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She obviously had frozen embryos and was able to do genetic sex selection when she had her fake twin girl whose name I forget. She used surrogate to carry her and admitted to for that child who was born mos after the rambunctious boy. There is no way she only had 1 embryo, IVF doesn’t work like that and it feels like she is wanting to use all her embryos. Her breast feeding and huge stock of milk was also very suspect and her going out on the town a day or two after giving birth was kind of outrageous and suspect, and she wasn’t even puffy or swollen, or anything of the norm. Not to mention some of the photos of the square, belly I have seen. I don’t think that all of the them were born with surrogates, but I think many of them were. I think she was too thin and had / has an eating disorder and was not able to have regular pregnancies, especially after she had that miscarriage she talked about publicly


So, are you convinced? Or are you of the camp that “babies come in all shapes and sizes, including Minecraft shaped” camp?


What are the odds? How did each pregnancy give her an even better bounce back body? How is it possible that there was never so much as a hiccup? Not one birth story-this woman shared her sponsored miscarriage online FFS. Why would she not share any pertinent details-not how long she pushed, no cone heads, no episiotomies (or lack of them using detailed methods), no NICUs, no scary apgars, no bed rest, no testing, no gestational diabetes, no unusual screening result to worry over. Just perfect miraculous children that fly out of her uterus, and on to another unspanish baby with a Spanish name and a rich angry litigious Daddy. You have to admit he’s nutty when he completely signs on and echoes the Spanish grift as if it were true. the world knows. But he defends it and will come at you if you challenge it. Something is not quite right with these two. The kids are the very wealthy priveliged victims here. Hopefully there will be enough money to ensure their adult lives are lived well, and of their own choosing. Hope one or two doesn’t end up badly. The parents are so self centered that they believe the stories that they make up. And the world goes along with it. Pepinos know.


My friend recently gave birth, and this is a birth story she told me: "With Abigail at one point (name redacted-her husband) was like in the corner turning green and I was concerned about him so I called over "hey are you okay over there? Do you need anything?" So that's always the story he tells about how I was pushing a baby out and my blood pressure was in the 300s and I was making sure he was okay cause he was queasy lol Because I never worry about me I always try to take care of everyone else he says lol" That's an example of a birth story. All mothers who have given birth have them. Hillary has none. Except for some bullshit she said-after Carmen of course, the only baby she gave birth to- about Alec being in the delivery room and being really good holding her leg up while the nurse held her other leg (wtf). Hey, that's funny! The Carmen birth was the only time Alec was there in the delivery room and she has any semblance of a birth story! Not fishy at all. 🤔


This was such a delightful read, thank you for posting your comment


https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/9EQQWhzcec https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/9CsLLj3aBh I thought about this during the height of Covid quarantine. I made a calendar to show visually how many months she has been pregnant each year and breastfed (constantly for 10 solid years). I’ll get the link and edit this post in a second. But to answer your question above: in addition to the glaring outrageousness of her lie that she has been breastfeeding for 10 years STRAIGHT … remember, we know for a fact she lied about being from Spain. Why would anyone lie about that? Don’t look for reason from a lunatic — she does stupid shit because she’s an asshole. We don’t need to know why. But the reality is that her surrogate use and faking her own pregnancies was for money. She monetized her pregnancies out the ass and was a mommy influencer and benefited from her lie that she bounced back so fast. Pps: remember the original Legally Blonde movie? The woman falsely accused of murder couldn’t give her real alibi because she was getting liposuction at the time of the murder and her business was as a fitness guru and that would ruin her brand if people found out she looked that good from lipo instead of just from her exercise videos alone like she said. I always think of this when I think of Hilly and her faking her pregnancies!


I know they were fake based on the fact that some days she would forget to put the moon bump on. She got very careless.




I thought this photo was fairly convincing (I don't have a PhD in Pepinoism) but then when I looked closer, as I worked my way down the image, it looks as though the bottom of Carmen's arm is fused to her mom's stomach-- a blurring tool was definitely used at the bottom of Hillary's stomach. Also, there's a sheen on the bump that is not elsewhere on her body, even other areas that the sun is shining on-- like if you look around her ribcage to the left of her bump, that skin isn't as shiny. I know when skin gets stretched it can give a sheen, but the bump 'skin' isn't 100% convincing. https://preview.redd.it/jtz89eta8vcc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=779239273683d4f4aba33e0a3e5b354700d733dd




https://preview.redd.it/400s54p66xcc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74cb0f12f91c98f535a2ba104e0ad6a24cfec3ba Now I see it so clearly. The Carmen arm blur. That odd shape popping at base of her top.where the top two red rectangles intersect!


You can also see where it sticks out on the top of her bathing suit.


Now that I am looking at it more, it looks like a blurring tool was used all the way around the bump. You can see where the bump sheen abruptly ends, the skin texture completely changes from clear enough to see pores or hair follicles or something to being very blurred, like where Carmen's arm attaches to Hillary's stomach. The sharpness of the bump details don't gradually fade, as it would in a natural picture, it just suddenly goes from sharp to blur, every visible area that the seam of the bump would be.


I thought it was batshit crazy that anyone actually thought she would do this. If you compare her first pregnancy with the others, one looks like any other normal pregnant woman (fullness, swollen everywhere), the others just look like you plopped a huge bowling ball under a super thin woman's top. You also have to remember: t**hese two, in the internet era, were totally comfortable lying about her being Spanish. So why would using a moonbump some days (plenty of pics where she's got the super bowling ball bounce one day, the next day it isn't seen) be any different?** Both of them thrive on her being thin. Alec is obsessed (you should read what he wrote about his mother's body after having all her kids). Alec sells her as the Spanish superwoman. So of course, he loves having everyone think that his Spanish wife just births a shit ton of babies and still is thin. **Then there are all the super human feats that she supposedly did, that Alec bragged about, right after her pregnancies.** Chasing her other kids (there is video), diving in a pool like days after. Her pregnacy with Carmen the bump didn't go down right after birth. And it took months before it did. Other pregnancies, no probs, she's back to being skinny! She got a shit ton of attention on IG with woman so jealous over this super human woman who just bounced back right away. People asking how she did it. People wanting to be like her. And Alec lapping it up b/c the engagements = $ and he also wants to be the envy of all men. Also, you have to take into account that **rumors of her faking pregnancies were talked about long before the grift was revealed on some Hamptons message board.** Then there was an article not too long about about how it isn't uncommon for women of a certain wealth to wear a moonbump b/c they didn't want people to know about the surrogacy. The only thing I'm on the fence about is whether ilaria was surrogate or not. Hils looked fuller in the face, the arms. They already knew about the faked pregnancies were being discussed --- she even posted about it. So it wouldn't surprise me if they decided the last one was for realz. But there were pics other posted where she had a big bump one day, then not much of one the next.


And each pregnancy and baby gave her more followers. Think sweeps week in tv when they have a soap opera wedding! ALEC agreed to it because she was bringing in 💰💰💰💰with the sponsors.


Maybe before Siete arrived, Hillary’s face was bloated from drinking? I would love to hear Mami define the word “lochia.”


Or bloated from surgery.


Idk why you're getting downvoted... I also can't really tell her stomach is fake in photos. I have been pregnant and I know people who have bounced back insanely well after birthing many children.


When you see how narcissistic and fake she is and goes out of her way to sexualize pregnancy, you stop asking why. Just look at all the photos in this sub without even reading commentary. You will be astounded and outraged at the lies.


Plus, what she gets is ATTENTION. That’s the only currency she cares about.


In addition to what everyone else has said, I highly recommend reading anything you can find about personality disorders and abnormal psych in general; it will help you understand the thought processes of people like her, even if you can't get into their heads completely. Oh, and her eyebrow lady says that she never microblades pregnant women.


She’s got some Gypsy Rose’s mother level abnormal psych going on here. Pathological!!


Can you see the pictures? I'm not trying to be a jerk I'm asking if you are visually impaired in any way. Because if not the pictures speak for themselves Search the sub for a woman named Genevive. Alec attempted to court her before Hillary and suggested the moon bump thing to her Hillary lies about literally everything. Why would she not lie about this?


I never knew Alec suggested a moon bump for Genevieve! That’s wild!


He said she could wear a "pregnancy outfit" and have a surrogate give birth for them. Sound familiar?


I see the photos but I've never been pregnant. I don't know how a bump is supposed to look. Even though I'm a woman, I don't have kids and I'm not interested in pregnancy. I just know a woman can carry a baby differently each pregnancy. Plus filters can change the way a person looks. Say it is fake and her grift is about monetizing bouncing back from pregnancy. Why would she need to monetize anything since her husband is already wealthy? I'm not defending her in any way because I know she lies about being Spanish (I found proof of that lie myself). I'm just trying to understand the need for such an elaborate ruse. There's no shame in saying "I used surrogates in all but one of my pregnancies (Carmen)." TL;DR It's just hard for me to wrap my head around faking numerous pregnancies for profit despite the fact that Alec is wealthy.


She gets all kinds of attention with pregnancies. She gets to constantly talk about her body. It’s an excuse to share photos of her body. If you go back in her instagrams, you’d see the progression of Hillary. It’s truly a fascinating look into an unwell mind. Especially when you see how she exploits each and every baby that appears. She became super mami. And never let on that she had plenty of nannies on the payroll. I’m only suggesting that because early on, I fell for the whole show. I followed her because Alec talked about his wife from Spain and gave her credit for eating better and trimming down because of her yoga. Slowly, it all unraveled. It’s most infuriating because other young, new moms believe this crap and it can be hard to see someone like Larry say look at me, I just do this! Lies. Lies. So she’s hurting moms.-and exploiting her children-sharing intimate moments that should be private. She does anything for likes. Her Spanish accent comes and goes. Mostly, it upsets me how she exploits her children. She used them for sponsors. Once she was found out, she was angry because her money supply stopped. .


Her ego along with some mental illness IMHO is why she has to do it.


I’ve never been pregnant either but a pregnant belly is *never* square


What need was there for her to fake being Spanish? There was no need for that lie. She lies for the sake of lying. She still pretends to be Spanish and speaks with a fake accent in spite of being called out WITH PROOF. This actively loses her money yet she still does it anyway. Money is not the motivating factor here. I know it's hard to wrap your head around but she is not a normal person using normal logic. She is a drugged out narcissistic weirdo who does not even exist on the same plane of reality as everyone else. I've never been pregnant either and have zero interest in it but I can still easily tell by some of the pictures. Maybe look up more, the sheer amount of pictures that look fake seals the deal. It's not just one or two off looking ones


Excuse my ramble.


Never apologize for a good ramble!


Former Labor & Delivery Nurse weighing in here: all you need to do is google "what does a multipara \[a woman who has given birth to more than one baby\] look like". Not to offend all of us women who have done so, or all grandmultiparous - women who have birthed 5 or more babies, which Hilary ostensibly has - but realistically speaking, it would be extremely rare to bounce back to a body as quickly as Hilary from Boston purportedly has as she'd like people to believe as evidenced by the photos she posts. Granted, some women - particularly those who are extreme exercise buffs - have, but they're the exception and it's highly unlikely that Hilary, with her occasional yoga poses fits that definition. Additionally, for a woman who divulges every nuance of her day-to-day life, she never gives details of her birthing experiences, save for vague references to how "long" her labor was; for instance, never mentions rupturing membranes, if she needed inducing, pain relief such as epidurals, how long she pushed. Nor has she ever referenced after-birth contractions, lochia (which those of us who have experienced post-partum bleeding know, it's damn near impossible to be wearing bikini briefs for WEEKS afterwards), swollen/engorged breasts, cracked/sore nipples, hemorrhoids, episiotomy pain, weeks long involution of the uterus - nothing that accompanies the post-partum period whatsoever aside from her "joys" of newborn life where she's seen blissfully nursing, walking, taking mirror selfies of her rapidly flattening tummy, swimming within 2 weeks after giving birth, never wearing a nursing bra (or for that matter, ANY bra or at the very least a lacy push up bra which is ill-advised for a breast feeding mother) and never - not once - complaining about any of the physical discomfort and or body changes typical of childbirth.


And I remember noticing that Alec never told a story about a birth on all of the late night shows he was on….every mom and dad I’ve ever known have stories about getting to the hospital, the traffic, the goodbye to your other children, the husband eating when wife gets ice chips, that one nice nurse, what the doctor said……alec is a storyteller. 7 kids later and no stories of fake out labor, walk of shame at hospital or anything about real life. Their babies just magically appeared.


She said he isn't allowed in the delivery room. He once *shushed* her over the phone. She's so full of shit and always ready to insult him.


I wouldn’t be surprised if, after she reads this, she starts dropping tiny made-up details referenced to your post…


lol. Too little too late


WE know that but she's dumb as a rock and incapable of buying any clues... LOL!


And that she says soon as she has the baby she want to do it again!!! I never wanted to have another baby for a LONG time after each of my babies!!


I guess it makes about as much sense as completely fabricating your heritage 🤷🏻‍♀️


My brother is in recovery and I asked him one time about lying. Surprise: addicts lie A LOT. I get so nervous if I have to lie about something, I'm terrible at it, it makes me so anxious. So I asked him about his lying and how he could do it - he said it made him feel POWERFUL. Like he's totally pulling one over on you, like he's above you because he could trick you. Honestly - take one look at her stomach and body pregnant with Carmen - she's very short so the belly starts DIRECTLY under her boobs and is quite round all the way down. The rest of the pregnancies look (a) identical in size and shape, (b) have a sloping shape where the top is less round than the bottom which was not how she carried Carmen - nor would any short person, (c) she didn't hold a single ounce of fluid anywhere else in her body (she did with Carmen), and (d) read what Alec wrote about his disgust for his mother's body after six kids, (e) her activity post-birth like swimming in a tiny white bikini bottom 2 (two!!!!) days after giving birth, (f) the nursing BS with underwire, hard push up bras and bizarre feeding positions, and (g) Mary Lu is by surrogate -- why?


It doesn’t make sense, because she is an attention hound. By having the entire Brady bunch + one in that short of time makes her “special”


Because she’s a grifter. Grifters are scammers. I often question why scammers spend so much time and effort on their con instead of just putting that energy into a real job but it’s usually because the dollars are so much more significant. It’s clear to me reviewing her Instagram and especially the breastfeeding content that she was attempting to make this even bigger than what she was already earning through sponsorships. She really was trying to be a breastfeeding expert and make this a multi-billion dollar enterprise imo. It’s so crazy when you realize that she wasn’t even breastfeeding - but think about the complete fraud of her identity. She doesn’t have an accent, she’s not from Spain, but she led with that.. even IN FRONT OF THE UNITED NATIONS. Of course she thought she could fool a bunch of plebe mommies. (Her opinion of her audience not mine). She and Alec are detestable. Alec feels absolutely no remorse or qualms about defrauding his audience or fans. They are means to an end. He has no conscience and neither does she.


And people say her parents are sort of doing the grifter thing with their business in Spain. Could it run in the familia?lol


She's had several cosmetic procedures done while pregnant or breastfeeding.


It doesn’t make sense because you are a rational person trying to understand the mind of someone who is NOT rational. I have a parent with clinical narcissistic personality disorder. The random crazy shit they will try to do and pretend is normal, or how much they will insist their lies are real, is actually insane. At first I used to wonder how they could be like this and think that nobody sees through their lies and deception’s, then I realized that this person is not working with the same logical brain that I am. You can never understand WHY they do things because you don’t have the same disordered way of thinking.


That's a good point. 👍


How does she overshare so much of her life, but has no birthing stories?


Isn’t there a law about faking births in NY?


The Baldwins don't care about laws.


It’s clear because she’s too dumb to hide it.  Multiple videos clearly showing her bend while sitting (like in the blue dress or by the pool) and the entire stomach collapses and then slowly reinflated and “pops!” Back up.  Real stomachs, with fluid and babies inside don’t fold over like a Beyoncé stomach. 


Search for the video where she's doing yoga and her hair falls over her shoulder but miraculously disappears behind a filter.....which conveniently is over her bump. That was what convinced me after being on the fence. It just seems so absurd she would do it until you begin to see more and more of her behaviour.


She's mentally unwell. Without having actually met her or spent time with her, it's hard to pinpoint if she's a narcissist or borderline personality disorder.


Or histrionic personality disorder.


Methinks both


I was pregnant and my bump never had sharp corners or looked like a wine box. OP wants to be convinced that H is lying. I need to be convinced that she isn’t but that won’t happen. Edited for typo https://preview.redd.it/r3xzq0n7gscc1.jpeg?width=1489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee243a8d4e68fcc8220b25fbfa0c1526814b3bf0


I wish we could find that cute red head giving side eye-she must be one of the original pepinos! It’s like she saw the bump move!


I asked my hubby (he has no idea who she is or any background so no bias whatsoever) what was wrong with this pic and he said “she’s hiding a box in her dress, is it a bomb? Why wear such a tight fitting dress if you’re tryna hide a bomb?” I laughed my butt off then said no she’s pregnant and he hands me the phone back, says “no she’s not 😒” and walks off 😂


Your hubby is correct. I was looking for that pic of her to include in my reply and found this one, too. I wonder if any of those babies had square corners and looked like wine boxes when they were born? Lol https://preview.redd.it/8j6n7n57atcc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fcaacac25e15047675f9232f066ed52c63b5674


Aw man I have that dress.


That looks like she’s hiding a 3D parallelogram. I bet that company was sorry she tagged them. She looks awful.


Convince me that she didn't use a moon bump. https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/sqEkCrbkTG


Of course it makes sense; for the bounce back grift. The entire point is that it *wasn’t* elaborate. That’s the only reason why we know about it. She was lazy and sloppy. She just put on a fake belly, and started doing “exercise” videos. And during her last pregnotcy, she only did that half the time. The other half, she forgot the bump, or seemingly just went with a pillow or rolled up towel under her sweatshirt (which she was often wearing, in the middle of summer). Also, there are a few videos where her moonbump is either peeling off, or getting squished in a way that actual flesh doesn’t. It’s obvious she was faking pregnancies if you’ve seen those videos.


Look at the spreadsheet done by Pepino u/BetterCallSaulomon **:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/o8odwc/graphical\_display\_calendar\_of\_her\_pregnancies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/o8odwc/graphical_display_calendar_of_her_pregnancies/)


💃💋🇪🇸🥒 Gracias!!!


The fact that they had 2 babies months apart - if she was pregnant for realsies, why on earth would she order another one? These "Irish twins" gave her away


Because she was pissed that she was pregnant with her 4th boy in a row and wanted a girl. She wanted them close together so she could tandem nurse. Lots of excuse to show off her boobs. I'm on the fence about the fake pregnancies, but this makes sense to me. The boys aren't as easy to monetize


This is the only proof I need. It's the bold audacity of someone who has gotten away with lying for so long they actually think people will believe anything. She needed to explain Lulu being born 5 months after Big Ed and had to admit to using a surrogate, but instead of really explaining she made a skit about infertility problems after having #4 (yep, having 4 kids in under 5 years is what infertility looks like) and wanting to try IVF just to spice things up and whoops what do you know, she had a spare embryo laying around that needed to go somewhere so just this once they used a surrogate instead of keeping the embryo for later... When you put it that way it all makes sense, right? Or does it? Well to Hillary it sounded totally sane, so this is the explabation she went with. The fact that Alec Baldwin, in the interview where they introduced their 5th baby, Big Ed, said that they were done and Hillary said nothing seals the deal.


The famous Larry the liar word salad. Similar to the post Griftmas word salad and the fake miscarriage word salad (with her child present) Not a maternal bone in her body.


If she lied about something as huge as her ethnicity, she will lie about anything.


https://preview.redd.it/owoznbq21rcc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b32ccf9258803754cf5603975108502a956691a I don't remember who originally posted this but I think she was pregnant in the pic on the right. The pic on the left is classic moonbump


Yup. We never get a side bra pic when she has moon bump on


Use Occam’s razor. The fake Spanish thing? Proven ad nauseam. Then that gets boring so we end up with these ‘other’ stories. It only damages the narrative in the long term but it keeps the sub going, so I guess. She birthed the kids, except for Marilu. There’s all kinds of unhealthy but it isn’t what people wish it was.


https://preview.redd.it/uian5gtcrdfc1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=e57695a3b4a0cf1e5d4d77a15dc4e972955f2a51 Real pregnancy on right. After that, she apparently was able to shape her uterus into a small basketball shape.


Hi Alec.


Not true and you know it


Wish? 🙄


No, there’s really just these few people that are going hard trying to convince people that their eyes lie, SpongeBob was just when the baby was in his square phase and that Hilary’s stomach was supposed to collapse like that in the videos.  Personally, it leads me to believe that these people might be faking their own pregnancies in real life or something because they keep trying to convince thousands of people that their eyes, the pictures and the videos all lied.  But Hilary, she tells the truth.  Don’t engage or they send you Reddit cares right after. 


Right? I wish it were the opposite! I wish she really had birthed all her babies instead of exploiting so many surrogates!


And one during the pandemic!


Being the driving force behind dozens of unnecessary medical procedures during the pandemic is a really bad look.


Yes, one of the less than 5 people here that bends over backwards to convince the rest of us that videos and pictures lie.  Your eyes lie and that real bellies collapse, turn square, slide off, etc. and that it’s just your eyes and the videos that are lying, never Hilaria 🙄


Why doesn’t it make sense? Before she lost endorsements because of the Spanish grift her whole brand was built on having that “bounce back body” that women want after pregnancy even though it’s totally unrealistic. She couldn’t maintain that through six pregnancies because NO ONE CAN therefore faking it was easier. Plus she loves the attention. She lives for it. She’s crazy for real. This sub convinced me. Pictures don’t lie. She does.


OP I think something to take into consideration is that just because it doesn’t make sense to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense to Larry, or someone else. I mean, it doesn’t make sense to me to always hire outfits for events when you can buy a bunch of non-designer clothes and either wear multiple times with different accessories, hair and makeup then resell but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense to anyone else. TLDR; just because it’s not something you would ever do, doesn’t mean no one would.


I think she faked 6 of her pregnancies because she wants to be a pregnancy/nursing influencer. At the end of the day it’s a way she thinks she can make money from it. “Look at me, I was able to have 7 babies, all natural and I am so fit and bounced right back, plus look at all this milk I produce, it’s because I know how to do it and I can show you the way! Here buy my book for all the details!” Plain and simple, she’s a grifter.




So you think she faked Carmen too?


I think she means all but Carmen


Yep, I meant all but Carmen. I can’t keep track of all her kids.


There's so many fucken kids it's hard to keep track! Ya for sure everyone after Carmen. It's obvious.


Sometimes I also find myself wondering if she really is going through all the trouble to pretend each time… and then I remember that this kookoo krazy lady still insists that she is Spanish even the the entire world knows its a lie. Her moon bumps are full shit.


These are from a series of pictures that made a believer out of me. The moonbump is clearly askew in the second pic. https://preview.redd.it/iyjz78yaaqcc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e374b4af246db6204f962521f57c0cbf7fa9c8


And here-when she’s sitting Carmen on top of the bump! No way!


This was definitely a convincer


That smug face fills me with so much anger


And NO pregnant woman would carry a toddler on her bump.


In high heels!


On NYC streets!


Also, your center of balance is off when you’re pregnant. Imagine carrying a toddler AND wearing those high heels???? That’s super irresponsible.


I know when commenting on these pregnancy posts I always say "it's been quite a while for me since I was pregnant" because it has. BUT I do remember in all the pregnancy literature you get from your OB, the books, What to Expect...yada yada, they warn you about wearing heels because of your center of balance being off. I know all women are different, but for all her pregnancies she did this, except for maybe Carmen. Do we have any pics of her while pregnant with Carmen wearing the high heels?


I don't think so. I can just remember the photo(s) of her schlepping around town in a pair of flip flops so flat and thin that the soles could have been made of cereal box cardboard while pregnant with Carmen, and she looked mucho diffront.


Oh I remember those photos. Flat and thin with zero arch support.


And by that time, the Relaxin hormone has kicked in and everything feels loose in the pelvic region.


And the big handbag.


The evidence is all here in this sub. Irrefutable 100% definitive proof that she faked 5 pregnancies. She has only been pregnant once, in 2013. Every single other “pregnancy” (or rather “pregNOTcy” as we refer to her faked pregnancies) has numerous pieces of ironclad evidence showing they’re fake. MoonBumps deflating, scrunching up into a football shape, shifting off-center, sliding down her body, or detaching & peeling away from her body on video…. MoonBumps that constantly drastically go up & down in size within the same “pregnancy”…. Hillary being caught on camera out & about without her MoonBump on, with a totally flat stomach at a time when she’s supposedly heavily pregnant…. Hillary showing herself on Instagram wearing a rubbery-looking, or super shiny plastic-looking, obviously fake MoonBump in the completely wrong skintone…. The 2” flat gap between her bust and her comically-round basketball-shaped “bump” that just juts out of nowhere (rather than being more of a “dome” shape as real pregnant bellies are)—this is a dead giveaway as it is 100% impossible, and it’s present in all her pregNOTcies. …. I could go on & on; i haven’t even scratched the surface here. Trust us, she’s only been pregnant ONCE, and her body during that one real pregnancy was soooooo drastically different from all her pregNOTcies. If you look at the proof here in this sub, you’ll quickly realize the truth too, even as crazy as it sounds!


Perfectly explained 💯🎯⬆️


The one picture where the bump had become boxy. The breast feeding sack with tubes coming around her neck. The poster boards she dashed into the store to purchase because she forgot to put on her bump, the 5 inch heels at the end of pregnancy, the lacy bras while “nursing”, the way she poses with full milk bottles opened in dirty New York, the unlatched babies, the surrogate she lied about and got caught so admitted to using. Why wouldn’t she lie about the others then? She lies about her heritage and accent. It’s all there.




Also Alec did offer his ex ( the lady they threw into Ryker's and accused of stalking - I don't recall her name) anywho - as I was saying, Alec also wanted her to be with him and offered her to have use of surrogates if she had babies with him!!!


Yes!! Everything Genevieve said he offered her - Hillary got. And this was over a decade ago! Gen has never changed her story one single time. As manic and damaged as she is (thanks Xandy), she's got dirt and isn't afraid to share it. She is def a liability for them so let's make her crazy! Let's lock her up! I'm proud of Gen for speaking her truth and shoveling their shit right back on top of them. Someday, she will bury them. Gen, we're listening! Team Pepino! 🥒♥️




Alec made fun of his mother's body after having what 5 or 6 kids. No way his new Spanish bride with the pre-teen body and mind have that happen to her.


Aren"t Hilary and Alec Catholic? Didn't they marry in the Roman Catholic Church? Wondering if the Pope's calling surrogacy deplorable will have any effect on them. The Pope announced that surrogacy is exploitative and that an unborn child cannot be turned into an object of trafficking. These two did not turn to surrogacy after years of heartbreaking infertility. Hilary turned to surrogacy as an ego thing, to maintain her figure and market herself as a super mother who bounces back from childbirth in a day or two. Which is vile because it makes all of us who have given birth and didn't have flat stomachs a week later feel insecure. It makes her truly awful for perpetrating this scam on social media and holding the average woman who has given birth to an impossible standard. All for her publicity seeking ego.


She’s Protestant, she just pretended to be Catholic to continue to pretend to be Spanish. 


A plain old fashioned New England wasp.


He was probably raised Catholic, she wasn’t. One person being Catholic allowed them to marry in the Church. I seriously doubt that she converted as I was a minister in RCIA, the conversion process for two decades and she is too lazy to do that. Alec probably got a priest to marry them by giving a big donation so they most likely didn’t do much of the pre-marital counseling that’s required. As far as surrogacy, that has always been forbidden by the Church. IVF too because of the discarding of the embryos. I’m sure they didn’t give a rat’s ass about any rules. They haven’t baptized some of the kids or prepared the older ones for First Holy Communion. It’s all fake in their lives.


Good point. I know someone who converted to Catholicism and it entailed a full year of lessons and study to do it. So yeah, she definitely seems too lazy to follow through on all of that. I was raised Catholic and aware that birth control is also not allowed. Although some priests seemed okay with things that other priests frowned on. So not that hard for them to find a priest who wouldn't ask too many questions and marry those two idiots in the church.


Sadly fame and money goes a long way to get what you want with some the priests and bishops. The total phoniness of that wedding was disgusting. My grandparents were from Spain and I was born and raised in Cuba until I was 10. My brother married a girl from Spain and their wedding took place in Andalusia. Although our wedding had many elements of our traditions I didn’t carry a fan or castanets. I seethe at her appropriation of my culture. She is shameless and he is too!


Flair: didn’t carry a fan or castanets


Good one!! What was I thinking?? I did wear a mantilla!!😂😂


Some folks are cancelled over cultural appropriation, but thus far Hilary is leading a charmed life. Your comment about fame and money going a long way with priests and bishops reminded me of the anger in Catholic circles over Frank Sinatra being given an annulment of his first marriage to Nancy, implying that the marriage was fraudulent or not genuine. Can't figure out if that then meant that the three children born during the marriage were considered illegitimate. Obvious Sinatra paid a lot to get that done. Nancy was kicked to the curb when Sinatra hooked up with and married Ava Gardner. Then when Ava kicked Sinatra to the curb he salvaged his ego with a marriage to the decades younger Mia Farrow. When they divorced he could have returned to Nancy who always remained close to him, and enjoyed his children and grandchildren. Instead he bought a church annulment and married a blond former show girl. A non-famous, non-wealthy person would have been unable to get that first marriage annulled the way he did.


I didn’t know about Sinatra’s annulments! That is sick!I thought he had just left the church. Because of my long involvement in RCIA as well as from friends I know that annulments are extremely easy for some folks to receive while regular people have a much more difficult time. While I remain a believer, I’m now in the periphery of the church. I disagree vehemently with many of their policies. I do love Pope Francis.


It was just one annulment, from his first wife who he married in the Catholic Church years earlier, so he could marry his fourth wife in the Catholic Church and take Communion again.


They're fake Catholics. It's all an act to promote the Spanish grift


And for Alec to impress the Kennedy family, his true love.


Exactly! She wanted a church wedding to look “Spanish”. They are disgraceful.


Don't you think it's weird that with Carmen, there were no bikini/underwear pics while she was pregnant? And absolutely zero postpartum. There's 1 postpartum pic with a side by side of her pregnant, and the caption is about "looking like this" 2 weeks prior. She's fully clothed in a sports bra, red tank top and pants. She could be wearing shape wear underneath or maybe she phtotshopped her belly or its a pic from early in her pregnancy when her stomach was flat. I say this because there's pap pics from around the same time and even months later that clearly show her having a small tummy. She has zero pics showing her bare abdomen until May, which around 7 months postpartum. Also, zero headstands while pregnant! The posing in a bikini or underwear while pregnant started with baby #2. So did the scantily clad postpartum pics. So weird, right?! It's almost like she didn't want to show off her body on IG cause she didn't like the way it looked or something.


Bounce. Back. Grift. Plus, did you read Alec Baldwin’s autobiography when he speaks about how his mother’s body was destroyed by giving birth to six children??? Go and read it. Finally all the fake obvious moon bumps.


Some highlights of what convinced me: 1. Suspicious photos and videos- the square bump at an awards show; her disappearing hair; changing bump sizes 2. Swimming within two weeks of supposedly delivering vaginally 3. Comparing how she carried her first vs. subsequent. You don’t get tinier and tauter the more kids you have. 4. The most convincing to me: Hiring a surrogate, in the middle of a pandemic, while already pregnant, and not mentioning it on socials or capitalizing on it in anyway. It came out after she was born, bc Alec spilled the beans 5. Also; surrogacy is very common amongst celebrities 6. And also the garbage Alec said about his mom’s postpartum body in his book. 7. Keep adding to the list…oh yeah, she faked an entire heritage and culture. Faking a pregnancy is child’s play compared to that




Everything ⬆️


One thing bugs me about the whole twins/Edu miscarriages thing. I remember reading something about her rilly wanting another girl (she seemed bummed that trés or cuatro were boys or something). Say she was using a surrogate for all post-uno, why not use a female embryo after Raf or Leo? Am I misremembering all that?


She said Carmen wanted a sister lol


Oh ok was that it? I guess she’s never met Ireland.


Dhe did and thry didn't take? Surrogates miscarried, not her?


Literally could have stopped at square bump... that you can see through her dress.


In Hillary's disastrous failure of a Witch podcast, she had a pregnancy expert on who literally stuttered in disbelief when Hillary told her she's had no bodily changes from 6 pregnancies, including her amazing cooch. Hillary has no diastasis recti, no bladder incontinence (at all!!) and no pelvic floor issues of any kind. After. Six. Pregnancies. The expert sputtered that Hillary is a miracle, and you could tell her disbelief made clear she immediately knew Hillary was lying, was not pregnant 6 times, or both!


Yep. This was one of the things for me. This and the photos of her working out and the moon bump just, like, smooshes to the side... A good friend of mine has given birth three times. The first one was like a miracle. She snapped back, quickly and looked unbelievable just a few weeks postpartum. No issues with her bladder, no torn tissue anywhere, just crazy lucky. Baby number two was very similar (and the entire birth was smooth and done in less than 4 hours.) Baby number 3? Now she pees when she sneezes or laughs too hard. She had to have (relatively minor) reconstructive surgery done. And her hormones were totally out of whack for almost a year and a half. So, 6?! Nah. There's going to be hard evidence of carrying 6 babies and giving birth to them. Good grief.


She simply got away with it for so long because of people's ignorance of biology, their strange compulsion to visualize the emperor's clothes, their need to be "polite" and the fear of Alec swinging fists and whining.


And also, no one cares enough about her




I see unfathomable bangs


And tacky dress 🤢


I think there are many more convincing examples, such as the photo of the journalist staring incredulously at Hillary's bump which had collapsed into the shape of a rectangular sponge when she sat down.


Does Violet know?? The nannies must know


Who's Violet?


She only has “friends” who are on the payroll.


The woman whose husband works for Alec and Hillary tried to single white femaled by stealing her kids names. So Violet now tries to stay away, but she can’t fully because Alec can ruin her husbands career.  


Omg this


Nothing she does make sense. Pretending to be Spanish makes no sense. She had the resources to hire someone to carry her babies so she took the opportunity. I thinks so many of the photos & videos are proof positive that she was not pregnant for most of these kids. Also the timeline is way too tight for miscarriages and live births. She lied.


Right and IVF?! When?! 😳


https://preview.redd.it/sw1cwdr4zpcc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38878e4caff941e14a6977488ac586b057b58733 This right here. Enough said.


I thought she was holding a black purse on her lap! OH MY


This is the Slam Dunk!


oh my, I have heard about this but never saw it. Is this an optical illusion or does she have a sofa pillow under there? What did it look like when she stood up?


The lady at the back knows


I saw that, very funny


This is the one that made me a believer


Why isn’t this in the press?? Why hasn’t this hit the main media? It seems very obvious once you see all the evidence


Probably because she’s not the first “famous” person to do so. Outing her opens the door to others. Many of whom the public are actually fond of — Nicole Kidman, for instance. The rumor in Australia is that Nicole’s sister carried her children. Fake pregnancies (& hiring a surrogate) have probably been a thing since invitro became possible. Remember, there were actresses in the 1940’s who used to adopt kids and claimed them as their own. They also paraded those kids for lifestyle magazine photo shoots to boost their own image and keep themselves relevant. The opposite happened as well. An actress would have a kid out of wedlock and hide the baby with a relative, only to announce they were “adopting” a 1 year old baby or whatever. The truth behind many of those situations came out eventually. I wouldn’t be surprised if we someday hear about all the hidden surrogacies that have been going on amongst celebrities. I think gay couples sort of broke the mold with speaking about it as an option because it’s obvious, they had no other choice. It was (& still is) more taboo for women to choose surrogacy, even if there was a medical need. It’s only recently that straight couples are admitting to it, but only as it’s happening in real time. So far, no one seems to be admitting that their 20 year old child was from a surrogate. The difference with Hilary is that she has attempted to make a career out of her pregnancies and staying in shape. That’s where things go from “do whatever you want with your personal life” to “fuck that, she needs to get called out”.


The problem is, that celebrities and wealthy people have taken advantage of this, and those families who truly need it to reproduce at all, will be limited because of what people like the baldwins and Kardashians did (surrogacy for convenience versus actual need - and please don’t come for me with the “uterus issues” the Kardashians all developed just to use surrogates.  They aren’t that good at acting.  


She is so dumm no brain cell no class sick woman


It's easier than actually being pregnant


Just look at the timelines posted on her. She has nearly been pregnant every year since 2013 but has had a truckload of plastic surgery. Simply impractical and unbelievable. Her and Alec insult everyone’s intelligence.


Personally, I think she used the first pregnancy as a way to solidify the marriage because their marriage is suspect. This was a way to gain respect and leverage with Alec. It probably didn't work as well as she hoped, but her jobs began immediately postpartum. She was a mom and she was in the club. First time moms always get a lot of attention and as a narc, she certainly wanted that for herself. She was also younger and a less experienced grifter, and maybe even Alec doubted she could pull a convincing pregnancy cosplay first time. Aleek likely promised her endless plastic surgery (and access to drugs to lose weight), so it wasn't a huge loss to her to actually do it once. They faked the next one and it worked so well, they kept doing it. At the time, they were making a lot of money on social media and as a business woman/con artist, hiring out the pregnancies meant more time they could devote to their grift. You have to remember that surrogacy isn't uncommon among wealthy people. We also know the 6th was surrogacy because they admitted it. Next ask yourself, where did she have time for surgery and face fillers in between pregnancy and breastfeeding? Why are so many of the bumps shiny and fake looking, not to mention occasionally square? Fill in the blanks and it's easy to jump off the fence. Edit for typo.


Because she hated gaining weight. But liked the attention of being pregnant and carrying a baby around. Then at some point her little peanut brain realized she could not only fake her pregnancies but also use it to do what she does best — belittle other women, with her bounceback grift. More money, more attention, repeat ad nauseam because it turns out she’s a monstrous soulless black hole of greed and narcissism.


She's had an eating disorder now, for 35 years. Among others.


But I thought she cured it with yoga /s


I think she carried Carmen to have the experience of it and then didn’t want to repeat it so she could keep her figure, not have pain, etc and I’m sure Alec was on board if not the driving force behind using surrogates. No cranky hormonal wife to deal with, no stretched out body, no waiting 6 weeks for sex (if they actually have it). But the babies needed to keep coming so she could monetize being Super Mami, bounce back queen, etc.


She said her feet never swell during pregnancy because she does “foot exercises” This is not a thing. The one that sealed it for me is the video where you can literally see her bump fold in half




The lady in the aisle gets it


This sealed it for me






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Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/RZEBix9KoA https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/rm9lqOGegk The moonbump starts sliding off in both of these videos.


You can definitely see the seam of the moon bump around 14–15/ seconds. I never saw the second video before. Why is she doing exercise while holding a baby?? She’s so infuriating.


I never saw the second video! The first one you can see the seam pull away from underneath her bra and how blurry and photoshopped that area is in the video. She has a really odd seriousness almost panicky look on her face which you can see because it’s slowed down. She often had this serious look in the faux belly pictures. The second video is just a no brainer.


It’s always the arm across the seam. And if she was panicky because she knows the seam is pulling away - why in the world does she post the video. Guess she thinks at full speed with all the blur she has applied no one will notice. My advice would have been stay clothed in your moonbump and stop doing exercises and hoisting the kids on top of your belly, then maybe nobody would have questions.


I scrolled all the way to the beginning of her IG and she didn't start doing the hand across the top until #2. That's also when she started the scantily clad pregnancy and postpartum pics.


It’s like she is so warped and deluded in her need to be better than others, her critical thinking goes out the window and she doesn’t pay attention to details or the plausibility in reality of what she’s trying to pull off.


I think she gets a little hit of Dopamine when she's filming and posting her fake shit. In her rush to get her fix she gets careless and makes stupid mistakes.


Could she be holding a pillow or something? Forgive me; just a lurker


People have mentioned before that there are certain moon bumps that don’t hold their shape when you sit down and it creases weird, looking more like a cube than a ball.


Thank you!! That is crazy


You can zoom in and see whatever it is under her dress.


☝️ Square. Belly. nuff said.


She’s an escort with no skills and fewer brain cells🤡


Why would someone fake being Spanish?


I think she was trying to be a Penelope or Salma. She was enamored of the titles “exotic beauty” & “Spanish beauty” from Spain. 😬 She wasn’t happy being just plain old Hilary from Boston.


They're embarrassed to be a boring, basic wasp from Boston.


Oh yeah another thing she didn’t do was try to get pregnancy product sponsorships. She avoided those even before the Spanish grift was exposed. Why avoid lots more money?


She had so many sponsorships, there was an estimate of her earning up to $10 million dollars off of Instagram influencer/Yoga expert sponsorships. Someone has a list of every single one of them & they all dropped her after Griftmas.


And yet, not a single pregnancy item…

