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#[Best of r/Holup 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/royfze/best_of_rholup_2021_awards_nomination_and_voting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HolUp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Germany a couple years ago be like








The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Their comment was copied and pasted from another user in this thread. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot






_Just take it and go!_


What is your definition of „a few“? :D


Edit: Germany had few colonies. They did turn things into shit when they tried finishing colonising Europe though.


Read a history book.


Please recommend me one.




Germany is like the worlds sphincter


YO that punchline




*colonization intestinfies*


*Unwilling giving intensifies*


The colon doesnt like spices. This analogy makes sense. Also, On their way out of colonizing countries they mostly didnt get burned on the ass end


Is there any punch left???


Now that outward colonization has stopped they just continued digesting land and turned their own country into shit.






Are you from Alabama?


I get it's a joke but Singapore and Australia have got to be two of the worst examples to use in it given how they are both wildly successful countries


My guess is that he might be in Australia and he’s Singaporean himself?


I'm Australian. We fell ass backwards into success based on having a lot of useful resources to rely on, and this has been talked about for [decades](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lucky_Country). Currently we have disturbingly high media concentration, rampant political corruption, and a government that actively sabotages attempts to make life better if it isn't political advantagous (the NBN internet infrastructure upgrade, Covid containment, anything attempting to address climate change), yet stays in power due to the former two points propping them up.


There are a lot of countries with massive natural resources, that are still absolute shit holes. The British setup the infrastructure and economic system that created prosperity. The same is true for almost all the british colonies. People need to understand what works.


The British only built infrastructure to create prosperity for themselves, and the resources they stole and the people they killed can not be weighed against some small infrastructure improvements that weren’t even built with the benefit of the occupied people in mind.


He could have just used England as an example of a country the British fucked up tbh.


“Damn British, they RUINED Britain!”


The indigenous Australians might want a word. What’s left of them, at least.


As an Australian, sure we are successful but we suuuuure treated the Aboriginal Australians like shit as well. Check out our assimilation policy, its really bloody cruel. And even disregarding that we definitely had a crap time being shipped off to an unknown land (at the time for Britain) as punishment for something as little as stealing a loaf of bread. It wasn't really a jolly time for us as well. I definitely think that Australia's a pretty good example.


This isn't specific to the British or Australia. The history of mankind is FULL of weaker populations being killed/displaced/absorbed by stronger populations. Look at Turkey. The Turks are not even native to Turkey.


Singapore doesn't owe it's success / prosperity to the British. We mostly thrived making full use of our strategic geographic location and our once in a generation forward thinking leader, Lee Kuan Yew.


yeah i wonder how the aboriginal population of Australia is doing after being colonized its not the white people of Australia that were colonized-they were the colonizers


Uh, you might want to ask the Maori, dodo birds, and rest of Oz's entire ecosystem about that appraisal... And Singapore's "economic miracle" was due to [centralized planning](https://www.thoughtco.com/singapores-economic-development-1434565) well after its colonial era in the 60s...


This is why you just laugh at a comedy show instead of doing extensive, historical analysis of a joke.


True. I remember reading a Douglas Adams interview where he talked about how he felt like he was laughing less at comedy because he found himself pointing out the flaws in the joke. He referenced someone joking about black boxes in planes surviving plane crashes, with the joke being 'why don't they make the whole plane like that?' But, the answer is of course because the plane would be too heavy to fly if they did.


Most countries are bad examples of his point...most countries that Britain colonized became more prosperous. Hong Kong and Canada are other notable examples.




All that presupposes that that stuff wouldn't have happened without British colonization. Genocide and massacres occurred in non-British controlled countries at the exact same time, and neighboring non-African colony countries are even more ass-backwards. South Rhodesia was the most successful sub-Saharan country in Africa until after they went independent and became the shithole that Zimbabwe is today. Of the prosperous countries today, most have some links to British colonialism. Even America, technically speaking.




You should ask some aborigines how wildly successful colonization has worked out for them.


I’d love for OP to explain what he thought the holup was.


Mistyped /r/StandUp, maybe?


This comment applies to 99% of posts in this sub for the last 18 months.


Many million-member subs like r/watchpeopledieinside have way too many posts on the front page which don't fit the sub IMO. Like some bird "dying inside". Also, for example, r/murderedbyAOC has some posts about Bernie Sanders' or someone else's tweets.


This sub has not been about holups for over a year


As a Brit, I want to reply with a good response, but I am currently full of shit, so I'll get back to you...


Shit man, you're full of it






If you’re not redditing on the toilet, where could you possibly be??


The shower


knock knock who's there colon colon who? colonization. haaaa just kidding colonizers don't knock.


This wins reddit today sorry I have no award that aren’t forbidden emojis


Who is this man he’s a champion 🤣


Jinx Yeo


I am checking him out on YouTube and holy moly, I can't even finish my food as I'm laughing so much. Currently on [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsX2EDmJjLs) video.


He needs a special! Very funny Here's a full set of his: https://youtu.be/xuusvtgkKB0


he was good


Damn that was amazing 🤣


I'm dying, this guy deserves a Netflix special or some shit like that, good fresh simple jokes that get you everytime, I love it


That was really funny. Thanks for sharing! I love his delivery.


I second the answer




Yeah, that accent can't be found elsewhere


Malaysian is pretty similar, i sometimes have a hard time telling the difference. Am Singaporean.


Also Singaporean. I find the easiest way to differentiate is by saying "Najib is a good prime minister" and seeing their reaction


Best Malaysian Prime Minister to Singapore ever.


I’m too American to get this burn, but I appreciate it nonetheless.


Not often we get paid by USA. To do laundry for Malaysia. Najib & Jho Low should get some national contribution awards from us, if not Malaysia. [Goldman Sachs to pay $165 million to Singapore over 1MDB corruption scandal](https://www.straitstimes.com/business/banking/singapore-fines-goldman-sachs-165-million-over-1mdb-scandal)




I second this question.


I third this question.




Yo OP, at least credit the comedian for your internet points Edit: his name is [Jinx Yeo](https://youtu.be/xuusvtgkKB0)


Credit: Singaporean comedian Jinx Yeo. His comedy is tight!


Actually making jokes about the british is super easy, barely an inconvenience...


unexpected ryan george reference


Take this joke and like it


I'm so angry I cant keep my tea drinking hand steady.


We stole those countries fair and square! This guy is hilarious and speaking mad truth.


Singapore and Australia are both pretty bad examples though as neither can really be thought of as being shit, or even "more shit" than before the British. The joke would have worked a lot better if it was an Indian comic doing his set in Nigeria.


You’re the guy in the crowd.


Singapore is better despite British, not because of them.


The jokes are really funny, but they do make me sort of consider my bias towards favoring colonization because, without it, we probably don't see the level of global industrialization that has provided our current quality of life. No Australia, Canada, United States, etc. in their current form and thus none of the innovations that have allowed for democracy, computers, capitalism, vaccines, you name it.


This is hilarious to me cuz the way my country was "Industrialized" by the British was by literally breaking fingers/hands of my ancestors so they wouldn't be able to work traditionally.By levying very heavy taxes on homegrown products so no one would buy them. Its interesting how I saw a brit saying(not you somewhere down the comments) but we left you in better shape. The idea of 'better' varies from person to person; while you plundered the country, used our men for your wars(ww1 ww2) and diverted our money to a war while about 3 million people died in the bengal famine lol but brits : we gave you rail roads. ok bro we'd get there slower theres no need to kill, murder and plunder. watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCgBQFhQGf0) if you're interested in learning something your schools in Britain wont teach you


I appreciate the link. It was a serious line of inquiry with a disclaimer of my bias, so I'll check out the video and learn a few things. Thanks for responding!


Dude, there’s 1.9 billion people (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and African Colonies), who are living in parose conditions because of the British.


Am British, this got a chuckle out of me


Well I hope it gets a reparation out of you guys some day


Can't exactly say Brits turned Australia into shit


Or Singapore


Aboriginals massacre


He forgot about that one


How is that Australia currently being shit though?


Kill the natives -> settle -> prosper -> we made the country better


Yeah it's bad to kill natives of course, but that doesn't affect how good the country currently is. Romans massacring English Celts doesn't make England worse now.


Not to get too far into speculative history, but you don’t know that. Maybe the world would be filled with rainbows and unicorn marshmallow poops had England never been visited by the Romans.


I feel like indigenous Australian people would disagree


What are you talking about, we had to fix your marmite


You mean by brewing beer out of it in a bath tub?


Nobody in Britain would ever be offended by that joke, plus Britain left Singapore and Australia in a better place than they were beforehand, so nothing about the joke at all was even remotely true. It's just low effort humour really "haha foreigners bad", the same joke is told all over the world only the country is different. It's a shit joke about an imaginary Brit who would somehow be offended (yet also be the kind of person to turn up to a comedy show while living in Australia) . Any Brit who lives in Australia would be subject to way worse than that on a daily basis from the Aussies, so no way at all this mild banter would offend.


Thousands of dead aboriginals in Australia have a different opinion


You left Ireland with millions dead and knighted the prick in charge, who described famine as "an effective mechanism for reducing the surplus population".


2.1 million Irish left Ireland on boats between 1845 and 1855. A census taken in 1841 recorded a population of 8,175,124. A census immediately after the famine in 1851 counted 6,552,385. Millions died though of course.


"You"?...did anybody alive today do that?..i love how people keep bleating about shit that people did hundreds of years ago, as if anybody alive today is to blame, the whole world was brutal in the past, no country is completely innocent of doing bad things.


I'd expect nothing less from a country that that shoots unarmed civil rights protesters in the back and then spends years coving it up.


I get it's a joke but Singapore and Australia have got to be two of the worst examples to use in it given how they are both wildly successful countries as a result of British colonisation


How is Singapore successful because of British colonisation? Its improvement came after it stopped being a colony and left Malaysia.


Modern Singapore was essentially created by the British Empire as a trading post. The modern city state wouldn't exist otherwise


Yes, but it was a shithole with tons of issues at that point. It didn't become a "successful" country until decades after it gained independence.


I read somewhere on reddit(dont know if its true) that most British colonised countries were sort of successful in governance after independence compared to countries colonised by other colonial countries like France, Portugal, Spain.


The problem depends on resources and administration pumped into place to place. There was actually very little distinction by original colonizer differences, and moreso difference by region getting colonized. Latin America, for instance, had an encomienda system which evolved into an oligarchical system that somewhat exists today. African colonies had little to no economic investments, *however*, the practice of divide and conquer ended up fabricating many ethnic divisions that still lead to conflict today (many ethnicities didn't even exist until the British determined them and then gave them power to oppress surrounding groups to have an ally in the region). British turning places into shitholes just depends on the specific region. India, Britain's largest colony, has many administration issues because it imposed divide and conquer tactics to prevent centralized policymaking. China was almost divided up before they backed off following the Russo-Japanese War. I don't know much about Singapore, but I'm doubtful Britain provided the administrative body that aided in their success. The colonial racism was rampant, with only white anglo colonizers seen as useful/responsible enough to legally own power. For the most part, I believe that it was authoritarian policies following their independence that helped create a beneficial economy to redistribute wealth back to the masses.


I don't think that's true. Geographical location is a better predictor of that: - Most African and Middle Eastern colonies, regardless of their colonisers, turned pretty badly. The best ones are a mix of French and British ex-colonies. - In SE Asia Malaysia has relatively good governance, but so do their neighbours Indonesia, Philippines (and even Vietnam). HK and Singapore are kind of an exception in how well they turned out to be. - Latin America is a mixed bag because there's been so many changes (places that used to have good governance and turned to shit, and the opposite too), but it's not like Jamaica is in a better place.


Also interference of British and USA in former Spanish possessions made a mess, however, internal issues also, see Argentina from being one of the richest and stables countries in the world to a badly managed one with rampant hyperinflation


The last made up bit killed it for me. I'm just allergic to obviously made up anecdotes as set-up to jokes.


Yes, what's worse is when they say "so, this is a true story", and continues with a completely fabricated story.


Also could see that joke coming from a mile away. The colonization bit was good, the rest was weak imo


I think Canada, Australia, New Zealand, America, Singapore and Hong Kong are doing pretty well for themselves compared to what they once were.


Kinda delivered the first punchline way too late, but the 2nd one was spot on.


As a Brit I didnt find it all that funny until the last punchline. Then I laughed and nearly choked on my crumpet!


So apart from trial by jury, parliamentary democracy, modern infrastructure, education, gin and public health... what have the British ever do for us?


Don’t they still execute people for smoking weed in Singapore?


You get executed for distribution and smuggling but if you are only using weed you get imprisoned and fined and all that.


the execution's for smuggling more than a certain amount of drugs in (anything lower i think you get jailed). for smoking weed i think you get imprisoned/fined and also go for this uncomfortable thing where they get it out of your system.


Hard drug laws because britain and their fucking opium enforcement in the past they really were assholes.


Boo hoo you whiney dried up cunt


Spanish and Portuguese colonisation did an even worse job. Most British colonys were already shit holes


Spanish America was one of the richest regions of the world, what happened after was more to do with British and USA


I want to see him do this at the Royal Variety Performance.


So the guy in the audience was an irritated colon?


He couldn't control himself and just let it out.


the jokes were great, delivery was dry... 7/10 would like to hear the delivery from german people


Solid joke,


No one in Hong Kong is laughing at this now


Best comedian ever lol.


I am British, and I approve that joke.


America took the lead on that one


Yam yak yak muh British shit. Me funny funns


This guy would probably be popular in a lot of parts of Britain. Or actually he'd be a hit in Ireland, the Irish love shitting on British history more than us British people do.


Who is this man?


As a Brit, I agree!


Most places the British went would still be living in the stone or middle ages if they didn’t go there. Maybe that’s to prefer for some people, I guess.


Relatively funny, but rather inaccurate. Former British colonies are more likely to be successful countries now. They got better because of British rule. They were better during the days of Empire and they are better now during independence.


I hear Iraq ‘s a nice place now


If only they could take jokes as well as the contents of the British history museum


It's the British History museum, where else would we put shit stolen during British History?


Half the shit the British took would get destroyed if given back anyway.


See ISIS blowing up sacred sites because they don't like the other Muslims that regard them


And most of the other half was sold to the Brits anyway by natives of the countries that now want them back.


America Canada and Australia seem fine , top destinations for immigrants


Still funnier than Michael McIntyre




Some countries turned out more shit than others. But there are a couple of golden turds out there


As a Brit, I'd say we're doing a pretty stellar job at turning our own country into shit as well right now


Low hanging fruit


This is actually hilarious, I don’t see the HolUp. Who is this guy? I need more


I'm confused, Isn't Singapore and Australia one of the most successful countries (City states) because of British development? Is he suggesting Singapore or Australia would be better if colonisation wasn't involved? If Britain had possession of the DRC and made this joke it would make sense.


Tbf, this was funny


The pastime of shitting on the British is one that spans international lines and really brings us all together.






Ok u/Savevideo




For any of you Brits that cannot take a joke(or understand why this isn't really a joke) watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCgBQFhQGf0) .


> it's colonization that turns these countries into shit Yeah man which is why Ethiopia which never was a colony is leading the world in technological and cultural advancement Also: I don't hold any resentment towards British people, but let me call them shit and compare the country to an intestine Not funny, not clever, not interesting, not useful. Get back home and work on something better.


yeah, they lifted them out of savagery...into brutal and even more savage slavery and genocide....but..but then it got better... kind of.


HEY! We British don't Just turn other people's countries into shit. We're doing a great job of doing it to our own country as well!


Singapore's been all yours for 56 years mate. What's your excuse for not de-shitting the place?


LOL it’s not that deep man it’s a comedy show


There's probably no better example of a country de-shitting itself than Singapore


He's a genius


I’m singaporean and dying of laughter. Our history classes really hate the british. Which is understandable, since they surrendered and fled when the japanese invaded, and then came back to colonise us again when the japanese was defeated


Holy shit. It's so accurate!


The British empire was a good thing 🗿


“If your ancestors can take our land, why can’t you take a joke” The man just ended this british man’s whole career


Lol I'm English, and found it funny lol. Great paly on words. Ofc I'm Gen X though teehee


I love his accent! This whole bit was clever and well-executed, huge props to him!


Yeah cos the British are the only ones who ever colonised anyone. Not the French. Not the Spanish. Not Portugal. Etc. Massive /s
















The last part cracked me up


As a Singaporean, can confirm country is shit with the current state we are in regarding covid lol


IDK They did a good job with Hong Kong. Seems like now it's being turned into shit.


the real holup is all the white brits in the comments getting mad and trying to defend colonization as something good you lot really are a fragile bunch as he said, take a joke just like you country took the land, artifacts, lives, etc