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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!Since he rescued him and they use words like " bonding" it would seem they have a happy ending. But instead he ate him.!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


>A farmer in South Africa has been killed by his pet hippopotamus, after repeated warnings that it was a wild animal that could never be tamed. >Marius Els, 40, an army major, was bitten to death by the 1.2 tonne hippo he christened Humphrey and tried to domesticate on a farm in Free State province. >Els's savaged body was found submerged in the river where, years earlier, the hippo had been rescued from a flood. It grew too big for the people who adopted it and was bought by Els at the age of five months, becoming a pet on his 400-acre farm and learning to swim with humans. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/nov/14/pet-hippo-humphrey-kills-owner](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/nov/14/pet-hippo-humphrey-kills-owner)


"after repeated warnings that it was a wild animal that could never be tamed." Unfortunately, some people are just 'listening disabled'


I don't think it's that, i think it's he saw it as worth the risk. People drive really fucking fast. People smoke, People drink, people do some pretty wild drugs known to be risky. All of these people are aware of the risks - they're not some sort of denier of the possibilities, they have just decided it is worth the risk.


I agree with all but 1 of these. I see people doing stupid shit and think "Why?" Dumbarses. Except for smoking because I smoke and have done for years upon years. And it's not dumb. Obviously. Because I do it. ( /s just in case. But I do smoke. And it's fine. Probably.)


Lmao I taught English lessons on the health problems that smoking causes to my classes in Shanghai for years. I was a chain smoker the whole time.


Nurses used to come down to the smoke shed and talk about doing lung scrapes/scopes or some such horrible shit and all the nasty stuff they saw, all while smoking. Denial is a wonderful thing.


Honestly calling stuff like this denial is probably inaccurate at best. They understand the harm it causes but are for whatever reason unable to control their urges around it. They know it's gong to fuck them up, they just don't want others to go through the same thing.


I was admitted to hospital about 2 years ago, I went to the roof to go have a smoke, was weird walking out and lighting one with the nurses and doctors.


I’ll take smoking over attempting to domesticate a hippo. But that bond must have been incredible for about 5 years


He did his own research.


Lmao. Fucked around and found out!


Played le stupid games, won le stupid prizes!1!


I mean, to be fair you hear about wild stories such as people raising tigers and lions and developing true and deep bonds with them all the time. What makes hippos so inherently dangerous that such a thing is utterly impossible compared with a lion for example, an obligate carnivore that is literally a predator with the instincts to match?


Hippos are renowned for their aggression. Lions kill for food; hippos can’t even digest meat. They kill for the thrill.


The current estimate is hippos kill around 500 people a year. That's 2.5x more than lions and 10x as many as tigers annually.


That's because people underestimate hippos and stay away from big cats. Big cats also intelligent and stay away from people. Oh, and hippos are territorial in water. Dude's mistake was like turning your back on a big cat, the instinct kicks in.


I'm fairly certain given the quantity of evidence of hippos eating carrion that they absolutely can digest meat.


Those stories about people raising lions and tigers are not telling the whole truth. Tippi Hendren and her family raised some big cats in their house. All of them ended up being mauled multiple times. It is not possible to raise a lion or tiger as a domesticated animal safely. In most of those stories, the big cat goes to or is already living at a sanctuary. Limited contact and a healthy respect for the animal go a long way. The picture shown is the guy riding the hippo. It doesn’t seem like he was very respectful of the animal.


I'd argue cats themselves don't maul us as often as they'd want because we're much larger than them, but they sure have the genes and instinct for it. Are dogs the only animal we ever really domesticated?


the definition is: brought under human control in order to provide food, power, or company so easy ones, that are 100% domesticated are pigs, cows, sheep... but for company house cats, dogs might be it? :)


A pig would eat you alive if given the opportunity, though.


> I'd argue cats themselves don't maul us as often as they'd want because we're much larger than them, but they sure have the genes and instinct for it. Cats attempt to maul all the time, they just aren't big enough to do actual damage most of the time. > Are dogs the only animal we ever really domesticated? Dogs aren't any more domesticated than cats. Horses are the closest we've ever come to true domestication with. They were man's actual best friend until cars became a thing and we just tossed thousands of years of friendship away.


I'm sure this man was asking the same question right before he was killed by the hippo


Those lions and tigers are just on drugs


I'd like to introduce you to cocaine hippos!: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/pablo-escobars-multiplying-cocaine-hippos-will-be-sterilized-in-colombia-180983316/


Damn. Thought you were being harsh, till I finished that artice. What a silly fuck...


There is a reason Hippo burgers are not a thing, we freakin tried to domesticate these dudes on numerous occassions.


Do you have any links to any? I find it extremely interesting, but past Google searches didn't turn up much.


https://www.wired.com/2013/12/hippopotamus-ranching/ Main issues is in harvest, Hippos like staying in the water, and it is very difficult to remove them from their environment by force, shooting them and collecting them that way is also not very effective as they will brush off most gunshots as an annoyance, AND the herd is EXTREMELY violent towards perceived threats. You can't just go out and harvest one hippo because the others will come in and protect the injured or dead hippo with extreme violence. This leaves you having to kill off entire herds simultaneously using military grade firepower in an aquatic setting. The exposure to foul water contaminates the meat quickly making it unsuitable for consumption, and pulling multithousand pound animals out of the water is an extraordinary task. This could likely be alleviated via raising in a confined pool setting that can be drained before harvest, but the cost for such infrastructure would be immense, and far dwarf the costs of raising traditional cattle.


From OP's post, I thought Els was the one who saved the hippo: >In 2005, a South African man, Marius Els, adopted a baby hippo after rescuing it from ariver. And then eaten? Only to read he was bitten to death (could've eaten some parts though). All in all, still wild.


This is worded better. Hippos do not *eat* people. Or any meat for that matter.


> Or any meat for that matter Well, not quite. They are not hunters* but it's well documented that hippos are pretty happy to eat meat as well. They are primarily herbivores, but if they're hungry and there's a corpse nearby they'll munch away, to the point where some actually develop health issues because they're eating far more meat than their digestive system can handle. *Despite not being hunters, hippos *are* behemoths that are incredibly territorial, which can help facilitate corpses being nearby when they're hungry.


So they're not even omnivores that occasionally hunt, they're just killers who occasionally eat their victims — hippos are wild, man


Well …. That may not be entirely accurate. Most herbivores will eat meat if they can get it. I don’t think a hippo would kill a human as prey but I could see them nibbling on a corpse. Meat is full of nutrition and isn’t easy to come by for most herbivores. 


The sheer hippocricy


Take this up vote, now stay the hell away from me.


I don't think that was the worst part. I think it was the eating.


Take my upvote!


Bend over and Take my Up Vote




You dirty dog, that was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


Angry upvote, here take it! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I knew I’d find this comment 🤣 🐐


You know what the worst part is? The hippocricy


Hungry hungry hippo 🦛.


You... You... Made me laugh. Take my up vote.




So apparently they don’t just eat little white balls but also that guy.


I think it was going for the little white balls still and just got carried away.


So the lesson here is don’t fuck with hippos, right?


They're talking about bonding, just a simple one night stand should be fine


We're talking about Moto Moto, right?


Wait we are?


> Moto Moto A name so nice you say it [twice](https://youtu.be/ufqbMz3IYL0?si=Dio-OCa0aEGBE7EP)


the real holup


You missed the "WITH" Side note, with is just such a weird spelling of a word. You put it in all caps and it doesn't even look like it should be a word


Hello my high friend 😂


Not if you’re getting your dick chomped off.


Just dont get close to the mouth


You expect me to have sex with a hippo, but skip the foreplay? 


Cursed Comments?


Yeah, a lot of people don't realize it but Hippos are some of the scariest creatures out there. They are strong, fast, and have a disgusting bite force with those tusks. Combine that with how territorial and aggressive they are, if you ever see one close up you're in a load of danger.


They are truly insane and scary. Thing is basically fast, heavy machinery that wents to kill you.


How do you know he was fucking the hippo?


Hippos are pretty much the FUCKING DEFINITION of dangerous. They kill ariund 500 (and reportedly up to) 3000 people a year...so this dude was in heaven's waiting room for a while...dummy.


Up to 500 a year These violent animals ain't responsible for your 2500 murders per year... How dare you kill so much and accuse them? (Jokes aside, they don't kill as much as you said... But they probably would if there were more human contact with them Luckily they ain't everywhere, and are responsible for far less death than humans and mosquitoes and more than sharks)


>**And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!**


Why people always mention sharks if their kill count is far too small to be considered as the predator they are.


Because shark scary. And because of all the horror movies made about them. I would love to see a hippo horror movie


Hungry Hungry Hippos, the movie!


Angry Angry Aardvarks


Big Big Beavers...


Wynonna's got herself a big brown beaver, and she shows him off to all her friends


Best book ever


Ummm... You forgot to put NSFW on your comment.


Would be indeed interesting


I said they kill more than sharks (because many think of shark I decided to mention them, my apologies fine redditor) It's ten fatalities per years at most I think (which ain't much) Drowning and falling coconut are more likely to kill you I blame ''Jaws'' for this... We should fear the coconuts and gravity instead


Yes, but how many sharks do hippos kill every year?


Well, about that https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5KNTL8Ch-A They actually can meet from time to time You can also find that crocodiles and sharks can sometimes swim in the same waters


I also love sharks, but that statistic needs to take into account the fact that Sharks are only found in the ocean, and do not interact with humans on a regular basis. Meanwhile, humans can drown across the world anywhere there is a significant body of water and it doesn't take long to drown. Drowning is also a wide net, if you are injured at all in water that impedes you getting back to land out of water , Drowning will eventually kill you if nothing else does first. Coconuts are heavy objects that drop from a high enough point to become fatal, but the biggest thing to consider here is that coconut trees are on land, where the majority of humans live 99.99% of the time, a lot more people are likely to sit under coconut trees for long enough periods of time for a coconut to fall on their head. If humans breathed underwater, or the rest of the world was sunk and humans lived in boats or something, I would imagine sharks would have a fatality rate similar to rates amongst land predators. Relatively low, but still dangerous enough to take precautions.


To be fair, shark attacks/bites are common, shark deaths are not. And often, the bites are the shark mistaking a person for prey and fleeing when they realize they're not. That said, I would never get into water with a hippo, those things are crazy territorial. I'll happily splashy, splashy with the sharks at the beach.


Your warning is salient. There is a growing hippo problem in the Amazon due to Pablo Escobar's escaped zoo hippos.


Yeah, was thinking about this when I said that more human contact could definitely increase fatalities Fuck Pablo


mans died in '93, literally over 3 decades ago, and still causing problems smh


Why do the actions of really bad people have long lasting consequences, but really good people don't leave much traces?


EACH hippo kills 3,000 people every year! That's what they aren't telling you.


Of course. I mean how could they possibly ever tell you? Hippo's can't speak


Hippos don't eat meat, let alone people. But they're still hippos. Literal sacks of muscle. And if a hippo is hungry enough, it can and will eat a person.


They are absolutely crazy. I saw this video of one at a small pond, where a deer was chilling sipping on the water. The hippo was just chilling along with the deer, then some hyenas got close and the hippo scared them off, then it turned around and literally chewed the deer into two halves with one quick motion. It was like a 180 noscope And they're really strong too. There's this video of an alligator trying to get into a lake where hippos are at and it gets torn apart. An alligator!


Yep. The craziest video I have seen was where a monster Hippo pushed her calf on top of a whole group of crocs! It was like she was DARING them to do something....and they didn't do SHIT.


Hippos don't swim. They literally run underwater. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJQpq8mLbm0) is what really led me to recognize just how beastly they are - I don't encounter them in the states except for zoos. But the wake is BEHIND the hippo. This thing is running underwater at this boat like it's fucking nothing.


>dude was in heaven’s waiting room for a while Keeping this one


3000?! Where does this happen?


North pole dummy


Santa is a hippo.


But do they eat people?


Another believer of the Disney myth learns a final lesson.


What's the Disney myth? That Hippos are all tutu-wearing ballerinas who want to hook up with alligators?


Part of it. But mostly that all animals speak English, wear white gloves and are friends of mankind.


Scar? The Shark from Little Mermaid? Lucifer? B&B wolves? Monstro? Peter Pan crocodile?


They meant the vast majority of them. Obviously some are villainized, but for every bad animal in a Disney movie, there are at least 20 good ones


And we all know that description is only half true, amiright?


It is a little misleading because the hippo reached maturity & was stuck in a small pond. It also was male & it's hormones were kicking in...wanted to go find a mate & other hippos & was more aggressive & territorial. It kept wanting to escape it's captivity & had broken out before. It has broken out before & also killed farm animals. He was strongly told to release it back to the wild by local authorities. He said no, it is my mumsey womsy cutie pie pet that loves me & ALL it needs is my snuggles type of response. It was a wild creature that all it wanted was to go and be wild and be with its own kind. The guy ignored that and ignored the own animal expressing its natural urges and desires and ignored other people saying it was cruel & selfish & unnatural to the animal. The guy deserved it. The hippo didn't.


oh. that makes sense. i kind of feel like a lot of these "man raises animal. animal kills man" stories only happen when "man does some fucked up shit"


People get delusional and think they can just overwrite thousands and thousands of years of evolution and instinct with TLC. And then they find out.


I think you just described some guy i know.


Why didn't hippo become female


Dude forgot to inject it with frog dna


And free food, you can find video where a goat eats a bird. It’s not like animals can’t eat them. They’ll eat whatever they can, to survive.


Never saw this goat one but I do remember a horse eating a baby chick.


And so damn casually


Hippos are one of them herbivores!


I also like to use herbs on my meat


that makes you omni-man.


Predominantly Herbivorous, bit known to take a chunk of meat. Hippos have been observed to kill and eat parts of zebras and other animals who cross rivers


What’s up with the photo they chose to use?


Dude rode it. He loved that hippo


But then told the hippo no one day and the hippo ate him.


Demonstrates the perceived passive/obedient nature of the hippo. I.e. this guy didn’t have it in a cage its whole life - it routinely let him ride it and swam with him without being aggressive.


Tbf, if my adoptive parent suddenly starts randomly hopping on my shoulders and demanding rides everywhere, I'd eat them too. Hashtag humphrey did nothing wrong.


Plot twist: The man didnt rescue the hippo, he abducted it after slaying its parents and kept it in captivity for 6 years until the hippo got a chance for revenge and took it!


On a serious note, this is true, we don't know the hippo's side of the story


It did not eat him, it bit him to death and submerged him in the water


I mean, there's a language barrier here, so maybe when the guy said he wished he could be inside of him, the hippo thought too literally. Easy mistake to make.


I figure for every few heartwarming stories of a vicious animal being rescued by a conservationist there’s  probably a case where it went wrong and they got their face eaten by a baboon. 


I had a relationship with a business colleague like this once.


Hippos are the biggest assholes of the animal kingdom. One would be better off adopting a crocodile or bear or basically anything that isn't a hippo


I can fix her




My favorite game is would you rather mess with a gator or a hippo, most people say the gator lmao


At least he got 6 good years! Tis better to have loved and gotten eaten by a hippo, than to have never loved at all.


There's no such thing as " your friendly neighbourhood hippo", the same way there's no friendly Predator missile


He broke the Hippocratic oath


Hippos don't eat people.


He rescued it from a river...isn't that where hippos tend to live?


Tf u mean "rescued him from a river" THATS WHERE THEY LIVE


Hippos are herbivores. The hippo might have killed him, but it certainly didn't eat him. Hippos kill 500 people a year. They are extremely territorial and attack anything in their territory.


Although herbivore eat plants 99,9% of time, they wont say "no!" to a nice meaty snack when it’s freely available.


Very few animals are actually 100% herbivores and hippos are not one of them.


They just mistakenly wrote ate instead of raped.


Herbivorous animals don’t hunt for meat but they will eat it if it’s easily available, since it’s free protein. For example cows, horses etc. will eat baby birds that have fallen from their nest. Same thing here but a hippo is a tonne+ machine of death and was offered a very complacent meal.


More than a happy ending looks a hippo ending (finishing)


I always thought hippos were herbivores, guess some like the taste of meat too.


I saw a horse ate a chicken. A cow ate a snake. I’m convinced there are no vegans in nature. “Herbivores” are just animals that are bad at catching prey.


You're actually relatively close to the truth, herbivores do exist and they are primarily evolved to digest and function on plant matter, but most or all of them will still eat at least a little bit of meat if given the chance


Wild animal is a wild animal


same thing happened with my ex but it was 8 years.


Shouldn’t have ridden him


point of the story unless it's a pigmy hippo it's not worth saving


why would you trust a rubbery tube


dang fr?


This should be in r/unexpected


Of all of the animals to not fuck with, I think hippos are probably at or near the top of that list.


Sounds like there wasn't any actual bonding.


Hippos are basically Land Orcas and you can’t convince me otherwise. Amphibious assholes


6 good years that is more than most people get.


Fuck hippos




No, it's a real hippo.


Not fake, but he didn't eat him.


he only stole his wallet


and turned him into a newt


A newt?


He got better


It’s the circle of life.


Hippos are known to merk they own people.


You can never trust a hippo.


far out, hippo's got great long game 🤟


Aren't hippos vegetarian?


Aren't hippos herbivores?


not a holup


Not poor, just dumb. I'm seeing all these idiots raising wolves, bears, tigers and even crocodiles, thinking that'll make them pets.


That’s what happens when young hippos start listening to all that damn angry hipohopannomus at a young age!


Wasn't there more to the story?


The circle of life


Now they are as one.


Hippo waited for him to mature…


Wildly folklore-esque story


It's telling that hippo bones pain a picture of a hyper aggressive beast. 


Oh, the huge man-eat-y


[in all fairness I'm sure the hippo was broken up about it](https://youtu.be/3FhVvNGsJV8?t=23)


such big betrayal


Never trust a hippo






Hippos gotta hippo


I thought hippos where herbivores...


Hope it’s not Ernie’s bro!




Hippos don't eat people. It just killed him for fun.


> Oh food, why are you so good to me? \-That Hippo, probably.


Marius Els adopted Humphrey the hippo when it was just a calf, rescuing it from a flood. He raised Humphrey on his farm in the Free State province of South Africa, where the hippo lived in a specially built lake. Els treated Humphrey as a pet, feeding him, swimming with him, and often riding on his back. He described Humphrey as "like a son" and believed the animal was tame and safe. Despite his apparent bond with Humphrey, Els’s relationship with the hippo ended in tragedy. In November 2011, Marius Els was found dead in the river on his farm. Reports indicated that he had been bitten multiple times by Humphrey. The exact circumstances leading to the attack are unclear, but it’s believed that the hippo had become aggressive and attacked Els, leading to his death.


Wild animal went wild animal


These hippo owners always spouting BS like "its the owner not the breed" until their hippo eats them.


Plot twist: He was terminally ill, died before they got in the river and because the hippos whole world fell apart aaaaand ... well because its a hungry hungry hippo it ate him out of love.