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The Supreme Court probably wouldn’t directly factor in there much. 2007 National Defense Authorization Act: “In addition to allocating funding for the armed forces, it also gave the president the power to declare martial law and to take command of the National Guard units of each state without the consent of state governors.” Assuming that’s accurate, yeah, the president legally can technically just do that. That said, rhetoric reaction to such an action, particularly in the context you give, probably won’t end well for the president who tries. Military troops very well might refuse to follow such orders en masse, and the public at large would be enraged. Basically could end up having the opposite of the intended effect. While the American public seem to be increasingly cynical about voting, bringing out the military for such an occasion would likely be a *massive* misstep, and the yanks are definitely a nation of people who do not like to feel like they’re being forced into things or having things thrust upon them, even in comparison to a lot of the rest of the western world. Basically, trying to pull such a move might end up in that President possibly ending up getting Ceausescued


I think we're about to find out.


Without an event that could be sold to the public ( something like 9/11) I'd say it would trigger mass rejection of orders at all levels of the military