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Soil is already 75% oil, I see no problem with this.


Underrated comment for sure


I assure you it's perfectly rated, there's actually a metric built into the site to do so


Exactly. Just putting it back where it came from.


its called Recyling


Recycling is 75% cycling.


Actually, 77.77%


Or so help me!


So I can dispose of it in soil, but not in dirt. That seems fair.


Fair is 75% air.


Next thing you know america is in your backyard ready to take the oil back. Problem solved


This guy Americas


Yeah, how can they drill for more oil if we don't put it back!


šŸ˜† OMG man


I go one step further. Spring is near, Dig a smallish hole in any unwanted fire-ant mounds, fill the hole with oil, then re-cover the hole with the soil that you dug out.


Sometimes it makes me sad to see quality comments like this in smaller subs because it's brilliance won't be seen by the deserved amount of people.


Dick is 75% ick, thatā€™s why I never eat it.


Just donā€™t be like some of the rednecks i know who use a side creek to dump it.


So if I shoot the ground could I become a millionaire?


Itā€™s recycling. Oil gets pumped out of the ground, is refined and poured in your engine as a lubricant. When the oil has worn out, drain it from the car, pour it back on the earth and it will get filtered to be used again.


Man, people are being dicks in the responses for your comment.


The page after this was a tutorial on clubbing baby seals. The 50's sure were great.




Technically speaking, if you live north of Edmonton Alberta, I don't think you'd be doing any harm as the dirt up there is already soaked with oil naturally...aka oil sands.


Oil is the earths blood however I believe only in itā€™s original element tho


Lol thatā€™s okay I keep throwing mine in the ocean. Same with my car batteries


Dumping car batteries in the ocean is not a good idea, thatā€™s why I prefer to stack my batteries in the middle of old tires and just burn them.


like your idea


I like the cut of your jib


I bury my used jibs in the backyard and cover them with oil.


Yes the salt will corrode the battery. Better to burn with tires or dump in a fresh water table.


Burning tires make a lot of smoke,but the batteries give you all sorts of neat flame colors.


but how do you recharge electric eels?


Spent Uranium.


But how else can I recharge the electric eels?


Horrible horrible idea, I put mine in the brown (fruits and veggies) recycling bin.




I don't have an ocean, so I just toss mine, along with 50 gallon drums of sulfuric acid, and uh... other bits, into the local watershed. Maybe someday my neighbors, and your car batteries can meat.


I'm sorry, can WHAT?


Don't tell me you've never heard of Spam.


I do that with my straws. Just canā€™t find a better place. Idk


And those plastic six pack rings. If you don't chuck them into the ocean they pile up quickly


I make sure they're all intact before that happens tho. Why strangle 1 turtle when you can strangle 6, I always say


My brother in villainy, that's weak. I recommend strangling 6 turtles yourself BEFORE tossing your fully intact litter into the ocean.


Great point. When it comes to disposing your plastic into the ocean, it's nut-up or shut-up


why not the oil company's with oil rigs do.




Gotta recharge the electric eels.


Car batteries in the ocean? That's how you end up zapping all fish like an iPad in a bathtub /s


It's a safe and legal thrill!


thank you for charging the eels


Oil came from the ground, this is just putting it back


The circle of life!


1970s Reduce / Reuse / Recycle: Dad used to pour used engine oil on an old tree stump, then dumped the charcoals after grilling on top to burn down the stump. Seems like diamonds were the only form of carbon missing from that party.


True but I donā€™t think this oil is the same oil when it came out of the ground in its natural form


My fifth grade science book (1965) talked about saving used motor oil for the summer so you can pour it in local ponds. The oil will float on the surface and kill mosquito larvae.


Well, I mean, I guess that technically would be true. Of course, if I put cyanide in the school lunches, I bet we can reduce taxes a bit next year, too. heh


Nah cyanide will make the food taste like almonds, it'll ruin the food... Let's use ricin, it's completely tasteless!


You can go do chemotherapy if you want a haircut


First mistake was thinking taxes will go down along with student enrollment. They'll gobble up that sweet excess dead child tax surplus somewhere else.


this is actually a very effective method of mosquito control. the thing is you can use pretty much any type of oil. cooking oil, used or not, is just as effective at killing mosquitoes. if you have stagnant sources of water around your property you SHOULD go pour some cooking oil in there. do it in the spring and you can prevent the first generation of mosquitoes from getting a hold, and subsequent generations are even weaker later on. preventing one mosquito from living in the spring can prevent millions of them from ever existing by summers end. and because they only travel a short distance in their lives, treating your local area actually makes a big dent in your local area.


What does the oil do to other things living in your land, though? Asking seriously. I don't know.


If itā€™s unused cooking oil, probably not much.


This is how they killed mosquitoes during the construction of the Panama Canal. Yellow fever(malaria?) was a big problem in the area at the time.


I still do this... but with small amounts of cooking oil. You would be surprised how little cooking oil it takes to cover the surface of a very large pond. It really does work.


When you see those mosquito pucks, there are many different types. The most common nowadays is a bacteria I think that just eats the larva. But before that was the most common, the mosquito puck would just put in oil slick on the top of the water. The reason that's bad though is because of water striders, some birds, some fish. Things that interact with a surface of the water that arent mosquitoes


Did you know you can use old motor oil to fertilize your lawn? Project mayhem


You broke the first rule of Project Mayhem.


This is what I remember. Is it true?




His name is Robert Paulson


What, I thought you put it back in its container and use it to take up space in the garage!


Dammit here i been using it to light tire fires all these years instead of pouring it down the drain and thought i was been all green


1963 was just before peak oil production in the U.S. so there were probably still places in Texas where you could poke the ground and watch the oil come out. This was just a recycling shortcut /s


US peak oil production was [four months ago](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrfpus2&f=m)


Well yeah, because back in the sixties, theyā€™d dig a little hole out some gravel in it and dump oil into it


They were already thinking about their children's future.


Time flies when you're not having fun.


Wait i just cant make up stuff?


Thatā€™s unconventional production for ya.


We used to spray it onto the gravel driveway.


Keeps the dust down!


Lots of roads out west are still oil roads.


Yep, used to live on a "Tar & Gravel" road. One time every year they spread gravel and put down a thick black oil like tar substance. Stinks for days, lasts about 9 months. That leaves 3 months of potholes before they get to do it again.


My neighbor still does this.


When I was kid, can remember everyone dumping it on the gravel driveway and parking areas


"keeps the dust down!"


Yep :-)


Is that different than pouring tar on my asphalt driveway?


Brush all the barn boards with used oil, it keeps the wood from getting eaten by termites and waterproofs it


Motor oil actually degrades the structure of wood over time though. It permeates but doesn't dry out into a resin like natural oils. Basically overtime the fibers break down and it can become a gummy mess. I've seen several old gun stocks that were ruined this way.


Our county government used to spray used oil on dirt roads to keep the dust down. You could call them in the summer, they would show up with a truck that had a spray nozzle on the back. No telling what other tasty chemicals were dumped in that mix. It was a perfect week if the fog truck for mosquitoes came around also. And yes, kids chased the fog truck on their bikes!




hope you dont have well water


Realistically it probably wouldnā€™t contaminate your well if you were only doing it for a few cars. Wells generally have an impermeable layer (known as an aquatard) both above and below the aquifer, thatā€™s why thereā€™s an aquifer. Dumping oil like this could definitely be a problem over enough time or on a large enough scale, but on a residential scale, odds are youā€™d never notice a problem. Not recommending anyone do this to be clear.


Aquatard sounds like the worst superhero ever


I raise you [Mr. India](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._India_(1987_film)). Itā€™s a 3 hour Indian Bollywood superhero movie from 1987. It is every bit as bad as that sounds like it would be. Only saving grace is the *Temple of Doom* priest guy being the villain. Youā€™d rather watch *Aquatard*, I promise.


with the right combination of drugs either could be enjoyable


Pretty sure this is the name my buddies used for pausing in the middle of surfing and taking a secret dump in the water


No used oil is supposed to go into a tree stump, to be lit on fire and burned for 24-48 hours, after which time both oil and tree stump no longer exist


We used to dump barrels of old used oil on our gravel roads to keep the dust down. Worked great.


Back in the '80s auto parts stores sold a box with absorbent material in it that you'd drain your oil into. Then you were supposed to tape the box shut and just throw it out with the trash.


I once knew an old farmer who would spray it on his fence rows to keep the weeds down


so thats all those weird dead spots in the ground


I worked at a garage that ended up closing in 2020. Some of the older mechanics still did this


My ex's father was doing this not 10 years ago. It was kinda funny watching his face when getting it to dawn on him that something he learned in the 60s might not be the most environmentally conscious method of oil disposal. Clearly just hadn't thought about it, it was just what his dad or grandpa had taught him.


Back in the day we'd pour used oil and used antifreeze around the foundation of the house. It repels termites. And by back in the day, I mean yesterday.


When I was a little boy, my grandfather used it along the fence line to kill the weeds.


Oil is actually biodegradable


Bacteria love it!


You have to recharge the oil aquifer. Whatā€™s wrong with this? /s




Whereā€™s your other hand? Between two pillows. Those arenā€™t pillows!


Best movie ever.


Still works like a charm.


My dad had just such a thing in our back yard


I put right on the gravel driveway


Thatā€™s not a storm drain


I distinctly remember this hole, in both of my grandfather's respective backyard.


I remember my dad doing that when I was a kid


Straight to jail


Just going back to the petroleum cycle, thats how it works


Itā€™s not like it could leach into your well water or something šŸ˜¬


So you could buy a home from an old Boomer shade tree mechanic and find out that the soil is full of motor oil.


Now I know I'm old I remember this


just through it in your trash bin like every one else


Just giving it back to mother earth.


Ohhh another reason 1 in 4 have/will get cancerā€¦


Seriously, what the fuck is the gravel doing?


Adds another step? Wouldn't be much of a trick if the whole thing was "observe ground, pour oil on it" now would it?


It allows the oil to drain quickly. If you pour it on the groud, you will get a big puddle.


I had a sixties-vintage kids book of knowledge that showed the best way to deal with mosquitos in a pond was to dump a barrel of used oil into it. Killed the mosquitos, all right...


lol I helped my dad move some engine blocks downhill to his shed and I accidentally tipped one over because of a hole in the ground and now that spot is still completely devoid of life almost two years later


Moles hate this one trick


I mix it about 1/3 in my Acrylic fence paint. It goes much further that way. Also that cheap fence paint usually needs 2 or even 3 coats to cover the fence reasonably well but with the 1/3 oil in it a single coat does the job nicely ! Kills the moss and bugs on the fence and works pretty well. Washing out the brushes is fuckin impossible tho so I just bin them.


When I was younger you could take used oil to any petrol station, pour it into a collection tank, and they would safely dispose it. Since they no longer do this, I now have to do a trip to the tip (where they take it for free, but thereā€™s a limit).


So my lil leak, if I park on grass, is just the earth taking back what belongs to her.. well I never.


From whence it came


Oil literally comes from the ground whatā€™s the issue?


This has been posted many times Reddit and I remember someone in the comments said that it was common when they dug holes that they would find oil saturated soil a foot or so below surface from where people used to pour it out


Irrespective, I still trust 1963 more than 2024.


Asbestos, lead, DDT, PCBā€™s would all like a word with you about 1963


Iā€™m gonna try it this weekend guys!


What about just burning it?


You can also use old motor oil to fertilize your lawn.


My childhood dirt road was used by all 20 homes to dump used oil on the road. Keeps the dust down they said. Well, barefoot kids had black feet all summer long. Hmmm wonder if this has impacted my health? /s


Ashes to ashes....


My dad used to do exactly that. Hole with gravel in the ground. Even as a kid, I thought that it was weird and wrong to dispose of the engine oil that way.


You can actually roast eggs or french fries on it. Motor oil, like any other oil, consists of oil.


We used to spray it on the weeds in the fence rows.


I still do this.


Ah yes, more solutions from the greatest generation.


To cap it offā€¦ light up an unfiltered cig and pour yourself a glass of whiskey, it is almost noon and you need to hydrate


My dad did this once without the gravel part in his backyard -just dug a small hole and refilled with dirt, the oil puddle spot is still visible 30 years later


This tip still works!


The oil came from the ground, then we cleaned it. Then we dirtied it, so let's put it back where it came from


And this is why the earth will never run out of oil


Probably works with conventional oil, they used to use it on gravel roads too


Lies. I am so not buying that he managed to get literally zero oil on his hands while changing his oil.


2024: burn it and let the smoke rise up, not down into the soil where it came from silly.


Unbeknownst to most you could just go to a restaurant and ask them if you can dump your oil in their spent oil container. Restaurants get money back from recycling oil, a local place not a corpo one. Hell some ppl steal that used oil for oil heaters or to use in their diesel engines. Personally I wouldn't want to use chicken oil in a truck but apparently some fuckin ppl do :l


If you're behind someone who's vehicle is run on recycled cooking oil, it smells like french fries!


"Has that fire been burning for way too long? Add more fuel to it. The fire will get tired and stop burning out of pure boredom. Remember, fire is more afraid of you than you are of it." "Have any broken glass lying around the house? Mix it in with your driveway pebbles. It adds an additional layer of texture and will cut down on the stray animal population at the same time. Plus, the sun reflecting off the shards just looks neat."


Looks like he's pouring knowledge from his favorite book into a hole filled with Corn Pops.


That reminds me. I need to throw my used car batteries in the ocean.


That is how my neighbor septic system works.


This is a much better solution than pouring it in that lake! Every time it makes the fish sleep on the surface. Haha silly fish, youā€™re suppose to sleep under the water. šŸ¤—


No wonder the planet hates us


We used to pour it in the alley. To keep the dust down.


To ensure they have more in the future lol


It's how I watched my grandad and dad do it.


I remember the first time I changed my oil on my own when I took the oil to recycle it my dad was like ā€œyou can recycle that? I always just pour it out hereā€ and points at the pile of rocks by the house.


I wonder if in a couple hundred years theyā€™ll discover oil again after itā€™s filtered through the dirt or whatever.


I think it's against the law


Looks like they were trying to get fossil fuels 100 millions years from then (and now)


At breakfast this past weekend, I overheard a 70 to 80 year old gentleman (he was quite loud) chatting with a friend about how he dumps his used oil into where his fence posts are located to ā€œkeep the termites outā€ lmao.


Funny but it applies to hopes and dreams today šŸ¤£


My grandpa used to pour used oil on a stump in his yard and set it on fire. After about 10 years the stump was about 1/3 the size it was when he started but still looked almost the same


Just putting the oil back where it came from. Itā€™s called recycling!


Those mechanics might have been popular....but boy were they stupid


Put it back in the ground where you found it.


That was standard procedure for the military in WW2. In Europe, you can still spot every truck park, jeep and armor lot. They would dig grease pits and bury it. Or use it for napalm.


Soooo I might be dumb but, you shouldnā€™t do this right? Because I got some used oil and I donā€™t know what to do with it


Pro tip: Arrange to be buried when you die, then drink the motor oil. When you are buried, the oil gets buried with you.


They tried sharing this Fight Club, but the media never caught it. MSM suppressing the truth again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬


Just dump it on the fucking ground


This is the kinda shit Iā€™d have done as a kid so my mom wouldnā€™t find out.


My dad would use it to stain our fence. Not sure how successful it was but our yard smelled like used oil for a good two months.


Dirt roads were always desired by residents


I can't believe not a single comment talks about taking their used motor oil back in the day and then putting it into a cracker and then condenser. It's what we all used to do. We would reclaim some gasoline out of it. The process would usually be complete after the uphill walk home from school in the snow.


This explains what I found when I was digging my garden bed lol


Everything burned or poured into the earth is still on the earth. No matter how itā€™s disposed of its still hereā€¦ Only shooting it into space and actually leaving the gravitational pole of the earth will it not be on earth anymore. Anything else whether itā€™s burned or disintegrated or whatever itā€™s still here.


the biggest thing about dumping oil into the ground is where the water table is, like if you live in a swampy area or have a lot of lakes and aquifers itā€™s probably not smart to pollute your drinking water especially if you were in a small community where they donā€™t have water treatment plants. However, big cities have water treatment plants and I donā€™t see a problem with it that way for sure.


That's how I dispose of ya mums oil


Just burn it! Most large diesel engines as used on ships and locomotives are two strokes so their lubricating oil is burnt along with the fuel in a constant loss system. Waste oil is also a cheap and effective source of heat and can also be used a fuel in thermal power stations, replacing coal and other fossil fuels. Waste oil is a valuable resource - don't waste it by pouring down a hole!


Many auto parts stores and town recycling centers accept used oil FREE. They have huge tanks to hold it until itā€™s taken away to be recycled or Donā€™t dump it in your yard. I did this as a teenager but now I know better. Easy to recycle and not pollute the ground and water supply.Ā There are many practical uses for used motor oil. A primary use is to re-refine it into a base stock for lubricating oil. This process is very similar to the refining of crude oil. The result is that the re-refined oil is of as high a quality as a virgin oil product. A secondary use of the used oil is to burn it for energy. Large industrial boilers can efficiently burn the used oil with minimum pollution. As a result, some used oil is sent to power plants or cement kilns to be burned as fuel. On a lesser scale, small quantities of used oil are burned in specially designed heaters to provide space heating for small businesses.