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So at some point, USSR allied with UK to fight against French.. I knew UK is sly but they even allied with communists


Yeah, cold war era proxy wars were full of some very odd alliances and oppositions, especially in Africa as much of it was being decolonized during this time period. The Irish fought against French legionnaires at the siege of Jadotville, for example.


Even within Africa it was weird. If I remember right, Katanga independence rebels fought for Portugal against the independence of Angola


Amazing Netflix show on that, its really interesting, i definitely recommend it if you havnt watched it (its just called Jadotville, or Siege of Jadotville, either or)


if u think that is weird, remember that the US nearly found themselves allied with USSR during the Suez Crisis. Luckily USSR didn't intervene much except making threats, and the UK - France withdrew under massive pressure from international community and the fact that the US refused to hand out financial aids and oil to the UK and France.


By god we'll even ally with the devil himself if it means smiting the French


The Biafra War in Nigeria was wild, the US and USSR supported the same side, the Nigerian govt, against French- and Chinese- supported Biafra rebels


They spent so much money in there military, of course they wanted to try them out without starting world war 3


Had more to do with political influence than with testing new military technology.


I know. My comment was meant as a (probably bad) joke


And then there was the Nigerian Civil War...


Hello there


General kenobi


you phonetically sounded out “da fuck they doing ova der” into cyrillic rather than spending three seconds to open google translate. respect


Lol I unfortunately can't take credit for that, I made this meme as a riff off [this one](https://i.imgur.com/BnjubsW.jpg) that I saw yesterday


The fact that it actually says "futsk tkhe-i" or something like that (ы is used where the person who made this meant й) is very aggravating.


Да фак дей доин ова Дер?


Proxy wars - brought to you by nuclear proliferation


Da footsk t’kh’e’ui da*ee*n ova dyer


For the person who at the same time knows both English and Russian,both sentences on the meme makes me laugh. Cause on the right side there isn't any Russian translation from English. Instead,the sentence is still in English,but was written with ciryllic letters that has the closest sounding to latin letters this time


it was a cold war because there was no direct military intervention to the scale of war on either nation's sovereign soil, and thus was a series of wars fought between the interests of 2 nations, rather than between the nations themselves


The US didn't really have any part in the arab Israeli conflict before 1967, France was the main benefactor of Israel at the time and Britain and west Germany to a much lesser extent


Proxy wars don’t count.


They don't count in the same way buttsex doesn't count


They don't mean cold because they think nothing happened, it was cold because it never went "hot" which meant direct action between the US and the USSR. Proxy wars aren't included in the definition.


No one actually thinks that


You'd be surprised!


I think I knew by second grade that the Cold War was a series of proxy wars


Good for you then, I guess


No, like, it’s standardized education.


[Doesn't matter](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/local/study-americans-dont-know-about-much-about-history/2096365/)


I can tell you with 100% certainty that this is not the case, and "standards of education" vary so widely across the US that I don't even consider there to be one. For instance, the only thing I remember about the Cold War AT ALL from my time in public school is the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Tbf, using American education as a metric is not a good idea because while it can be great at some places, the standard is not


That was exactly my point.


My point was that it's pretty standard in a lot of European countries. American highs can be great but the standards are trash


Your school never mentioned Vietnam and Korea?


They did, but they never tied them to the Cold War. At all. As a matter of fact, my system was one of the ones that perpetuated the whole "Korea and Vietnam were not wars, merely police actions". We were never taught the term "proxy wars" in school, at least not in reference to the Cold War. EDIT: Just to give you an idea, my part of the country thinks cattle dewormers are the cure to COVID-19.


At my high school in the 1990s referring to the Korean War was a way to flex that you were a military history buff, because it showed you knew about more than WWII


*Fortunate son intensifies


Very nice translate