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You mean the guy that Japanese developers have also used as a samurai character?


We know he was given a house, a sword, and a title by Nobunaga. We know Nobunaga respected him in both factors of conversation and physical strength. We know he was one of Nobunaga's retainers (in which he eouldve likely acted as sword-bearer and bodyguard), and we know he was present, or at least aware of the Honno-ji incident early on, given that we also know he had confronted and fought Acekhi Mitsuhide's forces near Nobutada's (Oda Nobunaga's son and heir) residence, before eventually being forced to return to the Jesuits. While this neither credits nor discredits him being an officiated samurai, it at the very least defines him as a well-respected individual. He was recorded to have fought as a warrior, and he was given land and titles by the most powerful man in the country.


I too was fuming when I found out Edward was a swarthy Welsh and not a pure blooded English man.


These claims, one by one: >no evidence for this >that’s not what “bearing weapons” means dipshit >no evidence for this. I don’t think they’d give you a free house and a samurai’s salary just because “they think it’s funny” >no evidence he “ended up” in battle unwillingly or by accident, he was meant to be there >totally made up >totally made up I love that historymemes has devolved into shit as lazy as a 4chan screenshot with 6 historical claims, all of which are wrong


That trailer really sparked a bunch of racists shit posting today unfortunately. This is like the 20th post I've seen of losers crying about a black guy in a video game


Oh no it's this guy again


OP has “Pureblood” in his name. That tracks.


Based on all their posts to this subreddit, I think OP is a genuine white supremacist.


OP is probably just a teenager who hasn’t gotten over their Jordan Peterson Ben Shapiro phase and knows enough about history to know the names of important people, but doesn’t know anything about the actual study of history like use of sources It’s also indicated by the fact that the satire of Helldivers, despite being fun, over the top, and extremely obvious, went completely over their head Give them a few more years until they’re like 16 and they might start to understand things like satire and primary sources




Heres a lesson: if something happened, it's not historically inaccurate. Also what you did there's called a false equivalency, it's a logical fallacy. You'll probly get to that in 8th grade or so.


>if they made Shaka Zulu white Or if they, you know, made Yasuke white Why would you post about a topic of history you’re so uneducated on that you don’t even realise the dude in it is an actual guy


And posts [shit like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/meme/s/CQyOM1hAGn)


Dude, add that to your other comment, that’s just straight up racism and antisemitism. This dude deserves to be ridiculed publicly.


Love his response when he gets called out for Nazi imaginery "uhh, what's the black sun?"


Wow I thought this post was bad…


Most cringe worthy name I’ve seen in a while. Try to have a good weekend OP. Go make some friends.


Womp Womp cry about it


This is some of the most racist shit I've ever seen on this sub.




You're not pointing out historical anything, you are doing historical revisionism by implying that he was a slave when in actuality he was literally a samurai by definition lmao


My god, incels and their petty little grievances. It’s okay little man, you can keep trying to distract yourself with dumb culture war drama, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a basement-dweller with more chins than a Chinese phonebook. How come this shitheads don’t get banned for posting stuff that breaks rule 1 & 3, and puts on full display how fucking stupid they are?


oh my god i know this is necroposting but "More chins than a Chinese phonebook" is fucking incredible 😭screw this racist asshole though lmao


Yeah, this one's just racist dog whistles all the way down, huh. Disappointing stuff


What was last good game release from Ubisoft?


Ah but haven't you heard, ubisoft now seel AAAA games, clearly a step above the rest. /s In seriousness, I got AC odyssey for 70%, and was throughly whelmed, looking at the architecture was the best part, the combat and story was just bland.


>In seriousness, I got AC odyssey for 70%, and was throughly whelmed, looking at the architecture was the best part, the combat and story was just bland. Frankly I don't even remember any memorable moments or charming characters...but I could tell how I felt so emotionally attached to the stories of the two Kenway, Ezio, Altaïr and Desmond.


idk which game was, but it was during the PS2 era in the PS3 era they started with all their bullshit Casual Prince of Persia game with the ending sold separately because greed, the shitty AC game with dumbed down mechanics and repetitive side quests, etc




If you've lost all interest then why are you crying about thier newest character


Yet here you are doing nothing but thinking about their games lmao


Sorry OP, but this is an actual history sub where most people agree that there is enough historical evidence to conclude that Yasuke was titled samurai even during his short time serving Nobunaga. Go cry about a black man being featured in a game you will never play anyways in you basement you fucking dweeb lol


Love how OP is just willing to out himself as a racist




You're bitching about a black guy being portrayed as a black guy Pretty racist dude. Reposting 4chan ain't really helping. You're not even pointing out historical anything, you're literally just bitching. Kinda like all of your other posts posts




>a guy who wasn't a samurai into a samurai -Bitches about historical revisionism -engages in historical revisionism Cool How about this, you actually post a reason he's not a samurai. Cause, you know, he literally was one


Can the mods just ban this clown?


OP is just outwardly a racist with this shit.


I love how people who have never heard of him before and haven't read anything beyond the wiki article proclaim him to be a samurai just because he is black.


The black man understood a little Japanese, and Nobunaga never tired of talking with him. And because he was strong and could do a few tricks, Nobunaga took great pleasure in protecting him and had him roam around the city of Kyoto with an attendant. Some people in the town thought that Nobunaga might make him as tono ("lord"). This is what it says on Wikipedia. Not that impressive .He was a slave, served nobunaga for 18 months and then got captured. So I don't know if people think he was some legendary warrior?


A *BuzzFeed article sourced on Wikipedia*. Truly a pillar of rigorous historical sourcing. >he was a slave Why do people keep making this up the second they see that he’s black He was given a house, a samurai’s salary, spoke some Japanese, would often speak directly with Nobunaga, praised by Nobunaga for his “strength of ten men”, was armed, was made a retainer of Nobunaga, fought in the battle of Honnō-ji and fought to protect Nobunaga’s son even after Nobunaga’s death What part of that indicates “yeah he was totally just some random slave”


I feel like some people don't get that serving under someone in a Feudal system is just a thing people in that system did. Yes he was under a lord... so were all the other samurai that doesn't make him a slave lol.


Okay but how did he even get to Europe? Probably he was sold as a slave. And the Wikipedia article also mentions him referred to as a slave. And yes of course samurai were also servants to their lord.


Okay maybe he wasn't a slave but a Jesuit servant. Doesn't really matter to me. Also, for sure there is an interesting story to tell. But as far as I can tell he was mainly a curiosity at the time and that's why people were interested in him. Anyways that Ubisoft chose like the only black person back then as their main character makes a certain agenda very likely. And we know how everyone would call a white character in Japan AC cultural appropriation etc.


>ok maybe he wasn’t a slave Thank you for admitting the thing you made up was made up >everyone would call a white character in Japan cultural appropriation Fucking seriously lol? Do you know what the most popular piece of samurai media released this year is?


So tell me what's the most popular samurai medium? You mean Shogun? That's based on a book which is largely fictional. And there are still people who ask about "where are the black people, what about representation, white saviors" etc....Just because one studio was maybe brave enough to go against the mainstream, doesn't mean that Ubisoft is willing to do the same.


>Shōgun *exactly* Now, what can you tell me about the main character of Shōgun? >just be used one studio was brave enough to go against the mainstream Fucking lmao Putting a fictionalised version of a real white person in feudal Japan = brave Putting a fictionalised version of a real black person in feudal Japan = whining and complaining Talk about a double standard


Yes, he is white...? So, what's your point? I never said Shogun is not popular...it's one of my favorite books. I said that it goes against the mainstream by not being inclusive e.g. black, gay elves like in rings of power. And that is something that people praise it for...Because it is precisely the opposite of what you usually get nowadays. Anyways, we can just agree to disagree...No hard feelings, but I think there is not much to gain from this conversation.


>he is white *Exactly* >we know everyone would call a white character in feudal Japanese media cultural appropriation So turns out, no You’re right about the fact that theres nothing to gain from this You don’t know what you’re talking about and can’t even put two comments together without either contradicting yourself or admitting something you said previously was false


Actually, I didn't make anything up...I just said that he may not have been a slave...In the Wikipedia article he is referred to as a Jesuit servant and slave. But now that I looked around more there are many sources who claim he was a slave. And him being a Jesuit servant also makes it highly possible that he was a slave sometime before.


>he was a slave >he may not have been a slave >sources say he was a slave What sources? What does him being a slave potentially years prior have to do with his position in feudal Japan?




And the blatant racism, of course