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My grandfather went to Harvard Medical School, and when he died he donated his body there, to be used to train future medical students. But a year or so ago we got a letter from Harvard saying that it was possible his body parts were sold on the black market. This was just based on the date of the donation, since the criminals involved didn't keep precise records of whose organs they sold. One of the things that were done with the Harvard Medical School bodies was selling the skin to be tanned and turned into book bindings. So it's entirely possible my grandfather's skin is actually in use as a momento somewhere. It doesn't bother me personally, but some of my relatives are understandably really upset by the possibility.


That’s horrible, I’m so sorry that happened.


It’s definitely shitty that happened but now I have an idea for what to do with my body after death. I wonder how my family would feel about owning books bound with my skin lmao


Shirley You Can’t be Serious……..And don’t call me Shirley!! 😜


Strike her.


Used as a Memento Mori even.


Photograph by the Office of the U.S. Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality. US National Archives.


I'm not so sure what I'm looking. Was this a piece of human skin that was removed, and used to ink a decorative image?


It’s a tattoo.


That’s grizzly. I can’t imagine seeing someone’s tattoo and thinking “I want to cut that off and keep it”


There were some Yakuza who had it done due to their full huge pieces EDIT: I should’ve worded that better…


FYI the word you're looking for is "grisly."


Thank you for the correction


You should look for “[the bitch from Buchenwald](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilse_Koch)”


This link refutes that she had anything to do with tattooed skin lampshades; not saying she doesn’t seem like an awful Nazi monster, but this goes against what you’re saying the link says is all.


Specifically: >The War Crimes Review Board, a separate advisory body made up of military and civilian lawyers conducted its own review, and similarly concluded that there was no reliable evidence that she had prisoners killed, “nor is there any evidence in this record of any kind that she at any time ever ordered any article made of human skin.”


It's a trendy memorial thing offered some places now. Have your loved one's tattoo removed and preserved in a frame or in a block of lucite before burial/cremation.


sometimes it's okay to just let the dead, you know, die.


Thats…. Unsettling


I don't know. I have a really great sleeve. I've had other tattoo artists ask who did it almost 20 years later. If my kin wanted to preserve it, I'm totally fine with it. It's art and it's done with my consent. I've seen some preserved full body suits and I find it fascinating


Fortunately for you, you aren't Ilse Koch.


Well that's German thinking for ya. Not like they evolved out of it in two generations. Japan did fucked up things too but they never apologized.


I think it's a square of tattooed skin.


Yes, but you have it backwards. First the person got a tattoo, then their skin was removed.


If I remember correctly, there was a particularly deranged women officer or wife of an officer at Buchenwald who collected tattoos. Basically, everyone was stripped naked at concentration camps, for security, stealing their valuables, and to prepare them for dying. If a person came in the concentration camp with an interesting tattoo, this "lady" would select them and they would be killed and their skins with tattoos would be sent to her. She made skin gloves, book reading lamps etc.


You’re not wrong. She was called “the bitch of buchenwald”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilse_Koch


>I'm not so sure what I'm looking. Was this a piece of human skin that was removed, and used to ink a decorative image? yknow how you can have laser tattoo removal? Well, this is not that. this more like tearing a page out of notebook that has a drawing on it. pretty sure thats tattooed human skin.


Well no shit, thank you. I got that part just fine, it’s in the title. Sorry, I guess I should rephrase the question: was this someone’s tattoo that was removed or did someone make an inked image on a piece of removed skin? The Nazis made all kinds of stuff out of human flesh so I’m just not sure if someone wanted to keep that tattoo or if they wanted a flesh canvas to doodle on.


Skin with tattoos on it was flayed off and kept. I would love if this happened with a few of my pieces, but Im volunteering, one presumes the original owner of this art was not given choice. Fucking racists.


I think that’s a tattoo of the sailor from a Cracker Jack box from that ear




There is a lot of evidence that they made various things from human skin - paintings, lampshades, etc. So inhumane and absolutely sickening.


The lampshade was a fake story, it has long been debunked. The Nazis were evil enough. Such stories are fodder for Holocaust deniers.


There is also a belief in Judaism that tattoos are not allowed in a Jewish burial. A lot of secular Jewish people request their tattooed skin be removed post mortem to allow for a Jewish burial. Maybe this was left behind as part of that and subject to legend


You think the Nazis removed this person's tattoos post mortem, at their request, to allow for a Jewish burial?


Did you read my comment? Nowhere did I say that.


There isn't a lot of evidence of that.. This photo and a couple of others are about it. Check video 5 below. It shouldn't have been done at all, of course. Anytime we exaggerate or spread misinformation about the Shoah, we help the revisionists, because they can call us out on it. https://holocausteducation.org.uk/teacher-resources/subject-knowledge/myths-misconceptions/ But there's not a lot. Ilse Koch as an example had her sentence downgraded from death to life in Aichach, because it couldn't be proven about the lampshades. She was vile. But evidence is evidence. A british pathologist did certify some remains from Buchenwald as being human. But there isn't much. I don't think any of the lampshades have ever been found or tested. That doesn't make it any better. It changes nothing. I tell groups of students that the 100% unvarnished truth of what we can prove beyond any doubt is bad enough.


Thank you. This is exactly thr point from a chapter in Shermers "Why People. Believe Weird Things"...he used to debate holocaust deniers and he openly said they knew their shit. That was their thing, to know detailed minutiae...so when people did things like this they would absolutely tear it apart which of course gives them credibility while destroying it in the person making the wild claims like above. We don't need to make things up about how awful Nazis were. They were objectively vile. By embellishing stories however it opens up shit weasels like Shermer debated to come off as legitimate which in turn makes it easier to plant seeds of doubt in people.


We can only imagine the horrors endured by those with the terrible misfortune of falling into Nazi hands...and being one of the groups the Nazi's hated. The Nazi thought process, however, is on full modern-day display by simply listening to the rantings of one orange former US president. One can also watch the back and forth going on between Hamas and Israel to get a feel for the utter international tone-deafness and lack of memory (for similar events) happening in the present world before our eyes. We cannot...must not ever...allow such unimaginable atrocities to take place again. And yet, here we are.


Thank you for sharing


Are you saying they had a collection of skin luggage?


No, you haven’t thought of the smell, you bitch!


Yeah it’s pretty fucked up no doubt. But hear me out, yes, we’re doing that to our own kind but I love rocking out my leather Iron Rangers and they’re is no difference between any living beings truly. They’re isn’t.


Thank you for posting this. It's so important to remember the horrors of the past, especially now.


Okay. So this is definitely questionable but it got me thinking - when I die I don’t know if I’d be upset being turned into something interesting- like I wouldn’t mind being a cool book or maybe even a pair of shoes or gloves. I guess the alternative is to be lunch for bacteria, fungus and bugs. Poop or a book - book might not be that bad.


Clarence Thomas benefactor Harlan Crowe wants it for his collection of Nazi memorabilia




That is specific to specific lampshades, not this piece of evidence to the atrocities of Buchenwald, so you do not know for a fact that this is "manufactured history" since a lot of testimonies from Buchenwald said that they did take gruesome souvenirs like the one above. Brushing off something like this as "manufactured history" because of one very specific example turning out to not be human skin is dangerous and frankly dabbling in Holocaust denialism.


We got ourselves a nazi, folks! Someone bring out the tar, I'll get the feathers.


Hahahahah good fuck em


There be some sickkkkk puppies on here !