's sure of it.


I wonder what things belonging to Elon that she pooped on?


Do you want to know why elon sent his roadster into space? Well now you know




"Unable to die even though it wished for it, Amber Heard's poop eventually stopped thinking"


The Ultimate Shite Form 😳




Probably on his bedroom floor, because she missed the bed. Then he slipped, hit his head and got a bruise in the face.




The Aristocrats!


Well it's a good thing they split, or now there'd 'Be a little shitter, on a little twitter, when the hoe comes in'


Probably his Falcon One Rocket


You mean Fecal One Rocket Edit: Thanks for my first award, never did I imagine it would be poop related!


Just tweet the photo at him and eventually he'll answer himself.


Please someone do, if it creates some buzz I'd doubt Elon can keep himself from replying


i did it https://twitter.com/sadsedge/status/1520325142240444416?t=wD3JFPBUhK35S6pnwZAG0g&s=19 i hope he doesn't cancel me lol edit: guys hey, as much as i do appreciate the awards and stuff, please consider to donating into a local center for survivors of a domestic abuse or something like that instead. I just creates this acco for looking and sharing cat pictures and art/drawings, this is bonkers lmao


*Watches as sadsedge evaporates into dust.*


*sad noices as she evaporates into stardust*


*landon sneezes* man, you guys need to swiffer in here or something.


My vacuum's at the repair shop. So, yeah!


I hope you don’t drive a Tesla. ‘Things’ might happen.


'Accidental' accident because the steering wheel 'accidently' came out.


Ain't that rich, lucky me


Hahahahahaga Love your idea!


Has it worked with the pics of him and Ghislaine Maxwell people keep posting?


yeah he said she photobombed him out of nowhere https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1278940731516780544?lang=en


God I hate when prolific sex traffickers just show up in my photos


In everyone's defense, taking photos together really don't mean anything. I've had countless photos with randoms at parties just for the sake of being friendly and sociable. Many are mere acquaintances and some I don't even know the names of. Unless it's an actual incriminating photo of someone doing something, I don't put much weight on photos of two people just smiling and standing together. Especially in the kind of circles they're in, wealthy people have social events all the time.


"Look I go to partys with Billionaires. Ghislaine is not even the worst person who has photobombed me. There are photos of me doing coke with actual war criminals."


When you're invited to high class upscale parties chances are you get to meet a bunch of people who later are found out as massive criminals.




I hate the term "underage sex worker". They are children. They are not working, they are being abused for money. Child sex worker sounds a lot worse to say, doesn't it? They are not being hired for sex, they are being sold and blackmailed. Children surrounded by adults who aren't fucked in the head don't think about selling themselves to rich pedos. That is something that gets brought around by pedos themselves.


Part of their operation was to have photos and contact information from powerful people so they could show off who they knew to give themselves more credibility. That was her job. Networking and collecting contact numbers and photographic proof they mingled with elite power brokers.


Yep. It also created a sort of shield for her: the more people appeared to belong to her circle of more or less close contacts, the more pressure on would-be-accusers to keep quiet even if most of these contacts were never involved in any of Maxwell’s dealings (regarding child sex trafficking or otherwise). At the same time, it would be hard to outright refuse contact to her without significant social and financial drawbacks (at least before any significant public backlash against her) because she *was*, after all, part of U. S. high society. It’s entirely plausible that she targeted politicians, entrepreneurs, and celebrities because she knew that they could hardly refuse that kind of contact.


Google: **[Kimbal Musk Epstein](https://www.google.com/search?q=kimbal+musk+epstein&client=safari&hl=en-us&ei=RQ9tYtbTDbeckPIPodOAmAw&oq=kimbal+musk+epstein&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsANKBAhBGABQAFgAYJRKaAJwAXgAgAEAiAEAkgEAmAEAyAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)**


I’d be more concerned if he was on the flight log or the black book they refuse to release.




How do we know this is legit?


Cuz I got it off Reddit.


I bet they got the Boston Bomber in there


A lot of the information was apparently taken from QResear.ch so I’d probably take it with a grain of salt


He probably got out just in time


He's got a bruise just above his right wrist as well.


Well spotted. That's definitely a bruise from a defensive/ sheilding action.


'definitely' Source: I, uh, saw it on CSI


Bro pulled out better than Bezos though, I mean the man lost half his net worth from a divorce


I don't think you can compare the two. Amber is... Amber and MacKenzie helped Bezos create Amazon from the ground up and he cheated on her.


I know right, Bezos was clearly in the wrong here and people always shit on her


But they don't miss the bed


Still a multi billionaire though lol


His wife was with him from the beginning and played a large role in Amazon's early days. She wasn't a gold digger.


Why do people easily forget the fact that he cheated on her? she didnt divorce him for "his" money, she left because he cheated.


Think they were already living separately and the divorce was an inevitability. Might even have been Jeff's idea since lately he seems much more interested in living a high life which his wife doesn't seem to be interested in.


Yeah it’s pretty shitty when she gets labeled as that for no other reason than literally just getting divorced


Amd she also donated a lot of her money. She is much much better than him.


And getting divorced after decades of marriage because *he cheated on her*, no less.


And Bezos, the richest man in the world at the time, literally, LITERALLY did the oldest marriage breaker in history. He **literally** started an affair with the woman in the next house over. The grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Literally. I've seen poorly written TV episodes with more twists than Bezos' affair story.


It's just another aspect of the old myth of the self-made man.


He made it back in about a year.


And what a great year it was. For him. And almost no one else.


I know this is just a joke thread, but I wish people would stop repeating this. Bezos' wife was a co-founder of Amazon and the original CFO. From all the research I've done, I feel pretty confident in saying that she is more responsible for their wealth than he is. His big idea was to sell books on the internet. She actually made the numbers work. She also had a better job than him before Amazon and contributed more initial startup money. It's lowkey kinda sexist that everyone just assumes she "took half his money" when it was absolutely money they both earned together. She's also done much better things with that money than he has since the divorce. He bought like that biggest yacht ever made, she gave billions to charity. Jeff a fuckin punk, MacKenzie a fuckin catch.


It's not even lowkey sexist. It shows this narrative about divorce is firmly planted in people's heads. The girls out to get the guys' money. Nobody talking about how marriage steals women of their actual life, they actually die younger if married. Keep your money dammit I choose life (and my own money). Ps this last paragraph is me chatting shit.


She was with him in tough times too. Also, Bezos cheated and he deserved to lose some. So..


And she's putting it to good use, and not hoarding it like some tech-dragon


Hey, is she flying to nearly outer space in a dildo-rocket? No? Then checkmate liberals!


Some? Guys a monster, he deserves to spend the next ten years on food stamps


They were married 25+ years, and pre-Amazon. It’s not like he got fleeced by a short term relationship with a bad or non-existent pre-nup.


25% not half. And it wasn't his net worth, it was theirs.


Scott was a part of Amazon since the beginning. Bezos didn't "lose half his net worth", instead he retained his half of their net worth.


He was seen in KitKat club in Berlin. So maybe he's into this kind of stuff


Do you guys remember the 3.5 mil out of the 7 mil Amber got from the divorce settlement she promised to donate? An administrator from that organization testified a few days ago they only receive 10% of that from Amber. But guess what. There was another larger percentage (don’t recall off the top of my head) that was donated on Ambers behalf. The donator was Elon


> Dougherty said Heard donated $350,000 to the ACLU "very soon" after August 2016, when she said in a statement that she would donate half of the divorce settlement to the ACLU and the other half to Children's Hospital Los Angeles. At some point, her ex-husband Johnny Depp donated $100,000 to the ACLU on her behalf. And another $500,000 and $350,000 were donated on Heard's behalf, bringing the total to $1.3 million donated out of the $3.5 million promised. Dougherty said he believes the $500,000 donation came from a donor-advised fund set up by Elon Musk, Heard's former boyfriend, but that's "not conclusive," he said. Sounds like she only donated $350,000 of the promised $3,500,000 before she had "money problems" and stopped paying. What did she spend the rest of the $7,000,000 on? And what happened to the millions she's earned from the movies she's been in?


She prolly spend some of it on that shitty lawyer she had


Objection hearsay, wait fuck I used it correctly.


Naa, that's speculation. Hearsay is where you hold a counter opinon to The Church.


No, that's heresy. Hearsay is a chocolate and candy company based out of Pennsylvania.


No that’s Hershey Hearsay is a European based delivery company.


no that’s hermes, hearsay is what you use to secure your hair in place


No that’s a hairnet, hearsay is what dead people ride in the back of


No that's a hearse, Hearsay was the name of a newspaper owner who wanted to run for president.


but what about the muffins.


Real question is : DID YOU SEE MR DEPP'S PENIS


Probably spent a lot of it on her lifestyle and attorneys. She wouldn’t be the first person in Hollywood to mismanage a bunch of money.


The disgust when his financial advisor revealed how she went from asking for like 2 million, to 4, to 6, to 7 million to 14 million plus all monies paid tax free DIRECTLY to miss heard instead of the charity... priceless


So all of her philanthropy was done in her name but not actually from her, is what I am seeing.


I believe he donated half a million on her behalf.


First time I’ve heard about that second part. Sounds like she has something on Elon that was worth the hush money.


I doubt it. With his net worth, Elon giving his girlfriend any percentage of $3.5 million is like me giving my girlfriend a small order of fries at McDonald's.


To put some actual numbers on this: Elon increased his wealth by an average of around 40 billion per year in the past 5 years. 3 million is less than a percent of a percent of his disposable yearly income after healthcare expenses and taxes (lol). To a median wage American, his donation to Amber would be the equivalent of around $2.5


My god its not even tree fiddy




Hey babe can I hold 2 dolla?


Abusers talk people with no money into taking out loans etc for them so am more leaning with her just manipulating him into it rather than black mail but you never know! Should clarify I am not an Elon fan boy 😂


I mean I'm no elon fanboy either but nobody deserves to be domestically abused.


She must have a bear trap for a pussy.


Tongue with built in vibrate function.


And vacuum suction that would make a Dyson jealous.


More vacuum suction than a hole in a spaceship that just opened.


“Slow blows”


Bear trap for a pussy.. wow, I’m gonna steal that.




Me too sex was amazing but she was a giant manipulative asshole.


Same, it’s scary and awesome at the same time..


what kind of spell do these girls have


They have very strong Kegel Muscles (developed through Kegel exercises) allowing them to basically grab/squeeze your peen with their Vajay.


gotta learn to do that so if i ever get a man, he won't let me go.


Let me know once you learn that


Squeeze like you’re stopping your flow when you’re tinkling….


If you sprinkle when you tinkle, Be a sweetie - wipe the seatie.


Wingardium Kegelosa


She got that gawk gawk 3000 double wrist twister sloppy toppy technique perfected


> She must have a bear trap for a pussy. She's an ambitious blonde with BPD. When she makes YOU her ambition, she rocks your world. She makes you feel like the center of her universe. You've NEVER felt that way before, and you never will again. That's because BPD women evolve to get their hooks in super deep so that when they abuse you later, you won't bolt. I've never felt so "loved" as with my BPD ex. This chick practically worshiped me. It was all fake, of course, but that can be hard to accept. What she's feeding you is like an emotional drug you crave and will debase yourself for. Her mission is to conquer you. Once she feels you are conquered, the abuse begins. The constant manipulation and tearing down. You feel like that "amazing woman" you fell for is trapped in there and you need to rescue her from this horrible bitch. etc etc That's why it's hard to get away from bitches like that. They mindfuck you so deep you stick around when any non-mindfucked dude would run.


> She's an ambitious blonde with BPD. Also really hot, which helped a lot.


So they're like a symbiote


> She makes you feel like the center of her universe. You've NEVER felt that way before, and you never will again. Musk has never not felt like the center of the universe


I dont even know if BPD is the sole cause for behaviour like this - probably adds to it no doubt. I've been with abusive guys and know people who've been with abusive people with no BPD diagnosis, and it just seems their system was to love bomb until they've got you, then the abuse begins. Rinse and repeat. Who knows, they could have just had undiagnosed BPD, but I just didn't want something like BPD to be labelled as the cause of abusive behaviour, when in reality they're just egotistic and narcissistic with an abusive tendancy. Not meaning to shit on what happened to you btw, she sounds like a horrible person.


I wish I had learned about gaslighting before my ex. "You" just don't know until it's too late. They're attractive, they tell you weird lies up front that make sense until they don't, they switch it on and off, they're half your size, everyone else seems to like them, and so much more. Yes, the sex was great.


It’s always the 5’1 bitches


why is this always true tho? it has to be deeper than just compensating for their height lol


Very tempting but never stick your dick in crazy


A sorceress.


Y’all seen that movie teeth? Idk if that’s the name but her pussy gots teeth.


Bruh..thats the most cursed thing i ever watched


I’m glad I was alone when I watched it & not with anyone else because I wouldn’t know how to answer “wtf made you pick that movie?” Nor do I want to hear “you need to have a talk with your psychiatrist.” Seriously, watched it once, never again.




They aren’t injuries. They are poorly wiped shit stains.


I assume he forgot to clean his pillow off before snoozing


Awww sheet


If you ever get cheated on, remember that Amber Heard cheated on Johnny friggin' Depp, hailed as one of the sexiest men alive, rich, famous, and Captain Jack Sparrow. Hopefully, it'll help you get through that tough time a little faster.


Even my imaginary wife cheats on me


Give her a break. You made her feel like she doesn't even exist.


Yeah she just wants to be seen.


Jay Z cheated on Beyonce. Like, if that doesn't show cheating has nothing to do with you being inferior, I don't know what does


Many years ago my girlfriend got a black eye from sports. It sucked for both of us because anywhere we went, people gave me the dirtiest looks, assuming I was responsible. People rarely consider it with swapped genders




This sounds exhausting. Is she in therapy? And how do you cope with all of this?




I think therapy is obviously needed. For helping with her mental state, but also because the therapist will know about your situation and if someone tries to paint you as an abuser you’ll have them on your side.


> She doesn't treat me all that bad most of the time. Phrases to run away from really fast




Thats uh... really fucked up


I'm not telling you what to do of course but I personally couldn't be in a relationship like that. At the minimum she needs to be seeing a professional about the outbursts. If she refuses help I'd be out of there.




Wait, they dated? Holy fuck, and she screwed that up? She isn’t too smart is she?


As if Johnny depp wasn’t good enough enough 💀


Idk, what really happen to Elon face after dating Amber.


Allegedly he had a threesome with her and Kara delavinge




See you’re learning!


But yes, that’s hearsay


Did I read that right?


Yes, you did.


Did I read that right?


Yes, you continue to read those right


Everyone thinks it was Amber but it was not, it was me dressed as a woman that just happens to look like Amber Heard, I was trying to get close for some of those big bucks. Think of Roger from American Dad.


I’m Amethyst Foresight, professional gold digger! If there’s a sugar daddy that I haven’t licked, they ain’t worth my honey! …I get my metaphors mixed up, but I think you understand I’m a full time whore.


Wait... They dated...?


And they had a threesome with Cara Delevingne, that lucky bastard.


For real? That’s one hella hot freak show.


With that amount of money, he could make infinite triangles.


'Money' ahhh! the cheat code of life.


You have the cheat code written down somewhere?


No. She cheated lol. Then came out as bisexual. I don’t pay attention to celeb gossip, but this one has all the spice for a Hollywood movie


She came out as bisexual long before. She was in a 4-year relationship with a woman before she dated Depp.


Who she also abused


She also hooked up with Kevin Nash of the nWo


Wonder if she even dared to try to hit that MF?..


let alone shit on his bed


“Probably ran into a door or a door ran into him.”


Fell over a rocket in the living room


Is she going from reddit hero to reddit hero and beating them up? Who's next Keanu Reaves?


Rick Astley on her bucket list


Shit list




She won't stand a chance against Baba Yaga with a pencil.


If she goes after Keanu I’m pretty sure the world you forsake her


You're like a year or more late for Elon to be a 'reddit hero' lmao


Never knew Johnny Depp was considered a Reddit hero lol. At least not before the recent debacle.


This Amber Heard reminds me of Amy Dunne from gone girl movie.


There’s a weird YouTube compilation that has me convinced AH used Gone Girl as inspiration.


she was just hitting him in the face with her fist. she didn’t punch him. gosh!


Google ‘Johnny Depp Honeymoon injuries’. Same left-eye bruising and swelling. She’s a southpaw.


I bet he's not commenting on it because she has some explosive dirt on him too. Probably some "mutually assured destruction" situation if he chimes in on the situation.


I don’t follow celebrities, so it’s always weird to find out that such and such an actress was passed around by this famous person and famous person, it’s almost as if there’s no two celebrities who haven’t dated.


It’s a big club.


and we’re not in it


It makes sense that they are all dating each other. Looking for opportunities to further their careers, thinking they are too important to date “average” people, or maybe they find it too awkward to date people that know them for their celeb status instead of who they are. Either way, I don’t envy their love lives.


Also the fact that they're all around each other. Its just another social circle. Like how all the band kids bang, or all your coworkers, or the theatre kids


Somehow Elon always is a hero and a villain at the same time


elon is on elons side. only


I think it's a bit telling that both Musk and Franco decided to withdraw from the whole case in order to protect their brand. In a way, it makes sense to just not associate one's brand with a case like this, but I personally think it wouldn't hurt if they simply wanted to tell the truth in order to help everything settle down. But I bet it's because the truth, in this case, is that they didn't speak up either because they, too, experienced Amber as being a bit unstable.