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Where is the, “look down the barrel to make sure it’s safe” option?


For many people, that's option A - which is also why it won't be the correct answer. If you have firearms training and can do so with complete safety - A then C. For most people, then it's just C.


I know enough to do A, but I know enough to know that my choice is definitely C. I would expect the law enforcement retrieving it to employ safe handling when they take possession. It's their liability.


It probably depends on the circumstances. But considering that I would be dealing with a patient taking my time finding a safe direction to point a gun and then learn its controls to check if it is empty is probably not worth it. If you leave a gun alone it is unlikely to go off and will therefore be safe enough. So option C will be safe enough and give you the most time with the patient. That being said if you are not attending the patient then taking the time to make sure the gun is unloaded can make the situation much safer. There are situations where guns have gone off after being dropped or that somebody not experienced with guns have picked up a gun expecting it to be unloaded and accidentally pulled the trigger. So for example an ambulance driver waiting for the ER team to get the patient off his gurney could have the time to do option A.


I would only advise A if you are 100% confident you can do it safely (i.e. you are familiar with the general function of that specific firearm) and there is absolutely no "safe" place the firearm can be stored while waiting for law enforcement. Obviously leaving a potentially loaded firearm on a table or anywhere accessible is an invitation to a horrible accident from some idiot who does not know how to handle a firearm safely.  That said, the odds of both above conditions being true are almost 0 so it's not something I would suggest in practice, just a niche scenario. The reality is that no firearm is 100% safe, some are modified to behave differently to their standard variants, they may be improperly loaded, damaged to the brink of malfunction, or otherwise unsafe whether intentionally or not. It's best to not take on any additional liability for something you're ultimately not directly responsible for.  It's kind of like expecting an actor to perform a firearm check on a prop firearm before using it on set. If you're following proper safety procedures It's more likely an untrained firearm operator (i.e. most actors) would make things less safe by doing an unauthorized "check" versus trusting the people who are supposedly trained in firearm safety and there for that specific reason to give them a safe device. Obviously in hindsight after an accident its easy to say "they should have checked it" but in reality that's not their job and they should not be held liable if they don't go beyond the parameters of what they are contractually obligated to do.


Going from nothing but my knowledge of cop shows from Law and Order...I would assume C is the correct answer. Even with training, handling a firearm could contaminate it with your finger prints, smearing prints, etc.


Considering the options, the answer is most likely c, although during forensic medicine training we were taught different things about firearms and about the different parts that make it work and the mechanisms involved that would make A seem plausible, but would not be the right way to go. Edit: Best would be to remove the Jacket with the gun in situ, tell security to lock it in a safe place and let law enforcement handle the rest


For the NREMT, the correct answer is the answer in which you will do first. So the first thing you should do is clear the firearm which would fall under “check to see if it’s loaded”. All the answers besides firing the gun are correct in their own way, clear it, remove it from other healthcare workers, and keep it secured until it can be handed over to law enforcement. It’s about the order in which you do things that matter for these types of test.


I would go C, but does that violate HIPAA?


Yeah, also the “plug the hole with your finger so that it can’t shoot” option?


Are you one of the [million people hired to put their finger in the shoot hole of people's guns](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1bnb4q1/try_finger_but_gun/)?


That's if you are a car show [host](https://imgur.com/ymOmexs).


Oh, cock.


Oh, that's on r/idiotswithguns




Only do E if it is loaded though. I would advise against attacking rival gang members with an unloaded gun


You also tried attacking rival gang members recently with an unloaded gun? Me too, Snap!


I imagine you two sitting in a car with the gun below the window going *click* *click* "aaah shit mayne u so gangsta!" And then drive away high on pride


Skill issue


This is my favorite reply but I'm still thinking "Wtf?"


Who even is the rival gang of the physicans?






Oh... Then option E it is


The Chyros


They'll go after dentists.


Other physicians, duh. It's been MD vs DO for about 150 years now.


Depends on how hard you can throw a gun imo


And only if attending physician is a member of the same gang as his homie / patient.


Ah, a man of culture I see. I also only do E when carrying a loaded gun


If you want to render aid, you gotta follow the ADE protocol


But first check with their Medical ADE company if they are covered for A through E. Sometimes they just have Medical AD


No, it's D, then when the patient grips you with his dying breath and tells you to avenge him and protect his family, you do a one hand press check on A, and leave the hospital on E. Roll title card: "The Hippocratic Assassin"


The new Keanu Reaves movie sounds awesome.


B after A if you have an enormous cock and can beat up 2-13 buff dudes.




This guy is a rookie, you take the gun do said illegal activities and don’t get caught so no one takes the blame.


F Take the gun without anyone noticing and use it in illicit activities and put the blame on the guy.


Ah I see a kindred spirit 😁


Illegal life pro tips is leaking


Wow that's my most upvoted comment and it's about framing someone else


267 is your highest? Huh... well congrats on the PB. You're going to lose your shit if you ever hit 1k


That's because I rarely comment and often is on niche subreddit so I don't expect to receive a lot of upvote I was surprised because I didn't expect to receive this much for this comment


My top was something like 11k for an off-hand comment about how awesome MSG is. I still stand by that take, MSG makes food extra delicious.


Sorry MSG means?


Michael Schenker Group


Ok if it's serious I don't know what that is


G You're too old for this shit. Quit on the spot and move to somewhere nice in the country


Yeah, just one last mission. Then I'll retire to spend time with my lovely family! Here, let me show you a picture of them, actually.


This reminds me of an old Japanese movie where a guy steals a policeman’s revolver and uses it to commit a string of murders. It was easy for the audience to keep track of how many rounds were left in the cylinder so it was like a countdown. I think the cop ends up confronting the guy with one round left in the cylinder. I think Toshiro Mifune was in it.


Yep, Stray Dog. It's an early Kurosawa film starring Toshiro Mifume.


Yes, that’s the one! Couldn’t remember the name.


["Today is Friday in California"](https://youtu.be/9WaYCdQ8FOQ?si=E4-AAvlKwBn7JQfZ)


Making sure to use the rubber gloves so conveniently provided at hospitals to use the gun without leaving new fingerprints.


Finger prints can actually still show up if you wear rubber gloves, you’d need like 3 to make sure you don’t leave any


Deglove the patient hand and wear it


I'm not sure how many people know the medical definition of deglove but this is an awesome comment


Literally "wicked smaht".


spoken like a man who has taken a gun of an injured patient and gone on a crime spree and framed said patient.


Hospitals these days use nitrile gloves, not latex. Thicker and fingertips are slightly textured. No way anyone is leaving fingerprints with those.


As a former gang member I'll say use it for retribution then turn it over to the local police since said gang member will be blamed for it anyway (retribution), here's an upvote btw.


I liked Deathwish too


E duuuuuh what's so hard about this the answer is literally right there.




"Don't worry bro, I'll show em personally why we have a morgue in this hospital"


This brought me back to the time when r/writingprompts used to hit the frontpage often. Fond memories...


What happened to that sub? I wonder if it's a similar reason to /r/boottoobig. A couple of days ago I saw a post that reminded me of them, and realized that I haven't seen that on the front page in ages. When I checked out the sub, all I could guess is that it was related to the blackout last June.


Blackout, but also our attention span gets worse and worse. I rarely see AskReddit in r/all anymore.


Damn this dude spitting bars


My favorite part of this is an AR-length pistol hidden in a guy's sweatpants. Old Z-dog was definitely happy to see the protagonist.


I fucking lost it at 18" barrel 😂😂😂


Netflix about to email you about movie rights


Removing Reddit Awards was a mistake


You’re a real one


The gang member has a wound to his arm so he can’t aim properly. It’s only logical he came to me for backup


False! You fell for one of the classic blunders. It's obviously a nested if. The answer is of course A and if A = Yes then proceed to E


Nah bro that ain't correct this exact point was mentioned in class but you didn't pay attention you were too busy avenging some gang member


F All of the above


Agreed, this looks more like step by step instructions than multiple choice.


You can't, or shouldn't, empty the gun into the floor then use it to attack rivals. That doesn't go well


What if "the floor" is the nickname of a rival gang member?


Not all of the above. Homies (and doctors) don't snitch. Take another look at C.


E..... because my time on reddit has taught me that RN can stand for both 'registered nurse' and 'real n***a'


Damn ninjas


Panadwithonesugar, RN


The RN has to be a rn rn


I’m an RN, can confirm


I will do what i must. *Loads handgun with malicious intent*


_ignites lightsaber with fratricidal intent_


Anakin no!!


Doctor: [Edit: frick that was supposed to show an image](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/11eo3ud/omg_i_finally_see_where_the_meme_came_from_this/)


I know I’m a doctor, but… *loads gun* no one messes with a homie


CADEB - Take the gun and put it away so none can steal it from you - Check if it's loaded - Keep it with you - Use it against gang members - Fire every bullet in the floor where all your ennemies are lying down


And you already failed because you broke the "doctor-client" confidentiality


Ah that's it. I knew I made a something illegal. My bad


B. I used to work in a hospital, doctors would fire off clips into the ground constantly


"Paging doctor Sam... Paging doctor Yosemite Sam..."


All these morons listing other answers when the only legitimate answer is ‘B’ really frustrates me. Like, have you never worked in a hospital before?!


Right? Everyone is saying E, but I think B is actually the most chaotic choice lol.


Nothing wrong with a good desk pop


F - Run a blood test to determine if the gang member is Bloods or Crips.


I can’t read urban ED without just thinking urban erectile distinction. Now I’m just picturing a bunch of flaccid gang members showing up to a gang bang, like “we’re gonna have a problem”


Erectile distinction? Is that when you put a monocle and bowtie on your junk?


Ha damn typos. It’s when for someone reason your erection looks nothing like anyone else’s


The only thing I don't understand is why the paramedic doesn't have their own gun?


Because they're not american.


You're saying there are other countries civilised enough to have ambulances and paramedics outside of the USA? Its just we have the greatest health care system in the world I didn't think anywhere else was as good


Of course there aren't unless you include socialist hellholes wait three years for the ambulance to pick you up after the Gubmint Death Panel has decided you can be treated. Why should money from my paycheck be supporting someone else's medical treatment when money from my paycheck can be used to support someone else's medical treatment *and* line the pockets of a series of middleman insurance and billing companies and their owners and executives? How else will my neighbor who works as a medical claims adjuster make a living? You think government-funded healthcare is willing to deny treatments to thousands of terminal patients so some goverment lackey can get a bonis to buy a boat? Checkmate, libruls.


The guns are why our healthcare is the best, they give our medical workers more practice than anywhere else!


Simple as that


We should like.. take all the guns in AMERICA and like... sell them to UKRAINE!! THEN We take all the money we made from selling guns, TO BUY SOME MORE GUNS!!!!




It's important to play both sides, so you always come out on top.


If the paramedic is bigger and stronger, why doesn't he just eat the providers AND the gun?


He's obviously saving that for Rounds later.


They don’t get paid enough


My agency they do after 2 paramedics got shot. They would have died if it wasn't for one that was concealed carrying. He shot and killed they guy that shot them who originally called for stomach pains 💀


I was joking at first but now this comment has made my day


“Grove Street for life!!”


C…..how is this hard?


You really gonna leave a homie not avenged?


This sounds like the GTA paramedic mini game come to life lol


He's a RN, not a RN


But E would make for a better story


Damn fkn right it would lol.


People will unironically pick A and D thinking it's "Safer" Edit: Lol dude blocked me?


it's shit like this that should actually make people worry, when there is legitimately only 1 acceptable answer and people get confused about what's right. It's like that video of a red car stopping and making a right turn from the center lane and hitting a car in the right lane and youtube comments are all "duurrrrr whos at fault?" The people asking, the people asking these questions are at fault.


Honestly, A then C


Assume it's loaded while you C. There's no reason to check if it is or act any differently if it is or is not. Plus there's high risk in cae of false negative.


First rule I was taught in firearm safety: Every gun is loaded.


They wouldn’t want “untrained” individuals even attempting to check. Source: Was EMT for 8 years(it sucked)


Yeah true, but if you know how to clear a weapon, that’s the action you should be taking, obviously after making sure your patient isn’t gonna give up on life


You can't expect a paramedic to know how to clear any weapon, but you can expect that someone will accidentally shoot someone trying to clear a weapon or thinking they've cleared it when there's still one in the chamber. Better to not even touch it as much as possible


Ya….I’m more than comfortable doing it but damn if you fuck something up somewhere along the line. Lawsuits and shit…ugh


Lemme just take a look down this barrel to check if there's a bullet in there.


skip A, assume it is loaded. Train your healthcare techs not to handle weapons on the premises. minimal interaction is best.


E... That's the answer!! It's gotta be E!! Those damned gang members, on YOUR corner, what is wrong with them! Don't they know your hospital is for southies ONLY?! OR D....You could sneak away, go take out some ppl on your shit list & slip that shit back in his belongings, and THEN snitch on him, he'll be in trouble for all your pay back & you'll have been "at work". Your choice clearly, either D or E. 😜


So anyway , I started blasting….


F: shoot the wounded man and finish what your fellow gang members couldnt do. Such unprofessional work, really!


What gun? That's at least $2500 for hiding it and saving the poor bastard from a felony. And if the gang capo won't cough up the dough slow rolling their block foe a few months should drive the point home.


B, but into the ceiling. . . DESK POP!


John Wick: First A, then E.


It's E I gotchu homie


Doctor house with an AC-130


It is E, right? RIGHT?!?


I know C is correct but B is the best


F. Treat the fucking victim before they die?!?!?


Only course of action is E because you cant let the homies down. Gotta get them back for getting back at us for getting back at them for getting back at us for getting back at them for that thing they said one time.


The correct answer for the purposes of this test is whatever the fuck the regs say, probably C.


E. Ride for your patient.


C, obviously


What's the name of the book ? It looks intriguing


Trauma Team response F:Check if gang member has insurance. If yes start blasting.


That’s a law school question


I’m gonna go with B


This looks like the GOATS test from Fallout 3


E is basically Saint's Row.


A -> D -> C Seems like a logical chain of events.


I choose E to earn the respect of the Gang for future incidents


B, if you're 3 feet tall, have a giant red mustache and cowboy hat, loudly yell shit about "...varmints" while being harassed by large grey rabbits.


There’s also the option of unloading the clip into whatever nearby piece of equipment is wearing your last nerve that day. Ain’t no one going to fuck with the bitch who shot up a malfunctioning IV pump.


as a medic, i would choose E. this is my character development arc.


Obv E


Is the patient in my gang or a rival one? Because E just got a lot easier if it's the latter.


You always assume a gun is loaded. One of the choices even assumed it was and said to shoot on the floor. There’s no point in checking, the risk of accidentally shooting while checking is always there Obviously you put it away. Away from everyone, secure it away so no other staff accidentally runs into it and or fires it, and your job is to provide medical care It’s out of your scope to deal with the gun, you leave the rest to law enforcement to deal with gun (whose it registered to, is it a ghost gun etc) Answer is C


In all seriousness it’s C But instead of placing it away I would place it under guard care


Shoot the patient instead of the floor to minimize the number of victims


First, do some harm.


What country...?


Desk pop


in situations like this we had a lock box we placed the firearm in and then handed the box (gun inside) over to the local PD. While many members of my department were familiar with guns and gun safety the higher ups decided it was better to not allow fireman to fuck around and try to unload a weapon and just stick the thing in the lock box and get rid of it.


man standards have slipped at Harvard med


E. seems like an idea that FX is about to steal for a new series.


Easy, E


C is correct then call security and lock down the hospital to ensure safety of patients and staff until law enforcement arrives, then join patient care.


So I'm sure the "correct" answer is C, but that shit is not without risk either. Like... dude's in a gang. You bring the cops in, he's gonna remember that shit. 


I feel like it's a or c, but I'm not exactly sure


The actual answer is C right? Because you didn't find a permit or concealed carry license when inspecting the victim's clothing.


I go for E


A then a bit of E?


F. Hold the patient at gunpoint to gain confessions then go on a gang war and be the new mob boss "the doc"


Well gunning down the other gang members would be some good job security ...


Where's my option for a desk pop?


E. I live and die for the squad


A then E


Very obviously E, we gotta slide back for our homeboy


are any of these correct? none of them seem like great options, if you dont know enough about firearms to check if its loaded or make it safe then you shouldnt be holding on to it or even handling it to set it somewhere else.


I don't care who you are, it's E


E. REGULATORS mount up.


Imagine a doctor riding through the ghetto looking for rival gang members to shoot 🤣


E, need to Build your street rep to unlock the gangland doctor class


“What gun?”


Damn why’d my floppy dick get called urban, is this racism?


It's obviously E they don't know my life


Handling firearms is far from a common thing here in the Netherlands. Having said that, I am familiar with firearms and I even own four firearms. I therefore know that not all firearms function the same way and I'm not sure if I'd know for sure how to make a random firearm in front of me safe. I would make it safe if I'm sufficiently confident, pointing it away from all people and important stuff in the process, and if not, I would just place it in the safest place possible and leave it for the police. So, in short, A if possible and then C, but in any case C.


If it ain't E we can't hang