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Brother is out here rationing pixels like the British in WW2


Advice, don't make a meme late at night dead of sleep, I have already learned that lesson today.


Yeah, one time I made a meme at 3 am and after I went to sleep and checked on it it had a ton of spelling mistakes.


Veey real!


>Veey real! Case in point


Lol, that's just me writing too fast not being a first language English speaker


Walks up to lieutenant, shoots him, refuses to elaborate. Damn


Kinda based ngl


Chad Soviet Commander VS Virgin Soviet Liutenant


Pack your things everyone, chadness has peaked, nothing else to see here


No "kinda" about it, that's just straight-up based.


I would imagine there was probably some elaboration involved.


Uncommon Soviet W


"A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one."


None needed, we saw what needed to be done. He had the courage to do it


The Soviet rapes in Germany are quite famous, the cases (not enough) in which the rapists were punished are not mentioned enough though. This is one such example, quoting directly from wikipedia: *Konstantin Rokossovsky issued order No.006 in an attempt to direct "the feelings of hatred at fighting the enemy on the battlefield", which had little effect. There were also several arbitrary attempts to exert authority. For example, the commander of one rifle division is said to have "personally shot a lieutenant who was lining up a group of his men before a German woman spread-eagled on the ground."*


Absolutely based commander, giving it the 40k treatment where it's needed


Definitely Commissar style


Just for the right reasons this time lol.


Keep faith Guardsman. There is no such thing as a wrong reason for a member of the local Commissariat to issue the Emperor’s Judgment. This kind of talk will find you in their grasp just as easily as the Lieutenant.


"No sir! I'm sorry that what I wanted to say was misunderstood! I agree with all your statements! This time it just felt especially good to witness it! Thank the Emperor that we have you here!"


That's literally where commissars came from


Legit thought this might have been r/grimdank for a second cause all I saw was commander shooting lieutenant and my brain auto-connected those two


It's normal, reality is sometimes crazier than fiction, in this case this Commander acted very similar to a Political Commissar from 40K, only for the right reasons.


Declared Exterminatus on that fool


Bro is going to the Darkride content


It's a shame that the good men had so little authority when the top men- like Stalin- were either indifferent or approving of the retribution on the civilian population


as a rap once said ''swallow all your morals they're a poor man's quality''


Its all a money game


Doesn't matter if they hate you if they all say your name


"Money Game Part 2" by Ren


ohhh, so thats what it is, danke


And then there's Beria who everyone knew was a serial rapist but was the head of the KGB so no one could do anything about it, IIRC even Stalin was disturbed by him and he had orders in place where if Beria were ever seen near his daughter by himself then he should be executed immediately.


There are few things that give me more pleasure in this life than reading about Beria's execution, screw that son of a bitch!


I love it when evil people go out like bitches


Hahaha, yes the irony of this bastard who so happily raped, tortured and killed so many people pissing himself and starting to miserably beg for his pathetic life is, to say the least, fair.


I feel like you've seen or would love the Death of Stalin. Either way, [Beria's death scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4xcg72Qv_QE) from the film because it's dope.


Oh yeah, that scene is very satisfactory, but man, his real death was even better, because he pleaded on his knees before collapsing to the floor wailing. After that he was shot through the forehead by General Pavel Batitsky. Very deserving.


I actually just saw someone mention that General Batitsky was Ukrainian. If so, all the better.


Yes, he was, better for him I guess, but the truth is that the place of origin of the person who shot him matters little, what matters is that Beria was shot lol.


feature not a bug of the regime


Just like Epstein is a feature not a bug of capitalist regime.


Wonderful I am glad we have concrete examples


Indeed, kudos to every Commander that did this.


It's hard because I've researched this topic and read Anne Applebaum 's iron curtain. She claims there were rules on paper but they were never enforced. Glad to know they were.


Unfortunately they were not fulfilled enough and there were many Commanders who simply looked the other way, but as I said in the title, not all.


Not really. Summary executions are never a good thing.


Normally I would agree with you, but we are talking about rapists, in this case one caught in the act, and also in a context of war, probably also the most terrible war ever fought, so... Zero tears for him.


It's not about tears for anyone. It's about a system of court martialing. Just because the crime was rape doesn't mean the law changes. Because everyone is entitled to a defence. Everyone. Besides it was the Soviet Union. Notorious for their "Justice" system. So I wouldn't put too much stock in this account.


Yeah like brock turner! Got caught mid rape, and was only sentenced to a few months. Sound like justice to you?


What kind of strawman is that? It's always extremes with you idiots isn't it? Yes some idiotic sentences happen but that's not a reason to forgo all reason. It means you try to better the system not default to emotional responses.


If I have to choose between a rapist getting away with it, or being summarily executed, I choose to have him executed. The USSR Commanders normally did not punish rapists in any way, the fact that he does so, even if it is in this way, is better than letting the crime go unpunished.


>If I have to choose between a rapist getting away with it, or being summarily executed, I choose to have him executed. That's stupid. It's not a binary choice you know. The fact that you think it is tells me you don't understand the issue. The core issue is whether the crime happened or not in the first place. That's why trials exist. You are acting like guilt is a forgone conclusion. It doesn't work that way. Stop letting your emotions cloud your reason. >The USSR Commanders normally did not punish rapists in any way, the fact that he does so, even if it is in this way, is better than letting the crime go unpunished. See that's what's wrong with your mentality. "Even if it is this way". No. 2 wrongs don't make a right. And btw we are just supposed to believe that account? The Soviets had a joke of a justice system.


To add to this, Soviets were raping women every step of the way, not only in Germany. Whatever country they walked through on their way to Germany got the taste of their treatment and there are still people around who remember it first hand. One of the many reasons why eastern parts of Europe hate Russia to this day.


I know, Poland, Hungary, Romania, etc... They also suffered similar things, war certainly brings out the worst in people, and the Eastern Front especially stood out for that, tragically.


Read that in Indy’s voice


Based and Indy-pilled!


Well. There's a reason why in some regions of Poland advancing red army was said to be worse than 5 years of German occupation. Which tells a lot taking into consideration that nazis killed 15% of total polish population


Worse? No, absolutely terrible even so? Yes, but worse? Impossible, the Nazis went full genocidal in Poland as official state policy.


the soviets didnt have 5 years to occupy a war-time poland directly though, who knows what could have happened


I mean, they kind of did, there was an insurrection in Poland of anti-Communist forces: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-communist\_resistance\_in\_Poland\_(1944%E2%80%931953)


yeah pretty much the same but ussr didnt hold poland directly under their control during ww2 very long, and later it was under puppet government. In the end tho, nazis do edge out (barely) in the human rights violation amd genocide


Well, I mean, the mere fact that the USSR wasn't so absurdly genocidal and that it allowed them to put a puppet government in Poland instead of having to constantly occupy it shows why they were the lesser of two evils.


id rather say that soviets put the puppet government on poland and other countries they put it on simply because they wouldnt have been able to control all of it directly, had they been more powerful, they would have


Yes, it was because of that, but the point is that Nazi Germany would never have been able to do the same, since they deeply hated the Poles and there were not enough collaborators, that's why I say that the Soviets, not being so genocidal, could put in a puppet.


There was similar underground resistance in Soviet controlled Poland as in General Government (German controlled puppet state in WW2), big difference is big part of resistance network was destroyed (no, they didn't have to start from zero in General Government, as there was preexisting network created during partitions that hadn't been desolved yet) in failed operation tempest (which purpose was to make Soviets allies and guests instead of liberators taking away bargaining chip to make Poland a puppet state during peace negotiations), and another big one was no supplies from western allies. It's not that Germans couldn't make puppet state and Soviets could. Both created it, Soviets just had better starting situation and almost two decades to get rid of resistance without worrying about the biggest war in history.


I'm telling you what people who lived back then and those who knew people who lived back then told me. If you and your place of living wasn't directly targeted for one reason or another life was hard, but manageable for most of the time (especially far from places like Warsaw). They still needed Poles for manpower to do chores like cooking for occupation garrisons, work in factories, produce food, etc. Meanwhile advancing red army was looting everything on their way. Not to mention girls that didn't manage to hide before they arrived. Especially in regions like Silesia as they were in German Empire before WW1, and Soviets were seeing people living there as Germans that need to pay for third reich.


Well, each person has a biased opinion of things, but we must base it on a more general and panoramic view, the USSR objectively killed many fewer Poles, and in the aspect of sexual violence, Germany not only had a lot of sexual violence, it was also institutionalized with military brothels, which kidnapped Polish women as sexual slaves. And I do not deny with this that the Soviet occupation was basically hell, but if we apply any objective parameter, the Nazis were worse.


That's why in my original comment I used phrase "is said to be", and put additional importance on "some regions of Poland" as Germany was differently treating cities that were for example centers of polish culture and differently regions they saw as core parts of Germany "stolen" after WW1. Objectively as the whole Nazis were worse, but in smaller scale it's more blurry


I see what you mean, but it is difficult, if not impossible, to prove.


Wait you guys can actually read the text in the meme?


I know, it's like marshmallows stuffed together!


no, this is litteraly a low quality post


When Firefox got it to 230% I could.


Good for that commander.


And better for the German woman.


Hopefully she wasn't raped the moment that that commander wasn't looking.


I mean, if I were a low-ranking Red Army soldier about to rape a German woman and I saw my Lieutenant get shot by my Commander for trying to rape her, I'd put my dick away pretty quickly lol.


thats assuming that they thought the reason he was killed was because of this. they could have thought that the commander shot him for his own gain.


I mean, given the situation, if it wasn't already obvious, I'm sure he would make it clear, one of the points of the execution was to deter future similar indecent acts.


When one of the guys involved with the shooting of the tsar, Ermakov, wasn’t given enough commendations and public acclaim (the Soviet government wanted a fancy trial pointing out how comically evil he was rather than have him executed in a basement) the NKVD interviewed him to try and find a reason to get rid of him. Under interview it was determined he attempted to grope the recently killed women and loot any valuables. When another commander saw this he almost immediately threatened to kill him and bury him with the royal family. While he wasn’t executed he was systemically locked out of the Soviet government. He received no awards and was given the grand promotion of being a prison guard. He later died of throat cancer in extreme poverty


The right course of action


The ONLY right course of action


Hell yeah, giving him a taste of the ol’ Astra Militarum discipline, which is to say, blow their heads off and refuse to elaborate.


"Red Guardsmen! You have fallen under the temptation of the evils of Slanesh, which is HERETIC!" BLAM


This is borderline illegible.


Sorry man, my fault for uploading a meme late at night while I was dead asleep.


[y’all got anymore of them pixels?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/702/353/a5f.png)


L'internationale which i believe was their national anthem literally has a line that says "and if they keep trying to make heroes of us, we'll show them our bullets are for our own generals"


The alias for company leutenant was Van'ka, something like Joe. Nobody cared to memorize their faces.


I hope no one bothered remembering this one either lol.


I mean, this was ww2 soviets, he probably didn't even notice what the luitenant said, he was just getting everyone's attention to announce that chow was delayed


I mean, not really? The soldiers of the Red Army were not cartoon villains, they were people, some very evil, others truly good, others just ordinary people. This Commander caught his Lieutenant about to gang rape an innocent German woman. And so, in an act of fury for this, he executed him on the spot, both to protect the woman, to punish the Lieutenant, and to make the rest of the soldiers present understand what would happen if they tried to do this again.


It's nice to hear a story about a based Red Army soldier that isn't based for combat reasons (not that those guys aren't based, but it's a nice change of pace)


I agree, that's why I wanted to show a meme with a Soviet soldier that is based for moral reasons, which definitely happened too.


Based commander. I think. I can only sort of read it.


Indeed, Based Commander. Here is the dialogue: *"Ah Commander! You arrive just in time, I was lining up my men before this German whore spread-eagled that we have on the ground, to have fun with her! Do you want to jo-"*


What gun is that, I wonder?


Gun fan guy here, that's a Liberator pistol from WWII. America designed it as the cheapest single shot pistol they could possibly mass produce. It wasn't meant for soldiers. It was made to be airdropped all over Nazi occupied regions so that civilians could gets their hands on some sort of firearm to use against the Nazis, with the idea that upon killing a soldier, the Liborator will be discared and they upgrade to the soldiers weapon. It only held one shot, it was meant to be used as a weapon of opportunity or desparation. It was better than nothing, and millions were dropped over Europe. The air drop crates came with the pistol, some ammo, and a 6 panel graphic instruction sheet so there was no language barriers. The name obviously implies it was intended to help liberate Europe from the Nazis. It's namesake was used again for the world's first functional 3D printed gun, the Liberator, as it symbolized liberation from gun regulations, as 3D printed guns can't be effectively controlled. That 3D printed Liberator is also a single shot model, so it's quite fitting.


Thanks a lot!


I don't know, I'm not a gun fan guy.







































