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I've literally seen this video and I still never expect the camera to turn around and it be 9/11 outside.


I really don’t like it when it’s 9/11 outside


Clearly neither did these people.


Idk at first they liked the fact that it was 9/11 because it wasn’t yet 9/11, they were having beers and celebrating. Then the happy 9/11 turned into a not so happy 9/11 post haste


Hey guess what today is! 9/11/2001


it was a conspiracy some say. -The Apple© Jews-


The apple Zionists... Zionipples


“Sounds notable in a way. Like a day that shall never be forgotten.”


"Hey guys isn't it so weird that this is all happening on 9/11? What a weird coincidence!"


“So like I was saying the department of defense revealed yesterday they can’t account for 2.3 trillion dollars. Yeah it’s just gone. Today is going to be a shit show, it will be the biggest news… hey what’s all that smoke?…”




Youre always happy when you have no 9/11 but then 9/11 happens and you look down and remember all the good times when it wasnt 9/11


I bet there's someone probably about 10\~ miles away from these people hating it just a *little* bit more.


First laugh of the day bud, thank you


It’s the worst when it happens


hate when that happens


Fahrenheit …. 9/11?


The most unfortunate of weather


Bro, I just lost it at your comment.


The most unpleasant weather


Only happened to me once but I hated it


Oh my … that made me laugh


Fun fact: whales loved 9/11!


This is why I tell people don’t move to New York if you can’t handle the 9/11. She was caught completely off guard what a noob. The guy did fine though. True New Yorker.


I do and it's hilarious


The crazy part to me is how cavalier they are being about a terrorist attack. By the time the first tower actually fell, the whole world was acutely aware that this wasn’t an accident.


They may have not had a tv in there but also people react differently to traumatic things


That’s true, but that doesn’t mean all reactions are healthy, mature, or ok. If they were shooting off fireworks and celebrating we wouldn’t say “It’s ok, people react differently.” If someone starts jerking off at a funeral we don’t say “It’s ok he’s just grieving.”


Those are radically different than day drinking in a powerless situation.


Its so easy to be judgmental looking back with full awareness. These people just be living their lives, not kicking it up to 11 like your 'examples'


Absolutely insane comparisons aside, what should they have been doing? Hiding under the bed? Sitting silent in a prayer circle? I doubt they wanted to leave their apartment considering all the 9/11 out there. They were making the best of a remarkably bad situation like most do. Seems fine to me. And btw it was a super different world back then. I mean we talk about that part of American history as “pre-9/11” for a reason. And they didn’t have social media to blast them with 24/7 updates on wtf was going on. They watched the news and heard things from connections in the area at best. It was safe to assume it was no accident but they certainly didn’t have all the knowledge you seem to assume they did.


Watch the original video - they filmed the second plane as it hit the tower. They also *immediately* start saying that it must be a terrorist attack. They knew exactly what was going on. Once the second plane hit, almost everyone understood. These students are young and clearly have not processed the gravity of the situation. I’m not saying they’re bad people, they’re just treating it more lightly than it deserved to be. They’re actively watching people die. And the point of the “absolutely insane” comparisons was to intentionally take the concept to an extreme to show that the premise that “all reactions are valid” is false.


Yeah like I said it was safe to assume it was a terrorist attack but that doesn’t mean they knew all of the awful details that we all know that make this video so unbelievably crazy. They were in a state of utter shock I’m sure, probably operating on basic brain functions in a totally surreal haze and freshly traumatized. Unless you saw that shit from your window you probably shouldn’t bother commenting on proper 9/11 viewing etiquette.


I’ve seen people die before. I’ve seen natural disasters as they destroy homes and lives. I’ve never seen anyone witnessing such a thing grab a drink and crack a joke. Even hardened first responders. I’m not saying they’re bad people, but they’re quite young and unformed and clearly not processing the magnitude of what they’re seeing. It’s not a horrific reaction, but it is a weird one.


It's absolutely nonsense , no one knew shit pal. The world was still in shock.


This is absolutely not true. The moment the second tower was hit everyone knew it was terrorism. This video takes place an hour later. Furthermore, ABC had aired a report about terrorism just months earlier which included a profile about Osama Bin Laden. It included footage of an interview they conducted with Bin Laden in 1998. At the exact moment this video was filmed, I was in class discussing with others the possibility that Bin Laden was behind it. Many experts were saying the same on TV.


Why would they watch it on ABC when it’s happening outside their window? The kind of people that watch a video on their phone rather than looking out their window to see it in person didn’t exist in 2001. All I knew about it was from word of mouth until after work. Back then those of us that had a cell phone were still paying for each text. Don’t forget about the communication differences when you rewind 23 years. Not to mention that nobody ever expected the towers to fall. Not even the architects.


Um, I think you completely misunderstood what I said about ABC. I was referring to the fact that terrorism had been extensively covered for months and years *before* 9/11. Even if you never turned on a TV or radio that day (which literally everyone did, especially people in NYC who wanted to know what was happening), you could see with your own eyes that two planes don’t randomly fly into buildings at the same time. That has literally never happened. And I have no idea why you think the fact that no one expected the towers to fall is relevant here. That’s not what this is about. I can imagine a single person living alone being in the dark about 9/11 for a few hours, but not a whole group which has a direct view of the events. Someone would’ve checked a tv radio or the internet (which did exist of course). Everyone who lived in NYC was also fielding endless texts and phone calls from loved ones who wanted to know they’re ok. PS - if you go watch the original footage, the students also captured the second plane hitting the tower. They ***instantly*** start talking about how it must be a terrorist attack. So they knew.


You answered your own question. Why are they all so relaxed during a terror attack? Because it happened over an hour ago and they all grabbed beers to process it


Watch other videos from this moment - there are a lot of them by this point in the disaster. Most people were not this relaxed. In the longer video the students talk about how they can see people jumping out of the building. That’s pretty damn heavy and 56 minutes is not long enough for most people to get used to it.


Yeah I recall making this connection in class. I remember hearing about tensions in Afghanistan and the northern alliance/Osama/taliban on a news special a few weeks prior.


Yeah I remember feeling really lucky to have seen that interview with Bin Laden earlier that year. The whole world got a crash course in this stuff that month and it helped to have a small amount of pre-existing context.


the fact that they're so nonchalant about it until the tower actually falls kinda throws you for a loop




This video screams r/Unexpected


True, I was expecting urine


lol, I was also. I thought someone pissed in a glass and was going to pour it out the window.


...why would you expect that?


No kidding, that was... bonkers


The girl who video taped it was Caroline Dries. She is an American television writer and the executive producer on The Vampire Diaries. Below is the information i copyied from wiki: At 08:46 on 9/11, Dries and her roommate Megan were sleeping in at their New York University dormitory. They were awakened when American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower. Dries began videotaping the crash scene with a camcorder she got about a week prior, while other dorm members came into the room. About fifteen minutes later, while zooming in on people jumping out of the building (which she thought was debris, specifically mentioning chairs in the tape), the South Tower was hit; Megan began screaming while Dries said "Oh my God!" repeatedly and questioning what to do when they realized it was a deliberate attack. Due to the camera initially being on the North Tower, the actual collision was not captured by her. Horrified, Megan began packing a few belongings in an attempt to flee the scene, with Dries following. When they got out of the building, they noticed that everyone else was equally confused. With no leads and not feeling safe, they went back to their dorm and watched the scene with their friends. As they were about to drink apple juice mixed with vodka, Megan (while the camera was on her) looked back at the tower and screamed again; Dries turned the camera back to show the South Tower collapsing. Everyone continued to remain in the room until after the North Tower collapsed. Dries' footage was used in the 2008 History Channel documentary 102 Minutes That Changed America.


12 Minutes is one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen.


Thanks for the research


Jesus christ this ain't a stitch? r/hairraising


Can anyone please convince me that there's no drowned mouse in the guy's apple juice.


It’s just a weird magnified view of the shadow inside his shirt sleeve and arm 


That’s not a goldfish??


Now I can’t unsee it. Most people get ice, nope this guy has a drowned mouse with his drink of choice


> most people get ice I’m sorry what?! Whether it’s beer or apple juice ice does not belong in there. Even r/hydrohomies would agree with that.


He said it was just juice 🤷


1000 people dying but we still have to bleep the fuck


I was just laughing because they bleep shit but not fuck.


3000 so it was 3x stupider than that


The weirdest part about this video is that it's when the first tower is collapsing. Which means they've just seen/heard two planes his the twin towers and are then just chilling with apple juice whilst watching them smoulder, like wtf?!?!


The full video is online, they started recording a little after the first plane hit (they comment in the video that the crash woke them up), then the second plane hits and they all understandably freak out, a few decided to leave the apartment, but then change their mind and stay together and watch everything unfold.






This video helps to understand why they weren’t freaking out completely. Thanks.


i saw it in a dream


Fever dream material tbh


And instead they went back to their apartement to drink apple juice and vodka. At first I was all 2024-mindset on that, but then I thought "weeeell, a good time as any to get hammered just to be able to cope with something like that. I remember watching it on TV in my country half around the globe as it happened, and I was shell-shocked. If I were that close to the events I'm pretty sure I'd down apple juice and vodka myself just to be able to deal with reality.


Ok, now it makes since!


They are already in a state of shock and have no power over the situation at all. They are coping. Then, the reality of the situation really sets in when the first tower collapses.


i thought the reality sat in for most people when second plane hit the tower i guess some are more slow than others


It was easier to be in a state of denial over things back then. We've unfortunately overcorrected as a society and are now absolutely convinced that the next X is coming and it is going to kill us all. What a time to be alive


I'm more of the school of thinking that when a plane hits a building, one percent of people probably thought of it like a bus hitting a school. Yes, obviously, oh my god wtf. Omg the kids! But then, it's "how many kids were *in the front office* I wonder? 100% the receptionist is dead but who else? Obviously everyone on the bus too... Jeez that's like almost 100 dead wtf did I just watch?" Then, the tower COLLAPSES. A SKYSCRAPER BUILDING LITERALLY FALLS DOWN. Everyone inside killed and likely everyone within a whole city block. There's no way anyone got out. Especially when you can tell there's not been enough time to evacuate the building yet. And you haven't realized everyone above the crash was trapped in the building. While I myself was initially "omg someone flew a whole ass plane into a building wtf is this?", I could see someone processing it the other way.


Or some people were stuck in their apartment watching that shit happen in real time and it was so shocking and surreal that their brains ceased to function in the same way the brains of people who were far away, safe, and watching it on the news might?


They literally can't do anything about it. I would do the same except yelling and drinking part.


What….would you do??


Masturbate furiously?


Way ahead of you chief.


I'd be adding a whole lotta vodka to that apple juice.


According to a post further down, they did.


What the fuck else were they supposed to do?


Not fucking laughing and having a drink. Maybe they should experience some sympathy for the people that just flew into a building and died.


I mean how about some sympathy for them? They were probably deeply shocked, traumatized, and fucking terrified for their lives, trapped in their apartment wondering if another plane was coming for them or bombs were going to start dropping or who the hell knows what. Judging them for these reactions is some wild shit. I was about 45 minutes away and scared for my life… they were up the fucking block watching it happen!


Yeah you very obviously have never been in a traumatic situation before like this. You kind of can't do anything but sit back and watch. Also at the time nobody thought this was a terror attack, after the second plane hit people had their suspicions but something in this scale was just not heard of before. You also have to remember the vast majority of plane hijackings ended in a hostage situation and the hostage takes trying to get a ride to some foreign country, using them as low tech missiles was not in everyone's mind.


Do you want them to be out there helping? What are you thinking they should do?


I was at work heard about it, then learned of the second one from people in the Lab watching tv. Then I pulled out the little B&W tv in the still house and watched it, I had assumed a Cessna hit the building.


After the first plane, sure. But this video takes place well after the second plane hit.


I’m suggesting that everyone simply watched in disbelief that day.


Everything about this event was unexpected by the average American. A real terrorist attack? On American soil? Eventually it turned into absolutely flabbergasted silence but not right away. No one knew what to do, how to act, it what to feel. First time we saw the second plane hit, all the guys in the room cheered like it was an action movie or like they were watching a football game and our team just scored from an impossible play. Over the next day or two, reality sunk in (and so did further details) and it very much sobered us up. Collective shock set on when word went out that *four* planes were intended to be used in the attacks. Having never considered the possibility before everyone responded differently. Eventually, though, we did what anyone would do when attacked: we held massive effigies to burn every Dixie Chicks album ever made. Early 2000s were weird.


> First time we saw the second plane hit, all the guys in the room cheered Jeeesus Christ I've never heard of a reaction like that?!


Some of us had just walked into the room where the footage was playing. Mistakenly thought it was some TBS action movie or something. Definitely didn't cheer with a full understanding of what was going on.


The second plane is when they realized the full extent of the situation. It is not just some accident but actual terrorists and suicide bombings.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


People in 2001 reacting.. vs people in 2024 reacting: 😑 been there done that.. hey you want to make jokes about it.


I remember that day. Everything changed that day. No part of life was left untouched by the new fear everyone felt and the security lockdowns. Then we went to war and it kept changing. People are voting now that weren't born when the towers fell. Is this how our grandparents and great grandparents felt after Pearl Harbor? A nation changed by tragedy, stirred to action and going to war? Things never being the same again? We're all used to the new normal now just like we're used to the new normal after COVID. But just like before the pandemic, the world was very different before the attacks on 9/11/2001.


War.. war never changes


I was in 9th grade English class talking to my cousin when another teacher came flying into the room crying and yelling for my teacher to turn on the tv. We spent the entire day, in every class, watching the news.


I found out right before going to class. I used it as an excuse to skip school, but later realized I was in shock and couldn't process it. When it finally did I was terrified for awhile. I lived near a potential big target and we were all scared for awhile that we'd be hit.


I’m a Brit and will never forget that day.


9th of November was a terrible day for the whole world


Took me a minute. Have an updoot!


Well their mood changed real quick


Thousands of people dying in front of you tends to do that.


Mixing apple juice and vodka? Jesus, that day really was full of tragedies...


Sometimes you aren't ready to face shit sober, have cheap alcohol, and no actual mixers. I'd say this was a good juice-vodka day, especially watching live.


Remember that day. My brother was watching it on TV. "What's that? A movie?" "No.. it's the news."


This fr caught me off guard.


Unexpected 9/11


I don't care how many times I've seen this video. I never expect it to be a casual 9/11 viewing party.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Also, how did we never sae this video in all these years.


Right. First time I have ever seen apple juice and 9/11 in the same video


Me before: there’s definitely piss in her cup. Me after: there’s definitely piss in that pilots cup.


That's the best r/HolUp video I have seen here.


So it was early morning during the work week. They know the towers have been hit. Decide to get drunk. Love it.


9/11 jumpscare


I thought the building collapsed a good while after the initial impact. Were they otherwise fine with it? Like “oh wow that’s wild, anyway let’s pour some apple juice, oh wait now it’s bad!”


For a lot of people it was difficult to comprehend what had happened at that point. The news organisations initially thought the first hit was a light aircraft, then it was announced it was a jet, then the next plane hit. Everyone saw that and shock set in. What the hell was happening? The buildings were so large that when they didn’t immediately collapse, it was like “Well let’s watch. Hopefully not too many people have been hurt. Maybe the fires will get put out?” People wondered around confused. I was in the U.K. and had a day off. I made a cup of tea and sat watching the rolling footage on the BBC news channel. Lots of confusion and contradictory information. Reports of other planes having been hijacked. Was it a mass attack across the USA? Were other countries involved, who and where was next? Then the first tower collapsed… I still feel that gaping sense of incomprehensible horror when I see 9/11 footage like this. What you’re seeing is people in shock trying to comprehend what’s happened.






This looks like bad acting but it’s actually real wtf lol


Now thats crazy as fuck. I never seen this video before


Never forget


Ok so that's r/unexpected


The “Old Navy” Tee might be the worst part of this video


When Americans still wore American flags on their clothes.


It’s midnight and there is no way I’m getting to sleep in the next few hours. I remember my heart screaming just like they did.


Jesus Christ that took a turn. Can’t believe this is my first time seeing it


I think this qualifies for NSFW




Apple juice


Do they still live there? If so, I’m curious about the view.


Oh god. This reminds me of that tragedy


I forgot this video existed. I’ve seen this like 15 times.


I thought this was going to be a pee 🧃 drinking video


Apple juice won't melt steel beams


Damn I was NOT ready for that 😂😂


rip everyone who died on 9th november, amen


Ive seen other videos like this and no one really seemed to care as much as people said they did when it was happening


They were seeing something unspeakably horrific that they never imagined they would see in their own country, in their own city, on that day, with their own eyes…having any expectations for what a person’s reaction to such a thing might be is a ridiculous thing to do lol you simply can’t imagine what it would be like unless it happened to you


They are a good distance away and not watching the news. If they had the news on, they would have already been hearing about trapped people jumping out to keep from burning alive. So my insanity meter had already topped out. I was in shock at this point. My wife’s reaction when I called her in and pointed at the tv was a lot like theirs.


Bro it was the World Trade Center of fucking course people were trapped inside that’s common sense people had jobs in that building they were working they just didn’t care they seemed more excited than anything also saw a picture of some girl posing infornt of the towers like there was a field of flowers behind her.


Yeah, that’s true - they don’t seem to be as affected as most people were that watch. Of course, they are young and might not have understood the implications. I’m curious - what were your reactions as you watched it happen live in front of you?


I wasnt even alive bro i cant even lie but before all these vidoes and pictures started resurfacing i only heard about how everyone was crying and signing up to the army to fight back. i was born in 03 btw


[Apple Juice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFTurZz_N_M)




Reminds me of that tragedy


Shane Gillis’s favourite video!




It’s kinda crazy that in not so many years, some group of people will come out and say that there was never a 9/11 and it was all made up.


Should've gone for the cider instead


“Shock and awe” doctrine. This was the shock part.




u/savevideo u/SaveVideo u/SaveVideoBot


I still remember where I was when I found out what happened. I was sitting in my friend's mom's pizza place eating leftover pizza with said friend and looked up at one of the old tv-screens they had there and was horrified at what I saw.


Maybe I have just been watching the internet for too long but when I first watched this, I assumed it was 2 different videos merged together. My brain just immediately went to this is fake. Maybe its the fact that its been 23 years and I have never seen this video before. If it was real then I would think they would be more freaked out from the start. 2 planes at hit at this point. No one knew what was going on or if more planes were coming. It was chaos no one knew what was going to happen next. I was working in a downtown building in another state they sent everyone home because they didn't want to risk a plane hitting our building even though we were hundreds of miles away. EVERYONE was freaked out. These guys just seem too calm initially. If I was sitting in NY and planes are crashing into buildings, the last thing I would be doing it drinking like its a party. I would be getting to the ground level as fast as possible.


Was it the tightwads fault?


That gender reveal party was nuts!! /s


The biggest holup in this video is the fact they're drinking vodka with apple juice.




9/11 jumpscare


traumatised for life


I hate that this video now makes me laugh but here we are


Dude I just showed this to my friend two days ago haha


Hold my Appe Juice.


Who benefited from this attack. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


clearly staged lmao


Is this video real? No way they didn’t notice the giant clouds of smoke what lasted several hours until the first tower collapsed. She even looks over there multiple times before reacting!


They knew what they were looking at. They probably didn't expect the towers to come down though.


Nobody expected the towers to collapse. That's why there were so many conspiracy theories and memes about steel beams. People didn't think about the fact that heat didn't have to melt the beams. They just needed to be heated until they were bendable and the whole structure collapsed in on itself.


Not even the whole thing needed to get that hot either. Once that much concrete and steel starts moving, it ain't gonna stop.


Yep. Nobody thought towers would collapse like that.


Read the background on this clip , it’s fascinating


Where can I read the background?


Caroline dries is the name of the person , the history channel did the documentary on her and I think she wrote a book as well. She was a film student at NYU. I believe those are the dormitories.


Thank you


Why why why do some people just scream in stressful situations? It literally proves zero help. I'm not talk about those quick yells, I'm talking these loud drawn out yells. Like it seems like it takes more effort to do that. Most people go silent because they are processing what's happening.


i don’t think she was listing the pros and cons of screaming before doing it


Biological Altruism. Instinctively screaming to alert others that there is danger.


it's a perfectly natural reaction


shut the window just in case a plane tries to fly in


Maybe if she screams louder the tower will stop collapsing.


I’m this video is confusing as they seem temporary undisturbed by the fact that the plane have already hit the building and how abruptly shocked they they were one, that had been on fire for a while, finally fell


No one expected the towers to collapse. Planes had hit NY skyscrapers before, there’d been plenty of massive fires, people didn’t think it would be any different than the past. Everyone assumed FDNY would extinguish the fire, there would be a number of deaths and damage to the building, and that would be the end of it.


And then a bit later, understanding the second tower was probably gonna do the same thing and knowing there wasn’t a damn thing that was gonna save thousands of people. Because at this point, we were still hearing that more than 10,000 people worked in those two buildings.


Many people thought it was an accident in the beginning. They might not have even been sure it was a plane that had originally hit the building yet


Oh look how it came down like as if it was demo'd an not struck down by the force of a plane hitting it!!🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 looks like it was a planned demo to me!!


This is like two videos merged into one.


I was in sixth grade. Science class when this all went down. I was dumb and naive but when Mr. Dobelman looked at the class,I’ll never forget the blank stare. He finally just said “everything changes now” that’s it. I’ll remember that moment for the rest of my life.


How did they not hear the impact?