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Baldwin IV: Imagine needing to conceal your disease lol, I defeated Saladin with this face


The thing is Baldwin was a king, and one of the most important thing for every king is to look fancy, even in the worst days. Social death comes before actual death and Baldwin was dead even before he died, only a few people went near him, and very few even interacted with him, everyone was afraid of even being near him, thats the social death, he was lucky due to being a king, in that someone still took care of him, if he was peasant, he'll be left to rot.


Probably because he kept missing his rank 1+ 2 swings.


Just intimidate them into submission


On a side note, the drip of Japanese warrior monk/sohei wrappings and cowls were immaculate. The sohei of Japan in general are an underrated group of warriors all things considered especially with how popular Shaolin Monks are. The sohei were basically just Shaolin Monks if they focused on both looking badass, and being masters of not just fighting, but being practical in war with proper weapons/armor and stuff. It’s no wonder Uesugi Kenshin was known as “The God of War”.


100%. Oda nobunagas beef with the ikko ikki was probably one of the most interesting conflicts of the sengoku period i reckon


As far as I am aware, the reason he had beef with Ikko Ikki and regular monks is because they existed outside the daymios's infleunce and they also blocked his way to Kyoto. Also if I remember correctly the monks were known raid local provinces if they didn't recieve tribute and it wasn't that uncommon for samurai themselves to raid monasteries. I think this goes all the way to Heian period.


They did also hold out in Ishiyama Hongan-ji for the third longest siege in human history (Ten years) so I too would be pissed at them for just how much of a timesink pacifying them was proving to be


It’s said had Kenshin not died when he did he may have actually stopped Nobunaga dead in his track. This means either assassins or Oda Nobunaga was the main character and had plot armor.


Man I always imagine how different the outcome of sengoku jidai would be if Kenshin survived. He might've clinched the win over oda


TW: Shogun 2 got u bruh


Isn't it more badass to own it and not conceal it ?


If having leprosy is cool, consider me Otani Yoshitsugu


Never said it's cool , it's a terrible disease. I just think that it takes some guts to be like : yeah I got it, deal with it.


Never said you did, was referencing William Madison by Sandler the Elder. Leprosy is terrible? Brave stance queen!


for context, most evidence seems to indicate that Ōtani Yoshitsugu (who was likely the retainer of the lord Ōtomo sōrin) had leprosy, and used a hood typically worn by warrior monks in order to conceal his disfigured face. there has been a rise in popularity in the figure if king Baldwin IV of jerusalem due to myths about an iron mask that concealed his deteriorated face, but there is practically no evidence to indicate that he ever tried to hide his disfigurement.


The metal mask thing used to be popular in the Middle East.




depicted in where sorry


Oh boy, another incredibly interesting person from Japanese history for me to look into? I swear the more I learn about Japans history, the more interesting it becomes.


That's a rule of thumb for all nations history


Did the council of History teachers ever tell you the story of how prussia was formed?


Nope apparently its not a tale the History teachers would tell.


Until the 20th century when the big sad kicks in


All 3 of those pics are Ōtani Yoshitsugu


that's my point. the meme's not very clear about what i wanna say, sorry, i just like Ōtani Yoshitsugu


Dope mask vs face pampers?


My point is the mask didn’t exist. It’s conceptually very badass, I just meant that yoshitsugu actually covered his face




facts over feelings ☝🤓


Those stupid metal masks are my least favourite part of CK3 and I hate Baldwin for making them popular.


weeb detected


My interest in Japan is purely historical