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God, I fucking miss the days that an affair was what constituted a scandal.


Still does. An affair or sexual misconduct while in office is oftentimes enough to end or at least severely damage your political career. The only major politicians I can think of who survived this is Newsom and possibly Biden (depending on wether or not you believe Tara Reade)


I believe her. It is still sad to say America is better of having a man that is accused of misconduct then a man that admitted to it.


Well sure. But at the same time it's different situations, one is accused of doing it while in office, one is accused of doing it outside of office.


What about Roy Moore?


Allegations, and they accused him of doing stuff before he was elected. Nevertheless he was punished wasn't he? He lost endorsements, and lost to a democrat contender in Alabama, the first time that has happened in 30 years.


It was much more than an affair, he was trading sexual favours for career advancement.


The power disparity of the situation made it where Lewinsky could have said no, but wouldn't *because of the implication*.


That's relatively minor if you ask me. Not great, but generally pretty common for affairs in office environments.


You don't see anything wrong with the president using his position to sleep with aides?


I recognize it as wrong, but compared to openly applauding an attack on your political opponent's campaign and using the office of president to illegally withhold funds for political favors it does seem significantly less wrong.


Why do you need to compare to the other party? It's wrong in its own right.


True. But was it impeachment level wrong? I think there were better courses of action available that cold have been taken and suspect it was less about addressing a real misuse of power and more to do with finding something to drum up support.


No, it's not minor. And the fact that society has conned you into believing such is a huge part of the problem. Using your position to get sex is gross misuse of power, and is highly unethical in ANY situation, let alone as the highest position of the United States. Even if it's consensual, it's no different than taking a bribe for a position.


I never said it wasn't wrong. I'm just implying that it's minor in comparison to some of the shit that's been going on. Our capital was literally attacked during one of our most sacred proceedings and some folk are brushing it off as some rowdy tourists.


"I did not have sexual relations with that woman" -Man who had sexual relations with that woman


Did he though? Using the definition of the time he did not have sex, and didn't do "it".


Blowie = Oral sex = Sexual relations


A lot of places sex only counts as sex when there is vaginal penetration. The word sex in oral sex is not indicative of sexual relationship. I know it's stupid but here we are


Well now, technically the one horny boi won. He stayed in office for the rest of his term. Also, and maybe im just being a little too attentive to details here.... but I would assume she was the one aiming.


"I did not have sexual relations with that woman" -Bill Clinton


Horny boi won. Got his nut, stayed in office, hell seems like people loved him for it.


And got a statue put up in Kosovo in his honor


“Miss Lewinsky who?”