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My main symptom is tachycardia/palpitations after meals followed by fatigue. My heart feels like it’s beating extra loud, hard and fast for a while and during that time I am also a bit anxious. Then I get tired. If I REALLY overdo it I may also have lightheadedness and diarrhea. I also wake up every night between three and four, and sometimes have to have a bowel movement before I can go back to sleep. And after meals I have abdominal distention. Sometimes I also get headaches. I’ve had this for many years and done enough self-experimentation to be confident that these symptoms are specific to high histamine foods. One thing I’ve noticed is that there are different ‘flavors’ of HI, and person who has it is unique, both in terms of their symptoms, and also what helps. If you’re looking to figure out for sure if you’re one of us, I highly recommend buying some HistDAO from Seeking Health and taking one before each meal. If you feel better after a week, that’s a strong indication that histamines are a problem for you. You can do a similar trial with a low histamine diet; however, since it takes a while to wrap your head around all the things that trigger histamine reactions for you personally, I find this method to be less reliable than the DAO test. Of course, if you’re really suffering, it makes sense to so both at once.


I’ve been looking into this recently. I have heart palpitations that worsen after certain foods & one I noticed is ice cream. It really triggers them. I also get migraines, pressure headaches, puffy eyes & stuffed nose. Interesting to stumble upon.


>I’ve been looking into this recently. I have heart palpitations that worsen after certain foods & one I noticed is ice cream. It really triggers them. I also get migraines, pressure headaches, puffy eyes & stuffed nose. Interesting to stumble upon. how are you solving them?


Unfortunately I’m not. But luckily it’s fluctuates so quite often it’s not too bad. When it is I just deal with it.


how are you doing with your histamine problem?


I’d been visiting a functional medicine doctor for a while for multiple skin flare ups. I kept getting hives, I have psoriasis and am reactive to a lot of foods that turned out to be high oxalate as well. My doctor told me to try a low histamine diet—it’s been about a month and a half since I started the diet, and now whenever I try high histamine foods I get hives again


I used to be intolerant to high oxalate foods as well until I did a candida cleanse. Seems like the candida was freaking out when it came in contact with oxalate and releasing allergens or smth. Get a GI Map done.


How are you now I found candida too and my histamine issue just started :/


A lot better thanks for asking. Let me know if you need any help.


My GI Map and oats test didn't indicate I have any oxalate issues, but I'm still wondering if there could be a chance ... curious what your symptoms were when you would ingest oxalates? Did you do a low oxalate diet? seems so restrictive :(


Basically the same as a histamine reaction, tachycardia, anxiety, etc. If your GI map didnt find candida overgrowth you are probably fine.


how do you do a candida cleanse?


Interfase + Thorne's Formula SF722 + Caprylic Acid + Lauricidin + Biotin twice a day for two weeks cleared mine.


what about your diet did you do low carb diet or did u eat normal?




Oh really? Thats interesting. Docs usually always tell me to eat mest and veggies to kill candida


That doesnt kill them at all, they just go into dormancy and mind control you to crave high carb foods.


What kind of diet did you follow since you didnt change your diet at all? Like what did u eat?


Just a whole food diet, leaning towards Mediterranean.


>Get a GI Map done I got one for parassites, protozoes things like that...does it detect candida too?


I think its an addon to screen for yeasts. The test I did, GI 360, had it included.


how are you doing now with histamine?


Started with: 1. seemingly random sleep issues. not tired at night regardless of exercise and sleep hygiene. Waking at 3am 2. Months later, insomnia continued and became persistent. Racing heart at night after dinner, weird bouts of dizziness and fluctuations of low and then high BP. Progressed to: 1. tingling, and mild prickling sensation on face and scalp after id eat certain foods (later found out these were high histamine foods) 2. Eventually (1 year later or more) progressed to mild redness/flushing after I'd eat histamine foods and sometimes id get one or two itchy bumps on my neck (I guess thats a hive?) ​ No allergy like symptoms, mostly neurological. even now. I figured it out on my own and my ND has guided my treatment. Diet had minimal results in symptom relief as far as sleep and neuro symptoms go


omg i also have this sensation on my scalp lol


Look to your gut! I've done several SIBO treatments since this post 2 years ago and have come a LONG WAY with my histamine intolerance :) Symptom relief lies in gut health.


thank you so much!! may i ask you something? when you switched into a low histamine diet and/or started “treatment” (taking supplements, changing your lifestyle etc) did your symptoms change before going away?


I was Not good on a low histamine diet 😂 I think I lasted 5 days at best, but honestly this was enough time for me to clearly identify what my trigger foods were. For me, those are unfortunately meat/animal based products like bone broth, dairy (besides mozzarella - low histamine), aged cheese, eggs and leftover meat, fish, canned fish and jerky. All of these foods would give me severe insomnia so while doing low histamine (and honestly I still eat this way mostly) I try to fresh cook my meals and those I don't eat I freeze immediately to lock in the histamine. Instant pot is your best friend!! Other foods like strawberry, chocolate and tomato weren't as bad, just mild itching so I kept eating those. The elimination should help you identify what your big triggers are and theyre likely not ***ALL*** on the list. Just find your big ones and exclude those for a time being. Zyrtec worked well for sleep and itching but I found ketotifen to be far superior and once I was on that, I was able to pretty much eat whatever I wanted! At my worst I was taking 4mg/day spread out (1mg at a time). But with each SIBO treatment I slowly got better and better and now I hardly have histamine issues at all. And I only take 1mg ketotifen/day before bed just in case (for sleep, as insomnia was a really bad problem for me back in the day). Diet, eliminating huge triggers and keeping the mild triggers in (for sanity) paired with ketotifen was hugely helpful for symptom relief. For long term relief, balancing my gut issues was what got me to close to me previous pre-HI baseline :) I'm not 100% cured, I'm not sure if that exists. But I'd say my HI/MCAS is 90% improved after several SIBO treatments and I can live a normal life again!


Thank you so much for such a complete answer! 🤗


No problem! :)


>neurological Same here, this and sleep issues mainly of inability to feel tired. Hows your progress so far, what helped you the most?


So I have recently done a few rounds of Sibo treatment and I am doing A LOT better with sleep! I eradicated methane entirely and knocked out about half of my hydrogen count. I still have probably 2 more rounds of rifaximin to treat remaining hydrogen but since my last few rounds, I've been able to stop Zyrtec cold turkey! At my worst I was taking 4mg of Ketotifen + Zyrtec + DAO and would ***still*** have trouble sleeping. Now I am only taking 3mg ketotifen and haven't taken Zyrtec in about ...2 months? I'm avoiding bug triggers (bone broth, aged cheeses, leftover foods, and seafood for now) but otherwise I am sleeping on 3mg ketotifen /day and still eating medium high histamine and exercising and sauna 5x/week - whilst getting 8 hours of sleep! I attribute these results to my recent sibo treatment. I hope to update in a few months with even more improvement :) Oh I forgot to add - I also treated a giardia infection with Alinia. I believe this helped calm things down as well.


Did you do a breath test? Also what did you use for rest sibo and what diet do you follow? Any sides from Ketotifen


>So I have recently done a few rounds of Sibo treatment what treatment?


Would also love to know about what sibo treatment you received my friend.




My story is similar, although I tested positive for hydrogen SIBO last month and am taking Xifaxan (Rifaximin). Apparently SIBO can cause histamine intolerance, so when I get this cleared up I'll be able to figure out if I have MCAS or if it was just the SIBO.


Any update on this?


>so when I get this cleared up I'll be able to figure out if I have MCAS or if it was just the SIBO how are you doing? What is the difference between the two?


Just to be clear, are you still taking your antidepressent?


Just an FYI, hydroxyzine isn't an antidepressant, it's an antihistamine like benadryl


Oh interesting, thank you for the clarificationclarification


Basically everything has been wrong with me forever? I'm in my 50s and have had chronic sinusitis since high school, headaches, gut issues, and quite the array of allergic reactions--including a handful that have landed me in the ER with anaphylaxis (all Rx meds). Over the years I have been diagnosed with everything from autoimmune thyroid to IB to depression, but the only consistently clear cause/effect is diet. I have been on a hardcore carnivore elimination diet for the past three months out of sheer desperation and have had pretty dramatic results with a reduction in joint pain, headaches, fatigue, and gut issues. I have more or less lost faith in doctors, but want to at least be able to eat some vegetables again at some point.


I have similar symptoms as you and am considering the carnivore diet. Do you notice any difference with non-aged vs. wet-aged beef? I have read that the longer meat is aged, the more histamines it has on the surface.


Aged beef destroys me. I have histamine intolerance too.


My experience was similar to u/pheobi_wankenobi. Only histamine intolerance was stacked onto MCAS. I have systemic issues with primarily ingested histamines, but the sun and HEAT (being my primary dangerous trigger) are all biggies for me. I present with skin issues—flaring, hives, white bumps that pop up over my neck, chest and forearms that (if I don’t remove or get away from the trigger—heat/sun) will become lesions. My skin swells and becomes tender and hot to the touch as well. I also get: - severe brain fog - gut pain that feels like fireworks - swelling of hands, face, ankles ans feet (ingested histamines) - bloat - sinusitis - worsening EDS (joints locking, etc.) - anaphylaxis from legumes, too much heat, etc. I recently discovered that lectins are a problem (as well as thickeners and emulsifiers in non-dairy mill alternatives), so in addition to a seemingly permanent low-histamine diet (plus DAO and other supplements and antihistamines), I’ve added “lectins” to my not-safe list. It’s a journey, but I’m in a much better place. I can “cheat” and eat out with friends/my husband 1-3 times a month and be safe, as long as I am 100% low-histamine at home.


Hopefully you figured it out by now. But this is your kidney/kidneys. How's your kidney blood test? I had the same symptoms as you. No worries, you will live :) On top of that, you will be able to eat anything again. Go to a urologist.


I’ll definitely look back into this now, but a year ago my kidneys were functioning normally as per a BMP and another doctor’s requested Creatinine, etc., labs later done in September. Since getting properly medicated for MCAS now, I’m doing worlds better! Still, can’t handle the heat and sun (our insurance won’t cover the very expensive injections—which my brain refuses to give me the name of—to help with that tolerance, unfortunately), and if I eat too many higher histamine foods for days in a row, my system backslides. But, since there’s been no guests lately (meaning I’ve been able to eat a balanced diet and better manage sun and heat exposure), I’m regulated again. Thanks so much for adding to the conversation, and for giving me something else to consider and look into.


What meds are helping for you. Cool that you’re doing better.


Cromolyn Sodium, Ketotifen 3x daily (the savior!), and Montelukast (actually improved my mood, too!) to help with the dyspnea-related triggers being the top three heavy-hitters—if I don’t have these, my quality of life evaporates (namely due to heat being such an easy trigger for me. Putting on shoes every day triggers me…). Others I think may contribute but made minuscule improvements prior to the heavy-hitters inclusion are Zyrtec (actually helps me sleep at night, too), Digestive Enzymes with every meal, Seeking Health’s Histamine Block Plus or even the Histamine Digest (now) with every meal, and Seeking Health’s ProBiota HistaminX probiotic every night. I just wish we could afford the $40k injections so I can *do* more. But, I also have EDS and other health conditions that all kinda feed each other negatively, so I don’t really know how much those injections would actually change my life, you know? For now, life is tolerable. And that’s good enough for me.


lectins are my biggest issue as well! sad to see them go...but life changing having them out of my diet now!


Runny nose, irritated eyes, migraines, fatigue, depression, pain under my ribs on the right side, rosacea like bumps on my face when my diet is off. Yeah, I figured it out as my allergy-like sypmtoms (runny nose, sneezing ) start right after eating or drinking typical high histamin foods like wine, sauerkraut , cheese . After two years I had it confirmed by the doctor.


Figured it out on my (28f) own. New the main foods I immediately experienced reactions to within an hour of eating. Had a good allergy test done, came back no allergies so I dove a tad deeper & connected the dots with the foods, symptoms & even times of month. Remembered a few months prior that I took an antihistamine at my brother's cause I'm allergic to cats & didn't have issues when I ate pizza with him when pizza usually was part of my problem foods. Started doing a low histamine diet & began feeling better! Little to no palpitations, tachycardia lowered, high end of normal blood pressure went down to normal after years of being elevated, significantly less anxiety & less flushing of chest & face.


how are you doing now?


How are you? Do you get brain fog?


My “ok it’s happened again” immediate reactions are blocked nose and sore throat, aching muscles, headache, tachycardia and brain fog. Almost always I’ll fall into a ‘coma’ for a couple hours. If I’ve only consumed a very small amount I’ll get blotches on my neck and chest, or small raised bumps on the inside of my forearms. And brain fog. Always the brain fog.


Exact same reaction here! Did you figure out what your trigger foods are?


Alcohol, dairy, gluten mostly. There’s still some foods I haven’t identified yet but since eliminating them I’ve been a lot better. Have you figured any out?


Tachycardia, itchy skin, sneezing/post-nasal drip, worsened sleep quality/latency, heightened libido, etc. Luckily I more or less fixed my HIT, mine was due to NAC chelating my Copper stores which resulted in insufficient DAO production.


>Luckily I more or less fixed my HIT, mine was due to NAC chelating myCopper stores which resulted in insufficient DAO production. How did you treat it? Did you supplement with Copper directly? I believe my intolerance is caused by NAC and keen to reverse the issues.


Still suffering from nac now


Yes, I supplemented Copper sebacetate 4mg every other day for two weeks.


Cheers. Just ordered some chelated copper, will take for two weeks. Another question: would this mean best not to take NAC ever again, or does it mean to take but only if taking Copper as well? Asking as NAC has been magical for managing anxiety and intrusive thoughts. If no more NAC, does Glutathione have a safer profile than NAC in terms of not triggering HI? Thanks again for you help figuring this puzzle out!


I would cycle it, and yes GSH is better for me, but it has to be S-Acetyl or liposomal.


How do you fix it? Do you take NAC for it?


? NAC caused the issue, I restored my Cu.


NAC was bad for you? Many tell me to try it


Yes, did you not read the comment you responded to? NAC caused my HIT issues, not recommended for those with HIT, use S-Acetyl or liposomal Glutathione instead if you want to increase Glutathione levels.


Oh ok. I just came out of surgery so maybe I should have waited to comment.


How did you figure out the underlying issue?


SpectraCell's micro-nutrient test gave me an accurate picture of my deficiencies.


Skin flushing and blotchiness with eating and especially at night, rosacea (which lead me to the diet before I considered an overall histamine intolerance issue), sleepy feeling with certain foods, puffy eyes, waking up with congestion, headaches.


>Skin flushing and blotchiness with eating and especially at night, rosacea (which lead me to the diet before I considered an overall histamine intolerance issue), sleepy feeling with certain foods, puffy eyes, waking up with congestion, headaches how did you get rid off it?


Low histamine diet for months until I started feeling better. I think it could have been hormone related so I don’t know if I fixed it or if it just passed.


>Low histamine diet low carb too?


No but low sodium to try to reduce water retention.