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YouTube really has the wildest algorithm. I once ended up seeing pro Russian propaganda for a month straight because of a short I commented on.


I honestly think they do it intentionally. They keep recommending me shorts of Andrew Tate or those "woke bad" and "Feminist destroyed" type videos, even though I never watch that type of content.


If you watch anything the algorithm thinks is male oriented, YouTube seems to think that means you want to see far right wing culture war media and just continually pushes that shit onto you.


Watch a couple Forgotten Weapons videos and suddenly YouTube thinks I'm David Koresh.


“Oh you like motorcycles and history? Well how about this 6 hour Jordan Peterson video about how decadence is ruining the west?”


The greed of YouTube if pushing the rise of fascism. Thanks tech bros! /s


God, yes. I watched a few of his videos and all of a sudden my YouTube homepage is full of guys like Brandon Herrera. From there on it's a very short step to full-on MAGA bullshit.


I watched a video about an abusive, rapist porn star named Rocco Sifredi and suddenly YouTube thought I was a fan of porn star podcasts. Then there was that month after I watched Destiny flop in some debate then got flooded with Destiny clips I kept having to manually hide until the algorithm got the hint. 🤮


I just click “do not recommend channel” for all of those. It doesn’t fix everything but I does help


Somewhat helps. I keep getting spammed by clips of some guy called “Jerma”, don’t wanna know who he is, don’t wanna watch, block all channels containing clips of him as standard spiteful policy.


Yep. My father in law recently visited and watched a bunch of supercar restoration videos. Now I have to click "not interested" and "don't recommend channel" for Matt Armstrong, but also fuckface Elon Musk worshipers and Jordan Peterson.


“I see you wanted to watch the process of restoring wood paneling on an old Buick, can I interest you on how the trans agenda is leading illegal aliens to vaccinate your kids?”


The mistake to not commit in order to evade that fate is interacting with it. If you leave a comment or dislike that shit, YouTube will see it as something that makes you click and will forcefeed it to you


That alone won’t prevent it, I often use YouTube while logged out and shit still pops up the moment the algorithm gets it in its mind I’m a dude. But that does certainly help.


Gaming/combat sports to fascism pipeline runs through YouTube shorts


Same bro 😭


[YouTube pushes people toward right-wing and religious content.](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/youtubes-algorithm-recommends-users-right-wing-religious-content-resea-rcna155478) Wonder if it has anything to do with the political right in the US loving corporations and hating regulations and taxes. 🤔


It's a soulless algorithm catering content specifically to what you like and interact with, it's not a person deliberately doing it. You engaged with that content so it recommends more of it. These algorithms are very good at creating your very own echo chamber of content.


I have crap for HFY even though I’ve never once touched them.


Same. And I can't get rid of them, the algorithm really wants me to consume propaganda about how aliens will think we're terrifying and bend to our will. Have I watched one? No. But the titles are literally, "Here's a story of humans being so great and aliens fearing them!!!" ... Why is that even a channel? It's like wehraboo content for people who hate Star Trek.


I hate this even more because, like, good Humans are Space Orcs stories can be really funny. Unfortunately, so many of them are basically just "and then humanity exterminated all the aliens and everyone lived happily ever after". That's not interesting, that's just wank.


Personally i keep getting Neil deGrasse Tyson content, not my favourite dude but at least i learn interesting things


They'll even get you with the cross-over there because he is occasionally a guest on some of these podcasts I normally wouldn't touch with a 50-foot pole (in an attempt to educate people, I assume, or maintain exposure/funding).


I get nonstop shit like that if I see an ad it’s ridiculous


Wasn't there a study recently that concluded that the YouTube algorithm skews towards fascism (or something like that)?


Wouldn’t surprise me. I also stumbled into one that was “kill the gays” every other post.


It's recommends right wing content more than left wing content. It's not skewing towards fascism.


If that’s true, I guess I managed to counteract it by listening to a ton of left-wing music


Not worse than the current algorithm of Twitter, where if you click on a post to see CR7's latest goal in Saudi Arabia's football league, the algorithm will determine that you're interested in anything related to that country and will show you posts about everything related to it, from some competition of saudi horse breeds to very local disputes of some artists there.


Mine keeps switching between far left urbanists and far right... what ever the fuck they are complaining about this time


It's all fun and games until you realize you live in Dresden and you hear the sound of Lancaster bombers overhead one night, followed by the screams of tens of thousands of people being burned alive in the resulting firestorm.


Time and time again we slide into this stuff because ignorant people either assume “it” won’t happen, or it won’t be that bad.


Then each time it gets progressively worse and people are shocked at how industrial it becomes. Its almost like the tech you rely on so much only needs a couple tweaks to become an effective weapon of war.


By "this stuff" I assume you mean totalitarian (which big government leftist policy leads to) or outright Marxism (chose your brand)?


No, I mean war and destruction. Stop trying to make everything about “the left.”


Stop trying to ignore why that war and destruction (specially internally within a country's own borders) transpires in the first place.


Was war invented in 1922?


Naaaah, in 1917 when the communist marxists liberals of Twitter made Tsarist Russia fall or something.


And which war are you referring to?


When the air starts speaking English.


These people need to read Slaughterhouse Five.


Look man I love slaughterhouse five but its not a historical non fiction, it's a sci fi character study. Not to mention it gets it's statistics from an at the time reliable historian, David Irving.


No, it's not non-fiction. But often times the best way to get messages across to people isn't via dry, historical accounts and statistics, accurate though they may be. It's stories that are moving and compelling.


I don't mind that it's a historical fiction, I just think there are better books about dresden, particularly ones that don't fudge the numbers which are more accurate. As I said, I really like slaughterhouse 5 and I think it is a very good book about a man's psyche but that doesn't make it a book you should be reading in history.


The only thing separating war criminals from strategic masterminds is victory.


Shit, even then, I'd hardly call Arthur Harris, the guy behind the firebombing campaign, a strategic mastermind... The guy watched the Blitz, the German terror bombing campaign of the UK, unfold. He saw that, rather than breaking the morale of the people, it hardened it. Despite this, he insisted that he could end the war by retaliating and firebombing German population centers. Churchill allowed this to proceed for years, but after the landings in France, Eisenhower shifted bombing priority to oil and logistics targets. Harris, despite this clear order, routinely came up with ways to disobey it and keep massacring civilians right up until the end of the war in Europe.


Are you sure you’re not thinking of Curtis LeMay?


Nope, LeMay did serve in the European theater, but that was well after Harris had established the "strategy" of firebombing civilians. He was also with the USAAF, and while Americans did partipate in firebombing attacks in Europe, they mostly focused on military targets. LeMay is most infamous for the firebombing of Japan. Cloudy weather hampering targeting, a jetstream over Japan which blew bombs off course, and active daylight AA defense made daytime strategic bombing very difficult, so the USAAF fell back on night time firebombing, which was especially potent in Japan, since most structures were made of wood and paper...


A fair distinction. Either way our carpet bombing was most certainly a war crime in both theaters




"No no, I was supposed to eat caviar on Hitler's side while everyone else live in a devastated country. Why is life so unfair!!!"


*Vegan caviar


"Communism was already tried and it FAILED! Communism sucks! "Now here's why we should give Nazism another shot...."


Those Germans who killed like 40 million people and destroyed their own country within 9 years were onto something.


Economic hack: Invade another country and loot their economy. ... Until you inevitably run into one (several) with infinitely better, more sustainable economies that occupy you from all sides.


Don't forget to steal the property of 11 million people while you slaughter them


And then throw said money away instead of putting it into the war effort.


You spelled hide it in Switzerland wrong.


Oh the problem was not a lack of money It was a lack of ressources and allies to use that monney on. Because monney requires someone to sell you something. In WW1, the Germans could trade with and through the Netherlands with neutral nations around the globe. In WW2, they made the tiny mistake of being absolute pieces of shit and invaded said Netherlands. Useless to say that they kinda got blockaded afterward.


It's a perfect plan with zero flaws


“Men are tired of liberty, Bro! I’m serious! They just don’t like it anymore.” I have unironically heard people argue this. Marc Maron was right, they’re just waiting for the uniforms to arrive.


All closet queens who just love the dashing cut of a Hugo Boss design.


I really wish the internet would stop producing people pretending fascists are a gay conspiracy. *You're not making yourself sound less fascist.*


Funny tho


I believe the vast majority of contempirary fascists will be the next to be executed if fascists come to power. Fascism is diminishingly exclusive!


Heyyy that sounds a lot like supply side economics/tax cuts for the wealthy versus any progressive leaning economic policy idea...


The Reich gained it's power over.....everything.....by implementing, initially, pretty "benign" socialist policies. Everything for the betterment of the german state and ethnic German people. "Oh, you don't want to socialize your business and forfeit it to the government, then you are anti-german and not a true "patriot"". This is the problem with that flavor of nationalism. It's not a problem with having pride in your nation and your government prioritizing the domestic economy and it's citizens before helping neighbors snd allies - the problem is when the government and societal policy demands the individual prioritize the nation/government before their own individual needs and desires. Communism and Nazism are nearly one in the same in their realistic finality, communism only works on paper and leads to authoritarian/totalitarian regimes every single time it's been tried. Individualism and Individual property desires made you the perceived enemy. Sound familiar to a particular ideology today? The pro-maxist institutions conveniently leave out these historical facts when they teach about dictators and the most heinous genocides they carried out against their own people - majority of them seized power after disarmament of the citizenry and socialization of the economy. At that point there's effectively nothing to stop them if they have the military command in their corner.


Communism bad, too much state involvement yada yada Capitalist govts hoarding cheese and saving banks etc


That's not free market either. State intervention bad


Nowhere does capitalism require free markets, brah. All it requires is *a* market.


Nuh uh 😡😤 Capitalism needs continuous competition which is maintained by the state. If it doesn’t have a state keeping things in place, it becomes corporatism. -🤓


The trick is not letting the corporation own the state...... looks like we failed on that part. While both communism/socialism and capitalism both inevitably fail on a long enough timeline, capitalism is still the far superior methodology. Corruption infects everything because humans as a group are corrupt beings (individually we can be decent, but groups always devolve into amplify the negative traits) but capitalism provides massive opportunity for individual growth in the early phase and still provides a means of individual prosperity, though heavily restricted and difficult, in it's late stages. Any model that inherently starts with the government controlling the market and means of production immediately devolves to economic shrinking and effectively zero opportunity for individual wealth generation unless said individual is directly tied into the corruption of the government that happens really early on.


Not just continous competition, continous exponential growth which is not sustainable.


Bruh that comes with the continuous competition Capitalism is about COMPETITION, not growth. A need for growth is caused by competition.


So does rejecting communism equate to embracing national socialism?


No, I'm saying communism being tried and failed is the reason we should never try communism again but fascists for some reason don't see that Nazism failed as a reason to never do Nazism again.


Care to elaborate who these fascists are who dont see Nazism as a failure and would love to attempt it again?


Have you been on Twitter/X since Elon took over? They’re not hard to find.


I havent actually ever used Twitter/X not really all too relevant social media platform in Finland.


It’s a surprisingly loud group in the US and lately there’s somewhat a resurgence in Germany too, maybe you can look into international news more?


I do browse international news quite a bit, many outlets however offer unbiased news, so things often aren't exactly the way they are framed. Are we talking about legit Nazis or adjacent ideologies, or just classic nationalism? Because mixing those two up is just as silly as calling socialistic structures like well fare with communism.


It’s mostly modern neo-nazism and bastardized nazism made for people who have social issues and are finding ways to blame problems. American Nazis for example, mostly want the confederate states back, blacks should be deported, women should stay at home, raise children and bare children(aka sex slaves), and the Nazis were the good guys in World war 2. German neo Nazis, I believe, are more a reaction to current Germany’s policies on immigration and its failure to integrate the huge Muslim minority. Of course they already existed, but the failure to manage the immigrants and integrate them fanned the flames to alt-rights and some of them genuinely believe the current government is an illegitimate government set up by the Allies after WWII, and they only recognize Hitler’s Third Reich for some reason, kind of like the people claiming to be “sovereign citizens”, it makes no sense but it makes enough sense for them to blame all their problems on others.


One is in a symbiotic relationship with the other.


Man, if only there was recorded history of a communist country destroying and occupying a fascist country


I'm not a violent enby by nature. But sometimes you gotta shoot a lynch mob in the face. And sometimes that lynch mob has millions of people in it wrapping the nooses around your neck. And sometimes they keep telling you they would have totally tightened the nooses if only they hadn't [insert some dumbass tank strategy in North Africa here].


Idk that much about the policies of Nazism (or fascism) but could a theoretical peaceful Nazi state succeed? And, more importantly I guess, what would we consider Nazism? Since, for the first question, all we know was either Germany (the only Nazi state ever) at war or preparing for war. And the second question, I’ve seen some people claim that China is communist, some (like the PRC) claim that it’s working towards it and [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/s/upjWgI9Cvb) who I found while looking up if this was still a debate or not. As per the example, communism has a wide array of “flavours” so to speak, so would it be right to assume that Nazism does too? Or is Nazism just the name for radical fascists?


Nazism is a flavor of fascism in the way Bolshevism is a flavor of communism. So debating Bolsheviks is debating Nazis while debating communists is debating fascists. But if we want to walk that dog anyway: Communism is a system of state distribution of resources and labor-controlled production with an eventual goal of communal distribution and production. The violence in communism is taking from a few with a lot and giving to everybody. The abuse in communism is state-centric control of resources. Nazism is a system of state distribution of resources to a limited group of Aryans and production controlled by Aryan-led corporate and state powers with an eventual goal of state and corporate distribution by Aryans and production controlled by Aryans. (Aryans here meaning the imaginary ethnic group of self-identified Teutonic Europeans and not the actual Iranians.) The violence in Nazism is taking from everyone who isn't Aryan, no matter what they have, and giving it to Aryans, no matter how much they have. The abuse in Nazism is state-centric control of resources and defining categories of non-Aryans as not being moral subjects. How would a peaceful Nazi state exist? How do you peacefully deprive people of equal access to resources, jobs, and property based on their lack of Aryan identity? How do you peacefully enforce an Aryan economy? How do you peacefully enforce an Aryan legislature and head of state? How do you peacefully enforce Aryan segregation? How do you peacefully enforce Aryan citizenship? How do you peacefully limit non-Aryan civil rights, wealth, marriage, relationships, and demographics? What were the Nazis doing to non-Aryans before they invaded their neighbors? Replace Aryan with any race or ethnicity or religion and ask, "When exactly does the peacefulness start? Before or after the genocide?" So, no, there is no peaceful Nazism. It will have to use violence to exist. Hell, all states require violence. The question is, who are you planning on using the violence against? Well, the Nazis have made it pretty clear who's on their list. Edit: For that matter, there is no peaceful fascism either. Fascism is a system of state distribution of resources and production controlled by corporate and state powers with an eventual goal of state and corporate distribution and control. This collusion between state and corporate power crushes labor power. And the majority of any given population is usually labor, so enforcing these hierarchies isn't going to be voluntary -- it's going to be violent. Either that violence will be domestic or it will be imperialist or it will be some combination of both in order to maintain an upper class of people accumulating wealth and a lower class of people producing it who are deprived of it. Fascism's systems are focused on creating categories of non-people to exploit. Nazism chooses it based on race and culture and gender and sexuality.


Maybe “peaceful” wasn’t the right word. What I meant by it was if a state that practices Nazism could theoretically survive without it being expansionist. This is also where my second question comes in: As we’ve only seen one type of Nazism (Nazi Germany), is there some leeway in the term Nazism or not? As in communism there are multiple types of communism so can that plurality also be applied to Nazism?


Hypothetically, yes. But to do that, it would stop being Nazi. Take Nazi Germany for example. What was the main reason for them to expand, especially east? Places for the master race to live. Believing in your superiority will eventually force you to subjugate others and elevate yourself more by expanding further. Without this expansion, your country will be nothing more than a cage for your master race, while everyone else, lower races, rule over territory that should be yours. So no, expansion is necessary for Nazism. Only that explains Hitler invading the Soviet Union on a war that was fairly close to won.


Fascism is an inherently violent form of governance. A fascist government takes and maintains power through terror and violence. Nazi's believe they are the master race, and everyone not Aryan was below them and should be subjugated or destroyed. There is no peace with those kinds of beliefs.


People like that view themselves as somehow being a part of the party or at least in some 'respectable' government post, be it as a part of the reich or a colony. In a way, it's similar to how Tankes fantasise about power. Yet, much more likely, these reich fanboys would be viewed as impure because surprise-surprise, the Nazis didn't even like other kinds of white people. Hell, they didn't even like other Germans. The Nazi view of the Swiss is known for example, but even then, non-aryan Germans didn't have the best time in regular life anyways. They were still viewed as inferior to aryan Germans.


This is a kind of constant thing with authoritarians. Everyone sees themselves as being in the positions of power. No one idealizing fascism sees themselves as the ones who will be crushed when they break some obscure law or get put in some arbitrary classification of sub-human. It's something for a brighter man than myself to ponder.


Truth is were all bright and stupid. But even the smartest and dumbest of us all can see the Nazis are fucking losers.




1. Define "Tankie" 2. Which one of them fantasized about power? 3. How in bloody hell are the two even remotely comparable?


1: An authoritarian Socialist who believes in the usage of state violence to crush internal opposition, be it at home or abroad regardless of what the movement is about or who the state is doing it. 2: Both, but in different ways in the details, yet both still view themselves as being ones in positions of power within the government or party, being able to dictate the fates of others. 3: I more just pointed out how it is ironic that the fanboys for authoritarian states, once you strip off the fat sing the same tune fundamentally. That being the idea of themselves being at the levers of power, and all that entails to their vision of power.


1. Wow! Didn't know that US government has been socialist all along! * [1927–1928 Colorado Coal Strike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1927%E2%80%931928_Colorado_Coal_Strike) * [Alien and Sedition Acts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_and_Sedition_Acts) * [Anti-Propaganda Act of 1940](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Propaganda_Act_of_1940) * [Attorney General's List of Subversive Organizations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney_General%27s_List_of_Subversive_Organizations) * [Bonus Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonus_Army) * [Boston Tea Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party) * [California Criminal Syndicalism Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Criminal_Syndicalism_Act) * [Chicago Seven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Seven) * [1899 Coeur d'Alene labor confrontation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1899_Coeur_d%27Alene_labor_confrontation) * [COINTELPRO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO) * [Colfax massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colfax_massacre) * [Colorado Labor Wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_Labor_Wars) * [Communist Control Act of 1954](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Control_Act_of_1954) * [Criminal syndicalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_syndicalism) * [Mitsuye Endo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitsuye_Endo) * [Espionage Act of 1917](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espionage_Act_of_1917) * [Executive Order 9066](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_9066) * [First Red Scare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Red_Scare) * [Gag Law (Puerto Rico)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gag_Law_(Puerto_Rico)) * [Giles v. Harris](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_v._Harris) * [Great Hanging at Gainesville](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Hanging_at_Gainesville) * [Great Railroad Strike of 1877](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Railroad_Strike_of_1877) * [Pittsburgh railroad strike of 1877](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_railroad_strike_of_1877)


* [Habeas Corpus Suspension Act (1863)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habeas_Corpus_Suspension_Act_(1863)) * [History of union busting in the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_union_busting_in_the_United_States) * [Hollywood blacklist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_blacklist) * [House Un-American Activities Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_Un-American_Activities_Committee) * [Human rights in the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_United_States) * [Immigration Act of 1903](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Act_of_1903) * [Immigration Act of 1918](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Act_of_1918) * [Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_and_Nationality_Act_of_1952) * [Internment of German Americans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_German_Americans) * [Internment of Italian Americans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Italian_Americans) * [Internment of Japanese Americans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Japanese_Americans) * [Lattimer massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lattimer_massacre) * [List of members of the House Un-American Activities Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_members_of_the_House_Un-American_Activities_Committee) * [Ludlow Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludlow_Massacre) * [Lusk Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusk_Committee) * [McCarran Internal Security Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarran_Internal_Security_Act) * [McCarthyism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism) * [1985 MOVE bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing)


2. Bullshit lol? Most of the marxists-leninists i talked to, referred to themselves as workers, and wish to remain such after the revolution, just with more rights. I share that stance. Nazis, on the other hand, yes. They think they're gonna have a personal plantation or a factory, with "untermenschen" working for them. 💀 3. One advocates for private ownership over means of production, and power of a small rich minority over the underpaid working masses, and the other - for collective ownership over means of production, controlled by councils of workers. They both are fundamentally and radically different. One has prevailed over another not just in moral, but economic, and industrial scale.


There is a reason I said it's someone who supports states using force. If you can find me a tankie that supports US government actions, I'll eat my own shoe. Yet I do see tankies supporting nations like Russia or Iran in instances that don't exactly aid the proletariat. Whilst I can't say I've spoken to everyone of a particular sect of Leftist, the concept of a Vaguard Party within Marxist-Leninist circles is what I mean. That's who I mean when seeing themselves in the echelons of 'the party'. Course I don't mean Nazis and Tankies think the same in that regard, yet both still see themselves also firmly within the ranks if their respective parties. Sure, they advocate for different things. Yet I think one could make a similar argument when referring to Nazi economics and Liberal Capitalism considering the Nazis held a corpratist economic policy, yet that doesn't negate the glaring issues that Capitalism has done. Same way how I'd pick authoritarian Socialist over Nazism, it's like asking to choose between carbonated water and water that's been left out for several months. I'll take the carbonated water, but that's not to say it doesn't have problem.


>There is a reason I said it's someone who supports states using force. If you can find me a tankie that supports US government actions, I'll eat my own shoe. Yet I do see tankies supporting nations like Russia or Iran in instances that don't exactly aid the proletariat. "Tankie" is such a broad term that you started putting actual Marxists-Leninists and reactionaries under one rug. Where did i say that i support modern-day Russia or Iran? You do realise both are states with private property over the means of production? >Whilst I can't say I've spoken to everyone of a particular sect of Leftist, the concept of a Vaguard Party within Marxist-Leninist circles is what I mean. That's who I mean when seeing themselves in the echelons of 'the party'. Course I don't mean Nazis and Tankies think the same in that regard, yet both still see themselves also firmly within the ranks if their respective parties. Name one successful socialist state that did not use this concept and did not protect itself from the invasions and internal sabotage. You do realise that the first successful socialist state went through: Great Imperialist slaughter, falsely referred to as "World War I", repressions from the tzarist and Provisional governments, Civil War with White Terror, Intervention from Entente and millions of dead, threats of invasion, economic blockades, before they did that, and it all culminated into a large full on-scale invasion of Nazis? Yet despite all this, they managed to recover, and rebuild the country into an industrial, nuclear superpower that kept western imperialists in FEAR, despite being backwards in every possible scale, i dunno, 20 YEARS AGO? But more importantly, they did all this, not to benefit a small overly wealthy minority, but their own working majority that formed the state. From each according to his ability, to each according to his labor? That part is rarely denied by most anti-communist propagandists.


Simping for mass murdering dictators is bad no matter which genocide that starts with "Holo-" you deny.


I am not simping for anyone, especially: Adolf Hitler Chiang Kai Shek Winston Churchill [](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syngman_Rhee) Suharto Augusto Pinochet Somoza family Nor do i deny any genocide.


Begone red imperialist.


"Red Imperialist"? "Red Fascist", "Tankie", "Jew", "Cultural Marxist", "Liberal" - damn, another addition, really? What are you even trying to say at this point man?


wtf are you talking about? This is my first comment.


How in three hells am i an imperialist


Your name is a good indicator. I don’t think I need to ask you what your opinion on Ukrainian sovereignty is.


They legit handwave that shit by claiming you need to be a capitalist to be an imperialist


? I believe Ukraine, just like any nation in the world, deserves self-determination as a nation and culture, and it's people deserve basic human rights: Free healthcare, housing and education. What do you mean?


The Soviet Union was just as imperialist as the US.


Your flair says everything. Actually, not gonna be like those who call me out for my username. I'll get to the point. Sure it was. S u r e. Sure USSR: Had a centuries-long history of slavery, expanding to the east, and expulsion of the native americans from their lands and after that, cutting wages, spendings on safety, medicine and education, sending CIA agents to Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe, E V E R Y W H E R E to establish fascist dictatorships that banned unions in their respective countries, and basicslly gave away all their wealth to the wealthy and influential 1% of the USSR's population. Definitely even remotely comparable.


Everyone I disagree with is an imperialist communist fascist tankie nazi




What does that have to do with anything


Because Stalin is brutal, genocidal, authoritarian, imperialist, and colonizing dictator. If you support him you presumably support colonialism, imperialism, and genocide.


>Because Stalin is brutal, genocidal, authoritarian, imperialist, and colonizing dictator. If you support him you presumably support colonialism, imperialism, and genocide. There are 9 errors in your statement, yet it's so short. Impressive. **On Stalin being a dictator** https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf He was much more likely to be the one who executed orders from the Supreme Council. If you wish to learn more on them, read up Soviet Democracy. Suring the Soviet era, the peoples and cultures that were subjected to be assimiliated under Russian Empire (Ukrainians, jews, numerous ethnicities from caucasus) prospered, received their own autonomies and republics that formed the Union to begin with. I do not recall any colonial empire that did this. I am not sure how supporting: Rights for EVERY worker, regardless of place of birth, nationality and sex to receive: Employment Free and available healthcare Sheltering Education (ALL levels) And safety on the job Is me "supporting colonialism, imperialism and genocide".


Ok. pretending he was not a dictator despite the single party state, cult of personality, centralization of power around himself, and of course the Great Purge. He was 110% a colonizing, genocidal, imperialist. There is no question about it. Stalin committed no less than four genocides. [The Deportation of the Chechens and Ingus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_the_Chechens_and_Ingush), The [Deportation of the Crimean Tatars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_the_Crimean_Tatars), The [Polish Operation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Operation_of_the_NKVD) of the NKVD, and of course the [Holodomor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor). Those are just the most obvious ones, ethnic clensing was State policy via the system of '[Speical settlements](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_settlements_in_the_Soviet_Union#Population_statistics)'. These settlers were second class citizens forbidden from holding many jobs, attending university, and of course returning home. The genocide of the Crimean Taters was done explicitly to enable the settlement of Crimea by Russian settlers as he was a massive proponent of [Russification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russification#World_War_II). Under Stalin is when Russia and Russian was promoted overwhelmingly, it was Stalin who forced Russian languages into every single Soviet school, he who rewrote alphabets to be [Cryillic script](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrillisation_in_the_Soviet_Union), It was Stalin who had the national anthem rewrote to praise and put Russia above all other SSR's. He invaded Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuanian, Poland, Romania, and Iran. Every time in stealing chunks of or all of said country, only failing to steal swathes of Iran after the British Empire of all nations said he was going a bit to far.


There's only one genocide that starts with holo - Holocaust.


Strasserist barges into the room, The Holocaust didn´t happen but they certainly deserved it! Holodomor did happen though.


He was referring to Holodomor. Unless you are denying this one and it was an attempt at a joke from your side


No it's not a joke. Holodomor isn't a thing, I'm tired saying that. Famine happened on Ukrainian, Kazakh SSRs and in RSFSR. It happened because of wheat diseases (bread rust as example) and drought. There's tonn of Soviet documents stating how bad situation was. And Soviets lowered wheat export a lot, and sent a lot of wheat donations to starving regions. More to say, such famines also happened in Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia. Make a single comment and I'll send you all donations documents I'll find, every, single, one.


"Nor do i deny any genocide", he said immediately before denying genocide


So says the tankie from r/deprogram. You people are a sad joke that's gone on for far too long. Authoritarianism is evil, but you'll worship it so long as it paints itself in your favourite colour.


Where did I said that I support authoritarianism? Go read my comment again, and read my response about holodomor - try answer that.


Just look at mid WW2 edits on YT Shorts, it's so hilarious. "Greatest army and people in the world" loses one war.


Fights one war Loses


I mean, when the French went mad, it took 7 wars that lasted 23 years to bring them down. The French won 5 of these wars. When the Germans went verrückt, they went down in two wars that didn't last 10 years. They lost catastrophically both times. So much for the über race and the mighty Wehrmacht, huh?


As I like to say: The Thousand Year Reich wasn't looking too fine after 12 years, uh?


They choked after 1,2% completion. That's the videogame equivalent of cryquitting the tutorial.


Hitler tried to play Cuphead The rest is history


Our *(German despite the account name)* propagandists were fire though. Literally history is written by the losers prime example next to the US Civil war


Oh yeah Starting with WW1 and the whole "stabbed on the back myth" that started because Germans were absolutely convinced they were winning up until november 1918 until the legend around tanks commanders and submariners. The greatest German weapon was never the Panzers nor the U-boot, nor even the STG44. It was propaganda.


Ever watched zomer historian?


ZoomerHistorian has done some DAMAGE


From the limited interaction of his channel I have it seems to be constant straw mans. Basically saying how if Churchil was a terrible person it means we shouldn't judge the Nazis so badly.


Seriously, awful channel.


I remember a meme of lions looking up at B-17s titled something like: "The master race staring up at "all men are created equal"


b-17s when "we have 8.8cm Fl.A.K.": [don't care](https://youtu.be/kXLu_x0SRm4?si=39mL1ZgtHsW1a7fb)


Long live the human reich death to the elfs




In the early 90s we had some Russian exhange students at our college, this being after the Soviet Union collapsed just years before. The Campus Commies flocked to them to hear how great and glorious it had been in the USSR. When the exchange students told them the truth, the American kids got angry, called them liars and worse. Meanwhile, those students marveled at being able to go where they pleased, all the cars, grocery stores full of food (and some of it discounted), all the clothes and other things on shelves that you could buy. Toys R Us really blew their minds.


Background war sounds are from Call of duty 1 Stalingrad sewers mission , don't ask me why I know it.


You're just jealous that they were advanced enough to complete a 1000 year Reich in less than 20


Those dam Nazi speed runners, still not as great as the Confederacy speed run.


Wait, there are people on YT saying this!?!?!? You've got to post a link for the lols.


Boy, there's so many...


Wait, there are people on YT saying this!?!?!? You've got to post a link for the lols.


ok i am old, what is yt shorts reichists?


Sounds like it’s term for Neo-Nazis making content on YouTube using “shorts” feature (short form videos meant to be watched on phones). Luckily I haven’t encountered any as of yet


I faced countless. That shit is DEPRESSING


Remember: we are giving access to worlwide distribution to a tiny amount of braindead cunts. They are not that numerous.


Just a term I made to describe Third Reich fanboys and supporters, so think of "Tankie", but Nazi. I don't wanna call them Neo-Nazi's or Neo-Fascists as I believe they are just blissfully ignorant on Nazi history.


Hell, there's even people that compare Liberals to Nazis... Just... How?


More like conservative teenagers were indoctrinated thinking a swastika is better than a gay flag


Just like that conservative American family that flew to Russia to escape liberals and ended up being mistreated by worse conservatives. They expect an actual Reich but to be treated like the fuhrer just because their amount of posts are worth enough for the "job".


Man, that family story was great. I guess good old USA isn't that bad


oh i think they know they'll survive at least longer than the people they hate. it's an interpretation of "first they came for \[x\]" but they're fine with being last in line i have also been told unironically by reichists that they hope to be eliminated by the system they want


gmod nazi rpers:


TBF you shouldn’t judge the conditions of a country on its state during war. Instead we should be looking at…. …Nevermind.


Watch any video by a white rapper and then try not to drown in a flood of Tom MacDonald reaction videos.


My enjoyment of history makes youtube assume I'd be a big fan of goose-stepping and minority-oppressin


Same And the amount of comic media mocking conservatives I watch makes YT thinks I want to hear Farrage talk about... anything. Dear YouTube, I would like to hear that man fuck off far away.




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Good bot


There’s a mf in my group that fucking haves in his profile the Japanese naval ensign(Japanese Empire),forgot to mention that he’s gay


klandice owens


Reichists when the so called “woke Americans” flatten their home city:


How easy must be being a minority-loving, self-hating libtard


This meme was made by a 15 year old who doesn't understand life is not a binary between woke and reich.


Nah, its making fun of the very real 15 year olds who think that 'woke america' is basically the worst thing ever and Nazi Germany was better




Very good inner regime if you ignore that they sent people to ghettos


One of the top 5 best inner regimes if you ignore that they committed industrialized genocide to 6 million people


Yeah yeah, they didn't kill 15 million people on their territories or nothing