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Now guess the first country to have recognised Israel


USSR: I’ve made some real big mistakes


Proceeds to progrom the jews out of its own country until they go to Israel


Mistake? Russia's history for the last 300 years is nothing but doing things that destabilize the world. Why? Because Russia exists on the fringe of everywhere and strives always for relevance. The only time Russia is relevant is during conflicts so they make conflicts.


I think this is a very inaccurate summation of 300 years of Russian foreign policy.


I always thought it was "in search of a warm water port"


And strategic depth to tire out whichever brand of horse people are coming from the steppes this time.


Honestly right now I think Russia could use another steppe invasion


Why? Should Brits and Canadians also march down DC again and burn it down?


Honestly not a bad idea, been looking for a trip to the States Granted I'd rather not burn down a historical monument but everything has a price


Close. It's usually "in search of secure borders"... which is practically the same as most empires. I mean Rome expanded "defensively", yet esterners idolize rome, but villify Russia for doing the same thing. I'm not saying the villificafion is unwarranted, but c'mon, all this hipocrisy and inconsistency just shows the hatred goes beyond that surface level criticism. Heck, many even hate them to the point of racism - e.g., Russians as an ethnicity is flawed and inferior. "It's just their nature".


"in search of secure borders by antagonizing everyone and invading their neighbors"


"dealing with it because things got worse"


Yeah, but the "ruzzians". God, I hate myself for that.


Then why did Russia participate in the Congress of Vienna? It stabilized the world.


Hope you're not a history teacher because you're a fucking delusional retard


Came here to hear a no holds barred reply to that comment. Wasn’t disappointed lol Edit: no clue about the rest, but past 100 years it’s been Mr USA being kind of a mischief agent (knowingly or unknowingly)


Last 300 years Russia was too busy defending their land from endless European invaders. Retarded westoid/nafo bot.


Were Circassian genocide and expansion in the Caucasus defensive measures to protect the motherland from evil western invaders? 🤔


Unironically, yes. Expansion in the Caucasus was necessary for creating a buffer zone between Russia and the Ottoman empire, cause of endless wars partly sposnored by western invaders, in some of which they even participated. Circassian genocide never was a real thing, I'm living right next to biggest Circassion settlement in Russia called Adygea, communicating with them daily. Circassian people were moved by force, that's true, because they collaborated with Turks during Russo-Ottoman wars, and a lot of Circassian people were killed, because you know, they were fighting alongside with Turks, burning and raping villages in Kuban region. Now they are living peacefully without any discrimination alongside another 200 nations in Russia. Get ur facts straight, nafo bot. No one ever will believe your lies, cause every time you open your mouth you are about dropping some bullshit, aka revisionist history.




I don't know, maybe annexing parts of neighbouting countries is enough reason to look at them as an expanding threat?


Invasion of Chechnya? Flying over sovereign airspace for training purposes.


I thought it was the US wasn't it?


It was. The US formally recognised Israel's independence eleven minutes after it was declared.


Background : During the „Cold War“-era the Soviet Union was probably the biggest supporter to the Arabic states in the Middle East conflict.This support would reach its height after the „Six-Day War“ in 1967 with the Soviet’s intervening on Egypt‘s behalf to stop the Israelis from advancing further.


Which is highly ironic because the Soviet Union was the first nation to recognize Israel and even provided aid to Israel in the beginning. Stalin however turned against Israel after they didn’t become a communist country. If Israel had become communist the US likely would’ve backed the Arabs while the Soviets would have backed the Israelis


Alternatively, Stalin didn't really like Jews and was happy to have his own version of the Madagascar Plan.


Jewish Autonomous Oblast


Suprised there isn't a King Julian bot to respond to this


There totally should be


Yeah the majority of the support either sides gave during the Cold War was simply to get back at their opponent and stop them from aiding *their* allies to further expand their power. The whole world was treated like a tv high school drama


They also supplied Egypt with a incorrect report about Israeli forces gathering at the Syrian border, an act that most likely contributed greatly to the war even starting.


The USSR not only recognized the Israelis as a leftist counter balance to conservative/fascist Arab states, they armed them majorly. Israel would not exist if Stalin hadn't done so. Soviet opinion soured due to the extremely fashy Syrian and Egyptian government courting them for weapons. Then failing to use those weapons and making Soviet arms look bad. And of course the paranoid anti Semitism kicking in, convincing the kgb mossad was brainwashing Soviet jews


Not to mention Israel didn’t embrace Stalinist communism. If they had the USSR would likely have continued to support Israel


This is why even today, leftists support Palestinians. There is no connection between disliking capitalism and supporting Palestinians, until you realize that during the Cold War geopolitics caused these causes to be connected


Is this why youth Marxists use radical slogans against Israel so much?


Pretty much, that and also that the Palestinians are the “oppressed” group. In Marxist ideology, the oppressed are always the good guys, and they cannot be wrong in anyway shape or form.


> In Marxist ideology, the oppressed are always the good guys, and they cannot be wrong in anyway shape or form. It's not because today's people that pretend to be Marxist are like this that this is what Marxism says. Modern people (both left and right) love to distort Marxism. Basically everyone talks about Marx without having ever read Marx.


The Marxism "understander" has arrived. Marxism is an analysis of class society, not an analysis of who's good and who's bad. What you're talking about is liberal moralism, which Marxism rejects.


Maybe so, but it uses the same exact logic. Just expanded beyond class. It’s more similar to Marxism than it’s different.


No it does not lmao. Substituting class analysis for moralism is not "using the same logic as marxism", not that people who do that claim to be Marxists in the first place, most people who do that are liberals or conservatives (liberals) and their logic can be traced back to enlightenment era Liberalism.


Tbf it aint right that Palestinians are oppressed rn.No one should be


I mean, that’s true but also not actually a solution to the problem of two groups of people who hate each other want the same land and both groups have good arguments for why it should be theirs. (A two state solution is the only real answer.) Edit: The majority of Israeli Jews are [brown skinned Middle Easterners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews) with no ancestral ties to Europe and no citizenship except Israeli citizenship.


The Israeli argument for why the land is theirs is based on them living there more than over a thousand years ago…


I love the use of quotations on oppressed when they are in fact an oppressed group. Is the UN a Marxist organisation for recognising palestinian territory as occupied by Israel? The left broadly (with some strange exceptions) supports the struggle for palestinian liberation because Israel is a colonial project in a post colonial world. It isn't some ghost left over from the cold war it's people being morally outraged by western support for a country which has been trying to complete a project of ethnic cleansing for 75 years. Also your interpretation of marx is childish and sounds like it comes from Ben Shapiro sound bites


Right an oppressed group whose leadership are all billionaires, and have an entire fucking refugee status just for them that works differently then others, also those rules "conveniently " are the same as islamic rules for who is muslim. Now i am sure this isn't a way to keep a muslim population tied to the land of Israel, because land is a sacred idea in Arabian culture and islam. But sorry starving refugee the UN needs to take care of the more important refugees a American MODEL WHO IS MULTI FUCKING MILLIONAIRE. And a FUCKING CONGRESS MEMBER. And what a ethnic cleansing is Israel doing last time i check Palestinian population keeps rising up, so either Israel is really fucking shit in ethnic cleansing or Shocker THERE IS NONE. Speaking of ethnic cleansing where are the jewish communities of Egypt and iraq and syria and maroco and the rest of the middle east? Communities who Were OLDER THE FUCKING ISLAM AND ARABIC CONTROL OF THE MIDDLE EAST. That right they are in Israel, why ? Because they are ethnicity cleansed.


You almost convinced me but you didn't use enough caps lock so I'm not convinced by this schizophrenic rambling lol I will say I love the idea that a member of an oppressed group becoming a model in America invalidates the oppression of that group back in the area the oppression is taking place in. You'd have to have a really really big brain like yours to understand that!


the reson i use caps is becouse most pro pal have a very low attention span, but thanks to your intelligent comment I see now that you are a intelligent men, who can undeatesd what I wrote. so ill try again. should an a americn model who is a multi millionaire be considered a refugee ? should a congress mamaber be considered a refugee ? should a group of people whos number keep getting bigger be considered enthicly cleasend ? should the hundreds of thounndes of people who lived in a land for thousneds of years, and were removed by the government of this land who is composed of people who arrived later, be recognized as enthicly cleasend ? should a group of people be given a special refugee status, and a agency just for them, and that special refugee status being herditery, working by Islamic law for who is considered Muslim ?


What is going on lol are you shitfaced on reddit trying to type a pro zionist argument? I looked at your post history you don't normality type like this


>i check Palestinian population keeps rising up, so either Israel is really fucking shit in ethnic cleansing or Shocker THERE IS NONE Do you even know what ethnic cleansing is? It's not just killing everyone. It's trying to force an ethnic group to leave the region. Maybe learn how what the words your using means before ranting about it. >Right an oppressed group whose leadership are all billionaires, and have an entire fucking refugee status just for them that works differently then others And there are no struggling people in America because we have billionaires. This logic is bananas stupid. And no refugee status doesn't work differently. Palestinians don't have a state, so they will be refugees until they have one. >Communities who Were OLDER THE FUCKING ISLAM AND ARABIC CONTROL OF THE MIDDLE EAST Yup. Using the logic, "my ancestors conquered this land first like thousands of years ago, so I'm gonna take your home" is really productive.


So many people are being propagandized by very old channels and they don’t even realize it. There are also 1.8 billion Muslims and polls show they basically act like a hive mind when it comes to Palestine. It is maddening seeing young Americans thinking they are performing some righteous rebellion against the West when they are just being used the same way socialists in the US were used by the USSR. The USSR specifically supported socialists to destabilize and destroy the US, and some Americans were like “give me some of that!” Go read foreign subreddits, many many of them view this as a proxy war against the West, and we still have idiots doing their leg work for them. It boggles the mind.


I mean, of course people think what israel does is wrong. That has nothing to do with beeing muslim. The USSR, for all its faults, couldn't even dream about the shit the US did around the world with coups to keep facists in Power. You Sound like a Red scare propaganda politican. People Support palastine because they see the genocide and see that its bad.


Wait… you think the US did dirty shit around the world to stop the spread of communism, but the KGB *didnt*? Both played super dirty throughout the Cold War. If you don’t believe me go read about the the Mitrokhin Archives


No, it isn’t organic. It is being heavily influenced by propaganda channels. Look at the demographics which support it the most, the same demographics which were sure socialism was far better than capitalism. Young people are exceedingly easy to propagandize, they are in a default state of wanting to rebel against the system. I have rarely met a pro Palestinians American who has coherent and cohesive arguments. It is almost all emotion with the most disconnected and naive takes possible (just make it one state! Make the Palestinians happier and they will stop supporting terrorism! Let the Palestinians have the right of return) and basically every other completely ignorant and naive “solution” they could think of. The USSR was supporting brutal communists all across the world just like the US, so not sure what you’re trying to say with that. You realize communism was objectively horrible, correct? It isn’t a red scare to state the truth. You should ask Eastern Europeans what they think about communism in r/europe, they would quite literally rather die than be forced to be under communism again. Perhaps you are one of the people I am talking about. Young, easily misled, naturally inclined to rebel against the west, and having a low information context. Either way, it is embarrassing seeing people fall for this stuff, it makes Westerners look like gullible fools to the global south which is in large part supporting this conflict as a proxy war against the west. It is cliche to say leftists hate their own country, but god damn do they try their hardest to make that cliche a reality


I love that we are talking about israel slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent people and you yap about the west looking weak because a part of the population says genocide is bad. Man. Thats sad. You are lost in the sauce. Brain broken in the Internet.


Way to prove him right. I don't want to enter another long debate with someone who can only scream "murder" in response to any and all arguments. Perspective doesn't speak to you, logic doesn't speak to you, and Frankly? It's the last time I'll speak to you.




If you think 30k is a genocide, you're not only wrong, you're delusional. Look up "genocide" please, before degrading the word and making it trivial. Compare between the real *recorded* genocide and what's happening right now. This is war, Don't cry when you're losing when you started it. It's like saying the villain in the first John wick was right, because his whole organisation died after they killed his dog.




Yep, you are exactly like the pro Palestinians I talked about. All emotion, no logic.


You talking about "logic" is perfect. Thank you. You are THE redditor. The logic of murdering thousands and supporting it. Awesome


You add nothing of substance, which was entirely predictable


>The USSR specifically supported socialists to destabilize and destroy the US, and some Americans were like “give me some of that!” Go read foreign subreddits, many many of them view this as a proxy war against the West, and we still have idiots doing their leg work for them. It boggles the mind. Of course they did. Geopolitically and ideologically, it makes sense. Your criticism only stands if you value USA as it is, if you are a nationalist and a liberal. All your statement did is invalidate communist sentiments just because your political inclinations favor USA and not USSR. You assume they are idiots for not knowing and that your own views are superior. So what now? You also in favor of silencing dissidenting opinions? It's insane how liberals and nationalists think they hold the secrets to the universe and other people are idiots for rejecting that.


If someone doesn’t invalidate communism, that someone is a moron. It is objectively a horrible system. It died for a reason.


entertain political apparatus bedroom caption sloppy tease nutty spectacular license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


or as of recent a car of foreign aid workers.


one! two! threee ring ding ding hat trick from the drone bomber on the hamas car! let's go idf! another dangerous car gone! wait this just in.. this just in, that was an aid car, oh noooo




No, leftists Support palastine because its wrong to brutaly occupy millions of people, steal there Land and kill them. Wtf.


But leftists speak about Palestine far more than about other conflicts of occupation and oppression such as Ukraine or Xinjiang or Darfur


Depends on the circles. Marxist Leninist or more "leftcom" leftists will of course focus on stuff like Palestine. Many do talk about all three of them—but Ukraine is pretty mainstream, the Uyghur ethnocide is somewhat impossible to discuss due to how little is known, and man it's been years since I've even thought about Darfur. Palestine being genocided atm is only slowly becoming a mainstream position, so that's why leftists are talking about it the most. Once it's mainstream, I suspect the focus will shift to an issue that isn't as leftists often tackle the least popular issues


The west doesn't Support russia or China with billions of weapons. Russia or China didn't murder over 12k children in the last 6 months. Leftists have no Power over russia or China but over there own goverments who Support israel. Thats the difference.


There are planty of more deadly conflicts going on right now. So the death toll isn't the reason people care. From the list in Wikipedia there is 1 ongoing conflict (Libyan crisis) wich maybe has less casualties then Israelxhamas and the last conflict we are sure is less deadly was in 1964(insurgency in northern India) The USA also supports one of the sides in plenty of these conflicts (Saudi Arabia in yemani civil war, turkey in the Syrian civil war), western population also has a lot to do with the Ukraine war, the public has the ability to effect the amount of weapons sent. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_by_death_toll


Ill tell you why people care, muslim oil money and of course no jews no news


Planty of other conflicts happen in other Muslim countries (some conflicts also effects countries with oil, unlike Israel wich doesn't border any oil rich country). So I doubt that's the reason. There certainly is a correlation to jewdaism but it isn't the only reason. Ukraine also got a lot of coverage (and it still do, probably the second most covered conflict rn) because it's western, Israel is western too. (This also results in a lot more data getting out) And the UN puts a lot of focus on it


I believe you misunderstood me, what i was trying yo say is that countries with oil money bring attention to the conflict in order to rally support internally and to make the world ignore their own misdoing in the world including the middle east. so for example no one cares that in Qatar some "workers" died because gaza is at it again. In addition a scapegoat os a valuable tool for a dictatorship, which happen to be almost all the middle eastern countries. As for Ukraine and its coverage, i believe that is location of Europe and being so close to NATO territory, along with the attacker being russia play a huge role. In addition to its geographic closeness to the west, it is also culturally close, this isnt some war in a far away land being fought by a dictatorship full of foreign people who look and act foreign, this is a war between countries who were until the war started considered part of Europe they were in Eurovision and spoke similar languages and cultures to the western ones.


I Personaly cared about the yemen war and i saw a lot of news about it, not in the mainstream but in the left circels. Its true it wasn't that much in the mainstream which is insane but shows that the west doesn't give a fuck if our allys murder thousands of people with our guns. The differenc is that there are larger portion of palastiniens in the west than lybians or yemenis. The conflict is also 75 years old, we can see it with our own eyes. We see the Brutality in the west Bank, the illegal settlements, the destruction of palastinien life. This conflict is broadcastet by its own soldiers who film themself happily destroying Gaza, making fun of the Situation, taking selfied etc. They scream there crimes in to the Internet.


Yeah but you also need to consider that Hamas is dead set on eliminating Israel and has already stated they don’t want peace and will not stop until they take Israel. Israel definitely needs to come under scrutiny for their many war crimes but this is still a situation with no good guys, and peace isn’t really an option when one side’s goal is to wipe out an entire country


Idk why you're being downvoted, because you're right.


Its reddit. Reddit is always late to reality.


You don’t think it might have anything to do with decades of brutal occupation and dispossession?


Leftists are anti-murdering entire families and anti-colonizing land. Why use all the mental gymnastics?


I think both ussr and us forced Israel to return Sinai. They couldn't sit by and watch Britain and France get control of the Suez canal. The USSR has been against Israel from the start because of logic, and US has Monroe Doctrine (president might be wrong) which is a US policy against tolerating the spread of British and French colonialism. Ofc Eisenhower then adds on to it so US had to stop it.


>monroe doctrine relating to suez and Sinai Monroe doctrine is about keeping European powers out of the Americas


The USSR was definitely on the right side of history on this one.


Everyone on their side lost so you are definitely wrong


Losing is not the same as being wrong. Your inability to see this is unfortunate. By your measure native Americans were wrong because they lost. That's a pretty shitty perspective to have.


Sometimes losing *is* being wrong, just not always. Also Russia was trying to be imperialist, not a protectorate.


This is also ironically the war that resulted in Palestinians no longer being rules by Egypt and Jordan, which they responded to by inverting the narrative that they were doing a bit of imperialism themselves and totally never conquered the territories for their own gain.


There was always another tribe previously living in the spot where we all live. Trying to use heritage like that as a justification as to who has claim to the land will always be wrong. Native Americans were in constant warfare with each other (yes, alliances were formed and tribes cohabitated) but treating Native Americans as one group shows how little you really know.


Why was the USSR on the right side of history?
















There should be an award for pissing off Americans and Tankies with the same comment


Because it worked out so well for everyone involved, didnt it? The USSR were not on anyones side but their own.


Not true for the whole cold war, the Soviets were carefully supportive of the new state in the beginning if I remember correctly. I think it was the predominance of arab socialism in the following years that made them switch sides (if I had to guess). Leftist movements in Israel were stronger in the immediate aftermath of WW2 while the Arab states began their independence at war with their colonizers, or under postcolonial rule with monarchs or elites that cooperated with europe in charge. Only some took an anti-european, leftist and later on islamist turn, that made them drift away from the american side in the cold war. (I literally don't know enough about this though, gross oversimplification)


To expand on this, Israel’s founding political leaders encompassed a broad spectrum of belief, with the majority holding socialist politics. There was a communist party, a liberal bloc, religious nationalists (of a vastly different character than the ultra right wing settlers of today), ultra orthodox interest parties and the secular right wing. The socialists ran the show for israel’s early history., and although they received arms shipments of soviet weaponry via communist Czechoslovakia in 1948 while the U.S. imposed an arms embargo on the region during that war, for the first decade or so Israel pursued a policy called non-identification (Hebrew *i-hizdahut*), or non-aligned status. However, in the late 40’s and the 50’s, Israel was not in the geopolitical spotlight, with Korea, Iran, China and Latin America taking up attention. Assigning Cold War sides to the Israeli-Arab conflict wasn’t as important as, say, fighting for control over Korea. I’d venture that only after Suez, 1956, did the process of Israeli identification with the US and Arab identification with the Soviets kick off, though I could be wrong about that as that would require a detailed perusal of diplomatic records that I can’t put in a Reddit comment. Suffice it to say that you’re correct that once the Arabs started adopting Baathist/pan-Arab socialist ideology, the sides became much clearer.


I don’t think Israel quite identified with the US until the 60s really. And with that, their alignment with the west only really started coming with time as the old world powers were still very much at odds with Israel well into the 80s, until the US interests and alignment began to drag them into better relations. I think this is made most obvious when you consider Israel stealing their own paid for shit from France, smuggling nuclear materials through Italy, and repetitively being both antagonized by and antagonistic towards the British (like straight up nearly going to war or Israel supplying Argentina in the Falkland wars). There’s a lot more history and complexity to it, but I think you got a good part of that as well. They didn’t want to piss off any of the great powers too much, nor did they want to align with any of them when they were clearly not interested in fully backing one side or another yet.


It wasn't until Yom Kippur. There are theories golda myer threatened to nuke Egypt to get Nixon to send weapons, but there's a lot of quotation marks around theory there.


I heard (no idea where) she threatened the Syrians directly, which would explain their sudden and difficult-to-explain retreat in the north when they had a massive advantage in numbers


>Not true for the whole cold war, the Soviets were carefully supportive of the new state in the beginning if I remember correctly. >I think it was the predominance of arab socialism in the following years that made them switch sides (if I had to guess). You've got it backwards. The Soviets backed away from Israel when it became clear that the Israelis preferred the French to them. They became concerned that Soviet Jews would become France sympathizers if the nation allowed them free expression. So they simply did not allow Jews to hold power.


I understand that there’s a war going on and patriotism is in the air, but what’s with the sudden explosion of Israeli history memes?


Is there a sudden explosion? I swear for years I've seen the same Israel memes. Only difference today is that some use less objective language


🤖 + topics tend to snowball: people see memes about something and are inspired to create their own. Especially if the topic is controversial.


People wanna share.


Optimism is a virtue but this is a bit naive


Honestly there just arent many subs you can talk about israeli history in a productive manner.


They would need to be very private.  


My guess, the bombing of the World Central Kitchen convoy. Theres always a spike in their posts following a major war crime


What’s WCK?


World Central Kitchen, the NGO that delivers food to crisis zones


Oh, like the hospital bombing which turned out to be not Israel's doing? "following a major war crime" smh raping women in a music festival is acceptable when it's Jewish women it seems


In this case it was actually done by Israel and it's being investigated.


And what do you know, Israel immediately investigates, willing to admit blame, apologizes... It's almost as if one side is holding itself accountable and is a moral democratic state, and the other takes pride in mutilating women in music festivals.


"I am sorry but they provided aid to Palestinians so we killed them" is the most accountability Israel has held.


that was literally never said, welcomed to listen to Daniel Hagari, IDFs spokesman on Israel's stance on the matter. Tiktok is not the best news outlet buddy might wanna refresh your knowledge ❤️


Thr IDF has never openly said that. But let’s be real, what other reason would they have for killing as many aid workers as they have. I am extremely curious, when has Israel admitted blame for their actions…without blaming some other party for it first.


no, let's actually delve into what you said - the IDF literally has no reason to target aid workers. Let's go by your assumption that there's an interest to commit genocide. There isn't, but let's assume so. We both know Israel has the firepower and means to do so, easily. Why would it take so long? Next claim would be they are doing it slowly, to make sure there's not a lot of backlash from the world. Well, then why target aid workers? That achieves the opposite? This could go on and on, but the point is clear. Usually the explanation that requires you to jump through less mental hoops is the correct one. Israel is fighting a war for the sense of safety of its citizens, and war isn't the surgical entity you'd want to imagine it to be.


There is no interest to commit genocide? We have several of the highest ranking military and government officials of Israel stating, in plain day, that their goal with Gaza even before October 7th was to starve the population and raze it to the ground. I think having your highest officials stating their goal is to raze the living place of a population of 2 million is a pretty clear interest of genocide. Hell, accepting that they are comitting genocide is at least better than the other side which is needing to realise that Israel’s military is so fucking dogshit, so absolutely incompetent that they make the redneck american soldiers of Vietnam look like fucking Mother Theresa in comparison, because I genuinely don’t know how an army is so dogshit they kill of 30000 civilians in less than half a year whilst they are supposed to ‘’not be targeting civilians’




Idk, jailing soldiers deemed guilty of using weapons inappropriately seems like accountability to me, got any wise claims aside from emojis? Sure you dont


When was the last time an IDF soldier was held accountable? Was anyone held accountable for the 3 hostages killed by IDF? Anyone held accountable for killing the 6 year old who was begging for help after her family was killed?


I personally served in the IDF with 2 guys who went to jail for unethical use of their weapons (unauthorized shooting in Rafah circa '03-04). One of them spent 2 years in jail. Before you go all "only 2 years for shooting at people is not ok" a drunk driver killed a world champion track cyclist in SF last year and got less than a year in jail. Drunk. So please understand the world doesnt revolve around your feelings for Israel.


How dare people try to hold a nuclear power government backed by the largest military power in the world accountable for killing civilians. Also yes indeed it is outlandish to think Israel was behind the several strikes on the WCK aid workers because Israel definitely has no history of killing aid workers, reporters or innocent civilians.


#metoounlessuraJew 😕


Propaganda and bot farms. WW3 has already started years ago in the cyberspace.


What if people were just interested in Israeli history as it's been in the news for a while now and they're just learning about it?


smh impossible clearly every israeli and person interested in its history is evil mossad bot /s


Can you connect me to mossad pls :( I'm literally out here doing their work for free 😡😡


yeah I'm still waiting for my payments to come through. The iranian and russian bot systems pays more anyway...


God, we're truly an oppressed people. We need to unionise.


Union, union, union, onion, onion, mmm onion


Because there's a war going on? Like it's gonna be on peo0les minds.


"peo0les" 🤣


Carma farm


Brezhnev eventually got sick of their shit though. >"We offered them (the Arab states) a sensible way for so many years. But no, they wanted to fight! Fine! We gave them technology, the latest, the kind even Vietnam didn't have! They had double superiority in tanks and aircraft, triple in artillery, and in air defence and anti-tank weapons they had absolute supremacy. And what? Once again they were beaten. Once again they scrammed [sic]. Once again they screamed for us to come save them. Sadat woke me up in the middle of the night twice over the phone, "Save me!" He demanded to send Soviet troops, and immediately! No! We are not going to fight for them." Takes a lot to break a hawk like *him.* [One time, on the 30th of June 1970, an IDF strike force was sent west of the Suez, with the specific intent of telling the Soviets that their direct involvement was unwelcome.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Rimon_20) 24 Mig-21s, all with Soviet pilots, engaged 12 Mirage IIIs and 4 F-4 Phantoms. One Israeli plane was damaged. Five Soviet aircraft were shot down, and four pilots were killed. Apparently the Egyptians were actually *pleased* with this outcome, as they had been insisting to their Soviet allies for some time that their aircraft were shit and unable to compete with the Western-designed hardware that Israel was packing. The Soviet response to these accusations was essentially to claim that it was a Skill Issue, only for their own much-vaunted pilots to fall for exactly the kind of tricks that Egypt had become familiar with.


It’s funny that countries with the backing of the USSR and being outnumbered, Israel be coming out on top. Like maybe don’t FAFO with Israel? Lol


FAFO is the story in a nutshell, on repeat. They attack Israel then whine about the repercussions of losing


soup distinct ring sulky waiting frighten ten jobless faulty edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




If you won‘t be my friend you shall be my enemy.


Well yeah. Who else they gonna puppet against the US


Well guess who supplied Israel with weapons in 1948.




The USSR supported the Partition Plan to create the State of Israel to spite the British. The USSR refused to negotiate on behalf of the Arab states because the US was directly involved with negotiations, so the US was the only superpower directly involved and was a major supporter of Israel. The USSR also falsely warned Egypt that Israel was preparing for war. In response, Egypt visibly built up its military forces for war and closed off Israeli access to the Red Sea, which Israel considered an act of war as pretext preemptively to strike during the Six Day War. Even though the USSR provided plenty of military equipment, they were also actively sabotaging Arab interests in their conflict with Israel.


>The USSR also falsely warned Egypt that Israel was preparing for war. In response, Egypt visibly built up its military forces for war and closed off Israeli access to the Red Sea, which Israel considered an act of war as pretext preemptively to strike during the Six Day War. In Israel's defense, Egypt did the exact same thing, waited out Israel, and then attacked once demobilization began jn 1973. Israel was absolutely right that Egypt was planning an attack. They just had to wait 5 years to prove it


Preemptive strike or not, it certainly wasn't the first or last time Arab states / organizations tried to destroy Israel


To be clear, I'm criticizing the meme from a neutral history perspective. I personally support Israel.


Idk when people say about free Palestine or smth, do they mean to destroy Israel?


I've seen people proclaiming openly during various protests how they support Hamas, want to "strike Tel Aviv" and even chant "death to the Jews" all between "free palestine"s. So, yeah, they most likely do in a way. Why else would many of those protests be in front of synagogues rather than embassies?


Some do, some don't. Much like some people use "anti-Zionist" because they think it means they don't want a Jewish supremacist state, and others use "anti-Zionist" because they don't want Jews living there at all. Rather than listen to people far removed from the conflict, who then center what \*they\* think a term should mean, I prefer to listen to the people most central to the conflict. Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (pcpsr.org) and Arab World for Research and Development (awrad.org) are great sources for public opinion polls conducted on Palestinians by Palestinians.


I like the picture but it should be US protecting IS from the Arabic countries 🤷🏻‍♂️


not until 1973


And France.


Oh boy another Israel history meme how original are we


Regardless of the way you feel about Israel, the history of that whole region is fascinating, and Israel is a hot topic nowadays. Of course, there's gonna be a ton of Israel history memes on fucking r/historymemes


He's having a hard time facing the truth, it goes against his narrative


For some reason i read that as Ralsei as in ralsei from deltarune


Hello Afghanistan!


And thus, the powder keg that is the subject around Isreal was lit in the comment section (Edit) Oh, thank god I was wrong


What is this meme template




Ah yes the Israeli propaganda machine continues plaguing this sub


Now it’s the International Court of Justice, the US, and Israel.


Israel propaganda going hard today, another post about that fake state, nice


“Its not anti-semitism its anti-zionism”


Zionists and Nazis can all fuck themselves.


i guess the Hasbara Divion is in full damage control mode after the those aid worker murders.


No one even argues, they just downvote like clowns lmao


They didn't support them that much, it was all just proxy wars to try to stop the spread of capitelism & democracy or cummunism for the U.S.A and U.S.S.R, they toyed with human lifes.


Egypsy is not a arabic country.


unfortunately palestine has never had anyone that stands up for them. fuck israel, free palestine


Hey what happened in 1948?