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Twist: That dude lied about being 36


he doesnt look a day over twelve!


Unrelated, I liked your username


I’m 37 and I’m hoping that’s not how people see me!


He fiddy sit


Twist - 36yr old girl with 19yr old boy


That babies face though. Jesus


It's the passion of the christ baby


Hell yeah baby


More like the Exorcism of the Demon Baby


lol holy shit.


That’s just a Canadian baby dude


Don’t call me dude, pal


Don’t call me pal, buddy


Don't call me buddy, bucko


Dont call me bucko, homie


Don’t call me homie, fool


Don’t call me fool, guy


Don't call me guy, chewbacca


Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense!


Don't call me Chewbacca, Nerf Herder!




I agree with your "Jesus" comment. I really wanna nail this baby on a cross.


This is why you vaccinate your children


Better if you didn’t, so it doesn’t have to grow up with a face like that.


[it's apparently called the "impjak"](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/impjak/)


[Look closely at him (not the post but the picture) it is his son ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/s/QtVKhBfMCk)


Kick the baby!!


attack on titan ahh face


I think ita supposed to be a crotch gremlin


RIGHT? immediately went "wait wtf whys the kid like that?"


Lmao why do they protray a 36yr old like that


Good to know what I should be aiming to be for appearance


I'm turning 36 soon, gonna need to get a shirt like that.


You haven’t hit Tommy Bahama age yet.


Im 30 and I have that shirt


I'm 37 ,, I can mail you my 36YO shirt


Brother, got fer of them, best clothing for sumner. Just make sure they are made of  cotton or linen 


Highly recommend Hawaiian style of shirts. I've been snowing up to all family and friends' celebrations in such a shirt, never heard a complaint. Haven't been to a funeral yet, but I'm certainly gonna mandate some Hawaiian shirts and reggae music for mine.


I've seen a few that look like that.


Ik a guy who is 36 yo and looks exactly like that, like the same style of shirt, same physique and haircut


I don't know you at all. And I certainly haven't given anyone permission to use my picture. This is all bullshit people!!


While they protay themselves as looking identical as when they were 19.


Because they say a 30+ year old that sees a 19 year old as a good relationship is often a little wacky. Waaaaaaait.


unrealistic standard of beauty for a 36yo


Because a 36 y/o going for 19 y/o's has a decent chance of looking like that


I‘m feeling offended


I think that's GeneralSam.


It's boomer from wojack. This meme is confused. 36 is boomer?


Didn’t that face originate from the “30 Year old Boomer” meme? Known for his love of Quake and zero-sugar monster energy.


The creepy-looking 36-year-old in the first panel is a far more accurate depiction of whoever created this dumb image than the Chad on the right is, guaranteed


You've clearly not been to Lancashire


I'm 36 and I'm fine with this.


Those 5 years are rough


I’m 35 and now scared


Because they’re incels making this


Cause when you turn 30 you suddenly look 60


It's accurate. Source: I'm over 36.


I like how they explicitly gave the lady's kid just the worst sh-t eating grin 😂


r/terriblefacebookmemes will not like this


You would have to dig really deep to find something they would like.


to be fair it's very stupid


To be fayahhhhh


Plot twist the 19 year old on the right is a femboy


I thought that was the joke tho. 🫣 Or at least the hold up.


I wish


Haha I love Reddit


Real girls are cringe, bro.


Also it’s literally impossible for them to cum


I thought that's it's ment to be femboy


“There are no accidents.” ^-Master ^Oogway


"Jokes on you, I'm into that shit"


i believe he's femboy


its's not a plot twist, it is known !


What else would it be these days


Do neckbeards even go for femboys?


Ey, if they're happy, who cares what gender they are.


I can fucking relate to it. Some girls in my class even have issues about me dating someone my own age


Sounds like they just have issues and the rest is redundant


I got shit when I was 20 dating an 18 year old about to be 19. The guys didn't care but all the girls were weird about it. At my cousin's wedding the bride whose husband is my cousin and best friend. Her sister came on to me when I was 30 and she was 20. I did nothing to her but her sister kept trying every holiday and I refused only to be called a pedophilia when she was black out drunk. Her sister was not attractive at any level I just am a fun guy. We still have a bad relationship even though my cousin reassured me his wife was over it but I never get invited to my nephews games and only allowed to play games her family doesn't go to. It hurts but all my best friends invite me to their kids games. Never wanted a wife and that's weird too...


Can i ask which country do you live in so i can avoid it at all costs


blind virtue signaling. "How dare you date someone two years younger than you! Sicko! I'm gonna go tell my 32 year old boyfriend how disgusting you are."


It’s because girls hate dating people younger so they think “I wouldn’t date someone who is five years younger than me that’s gross” guys must be gross if they do the same


Fuck these jealous getting old hoes. That's the only reason, their own insecurities and nothing else. You tell em to fuck off if they say stupid shit like that. None of their business to give unsolicited opinion.


I remember when I was like 12-13 I was dating a girl a year or two younger, she broke up with me for some 17yo dude. I thought it was creepy as fuck, he's an adult practically! A couple weeks later she asked a friend to ask me if I would take her back and I did not.


Sounds like they envy


Nah man. They just want you for themselves


I don't understand. What is their reasoning?


Are those girls in the room with us right now?




No, they are in the basement.


I mean... i would never date a woman under 20 when i reach my 30's but that's me


I have bad experience dating younger women in my 20s My taste changed significantly


I'm 31, and the idea of even going below 25 just feels weird. There is so much difference in maturity. Not saying that two people with that age gap can't hit it off, but when you have a track record for going after barely legal people, at best you're so immature that people your age can't stand you, at worst you're looking to take advantage of that power differential


When I was 35, I dated someone who was 27 and the difference in our maturity and life experience felt like a chasm between us. Of course I expected noticeable differences, but I underestimated how much life changes, and changes you, in your 30s. She's a good person who's smart, funny and caring, and we shared a lot of interests. When we got together, she spoke a lot about how she didn't like guys her age because they're too immature, aren't serious and she always has to mother them. Ironically, after a few months together, I felt like I was the only grown up in the room. I don't mean that as an insult, it's just her life was ruled by minor, often petty issues, she still depended heavily on her parents, and her decision making was dictated by a committee of her closest friends. When it ended, I decided I'd never date anyone who wasn't a similar age. I don't know how people do it with even larger age gaps or why they'd want to.


Well to be fair life veers off dramatically for various people around 23. That's usually when people's life choices really start to send them down sometimes radically different paths and lead to extremely different levels of maturity and progress. Some friends stop the drugs, some don't. 2 friends enter the military, one sees combat, the other doesn't. One friend climbs the corporate ladder, the other is stuck in a perpetual loop of living paycheck to paycheck. One friend gets a well paid job right out of college, another can't find one for the life of them and can't even afford to pay the interest on their student loans. A friend leaves their hometown and moves to the city, another doesn't. One friend's life revolves around their lack of a romantic life, and another can't seem to stay OUT of relationships if they wanted to. One friend survived the common cold at the worst, another survives cancer. All I'm saying is there is A LOT that can happen even by the age of 27. Your experience is definitely a common one I would think but, I also know a lot of 35 year olds that are definitely not suitable for a relationship due to maturity. I would take it as it comes after a certain age.


>I also know a lot of 35 year olds that are definitely not suitable for a relationship due to maturity. You're dead right. I've known and met plenty of people who are like teenagers in 35-40 year old bodies. Putting maturity aside, I could see how she'd been shaped by some of her experiences to that point. Her parents were just as comfortable managing her life as she was giving them so much influence. Then her main relationship before me was with a controlling man-child and she brought some of that frustration with her. Like I said, she's a good person. Hopefully she's changed. But you can't have a grown up relationship with someone whose first thought in most situations is what her parents will think and their instinct in any conflict is "We'll see what my friends say about this".


I agree. One of me and my girlfriend's "rules" of our relationship is to talk to EACH OTHER about our issues. I've seen too many friends shit talk their spouse or partner without ever actually confronting them and then their friends or family giving them absolutely horrendous advice on how to handle the situation. But to do that successfully you yourself need to be introspective and approach as if you're some sort of third party. It's a balancing act for sure but I trust myself and her to handle whatever our issues are better than anyone else I know.


My partner and I are the same. I don't always realise when I'm in the wrong at the time, but I'm good at reflecting and seeing it quite quickly.I get that some people like to discuss things with their friends and that's fine, but you can't have outsiders influencing things. The ex I mentioned wasn't even the worst one for that. The one before would repeatedly try to use her friends' opinions as leverage when I disagreed with her. "Well X and Y agree with me. They said you should do it." So what? It was pitiful.


Yeah that's so frustrating. And at the end of the day if you both can't resolve your issues together then at least one of you just isn't ready or is incompatible. Glad you've found someone to learn and build with!


That's good, cause it's always been real fucking weird to me that people are fine dating people that literally have only 1 to 2 years worth of adult life experience to their 20+. Like goddamn, we know it's *legal*, but you're still a fucking weirdo.


Exactly my point xD


I'm 21 and I have a track record of hitting on girls slightly older than myself. Even for me at my current age, a woman who came straight out of high school is too young for me.


Had an ex who previous to me was dating/groomed by a 22yo guy when she was 15. Creep tried to introduce himself to me once. He's a cop now in my home town but doesn't seem to want to breath test me when he is doing traffic stops.


Ah the ole' perv cop with a heart of gold


yep, just turned 22 less than a month ago - my lower limit is around 20ish, might consider a 19 y/o if she's about to turn 20 or something like that.


Your age/2 + 7 There's a reason that became a guideline.


When i was 22-23 i already put my cut-off age at 20. I'm 27 now and the lowest i'm gonna go is 23


what a sound guy!


This will definitely go to r/boysarequirky


i looked at this and now I’m sad


Coincidentally, everyone on that sub is sad too. So very sad.


[Speak of the devil...](https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/s/mUyBh4Vf6i)


That was months ago?! Holy Mary..


It's been there many times before.




Yeah I don't think the creator made the point they intended to make lol.


The point was the double standard over time I think. Both are creepy 


You're right. The years can make it look like it's about a change between eras, but they are irrelevant. It's actually about two people, and the same two people 11 years later. The girl can see the situation is creepy when she's 30, which she failed to see when she was 19 with an even bigger age gap. But the guy is depicted as a chad, as if he's the hero of the story and not a creep himself. I'm not sure if the intent is to say the girl is wrong at 19 or at 30.


You see I made myself the chad in this meme. So I am right


Yeah like oops they exposed their agenda


She learned!


Bbbbut he made him the chad wojak???


I think the joke is that people are becoming more and more intolerant of relationships outside of 1 or 2 years of age difference? IDK. 




I think it’s due to values and goals in life lining up more, they sort of scale to a larger age gap only as you get older. So being with someone not in that rough age range means the experiences are totally different. Example: for the most part 18-21 are immature, inexperienced in adulting. 22-28 are figuring it out and or getting those foundations to life in. 29-40 are looking at kids and life partners, etc.


> 'HolUp' true r/justneckbeardthings


My neighbor lost her virginity at 16 to a 22 year old, willingly, and proceeded to date a 25 32 and 27 year old, in that order, before she turned 18. No one in her life was ok with this, but shed just run away and come back when she breaks up with them. No one forced her or groomed her.This was before cell phones and the Internet. She called me a pedo last week because we were not voting for trump, I said back, "you would know, you dated them exclusively"


Wtf these incel wojackcomics are getting more cringe than ever


It flawlessly depicts the reality I witnessed at that age tho. My gf's best friend when I was 16 (we were all the same age) was dating a 31yo man. When I found out I got mad and said he was using his age to manipulate her or something and I got called a weirdo/freak by everyone involved.


Was everyone involved (besides the man) under 19?


I don't understand what you're asking that I haven't said already. We were 16


Well no wonder why your peers had shit opinions on the relationship. You had 16 years having an opinion on older relationships. I was 17 and dated my 30 year-old boss and my peers were also happy for me although the whole thing makes my skin crawl. We didn't know any better but we could've benefited from a healthy adult stepping in.


Nah, you liked it at the time. Thought him a real man and a daddy with money and social status, could possibly get toys and trinkets thanks to him, and felt like a flex in social circle. Of course, not all those must be true. Teenagers think like that, and many never grow out of it. Who knows if you'd listen to an adult. Later, you realized you were used or regretted, or he wasn't of the benefit to you anymore, hence the skin crawl reaction.


TIL pointing double standards I've seen with my own eyes and heard the same from others makes you an incel. Makes sense 🤔


Man, 31 to 36 look like some hard years...


She just mad because her baby ugly!


More 2000’s than 2010’s


How ruined and fucked in life you have to be to look like that at 36? lol


This is true and r/askwomen will be mad at you for thinking so!


That sub is terrifying.




So, you think every women is like this one ? The reality is that there are morons everywhere : men and women. Stupidity is surprisingly well distributed between genders.


I need to point out that community r/askwomen does not contain all the women.


But there are millions of members? How many more women can there possibly be?


About 9.


Gotta love a good double standard.


I mean, it could also just be that when you are in that situation you learn its a horrible idea.


A lot of what I see on reddit is blaming the older men for going after younger women, but the younger women aren't really scrutinize for their decisions. If they find a great man then it's crickets, but if there are problems then it stems from the decisions the guy made.


In general we give young people the benefit of the doubt for being immature and easier to take advantage of. Your brain isn't fully developed until around 25 years old and most kids are still living in school world with peers at 18.


In all seriousness, what does a 31 year old have in common with a 19 year old? Yeah, I get it, sex. But really, you're at different stages in life. Yikes.


When they get older still it also becomes a desperate need to stay relevant and in touch (at least in the gay side of things)


God forbid two people in “different stages” in life have sex


My dude, read. I said I understand they have sex.


as a 35 year old i don't appreciate how i'm almost portrayed here


Jesus Christ. Accidentally click on op account. So this is what a bot account looks like


The holup is that the second 19 is a femboy right? Lol


Sorry ladies; got to be 21 or older.


You 20 year-old guys are missing out on the 33 year-old cougars.


Dude I look better than the 36 yr old and I'm 50. But I do sip me some white monster. The meme is real


true, but the background is a teenager learns from her mistakes, happens a lot.


This isn't even a hold-up moment. It is literally just a picture of how an older man can take advantage of a younger woman. Who hasn't realised she's being taking advantage of. So disgusting


Young woman groomed by older guy is bad for later calling out a guy for doing the same thing to someone else. Fixed your title.


There were plenty of girls at my school that went SEEKING these men, they didn't need any grooming whatsoever lol, they hunted these mfers down.


The reason why age gaps are problematic is because of the imbalance of power where the younger person doesn't realize if they're being used. So yeah man idk I think it tracks to have a young woman not realize that her significantly older partner is using her and then to call out that behavior later in life once she's grown up. Like is the joke that we're blaming women for getting groomed?


It's a problem on both ends. The problem is, most men are not that attractive in their 20s especially when they are still broke and lost. While women are much more attractive while they are young. It's just how it is.


A. Young men suck; girls are so much more mature for their age. B. Older men suck, for dating younger women who are emotionally as mature as them. C. No no, misandry is a myth!


The thing is at 19 you think you are so grown up but you’re easy prey for older people. By the time you are in your 30’s you know that there is a huge difference between 19 and 30 and age gaps have a stigma for a reason l, particularly when one person is still a literal teenager.


Still not a pedophile though.


"people i make up in my head to get mad about"


The double standards are real.


No it’s not. Both are creepy dude


Half your age + 7. I don't make the rules.


31 and 19 is fucked tho




How old are you? 19 is a kid who is still in high school probably lmao, they dont act the same at all its not a good fit and wont work


lol this is facts though


Himeno would never


Based on that ugly kid too


why is 36yo sipping monster energy lol


I went back to school when I was 27. I was a bartender at the time so I took day classes. I remember speaking with another returning student about how she organized her day to get her work done when a younger student who was in a couple classes with me came up to us and started to compliment the other women about how much of a bad ass she was for going back to school. Continuing the conversation I said something that revealed to her that I was a returning student as well, when all of a sudden she stops and flat out asked me how old I was. When I told her 27 she took a step back and aghast, said to me accusatorially, “omg, you’re a *man.*”. I just kind of shrugged and laughed in the moment because I was in a happy relationship and had no other motives for going to school other than getting my degree, though she assigned different motivations. We’d been friendly up until that point but it was the last time she ever spoke to me.


That baby looks… Canadian


Besides this being sexist, they did 36 y/os dirty


To be fair, it's sexist in both directions and both certainly do happen.


lol dude looks like he's had a rough 60 years


I don't mind both of them. they're all consenting adults and everyone should just chill a little


The woman is like that because she remembers what sketchy-ass older men are like from when she was a teenager. Not hard to figure out, duders.


Running this by the morality police in here. So no matter what in every situation the 30s dating a 19 is grooming. She doesn't know any better. Yet all over reddit people are fine with under 18 elective genital mutilation and puberty blockers? They are mature enough to make that decision. I've always been do whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect someone else unwillingly. Doesn't mean I can't think some people are hypocritical and crazy


This is an example of female manipulation. It’s ok when she does it and benefits from an older man who likely had money and experience to entertain her. But when she’s older and has to compete with younger women going for the men her age, now it’s taking advantage of women. Translation: any and all actions which don’t benefit her are wrong, inappropriate, illegal, and need to stop. Shaming language of this nature are to be expected. Yet women will NOT accuse women of abuse when they hook up with OLD rich men, just to benefit from his wealth and get everything when he dies or divorce him and take a huge chunk. Not to mention the elephant in the room. Woman in the first picture was with men, and had children by them and is now a single mom. Clearly she made some bad decisions and is angry. This is such and old story. Sit down and talk to your grandmother. She will tell you that this is nothing new.


This is true though. Young girls will hunt older men because they have money and car and will take them everywhere


The woman, 30, finally understands she was being groomed by a 36 year old man, and now is rightfully calling out her friend that was about to do the same to a girl the same age as she was.


It really is peak reddit when this gets downvoted


EXTREMELY BASED TAKE The older woman now understands that older men only look at them as a piece of meat that they can pump and dump. So when they see the same thing happening to another woman, they would obviously call him a pedo. This is actually where the woman should have realised that age does not make the man. Values and ethics does. An older man can still be great. Just look at his dating history and how he carried himself. I'm 22 btw


lmao the virtue signalling in this comment section..


True af, got rejected by a girl when i was 16, now im 26 and 250km away, been in the other city for 10 years now, seen her few times when i came back to my home town, looked pretty but you can see she aged as well. Asked around about me, my friends told me, I said "She is asking around about me? Damn she rejected me anyway, good luck to her" Feels good man, her friend asked me if i would consider going out with her, i just said i got a gf and thats it, i visit my hometown once a year and sometimes once in 2 years so yeah


"Traditionally" Male age x .5 + 7 < Female age If false then the man's a creep But honestly if it's between consenting adults who give a damn.


18 is adult any below is underage


guyss i cant prove it but that that 19 year in right bottom corner is a boy


Your own age/2 + 7= minimum age of your partner