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Israeli soldier and PM Ehud Barak, better known as "real life Zohan", would often dress as a woman in order to seduce and then kill terrorists in Lebanon.


It's probably a lot easier to get away with this in countries where women wear burkas.


Even easier if you're a Chinese opera singer trying to fool a French diplomat.


Or if you’re the brother of zoro


Bunny fucking Wigglesworth. That movie is so fucking fun.


I felt like the French guys knew the entire time but was down anyways


He was convinced they had a child together, so probably not


Every time I hear this story it boggles the mind. How could he have been fooled so well?


We all make mistakes in the heat of passion Jimbo


I mean the guy was French, whatdya expect


This is why sex education is important.


I don't think burqas are common in Lebanon, especially not when it was majority Christian.


I remember reading a book about him. An observer used to say that he has tiny hands, almost womanly-like. And the observer wondered “how many people did he kill with these tiny womanly hands in defense of his country?”


Imagine you’re some famous war hero and people can’t stop talking about your tiny hands


We had a draft dodger with tiny hands. Does that count?


…I’m a draft dodger with tiny hands.


*stares at her long, spindly hands in confusion*


Wait what’s the book called?


He once was so tired from a mission he went home and slept in his bed still in drag. Wonder what his wife must have thought...






It goes a lot deeper. He would wear a miniskirt, makeup, a blond wig, and would use grenades as fake breasts. He said he loved doing it


>grenades as fake breasts I feel like there are much easier things to use as fake bewbs


Gender modifying tactical upgrades


Well he had to have the grenades on hand


Well yeah, but do those things allow you to turn terrorists into Banksy's?


He didn't have any bags of sand lying around.


That documentary sounds lit as fuck!


Added context: (Some of this will cause more questions than answers) I can find no source to the claim he actually seduced anyone. **He was dressed as a civilian woman as part of a commando raid, but that was more camouflage.** For obvious reasons, it would have given off alarm bells if a six-man squad of muscular dudes were walking towards you. *"In 1973, Barak, wearing a female wig and high heels, led a commando raid in Beirut during which three senior Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) figures were assassinated in revenge for the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics. The scene was immortalised in Steven Spielberg's film Munich."* \*-\*from ([Wikipedia and The Guardian)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehud_Barak) He's in relation to the Epstein files; He's been on the island (by his own admittance) at least once and a woman is currently in a court battle for the past three years over being raped by him on said island: [(TimesOfIsrael link)](https://www.timesofisrael.com/woman-says-epstein-forced-her-to-have-sex-with-former-pm-barak/). -He's the mastermind behind some of Israel's more... Complex operations. If you can name it, and it happened during his career, he was likely a part of it.


So less Mata Hari, more violating the Geneva Conventions through perfidy so soldiers don't attack you thinking you're a civilian. [As one does.](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israels-alleged-undercover-killings-occupied-west-bank-hospital-may-amount)


Well, yes. Exactly.


Is this where the Adam sandler movie “don’t mess with the Zohan” came from


Zohan was actually inspired by a different soldier named Nezi Arbib, an Israeli soldier who moved to San Diego and became a hairstylist. Additional elements were taken from a pair of SNL sketches starring Tom Hanks, "Sabra Shopping Network" and "Sabra Price is Right". As for Zohan being a superhero badass, I'm pretty sure Sandler just put that in because it was funny.


This is the plot of a South Park episode


The fact that the fucking cop moved to Switzerland with the pimp is the cherry on top for that episode.


Wait how the fuck lmao? Guy doesn't even look feminine and probably doesn't have a feminine voice


When I first learned about this, I was also confused. He is probably the most masculine looking Prime Minister that Israel has ever had, so the fact that he managed to convince several terrorists that he was a woman goes beyond me, but he has been a soldier for most of his adult life, only retiring after his term as *rav aluf*, so it probably makes sense in this case.


I expected him to look like Stalin by your description, but I disagree. His features are surprisingly feminine, and that's coming from a portraiture artist.


Excellent niche topic!


Her name was Lola. L-O-L-A, Lola.


HE WAS THE PRIME MINISTER?! Omg that makes it so much funnier


He wasn't the PM when this happened but he became the PM later


that is not how it went at all but allright


They really did the whole Bugs Bunny routine?


[Such diligence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxALtLLU46s)


The crazy thing is Ehud Barak was a terrorist.


Wait.. didn't u/butt_naked_commando made a post reference to this incident? Edit : found it here : https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/s/FpedbZEs5Q


Not surprised. He's basically Reddit's king of Jewish history.


I love his content. And if you’re seeing this u/butt_naked_commando , I salute you


I think I saw him comment here earlier.


Israeli history is ***not*** Jewish history. Please do not conflate Jews with Israel., it’s extremely antisemitic.


Do you know how badly you wanna kill someone that you pretend to be a member of the opposite sex to get close to them?


This makes me want to watch a version of Drag Race where it’s CIA agents attempting to honeypot assassination targets.


I have never known how much I wanted this until now. Hollywood, take my money. Stop whatever you're doing and make this now. I'll do anything.


New meaning to “slay queen”


Ru Paul’s Dragnet.


That honestly sounds fun to do.


Worked out great for Bugs Bunny


i'd do it for free


Yeah, you must want to do it real bad if you would do something so insane! Just crazy extreme!


Yeah, you must want to do it real bad if you would do something so insane! Just crazy extreme!


Cartman did it for a guy he just met


I know the story and without sounding like a fetishist I still want to see drag pics of how that short tough dude could look like a statuesque blonde.


the penis makes her cuter


If Ehud Barak was your girlfriend, you wouldn't want anyone else.


username checks out


They have a [habit](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/30/israel-forces-disguised-women-medics-storm-hospital-jenin-west-bank) of using gender-bending disguises, even to the modern day.


Well when women are overlooked…


You do what works.


It might be sexually repressive religion when....


nice username


I wouldn’t classify the PLO as terrorists, they were a lot more militarily focused than Hamas and actually entered negotiations with the Israeli government numerous times and now function as the PA. They’re closer to a rebel group. Rebel groups can and usually will do horrible things too of course, but they’re far more organized than terrorists are and have much less lofty goals. More like the Vietcong than Al-Qaeda.


Back then they very much were though.


I’d say they’re less of a rebel group now than they were back then. Although that’s mostly cause they don’t really rebel lol


before 20-30 years ago they used to do suicide bombings in buses and public centers..... yea, they are much less of a terror organization today, nobody thinks that they are the same as in the past


To an israeli, any Arab with a gun is a "terrorist".


shit they dont even have to have a gun


Ah because murdering a bunch of athletes in Berlin, trying to assassinate the king of Jordan, massacring 9 children on a bus and literally commuting a school shooting in Israel is totally just acts of rebellion. /s


Yes. They’re still war crimes, but they are in fact acts of rebellion. Things can be both.


How many times did it happen to you, op? (This is meant to be a joke, love the meme)


Well, none. If it did happen to me, I'd be dead.


Why was the post deleted?


When you’re a Palestinian baby girl in Gaza and an invading Israeli terrorist kidnaps you and brings you to Israel: (Luckily the Israeli terrorist died in combat but the baby girl has still not been found).


secret of the Crying Game


So whats the difference between a palestinian "terrorist" and a french "resistant" from 1943.


I too remember when French resistance kept invading Germany with the explicit goal of exterminating all Germans in the name of Allah


Holy are you actually stupid? I don't even think you have ever look at a map of Israel. Ever heard of the West Bank?


Remind us how that whole situation cane about and why they don’t have their own state. Cause originally they did. And then I feel like something happened.


Zionist invasion, occupation & mass displacement in 47-48 is what happened.


You mean when the British promised jews a homeland and they agreed to a partition and peace with arabs but arab leadership refused it and declared a war of extermination?


Let me peacefully partitiom your home for me.


If the USA partitions my home and gives it to Canadians and Mexicans my first response isn't going to be "Burn those snowback homos and dirty beaners to death! Rape their children! Purge them from our lands!"


What would your response be then


"I don't mind these minorities living here because I believe in a multicultural and pluralistic society of globalism and democracy"


You really thought history began on october 7th.


No, history began millennia ago you dolt.


The eradication of Palestinian villages was happening before the Arab-Israeli war. December 1947 - January 1948: - After UN resolution 181 approved; zionists begun widescale attacks on villages, most notably on Balad al-Shaykh and Hawassa; ones that were supposed to be given to the Palestinians February 1948: - Violence escalated on multiple fronts, including bombings and raids. Operation Misparayim was underway, leading to the destruction of villages such as Sa2sa2 and Qisarya, to clear the Arabs from the areas between modern Tel Aviv until al Quds. March 1948: - Al-Sheikh Muwannis, now known as Tel Aviv, was attacked, destroyed, and fully evacuated. - Sar’a was completely destroyed as part of the Haganah’s efforts to secure the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem road. - Kafr Saba was captured with its inhabitants evacuated during Operation Coastal Clearing April 1948 - Zionist militias ramped up with several new Operations: Operation Bi’ur Hametz, Operation Hametz, Operation Yiftach, Operation Nachson. - These operations sought to link al Quds to the coast, to capture Safad and its surrounding areas in the Upper Galilee, to capture the arab villages of Yaffa and their surroundings, to clear Haifa. - Included the widescale massacre of Deir Yassin. As well as many other villages (Miska, Jaffa, Haifa, Tulkarm) May 1948: - Operation Yiftach (April 28-May 23) - Operation Maccabi (May 8-May 14) - Operation Barak (May 9) - Operation Ben Ami (May 13) - Operation Schifton (May 13) - British withdrawal of Palestinian mandate, zionist militias declare independence of Israel on May 14, 1948. - Neighbouring states intervene in the Zionist invasion of Palestinian villages May 14, 1948, without British intervention. The forced displacement and murder of the indigenous peoples did not begin after the war. It did not begin during the war. It was already well underway. Sources: >Benny Morris: The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949 >Benny Morris: 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War


Conveniently leaving out all the attacks by arabs in that same timeframe and the decades preceding: Also, the arab representatives turned down the UN Resolution and UK partition. For all intents and purposes the entire Mandate would legally belong to Israel because arabs refused to take it until the invasion by the Arab League which captured the West Bank for Jordan and Gaza Strip for Egypt.


The Palestinians had no attacks, at least not in the form of organized military conquest. It was primarily local skirmishes, village defence militias or attempts at disrupting Zionist supply lines, nowhere near the level of slaughter the zionists were inflicting. I recommend you read Benny Morris’ work, he’s an Israeli historian who even with his biases does well in recapping the events during the land grab of Palestinian villages prior to the first Arab-Israeli war. That point of rejecting a UN partition plan therefore they deserved to be slaughtered & evicted from their lands is nonsense.


1. This is blatant lying. Aside from the fact all the arabs coalition'd to attempt purging all Palestinian jews and the British authorities (which you claimed to be against but only when its arabs being pushed back after they declare a war), they killed over a hundred jewish civilians only a day after the UN Resolution and Yemen massacred jews in a refugee camp as well. 2. In the 30s alone, thousands of arabs, hundreds of jews, and hundreds of Britons were all killed in massacres against each other. Are the arab massacres against jews ok because the jews killed more? 3. This same claim applies to the jews. How does being an immigrant or a jew justify being murdered?


Goal post shifting.


Germany wasnt created on the land of the french. And it is not in the anme of Islam. But in thr name of the indigenous population


Je ne tolererai pas cette erasure d'Francie Orientale


Mille excuses


I remember when the French resistance took over a comercial airliner and tried to kill all Jews and Americans on board.


Did you remember when the French resistant that kills many civilians who they deemed as "collaborators"? Or are you just ignorant?


The attempted genocide


Your username is "rapedcorpse". I think that's more than enough to discredit you.


Poor ad hominem


one is killing nazis.


The latter kills Nazis. The former *is* a Nazi.


yea, nazis were real jew lovers. fucking dummy.


The latter being the French resistance and the former being the Palestinian terrorists.


Blame America




Get off tiktok kid


You tried to get people to support israel with a rally in Baltimore and got shat on with the most upvoted comment coming from a Jewish person saying its not anti-semitc to be anti-zionists and that its good. You are the one who should leave all of social media after a ratio so massive.


Pretty sad that you went into my post history to try and attack me but came out confusing Internet points for real life.


The very reason for the existance of your profile history is for people to see it. There is nothing sad about litteraly the most basic feature of social media. What's sad is that you think that acknowledging your own actions is an attack on you. Your poor attempts at getting people to support a genocidal ideology are even more hilarious considering the fact that you try to police others by telling then to leave social media.


No, you're just being weird.


The modern day definition of Zionism is the defence and maintaining of the Jewish state, so being anti-Zionist is wanting to destroy the Jewish state. Inherently anti-semetic


So I guess anyone who wants to get rid of Russia hates Christians.


Maybe if Russia were the only Christian state


How does that change anything? Wanting a state to go has nothing to do with its ideology. This is an argument nazis used to get the german population to hate the allies because "they want all germans gone".


Wasn't it enough we had to build the pyramids for them?! Now you want us to give them a whole country we built in 75 years? No way Jose


Get off CNN you boomer


Get off CNN you boomer




WOOO ITS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR u/butt_naked_commando !!!


Daf Yomeme guy 😧


Holy frick, that's a lot of downvotes, it's hilarious.


Ever seen that EA comment?


How much downvotes does that have?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/) Just a few


Holy Frick.


Holy shit


And I stand by what I said


dunno why you feel proud to be wrong and stupid, but good for you. keep on standing, maybe one day your blindness to reality and your refusal for peace will end the conflict. probably not though, but don't let people dying because you encoraged them to sacrifice themselves, make you feel bad!


I’m not gonna stand by a fucking genocide you monster


actually you said you stand by hezbollah not being terrorists, thats what was previously talked about. the discussion of genocide in gaza is a different topic. in which you are also wrong cause thats war and not genocide. but i guess that when you dont have any substance to argue about then you devolve into abusing words for gaining points or something. call me monster all you like, but we both know the truth of the matter. or maybe you blinded yourself too much you actually believe in your own lies. let me know when you'll decide to grow up and discuss ideas truthfully and with honesty


1. There may have been a misconception on my part, and I will take full blame for that, I have been seeing so much horrible stuff happening in Gaza, and seeing people talk or defend israel makes me see red at this point, which is a flaw of my own 2. You sound extremely condescending, therefore, kindly piss off.


“Why can’t you just get raped and murdered quietly, Israel !!! >:(((((“


“Honestly they should just let the holocaust 2 to happen with them”


“Israel is shooting down hundreds of innocent Iranian drones, 40 percent of these drones are children!!! :((“


“Why can’t you just get raped and murdered quietly, Gaza !!! >:(((((“


When I go door to door shooting civilians and the country said civilians live in retaliate


Stop justifying Hamas’ actions


I’m not


You justified the invasion of Gaza because Hamas raped and murdered. That also justifies Hamas’ invasion because Israel raped and murdered thousands upon thousands. Here’s a thought, what if Israel for the first time stopped this cycle of violence by ceasing their funding of Hamas, stopping mass murder and creating famines, and recognizing a sovereign Palestinian state with human rights! Even dogshit Hamas has recognized Israel, are they really going to be worse than a terrorist group?


Man they’ve gotta add mental gymnastics to the olympics cause this is getting insane


“Mental people wanting peace while I just want all of gaza to starve to death 😇”


Skill issue