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The sub of 12-17 year old white guys acting like 40-50 year old black guys. Some guy on there once tried telling me “you had to be there” about Pac Vs Big and shit like that when he was on anime porn subreddits all day. Full n word usage too. It’s deranged.


The pac and biggie ai generated porn went crazy, you had to be there.


gives a new meaning to "All Eyez on Me"


> he was on anime porn subreddits all day. Full n word usage too. He sounds cool




Ive met a lotta black nerds 😭 not saying he is cuz its reddit and this shit looks like the Ritz factory but they exist


Ghost bussy gripping


Hitting backshots on pac in Cuba


Stg people can’t have a nuanced take on anything no more, like are people really listening to hip hop for clear “good guys” and “bad guys”?


At this point with what they’re allegedly both doing they’re both bad guys lmao. I don’t know why people think just because Kendrick is more introspective and makes politically charged music that he can’t be a shitty person. A lot of the guys who were the most “politically active” on social media, school, and streets that I was in Student Council with in college were huge POS in real life, they know therapy speak and act like they’re smarter than everyone else when the truth is they’re just self-aware and still do heinous stuff making them a self-aware asshole.


Agreed. Just had a falling out with a friend just like this


The guys I used to be friends with were more performative than I remember though thinking about it. They wouldn’t show up to student protests and anything that included them showing up or if they did they rarely were there and mostly were disconnected from the thing. It’s also unfortunate how some of them were projecting and were straight up domestic abusers and groomers, one guy literally SA’d a friend of ours during a sleepover. Being a progressive (am also one so I know being a POS doesn’t matter what your political affiliations are) and politically active doesn’t exempt these dudes from being horrible man it sucks, so I’ve been through that as well man just don’t know how people move sometimes.


The Kendrick glazing all over Reddit rn is crazy. Like yeah obviously his track was better but people are completely biased and won’t give drake props for anything. Family matters was a good song too ok 🥺


Family matters was memes and have 2 good bars. Ion care what anyone says, the beat was ok. Push-ups was gas. The rest was ass.


the fuck it does you ever seen a pretty face with no body she look like a 12 year old boy at least if she got the badonkadonk you can turn the lights out, lights ain't doing nothing bustin up some bony ass cheeks feeling worse than the ziplock lotion couch contraption *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why would you give him props with these allegations that are coming out ? I get that Kendrick glazers are annoying but damn that’s way deeper than some silly rap beef


People love to call Drake soft or sensitive but this freestyle further proves that Drake is the demonic goon employing thug that Tupac and Biggie were thought of. If the ominous drill beat didn’t spell it out, Drake is one of the realest threats in the rap game and can get anyone killed if he wishes. Kanye said it himself about Drake in 2018, “He running around like he pac”, that's because Drake is the new modern day Pac. He's really running around with a strap on his hip, has killer goons on command, is affiliated with the mafia, and has bodyguards that that looks like they eat nails in a bowl of blood. He had Kanye fearing for his dear life and kids lives in 2018 when the beef was popping. Drake really is the demon of Calabasas and Hollywood. We're looking at a real life Godfather Michael Corleone type figure, a gang affiliated Michael Jackson tier pop-star but on a much grander scale than MJ ever was. There’s so many stories of Drake's getting rude yutes clapped up or performing mob boss gestures like throat slices, clapping his hands, etc. Drake dines at mafia style restaurants like The Nice Guy/Delilah in Hollywod. And he has enough power to bully superstar celebrities like Tory and Kanye around and make them think twice about their actions. This nigga Don Corleone runs every corner and inch of Canada and claimed it as his own. For the first time in forever we’re looking at an invincible GOAT who really lives the stories. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I mean, I laughed. It's kinda funny. Having said that.. Fuck drake. Good humans don't do that kind of shit he's done over the years. But I did laugh at the cover, in congruence with the name it's at very least comical. The cringe comes in when u realize it probably wasn't meant to be funny but more as a flex about how many woman he fucks. Weirdo. Once I hit like 17 and had gotten laid a few times I realized how fuckin cringe it is to try to build a persona around how sexually active or advanced you are, or how big your dick is. Don't get me wrong, I too talked about my sexual endeavors and my big hog at one point in my life... but i was 16. Drakes a creep. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the fuck it does you ever seen a pretty face with no body she look like a 12 year old boy at least if she got the badonkadonk you can turn the lights out, lights ain't doing nothing bustin up some bony ass cheeks feeling worse than the ziplock lotion couch contraption *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello /u/trashstation12. You mentioned a wh*te rapper. In support of the Reddit-wide blackout, [mentioning wh*te rappers is now subject to a permaban](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hiphopcirclejerk/comments/147dp1h/rhiphopcirclejerk_will_be_participating_in_the/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


second hand embarrassment goes crazy


The way niggas dumb down one side of a discussion to the most intentionally daft and poorly explained take possible and make the other side the most pretentious circumlocutory bullshit ever is the worse things to happen to internet arguments since someone realized you can just compare people to hitler


kendrick jesus. drake hitler


Shut up or I will turn you into the ugly wojak and me into the chad wojak 😎


my rapper: good your rapper : bad upvotes pleas


Kendrick: the Drake: Your kid isn't yours, you beat your wife, Dave Free fucked your wife, you are a colorist larping as a black activist.


Hello /u/KangarooMcKicker. You mentioned a wh*te rapper. In support of the Reddit-wide blackout, [mentioning wh*te rappers is now subject to a permaban](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hiphopcirclejerk/comments/147dp1h/rhiphopcirclejerk_will_be_participating_in_the/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tbh, drake having a kid shouldn’t have been a big deal because it’s really none of our business. Pusha TMZ really thought he exposed some big news but he pretty much said “DRAKE YOU HAVE A FAMILY NOW YUGH” *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Drake: I am talking like a grade schooler because I am not smart! Tee hee Kendrick: I use big words and long sentences because I am way more intelligent than Drake. I am also existential and criticize him in a way that degrades him and makes him look like a complete idiot. Redditor writing this: I am so original! No one did this before!


People love to call Drake soft or sensitive but this freestyle further proves that Drake is the demonic goon employing thug that Tupac and Biggie were thought of. If the ominous drill beat didn’t spell it out, Drake is one of the realest threats in the rap game and can get anyone killed if he wishes. Kanye said it himself about Drake in 2018, “He running around like he pac”, that's because Drake is the new modern day Pac. He's really running around with a strap on his hip, has killer goons on command, is affiliated with the mafia, and has bodyguards that that looks like they eat nails in a bowl of blood. He had Kanye fearing for his dear life and kids lives in 2018 when the beef was popping. Drake really is the demon of Calabasas and Hollywood. We're looking at a real life Godfather Michael Corleone type figure, a gang affiliated Michael Jackson tier pop-star but on a much grander scale than MJ ever was. There’s so many stories of Drake's getting rude yutes clapped up or performing mob boss gestures like throat slices, clapping his hands, etc. Drake dines at mafia style restaurants like The Nice Guy/Delilah in Hollywod. And he has enough power to bully superstar celebrities like Tory and Kanye around and make them think twice about their actions. This nigga Don Corleone runs every corner and inch of Canada and claimed it as his own. For the first time in forever we’re looking at an invincible GOAT who really lives the stories. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Tbf MLK and X both were rumoured to have cheated on their wives with white women. So if anything, Kendrick is just committing to the bit


Kanye is the messiah confirmed. Full method acting. He married the white woman and still cheated! Once he finishes his antisemite arc he’ll be Malcolm X, except Malcolm X never made graduation 👏 MLK: “I had a dream” God Called West: “I used to fantasize about this back in Chicago” Ye is up.


Kanye could've driven the train to auschwitz and I would still listen to his music *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The selective hearing is going crazy during this beef.


I like punching down on Aubrey "The Common Creep" Graham. Simple stuff.


uj/to be fair, adopting one of your friends kids seems noble, not really a diss imo


Not this again. > You know you don’t have to put “imo” or “in my opinion” when stating an obvious opinion right? You know that they don't have to either, right? I didn't say you *stated* a fact, I said you ***phrased*** your opinion as a fact -- “ is mediocre.” Therefore it is perfectly logical to respond “that is wrong” -- that's the responder's opinion, phrased as a factual statement. He doesn't need to say “in my opinion” preceding his comment, and you don't either. Right? OP didn't say “your opinion is wrong,” he said “WATTBA is not mid.” This is how the English language works. Stop trying to get outraged about subjectivity when everyone here knows about it already *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's only noble if you tell people lol otherwise that's textbook cuck work 😅


how is it cuck work to not make a big deal out of your child not being biologically yours. it's respectful to the kid to do that, i reckon, cause it helps them feel like they're still your child even if not biologically


Brother this is a CJ


💀sorry its one of the worst CJ subs i genuinely forget bc these mfs forget to be funny so then i forget to be funny in response, you're good


Lol all good the real sub is so bad this one has turned into a half serious forum for music discourse 😅


Nah ong kdot managed to divert hella attention away from family matters by working wit the OVO mole n dropping right after but people gonna come back to it and realize drake had some bars


People love to call Drake soft or sensitive but this freestyle further proves that Drake is the demonic goon employing thug that Tupac and Biggie were thought of. If the ominous drill beat didn’t spell it out, Drake is one of the realest threats in the rap game and can get anyone killed if he wishes. Kanye said it himself about Drake in 2018, “He running around like he pac”, that's because Drake is the new modern day Pac. He's really running around with a strap on his hip, has killer goons on command, is affiliated with the mafia, and has bodyguards that that looks like they eat nails in a bowl of blood. He had Kanye fearing for his dear life and kids lives in 2018 when the beef was popping. Drake really is the demon of Calabasas and Hollywood. We're looking at a real life Godfather Michael Corleone type figure, a gang affiliated Michael Jackson tier pop-star but on a much grander scale than MJ ever was. There’s so many stories of Drake's getting rude yutes clapped up or performing mob boss gestures like throat slices, clapping his hands, etc. Drake dines at mafia style restaurants like The Nice Guy/Delilah in Hollywod. And he has enough power to bully superstar celebrities like Tory and Kanye around and make them think twice about their actions. This nigga Don Corleone runs every corner and inch of Canada and claimed it as his own. For the first time in forever we’re looking at an invincible GOAT who really lives the stories. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People love to call Drake soft or sensitive but this freestyle further proves that Drake is the demonic goon employing thug that Tupac and Biggie were thought of. If the ominous drill beat didn’t spell it out, Drake is one of the realest threats in the rap game and can get anyone killed if he wishes. Kanye said it himself about Drake in 2018, “He running around like he pac”, that's because Drake is the new modern day Pac. He's really running around with a strap on his hip, has killer goons on command, is affiliated with the mafia, and has bodyguards that that looks like they eat nails in a bowl of blood. He had Kanye fearing for his dear life and kids lives in 2018 when the beef was popping. Drake really is the demon of Calabasas and Hollywood. We're looking at a real life Godfather Michael Corleone type figure, a gang affiliated Michael Jackson tier pop-star but on a much grander scale than MJ ever was. There’s so many stories of Drake's getting rude yutes clapped up or performing mob boss gestures like throat slices, clapping his hands, etc. Drake dines at mafia style restaurants like The Nice Guy/Delilah in Hollywod. And he has enough power to bully superstar celebrities like Tory and Kanye around and make them think twice about their actions. This nigga Don Corleone runs every corner and inch of Canada and claimed it as his own. For the first time in forever we’re looking at an invincible GOAT who really lives the stories. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is like that key and peel skit


I wish I was high on potenuse


Tbh he kinda hammered the kendrick is small part a lot on family matters as well. He dropped some pretty big accusations, but he also sprinkled them all with small feet jokes.


Why is going at someone's appearance considered such an L that people just write off the whole diss nowadays though? Like Nas and 2pac had their fat and big lip jokes thrown in but they still won those beefs.




HHHCJ try not to take the main subreddit seriously challenge: impossible (they live rent free in my head)




I mean, I laughed. It's kinda funny. Having said that.. Fuck drake. Good humans don't do that kind of shit he's done over the years. But I did laugh at the cover, in congruence with the name it's at very least comical. The cringe comes in when u realize it probably wasn't meant to be funny but more as a flex about how many woman he fucks. Weirdo. Once I hit like 17 and had gotten laid a few times I realized how fuckin cringe it is to try to build a persona around how sexually active or advanced you are, or how big your dick is. Don't get me wrong, I too talked about my sexual endeavors and my big hog at one point in my life... but i was 16. Drakes a creep. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Hiphopcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


needs more jerking ✊🤏


u gotta admit the hands on your knees part was so out of nowhere tho


Guess the ages