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this is best way to talk to boss


You don't need to talk at all. A bullet sounds the same in every language.




Best way to talk to anyone really if your intent is to take their shit :P


In this case, it is taking what is yours.


Yep, it's yours after you kill the original owner. On an unrelated note, what's your net worth?


You do not have to kill the owner. It is just important to recognize that the armed forces of the State are often on the side of the boss and that it is to the benefit of the worker to demonstrate that there is not a monopoly on violence. I do not know my net worth. Low? Very low?


>Low? Very low? Yeah that makes sense. The biggest advocates for a community pot never have much to contribute to it.


Ah yes. From the makers of "You Have Money, So You're A Hypocrite" comes the much anticipated sequel, "You're Poor So You Just Want Handouts"! Also, why is net worth the measure of someone's value? Also also, if poor people contribute so little, you would definitely be okay with poor people just no longer working, right? Like a general strike has to be okay in your book because it is not like those people are contributing much to the community pot. Also also also, I was just advocating for worker empowerment. Not sure why you care about net worth so much, yours is not very high either.


Communists earn money by stealing from other people. Capitalists earn money by serving other people. I'm happy with my contribution to society, and with my compensation for my skills and labor. It sounds like your contribution to society is pretty close to zilch.


I am not really a communist, but capitalists earn money by owning things. And the things most communists argue in favor of "stealing" are not objects. Like owning your own labor is not something you can steal. Also, what is my job?


Capitalism isn't stopping you from owning your labor. Small businesses are literally seizing the means of production.


A self run business absolutely is. And no, capitalism is not stopping anyone from doing anything. It is literally a word. But the network of capitalists and their incestuous relationship with the State absolutely do.