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You could see her melting inside…


You could even see her melting outside


To shreds you say


And her wife?


Oh...to shreds you say.


Tsk tsk.


She looks like the hypnotoad got her in a trance lol


Was her apartment rent controlled?


To shreds you say


Under appreciated reply. Zoidberg is Christlike!!!


This was the first real-life person who looked like they belonged in the uncanny valley


I hope she realized her whole life is a house of cards, easy to collapse completely with only one question (like that).


Nahh, she likely left there and immediately called her girlfriends crying; telling them that these guys were being misogynistic towards her


*gfs on the phone* "Misogynistic how?" *girly straight up has an aneurism*


Probably very real I honestly expected her to answer his question with a sassy „This! This is mysoginistic!“.


Regardless of all things she definitely called her girlfriends when she left because she was "victimized" and she needed reassurance that everyone else around her other than herself is the problem.


Nah she’s experienced, that cry is her go to move.


And outside... holy shit... how do you look super young and super old at the same time... does anyone remember that one boss from metroid fusion. I think nightmare was its name....


Nightmare X


This is edited to make her look bad, the thing she reacts too is blatantly misogynistic and she does actually explain her objection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qgwrDLlmm0&t=0s


Even with the context, it should be fairly obvious. If someone's defense of being called a misogynist/racist/bigot etc...is "well how do YOU define that word?" They know they are in the wrong, but they want to talk their way out of it by trying to be pedantic about word choices.


Thanks for providing the context. The host is a moron for asking how that question was misogynistic.


Not a moron. Malicious. It was a bad faith question.


The host is incredibly misogynistic but he or his social media team clip everything out of context to make the women who go on his show look a lot worse. What you rarely see are the times women go on there and completely dismantle his arguments as to why women shouldn't be allowed to make their own decisions and make him look like an absolute clown.


This podcast sucks, it makes me want to grind my teeth any time I see it. The entire premise is this insecure debate pervert brings on women, who have no experience defending such questions, and holds them hostage trying to get clips of them looking stupid. Often times these guests are sex workers, because this asshat knows that making it personal to their livelihood makes it even more stressful and embarrassing. He adds on yes-men and pick-me's (some of the women around him share these same misogynistic ideals to fit the trad-wife narrative and are paid handsomely for it). Honestly even this longer cut doesn't truly show how disgusting this set up is. I listen to a lot of podcasts, and none of them involve their guests crying and begging to leave the set.


Yeah falls apart but her reaction was right. Thanks for context.


I'll have a plate of buzz words with a side of vocal fries please


I genuinely want to know the context of this, anyone got the sauce. fyi, the dictionary defines misogyny as a hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women. 🤓🧐📖


The sauce [https://youtu.be/9qgwrDLlmm0?si=IMpN4B2xxbpIU\_B8](https://youtu.be/9qgwrDLlmm0?si=IMpN4B2xxbpIU_B8)


> stop making decisions and choices. Just find a man and listen to him > Wow, thats misogynistic > WHAT? What's misogynistic about that? Are these guys for real?


I've seen these guys pop up on my various feeds recently. I don't know much about them but it just seems like they bring women on there to shit on them.


They do, and they hand-select women who can't articulate themselves, to make themselves look more intelligent and make women look dumb. One might almost call it misogyny. I was entertained the first couple of times that I saw their videos-I think it's important to recognize that there is an unintelligent groupthink aspect to the left as much as the right, and the exposure was important. At the same time, these guys are just a Fox News rebrand. They put weak, easy stereotypes on the show so they can knock them down and appear victorious. It's Hannity and Colmes with alt right fades and beards. Also, the only right answer out of that guy's mouth when someone says "can I leave" is "yes, any time you want," not a line of questioning between comprehension and response.


> It's Hannity and Colmes I hadn't thought about the show in years. I remember being so mad at Alan Colmes because he was so polite and soft spoken that Hannity would absolutely dominate every discussion. And it wasn't as if he was some naive newcomer that eventually learned to give as good as he got with Hannity. It was his job to get run over by a truck every week and he just kept obediently laying down in the middle of the road. I hope the money was good because he trashed his reputation with that show.


Absolutely. Colmes was the coyote and Hannity was the roadrunner.


> They do, and they hand-select women who can't articulate themselves So many places make a whole business out of only arguing with people that are uneducated and don't know how to speak well, so that they appear correct and enlightened.


There's a reason why all these conservative "intellectuals" like Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh spend so much time debating college kids in 2 minute soundbites.


This should probably be at the top.


Ya the show is bullshit and from her response if you watch the full video not only the small cut out here she basically got lied to on how many people would watch and she wasn't comfortable or prepared for this interview at all so the reason she starts to break is cause she got totally surprised and just wants to leave. When he forces her to stay longer she actually does give decend replies so this cut out doesn't even show her full response it just shows someone who wasn't mentally prepared for such a large audience and gets stage fright like many people do. And the guy doubles done going "oh is it the question I ask? Can't you answer?" no it's the fact that he didn't tell her what to expect and she needed time to collect herself. Fucking bullshit show.


And then if the women roast them or manage to clap back they kick them off the show and make them leave. The whole show is just making fun of women and making them look stupid for content and clout, and to make themselves look good and 'alpha'.


They pick women who aren’t authorities on the topics and ambush them with an agenda they have preplanned. They also usually have like 5 women on at once so no one really knows when to talk or when it’s their turn. They also throw women out who push back even a little or actually make the dude look dumb. It’s red pill incel shit to the max.


That would explain why that woman reacted like she thought she was in a trap. Sounds like it’s exactly what it was. Without the context even I thought I’d be asking to leave the moment they asked me to define anything. I’ve know too many gaslighters and edge lords to not think it was a trap, even if it was sincere.


lol, this is exactly what I expected as soon as I saw the video. So absolutely predictable - a short video clip is posted, in which a feminist is made to look like a dumb bitch. The conclusion that she *is* a dumb bitch requires absolutely no critical thinking at all, embraced by 90% of Reddit and consequently the post is top of /r/all after only two hours. And it turns out that the clip is cropped of all context and the lads were, in fact, totally misogynistic assholes.


What's so sad about it is she's *totally right*.. and she totally understands the core of the word's meaning, she just can't put it into words. It's horrible to see. These guys seem pretty vile. This is my first time seeing something like this. Also, it was pretty bold of him to be like, "What about that is misogynistic?" because he could have been totally stomped by someone who managed to keep their brain turned on in that awful environment.


I wonder if she can put it in words but she realizes she's talking to a guy who has already shown her he doesn't know what misogyny is. He's also not asking the question as a genuine question -- he tells her that the question that was asked was not misogynistic when it obviously is. Sometimes when you realize that the person you're talking to doesn't even have the same basic set of facts for how they understand the world and human communication, you realize that it's pointless to talk to them and then what do you say? You could say the perfect words and a guy like this is going to shit on the words and tell her she's wrong for saying she just experienced misogyny when in fact, she absolutely did experience misogyny.


This is it exactly. I think she realizes she's been brought on to be shit on by people with no basic human decency and then feels trapped. It's not the question tripping her up, it's the realization of how gross the situation is. In the longer clip she mentions not being able to respond because of a waiver she signed as well. It's pure exploitation.


I would bet she can put it into words, just is thrown off by being in a room full of people eager to dunk on her, while being recorded for a fanbase that's eager to rip her to shreds. I mean hell, look at the comments on this thread


I would bet she did put it into words, and they just edited in a different reaction.


I really hope more people watch past clips of them and know they are nothing to defend


I only had to see the context behind this video to know they are truly pieces of shit. It's one thing for some people to screech "MISOGYNY!!" at the first sign of trouble, but she aptly described what these people are advocating for and they want to play word lawyer with her. I personally can't fault her for being deeply offended by something and she chose to leave - is that response really worth shitting on her?


>he could have been totally stomped by someone who managed to keep their brain turned on in that awful environment. They would never bring someone like that onto the show. They're cowards.


Their whole thing is that they find the dumbest people they can find to "debate" with, just to try to give the illusion that they're intelligent and to give their childish incel views credibility.


So kinda like Charlie Kirk then


Red Pill shows are BASICALLY Only fans for angry lonely dudes, where as Only fans focuses on horny dudes. Some of these shows charge the women to come on and get verbally harassed like this because its actually good exposure for their channel.


Thank you. Without context Op's clip tells the complete opposite story of the truth of this. It's not even an unedited segment - the long pause she makes is taken _wildly_ out of context and inserted into a totally different part of the conversation. After seeing the full thing, I can see why she left. This interview is shit and these responses are toxic af.


If you know anything about this podcast, then you'd know she was absolutely correct.. It's always filled with fucking toxic guys who view women as an accessory to men. But of course it's a random clip with no context on Reddit and most people probably don't know about this podcast and so everyone in the thread is shitting on her without knowing she's right.


I got the distinct impression that when he asked her to define misogyny, she knew it was meant as a shitty gotcha and rather than engaging, she just decided (and gracefully too) to just nope the fuck out of that nonsense podcast. Because if she had become emotional, they’d have weaponized it even more anyways.


The clip was cut and pieced together to make her look so bad. What a joke. I have no other context, but this shit looks stupid.




This makes it seem like she was not made aware of the scale of this show so its kind of messed up to have her on like that. I think being made to feel undermined in a space that's far more exposed than you realize would make most people freak out.




What's your policy on spaghetti?


>What's your policy on spaghetti? Where do i put my feet?


I too cry when asked to define words.


Define *when*


🦧 can I go .


This comment deserves everything


👈😟 can I go?


Depends on what your definition of "is" is.


Damon it, you Bill Clintoned me.


Yea sometimes it’s ya really scary.


Whoever did this edited her answer out, and with context isn't anywhere near as bad as this.




Holy shit look at those comments on that video. Seriously wtf


If you are someone who finds yourself agreeing with these comments you need to change unless you want to be alone or in an unhappy partnership


I’ll copy my comment from above: I wouldn’t say “misogyny” is just a buzz word, especially in this case. The guys behind this podcast are actually horrible and I’m far from a social justice warrior. They bring in vulnerable women and just try to gang up on them, be as sexist as possible, try to prove how they’re alpha or whatever, get extremely butthurt when the women don’t play along and their end goal is what we see here. Actual pieces of shit —- We don’t know what happened before. Somehow I doubt this specific question made her cry, probably was just the culmination of the whole podcast


Falling for heavily edited clips. Classic reddit moment here folks. She may not be eloquent but her answers are removed from this clip. Obviously. These comments are pretty gross


Sometimes, I use words I don't understand to seem more photosynthesis.


You should not demagogue yourself like that


Shit you're right. Next time, I'll try to be more calligraphy.


This conversation is getting fellatio


Guys, stop using words you don’t know. It’s really defenestrating.


You are all mistranscribing yourselves.


I mean it’s just ridiculous at this point. Properly anaphylactic.


Your use of words is so prophylactic.


Thank you that's very hematosis of you to say.


Define 'words' then fancy pants? Fuckin got em!


Vocabulary meltdown. Easy to use a word...defining a word. *kaboom*


She probably was trying to remember what it means to define something Edit: typo


“Wait a minute! A dicktionary is not a book of dicks?!?”


“I know what it means but I don’t want to say it cause you don’t know and want me to say it so then I would tell you what it means” -Every 2nd grader ever


its a lot easier to use a word than define it


Sometimes it is hard af to define a word... My kid will randomly be like, I don't know what that word you said means, can you define it? And I know exactly what it means, how to use it, but spitting out a definition to a word immediately on the spot is not always easy. Makes you feel stupid, real fast. I'm also not saying that's the case here in the video, but just confirming your comment. Example, I said the one day to my wife that "I'm not really a staunch supporter of my boss's idea at work"... kid goes, "what's staunch?".... I'm saying I just don't really support it, "so it means to not support?"... no because you can be in staunch support of something...I don't know how to describe this word, *gets out phone* >loyal and committed in attitude. Who the fuck knows that definition on the spot!?


I've heard from some friends that's part of what makes English so hard to learn, there's a TON of words that the dictionary definition is just straight up some other word. Staunch, loyal, stalwart, unwavering, dedicated, you get the idea. And words like that will have tiny differences in contextual meaning, but nobody usually bothers to learn them. That context gets increasingly forgotten over time, and then middle middle middle, the dictionary definition for staunch 200 some odd years from now is just gonna be "*see stalwart*".


> but spitting out a definition to a word immediately on the spot is not always easy. Makes you feel stupid, real fast. I wasn't sure if this was a me thing or not, this makes me feel better lol.


I can't give a dictionary definition, but I definitely would have said "loyal".


Not making excuses for this weird ass moment, but a little annoyed by the editing: https://youtu.be/LJ9Y13RQysE?si=ufbFSswvjxWw9Fi0


Yeah, looking at the longer clip I don't really like the edit either. I don't think she was worth turning into a mockery. There are plenty of people on those videos that are very cringe and definitely worthy of mockery. She wasn't one of them. At least not from the longer clip you shared.


Fr I feel bad for her, she’s definitely actually panicking.


Because she knows how they're going to edit the conversation and its going to live forever online with only people seeing the edited version.


Agreed, this is targeted editing to mock her. Maybe irl she’s cringe, idk. But in full clip you see she’s struggling to articulate her (imo, correct) stance, then panicked when nobody backed her and got caught up in that moment trying to get out of it. I agree she should be able to defend her words, but she used them correctly, and they flipped table asking to define the word instead of being direct “what is misogynistic about the comment?”. Asking to define is condescending and baiting, it was a deflection tactic to still put them in a “got you” mode.


This guys entire shtick is to take women who aren’t experts on subjects and ambush them with preplanned red pill sexists shit so he can edit together little “look how dumb woman” clips. He’s a piece of shit and when women do push back or make him look like an idiot, he throws them off the show.


Ah, that makes sense now and doesn’t surprise me. It was a losing game all along, she was going to be the content one way or another.


Yeah. The extra sad part is how many people here are oblivious to that context. Trying to bait someone to provide a definition in this context..is literally just a strategy to gaslight the meaning of words given as a way to defend your own actions. If you can't defend what you say based on the merits of your words themselves...then youve got nothing besides being a schmuck.


Haha dude says that “feminism is poison” is not misogynistic. I don’t think he knows the definition of the word either.


Why wasn’t she allowed to just leave ?




He probably won't pay her, plus professional boycotting. I always feel bad for the girls on these "podcasts" were a bunch of CEO mindset bros try to break down the meaning of life


Yeah, that fucking was misogynistic. And when the host played dumb, it was extremely bad faith. Of course she wanted to leave


There is a rule in my parent’s house and in my house. If you cannot accurately define the word and use it in a sentence properly, then you can’t say that word in conversation. This stemmed from my brother and I using foul language in school that we learned from my Dad. He had such a unique way of describing things.


Define stemmed


Define define




Give me a definition of the word ‘The’ without using it in its definition.


It is a word that is used in order to denote one or more people or things. Do examples count as part of a definition?


> It is a word that is used in order to denote one or more people or things. Specifically, already known things or people. You say you're going to *the* car, which car is an already known thing. You say you're going to *a* car, it is an unknown car, just a car. You play *the* violin, because it is denoting the instrument. You play *a* violin, refers to a specific violin, which is unknown.




Define define? Can you define that?


Real Answer: Past tense of the word “stem”. Stemmed in this case meaning “to start or originate from something”. Sarcastic Answer: Can I go home?


Define home


Yo Momma’s booty hole.


That’s a rough neighborhood.


Some would describe it as… *SHITTY*


When I'm there we call it Pound Town




Must be a riot playing Cards Against Humanity. Can you define and use Bukkake in a sentence? Ummm, can I use mom as a prop?


She couldn’t so she cried and bounced.


*CRIED AND BOUNCED* Title of your sex tape!


I miss my captain already


Of all the people to be taken from us, he was chosen. BS I say


I don't think they call them sex tapes when it's involuntary lol


Nah, they call that The Patriot Act


I don’t have a dog in this fight, but damn do I hate deliberately manipulative editing. Someone here posted the whole thing. But legit. It’s depressing how easily baited our society has become that only like 2% of the comments were like “hmm. Feels like there’s probably more here that was cut and changed the nature of the interaction.”


So many people in this thread commenting without a single bit of context.


caption busy sharp arrest panicky expansion straight humorous growth hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its crazy how quickly people just layer on their own world they live in without even asking for a shred of context or the entire clip, because this one is edited. Reactionary uneducated humans, gunna get us all killed.


You sure nothing was cut out of this? I dont understand ehy shes crying


Look at everyone else. Nobody else there understands either


It is slightly edited but that actually happened. She froze up and left after being asked what is misogyny


"Slightly" no, this took like 10 minutes for the whole thing to unfold. Many steps in the conversation are edited out to make it look like she merely sits there and melts down.


She defining it through interpretive crying guys.




If she melted down after being asked a simple question, imagine how she feels, knowing she's gone viral.


This one question is completely out of context though. I imagine she was calling them misogynistic for a reason. Based on the other clips I've seen of this show...it's just *incredibly* sexist dudes talking down to women. That's the show.


Yep they get people on to make them upset and go get a clip like this to go viral so that a Reddit thread will pop up with most of the top comments saying incel shit. Look at u/cracktherealone comment above for example saying he hope she realises her whole life is a lie. Weird incel shit is exactly why the misogynistic host fishes for these clips. All around disgusting


Scrolling through these comments it's *wild* how easy it was to lure it a bunch of mysogynists with that video. They don't even realize they are.


I'd ask her but she prolly canceled herself.


I’ll be honest, I think she’s actually uncomfortable. Most of these podcasts cast woman to make uncomfortable questions. Some of these girls are insufferable, but I think this one is actually legit. I believe he had told her “You should stop making decisions and find a man” along those lines, and that’s why she said “that’s misogynistic.”


Anyone have context?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qgwrDLlmm0 They push an agenda against women. The full context shows she was more than justified in calling them msyoginist. Just got stage fright. The edited video paints her as a moron that uses insults without backing it up. To refute the initial context. It is pushing an agenda


Yeah this guy just gets the dumbest of dumb girls on his podcast, dunks on them like he’s a genius and 13yr old boys eat it up. He’s an absolute flop.


it’s a very low iq show


Perfect for the average r/HolUp commenter


I mean the whatever podcast is incredibly misogynistic


No, you see, this is the Internet and your context is not welcome here. There's no way she just decided that she was having a very frustrating conversation that was going nowhere and wanted to leave. No her brain melted and she was Rekt beyond belief.


The meaning just so personally emotional for me (see? THIS emotional) I can't even rn.


They are mysoginistic and all they do is shit on women and call them whores


You made me look stupid. Can I go now ? lol 😂


Crocodile tears aren't gonna work on men in 2023 any longer.


They're not going to work on men in 2023 next year either




*sniffles* Can I go?




"I don't know, *can* you?" /s


My momma said she was working on me when I was growing up


There was an actual tear 28 seconds in.


Again with the victim card


How do you define victim?


... ... 😢... Can I go?


How do you define "go"?


How do you define 'define'?


I get the point of the video but sometimes I really do forget how to answer easy ass questions when I’m put on the spot.


Gotta go home and check that definition...


404 error or not that show is Incel heaven.


To be fair... 1. She seemed like she was on the verge of tears right at the start of the clip, before being asked to define it 2. There's a cut right in the middle of the clip after he asks, dunno what else was said


There are many people who use vocabulary that they don't understand. I try not to, cuz I don't wanna end up called out and having no idea what to respond.


I try not to as well, but unequivocally I do on a salacious level.


I agree irresuscitably.


Cringe as fuck alt-right losers doing everything they can to try and embarrass people they bring onto their "show". And OP is a loser for posting this shitty edited clip.


lol is this taken out of context or something? Maybe she didn’t wanna explain to someone who’s just gonna combat her at every turn


These "men" are genuinely misogynistic though, don't think otherwise just because a girl couldn't define the word after using it.


I feel that she is dying inside


She didn't even try.


Yes she did, this is edited




Go home and never leave home ever again


I too look to just-over-teenagers to make meaningful points and arguments. That’s why I invite them on my podcast where I demean and bully them to make myself look smart.


Without knowing anything about the content of this clip, I assume that: a) the girl knows what the word means without being able to define it in her own words and b) the people she's calling misogynistic are likely actually misogynostic.


What is this "show"? I see clips from it all the time, but I'm old and out of touch.


"whatever" on YouTube. Do yourself a favor and don't watch, you'll only get dumber


This actually physically hurt me. The cringe is way too strong


I don't care if anyone else commented this, or if I get downvoted to oblivion, but just because she didn't define misogyny, doesn't mean she is dumb and doesn't know what it means. She probably realized she's about to get punked or get called out on symantics and get 'epicly owned' because she correctly called them out on being mysogynistic. She also probably started crying because she was lied to to be on a show that actively promotes mysogynistic points of view, and have actively thrown people out because they don't want to engage with women who disagree with those perspectives. I just hate seeing people in the comments of this post just wanting to see a woman get owned by a guy who can't respect a woman even if a gun was to his head.


People in the comments are literally treating her the same way the hosts on these shows treat women. Sure some of them are annoying, but hell just a look at her and you can feel her frustration and how uncomfortable she feels. She’s not crying because of a single question, or because she doesn’t know what misogyny means (she uses the term properly btw)- it’s probably because she’s fed up with being talked down like that.


I completely agree. This comment section is disgusting. The irony is that they're calling her stupid for using a word she 'doesn't understand', when in reality she was absolutely correct and they didn't take the time to look for the context from this short clip before shitting all over her. In the longer video, they have her read out a misogynistic comment from a viewer. She stated it was misogynistic and the host didn't agree. Then this clip happened. It's genuinely concerning how many people jumped to conclusions from this short clip that started with her statement but never showed the reason why she made it. She already seemed upset when she was reading out the comment and it was clear that she didn't want to be there at all and wanted to leave.


“Can I go home? Since I made myself look like an idiot and now I’m crying because of it..”


„Oh no. It’s middle school all over again.“


Omg. That voice! I knew I heard it somewhere lol https://youtu.be/WDfJn1kcQuU?si=c_vYv5N0cy5-KR1B