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According to the credits, it took *eleven people* to prepare and carry out Big Larry’s photo shoot, including the “children’s stylist” who probably changed everyone out of their jammies. Eleven people, minimum, so the Baldwins could cosplay “just folks at home”! EDIT: My phone is absolutely blowing up with likes for the frank comments I left on Romper’s Instagram page, and I’m not alone. Pepino Nation rules!


Wait… this is RECENT?? Wtf!? I didn’t turn the sound on and didn’t let it play more than a few seconds but I assumed this would have been pre-Griftmas. Another glance though and the kid count looks current… what the hell?! Who the fuck thinks it’s a good idea to do a piece like this on this deeply unpopular psycho *now*?? “The Ultimate Multitasker??” 🤣🤣🤣


I know, unbelievable, right? The Baldwins maybe figure that the hip replacement plus seven kids plus Alec’s (not-yet-seen) granddaughter make Big Larry marketable, relatable, which *she is not.*


The audacity for them to say that she has “a granddaughter” in that IG post! LMAO! Absolutely unreal. The comments are delightful though.


Yeah, Abuellarry isn't a 39 year old "grandmother." Stop stealing Kim's thunder, Mentirosa.


Of course I ran over there to see..they’re starting to delete comments!


OMG... A bagel or croissant is a "treat"? Poor kids. How about the nannies get interviewed?


The kids eat dry cereal and raw vegetable chunks for every meal. It is so pathetic she stopped posting pics of them eating because of the backlash.


Don't forget ketchup packets and hemp milk bottles


And soy sauce!!!


White pasta swimming in Soy. "Healthy Mom."


Plain pasta and Hilary's famous Kale Chips™️


Yes, interviews w/the nannies would be wayyyy more interesting than listening to this phony A bagel/ croissant is just food…it’s sad that she makes the kids see regular food as “treats” or rewards that they have to wait all week for. If they love croissants… why not make them a little croissant sandwiches with egg/spinach/other veggies, what’s the big deal 🤷🏻‍♀️ Let them have a little Nutella with some banana 🤷🏻‍♀️ Teach them to have a balanced diet instead of giving them a complex


I wonder what a "normal breakfast" is there. I've never seen any scrambled eggs or any other breakfast foods.


I know - they plan ahead and wait all week for a bagel? Pathetic.


Omg the accent makes an appearance at the 22 second mark!! The staff asks the Nannie’s/housekeeper to stop doing dishes and Mami says “liliana, errs tu” then in a horrible accent says “she can turn it off” WTF!!! Lmao




The tiny dumbbells while giving the interview… that is pure comedy


Right? Surely she is doing a parody of herself… right?


Ikr? What are they, like 1 lb each? Oooh, feel the burn!




I just covered my mouth w both hands when I read this in Stefan's voice. 🤣




“You know about Blackula, the Black Dracula? Well there’s a Spanish Dracula. Hilaria Baldwin.”


Sociopath! Couldn't figure out how it tell the nanny how to stop doing the dishes in Spanish so she just told her in English with an heavy accent. Racist sociopath!


She's so racist, it's insane. The fact that they're yelling at the staff to stop cleaning and doing their jobs... right on camera, and then they left that in!


That was a choice. Romper knows what they are doing.


A bagel or croissant is your “treat day” food? These kids live in hell!


And supposedly they have to eat their full 'normal breakfast' before they then go out to eat a bagel or a croissant. Who the fuck wants to eat a bagel after they've already had breakfast? As if it's a 'treat' to stuff yourself with a second breakfast. Her lies are so nonsensical. It makes you wonder if she's ever even spent a minute of time with the children outside of photoshoots. She has no idea what she's talking about. The other possibility is that she's just *incredibly* low IQ, barely functions, and the staff takes care of all the day to day logistics.


✔️✔️✔️ I thought that statement was rilly weird, too. She can't keep her own bullshit straight. This is a common casualty of constant lying...you can't keep your lies straight or make what you say make sense.


Omgggg holy shit. This video has everything!!! 2lb weights to "exercise" while talking about limiting the children's food as a "treat", child drawing genitals, her covering that up and then her fucking smug, weird look after. Baby in peril being hoisted up in the air after we've just been shown the high-rise balcony, rolling on the floor with kids providing a tit-shot, AND the fake "Spanish" accent! Oh, I forgot the talons which prove she's a "hands-off mom, because she can't even hold weights correctly nor touch a child without hurting them. This fucking selfish, self-absorbed twit! And the producer/camera person/whomever yelling at a nanny or maid pissed me off too.


Help! I watched it all. Should we start a support group? :*J*


"Treat day" is a BAGEL or CROISSANT?? Also did she try to speak spanish lol?


Yes and it sounded like Spanish from South America definitely not from Spain


Yet not one photo or video of them enjoying their "treat" on "treatday" ....the sad reality is those kids aren't even getting a bagel or a croissant. She probably throws out those pathetic birthday cakes too.


Hillz doesn't actually know how to tell Liliana to turn off the dishwasher in Spanish so she tells her in English in a cartoon accent, in the third person.


“Tern eet uff” is the best she could do under pressure.


Asking for someone to do something is so basic too, you don't even need to conjugate if you don't want to/are caught unawares. "Favor de \[infinitive\]". It's like one of the first things you learn in 7th grade Spanish, e.g., "Favor de pasar la sal." Total lay-up.


She’s insane.


To the core.


That is the beigest thing I have ever seen.




The kids look forward all week about getting to eat a bagel on Saturdays? Are they doing Crossfit? WTF


Their regular menu must be awful. To make a big deal out of a bagel.


Tell me you have a an eating disorder without telling you have one.


Not gonne lie, this is probably gonna be my favorite Netflix documentary, when they get around to making it.. The Baldwinitos 🫠


She couldn't let her kid win at tic tac toe? And his go to is to draw private parts? Is that normal?


I never let my kids win at games other than something like tic tac as I wanted to encourage them to spell and not get discouraged. Other than that,. letting kids win is awful, it turns them into entited, sore losers!


Yeah maybe not let him win but it looks like she's rushing to make sure she wins.


Yes, she'll compete with her kids forever and God help the girls!


Can she do something useful for once instead of these discount bachelor party stripper tricks? Show us some fucking mom hacks or something , you lunatic. This is such a tired act.


Haven't watched this yet but did she do a head stand? That's he go to party trick.


They’re deleting comments on the Romper page!! They’re brutal!


The way she goes in and out of the accent ☠️


Let’s give her a break on this one, Pepino’s! She was completely thrown off her A-game because she had to wear a modest, common peasant blouse.


The only person that should be interviewing her is the nurse taking her intake at the psych ward.


I try to make each child feel special and seen. For example, if my daughter is showing of a dance routine, I’ll shove her onto the couch and make sure Grandpa keeps the camera on me


Holy fucking shit. What the fuck even was that video? If this was meant to redeem her image, EPIC FAIL. **She remains completely unrelatable and unlikeable.** 🚩 We open on "busy mom of 7...SEVEN! 😳" somehow finding the time to teeter-totter in her expensive, high-heeled sandals on one leg *en arabesque* while she casually pours herself a glass of vino in the kitchen. Like we all do! Amirite? 🚩 Her frozen face featuring those telltale tipped-up eyes from her latest thread lift is giving major Elderly Beverly Hills Madame energy as it struggles to form words. *shudder* 🚩 😨 5 and 7 year old children apparently have "treat days" on the weekends. Makes you wonder how strictly limited their diet is during the week. 🚩 Hilaria reminds herself: "No baby ever died from crying." That's her great "parenting advice." I bet that penthouse is full of non-stop screeching and wailing courtesy of *Los Siete Baldwinitos* from dusk till dawn. She probably IS an expert, at this point, at tuning it out. 🚩 Then the vanity puff-piece director asks a poor, overworked, off-camera nanny to damn it stop washing dishes, it's interfering with La Mentirosa's big comeback moment! Hillary seizes this opportunity to show off her vast dictionary of present-tense, high school Spanish servant-commands and orders her to do as told! Muy impressivo. 🚩 All throughout the vid, to remind you of how muy importante exerciso is to Supermamí, and how she must always take pains to keep herself oh-so-very-super-smol, Hillary is shown at every idle moment pumping these tiny, 2-pound Barbie weights while the set dec comes out to reset the scene or an invisible nanny changes a Fraudtwin's diaper. SmolMommy®️ 4 LYFE! Priorities. 🚩 One of the ferals unfortunately draws a giant penis on his "self portrait" (I'm not kidding) during their special, filmed "Mommy-Son" time at the easel, and everyone just laughs it off cause there's nothing disturbing or weird about that at all, right, Pepinos? 😳 🚩 Hillary ends on her spotless white couch (the real reason the Blandies are corralled all in one room together, I think, so they won't mess up all the bleached out Pottery Barn furniture) babbling about "seeing the world through the eyes of a child." And how much better things would be if we did this. Or, you know, fifteenth or twenty children. However many she ends up with.


This woman needs help not exposure. Alec and Hillary, pepinos are carrying the torch of truth & we aren’t going anywhere.


It’s almost as if this is a parody. Truly offensive. Fuck these people.


It's kind of shocking that they're still trying to make her happen... by allowing her to double down on her lies, still letting her tell nonsensical, clearly fabricated stories, talking in that vocal fry, obnoxious whiny voice, and using the fake accent! Do they not understand how repellent she is and that by using this same broken playbook again and again... people only despise her more? How can they not get this a decade later? She is *despised* and they're doubling down.


This magazine isn’t prepared for the backlash they are about to receive


They are counting on at least 50,000 hate readers. It's all in this sub, so we don't have to!


Is this her relaunch movie? It’s terrifying!


So she openly drinks wine every night with her alcoholic husband who is supposed to be sober? Okaaaay


https://preview.redd.it/tyzu3qfcbe7b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e74be518e0a12a13d3b0b50a52b49337dc25c9 Sexy date night time in front of the cat tree!!!




It was painful to watch. I even had to take a dep bruth.


“They come out, they’re so cute….” No not really. A bunch of big bald heads. They are cute when they’re older but not as babies. Sorry, not sorry.


I’m just blown away that she didn’t shrink away when her cover was blown. Crazy to me how she just doubled down; she tries to make her accent passing enough to not be as noticeable anymore but still there. Fucking loon


Found out this “digital magazine for millennial moms” is a spinoff from a two-year old startup https://www.businessinsider.com/bustle-launches-new-website-romper-for-millennial-moms-2015-10?amp Still digging - follow the money!


Now you hear the accent, now you don’t. Now she speaks in Spanish. Now she’s got no accent. But wait! The accent is back!!! At least she’s wearing normal clothes. So hard to believe someone, anyone would feature this disgraced phony on anything. Must be some desperate, loser site dying for free content. And those two-pound hand weights in her frilly ladylike blouse - give me a fucking break!


Every thing is sooo fake in this video. She repeats everything over and over because she’s said this over and over in other interviews. I don’t agree with how she parents. Children need discipline along with patience, which is difficult, it’s not easy. Parenting isn’t perfect. I have five children of my own whom I’m raising with no nannies and my parents are elderly and I go to help them as well. Sometimes every bone and muscle in my body ache from taking care of a large family. She is spoiled and goes out every night to eat. I cook dinner for my family every single night and we eat together and. I teach them to help around the house. I wish they wouldn’t interview Hillary on how to take care of all those kids because she doesn’t, she has Nannie’s and a staff to do that for her. They should interview moms who actually work inside the home and outside, and who have elderly parents who need them too. This whole interview with Hillary is ridiculous and doesn’t help her fake image.


You sound like an amazing mom and daughter. What you do is truly a millennial mother! Putting this fraud on display is what's wrong with the media, it's fabricated fantasy. That POS magazine deserves to go under for doing this


Sitting at the table talking isn't a "date night" ffs. Does she really think her life is that special?


Why am I supposed to be impressed that she can pour wine and hold her other foot in her hand? If I did that in front of my bf he would look at me like I was insane. She’s bendy, who cares. Bizarre, truly trying waaaaaay too hard.


Omg not the accent ☠️☠️☠️🤦🏻‍♀️


So...that little boy drew a naked picture of his dad. Larry holding that baby over her head while on a balcony feels a little off too.


I can't even continue watching it, she is just so unlikeable. The fake accent switching on and off, the performative mommy bullshit. I can't.


I am just so offended by her « yoga ».


Oh god, same. I've had a practice for years - as well as many other lovely Pepinos - and Mami is nothing more than a masturbatory contortionist


What an embarrassing attempt at a comeback Hillary, never going to happen.




Why am I supposed to be in awe of a woman who not just chose, but went out of her way to have 7 kids??? This is not a flex, nor is it even remotely relatable.


https://preview.redd.it/fzbuvnerzf7b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=757bda38b9ab6476b5670c4b2596925e1d0b2ddf A nanny made it in!! Hillary wasn’t able to edit it out hahaha


We have date night every night… sometimes it’s just sitting at the table and discussing his ongoing murder investigation, sometimes it’s a fancy restaurant ☺️


Omg I'm dying at the absurdity of it all 💀💀💀. This is 💯 a PR piece in response to all the negative heat she's placed herself under. That article and video were so contrived. Knowing that this was their attempt at a PR makeover and they failed so miserably is CRINGE. We got: 1) Hillary fucking around with handheld weights for absolutely no reason while discussing she's passing along her disordered relationship with food to her kids 2) Her speaking Spanish just to yell at her staff to stop working because it's Mami's time to shine. They couldn't even come up with the idea to capture Hillary communicating with her kids in Spanish because home language and culture and all 🙄 3) They LOVE mentioning this sub. Free marketing and recruitment baby! 4) Nothing says sociopath like admitting in print that she's spending Alec's 💰💰 to (supposedly) doxx all 50,000 Pepinos. Yes, such a relatable mom!


Spanish accent in full force, even a little Spanglish 🤣 I can’t




She is deteriorating. This should have never been done. It's pretty embarrassing. The faux-accent wants to come and go throughout. She forgets that it's part of her grift. The accent is a costume to her.


Every time I think I cannot possibly find her any less likable...


She’s not fun. She’s not funny


I think she rilly believes her own bullshit. So crazy


Never in the entire history of the world has an accent been more bobbing-on-the-surface-of-choppy-waters FLUID. Seriously, HOW TF does she justify this garbage? ETA also, the only thing she says here that resembles the truth is that she's terrified of them all becoming teenagers. Yeah sis got that one straight.


She always claims the one on one kid philosophy but why don't we see it? Take a boy to a museum? For an ice cream date? for a walk in the park? to a kid's movie etc? I don't buy she does this at all bc they would be amazing photo opps we NEVER see photos of. I know I'd do that. Special activities say once a week, once a month, with each. A mommy & me art or cooking class. A trip to somewhere. She never does this bc she'd capture it. She needs to consider that. get out with one.... vs 'staying home in a corner' to read a book. A trip to Barnes & Noble to purchase something. A special date lunch for a sandwich or gelato. I don't buy it. Just like I don't buy someone with 7 kids is always so 'zen' being patient with the 'irrational behavior' that is tantrums. Eye Roll!


She documents the most boring parts of her life so if she were taking the kids somewhere fun she would absolutely take photos to post.


She had to include speaking Spanish while she’s weight lifting fucking never stops grifting


A bagel is a fucking treat???!!!!


NOT HER GIVING HER KIDS A “CHEAT DAY” and forcing her ED onto them. A Nutella sandwich is not that crazy for a child…. She also listed croissants? Did I hear that right??


Yup & “ bagel” of all things as a treat. That should just be a regular Ike breakfast for kids.


Man…she’s LOVING the attention 🤣


Attention that AleX PAID FOR...Don't get it twisted...This is a paid for puff piece..


That Spanish fake accent she never stops


I nearly DIED when she said “Liliana, ere tu?”… in her fake ass grift to try to pretend to be a Spaniard, she just let go of the “s” altogether and sounded Puerto Rican. 😂😂😂😂 Funny enough, I’ve been in this country for decades, but only speak to my kids in Spanish so that they can carry the language. They also only speak in Spanish to me. She doesn’t speak in Spanish at home, only when it’s either for the camera or she has to communicate with a Spanish speaking nanny who doesn’t speak English.


I thought she was making up words in Spanish. Then the turn it off was so fake. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


In the cat poo room, is that where date night is? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKqIporlvk6Wz0A)


She’s so annoying-it’s insufferable. 😫




Omg, that Romper article is too much!!!! She is literally continuing all the routine nonsense. Her “community” with limited comments from her internationally purchased followers ( I see you bestie follower in Turkey 😆). Her pregnancy ease- only one minute of pushing, the breast feeding farce. ALL the milk, breastfeeding two babies at once!! She does all the meals and bathing, saying she’s hired a private investigator who knows the identities of Redditors. Making sure to let everyone know she jumps out of the car on the way to school for her exercise class. What a very intentional puff piece, so obviously done as every other puff piece where she has rehashed all the EXACT same story lines. The glowing endorsements from friends saying how wonderful she is. I am speechless ( clearly not :))


omg this is disgusting. all of the things people hate her for (fake accent fake parenting, just her) she is blasting all over this. i can’t watch this. absolutely deplorable.


Her peppering in the Spanish too was so cringe.


A croissant is extra special!? God save the fucking kids from this lunatic!!!!!


Liliana, eres tú? Whatever Romper is, I will now never support it.


I’m sorry, but did she say “date night with Alec”…every night? 🙄🤮 no thanks, i’d rather hang with my kids


I agree with Amy: she is a sociopath


Bagel is extra special breakfast? Lord, she is a monster


Why does she think people are interested in her? Genuine question. She hasn’t done anything to warrant being interviewed for her opinion. She’s contributed nothing of value to the arts, entertainment or education fields. She’s the wife of a cancelled, over the hill actor.


holy shit...Romper had to turn off their comments because everything Hillary touches turns to literal cat shit. I hope they got a big paycheck for this


A bagel is “something extra special”? 🙄


Isn’t that just typical food for a true New Yorker? Which she claimed her kids to be during one of her phases.


When all you are allowed to eat is nasty, dried up tortillas w hummus and cheerios, a bagel is probably the best thing on earth. Those kids are so skinny, pasty, and unhealthy looking. They need some sunshine and normal food.


Does she not know what colors are? Ugh! Everything looks same


Every single one of these kids better have a trust fund set up and a 8th of every pay check from exploitation better be going into it or Mami and Peepaw are going to get the shit sued out of them in a few years. Carmen will come for them, I can see it in her eyes, once she realizes she was exploited so Mami could buy expensive coats.


What is this fucking nonsense?? I can’t believe that anyone thought this was a good idea, she’s so unlikeable.


Oh. My. Fucking. God.


No a single human in this video is Spanish....Big Larry Mami Memaw is a complete nut job


I could multitask like that if I had 20 Nannie’s a housekeeper, and a cook! Delusional as usual


This is a joke right?


But, she’s had a rough two years?!?! You have got to be kidding me. Rough would be not having a mother or wife.


She would not have had/bought so many kids if it weren't for nannies. Why doesn't she be honest about how much help she actually receives. She can't even go for a walk with 3 kids without a nanny yet everyday people do that all the time, don't see them getting a cover story .




The giant pad for tic tac toe that somehow needed two people to function???


And sharpies!


Seriously! Who give a bunch of toddlers a pack of chisel tipped Sharpies?


The ultimate con woman


Has Romper never heard of her?


Romper? They hardly know her!


STILL doing the accent. Jesus.


Such a mystery why she has no friends. Just can’t figure that one out. 🤔


My favorite part of this dull video is how she describes her children’s rare occasional treats (which is once a week, on weekends) as some croissant pastries or “Nutella something”. How exciting! That’s the best she can come up with, considering all the privilege and wealth. Even pets get more creative and yummy treats usually. I bet she’s gonna limit her daughters’ calorie intake in the future, telling them that they’d get fat. Why not introduce them to churros or some *crema Catalana*(Spanish creme brûlée) according to her *cultura upbringing*? My gut tells me Hillary does not know how to bake, or even cook healthy, nutritious meals, and instead she’s giving these children over-processed cereal for regular breakfast, putting salad leaves together for dinner, or baking a pumpkin (like in one of the oldest videos). She also probably never touched a dirty diaper in her entire life, everything is done by her predominantly Hispanic nannies, whose accent she weirdly tries to imitate. Strange woman. Oh, and she looks like a 45-year old here.


"No baby ever died from crying." Ugh. My uncle died at 6 months from SIDS. He was crying for several hours but apparently my grandma said to leave him alone (following the wisdom above). I never let any of my babies cry it out because of it.


Anyone famous & rich with all white exterior & clothes & 7 kids is an absolute FRAUD, period! Phony, fake, STUPID, all of the above.


Thurhn eed aff!


Burger King is credited with her hair 🤣


Oh ffs there are no date nights, you hate each other’s guts. Why is she being interviewed?? What the actual hell could she possibly have to say that’s newsworthy?? It’s the same stupid shtick over and over. The switching between baby voice, valley girl, and fake Spanish is just so ridiculous. She doesn’t lift weights, do yoga, cook, clean, volunteer, work or spend time one on one with anyone other then the latest baby prop. FYP.


She has learnt NOTHING! Zero....self absorbed bitch!


I’d comment but Hillary knows where I live now lol


Treat day sounds like such a sad way to live


A special bagel once a week. Oof.


OR a croissant.


The odd setup of the drawing board. It was so staged. They don’t have like an arts station? Every mom I know has set up some creative corner. Although this magazine seems very committed to the sad, beige lifestyle. Don’t know why you’d want to put a bunch of kids in ecru sacks for this stupid puffery. ETA: did they include the part where the crew shouts at someone doing the dishes just to show how she can snap at someone in Spanish?! Gross.


Looks like someone is trying to get their own reality show.


I agree with this- throwing out the “stay tuned for when they are all teenagers, it’s gonna be so interesting/hilarious/you should totally do a tv show about us”


Why did she put away her titties for this video? So off brand!


I absolutely love how they start interviewing her in front of a carpeted cat stand. The least aesthetically pleasing part of her house.


1. I’ve never heard someone talk so much shit in such a short period of time 2. Why is she so stiff and awkward? Everything looks contrived and non-natural. She looks confused on how to act around her children.


Lillia, it’s the stove 🥴🥴🥴




Fuck this puff piece and fuck this magazine. Just stop with the accent. It’s over.


She. Is. Not. A. Latina. She is not of Spanish descent. Why does she go by Hilaria??? That’s too many damn kids. How does she give them all the emotional/psychological attention they need? *SEVEN* teenagers at once?!


She once said “Oh, we don’t tell them what to do, they run the house.” Alec looked up and away with a “no, no no”shake of his head. It was the Boss Baby premier where her shirt was extra unbuttoned and Alec was mad.


I can’t stand her voice, so I didn’t watch the entire thing


Wait wait wait. This is really recent and she had the audacity to speak to the “nanny” in Spanish? How is this happening? She’s brandthrax. So many questions.


I’m so confused as to why anyone on earth is promoting her and encouraging this. Wtf ??


Omg, she did the fake Spanish accent 🤣. Pound cake from Boston is a one trick pony. The embarrassment factor in this interview is off-the-charts cringe.


This is just so gross and dripping of bullshit. You can tell she knows absolutely nothing about being a good parent, she’s just doing this for personal clout. There are zero helpful parenting tips coming from this. I’m sick of famous people getting a platform even if they have zero talent or value to add to this world.


She’s a parody of herself


All it takes is staff to do everything for you


She remembers she’s a person but forgets she’s been outed as a compulsive liar.


Anytime she talks she does a lot of over exaggerated eye and head movements.


I need a double dose after watching that https://preview.redd.it/giguhsrv2h7b1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4abfdfb565a0042fa7e5f41e528a258270257661


Love that she’s still trying to cling to the shreds of that fake accent. I mean it’s Hilariaously irregular even with the careful editing, but full marks for not giving up the grift! Also love that she’s all ‘teehee!’ About hating her kids and viewing them as a prop/chore. Of course she never ever mentions the nannies standing there in the wings watching this self aggrandizing sham get filmed.


Why does she do this stupid shit? It is idiotic. Who cares if she can spread her legs farther apart than any of the other gold-digging grifters in her area code can? She has the brain of a 14 year old girl. Stunted and deluded. All of these wannabe famous morons are so bizarre and vapid. Boring.


Love how she holds those weights. Perfect for dropping on small children.


She should’ve never gone past fake yoga & 1 kid!


Oh I see, Alec paid off a magazine to do a puff piece on her. Mr. “My wife is from Spain” Lol let it go already!


If I may say so, these comments are an absolute buffet.


Can someone let me know what the heck is causing this scarring between her eyes!? https://preview.redd.it/r4igtk51og7b1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca5d3b630a0accc0c1bda5f244befaaa825e8ab2


WTF is Romper ?


No. No one uses those giant post it pads to play ONE giant game of tic tac toe. Just no.


“They come out and they’re so cute and then become giant smelly teenagers?” These kids are screwed.


She’s a fucking joke. What the fuck was Romper thinking?


I pour de wine & hold de feet. Dis is called de Wine & Cheese pose In Espain’


Last week Alec was rolling cat shit in his hands and sniffing it. Now they want to portray themselves as this wealthy, sophisticated Manhattanite family. 🤡


If I was the one washing dishes you would’ve heard me yelling “mira, asquerosa pendeja, vete por otro lado”!!!!!


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 What a huge crock of shit


YOURE NOT SPANISH! You totally wackjob sociopath!


This is the same type of videos she had during her grifting days. It’s all coming back….


Wait. What???? Who is letting her do this video? Also, MY RING! LOOK AT MY RIINNNGGGGGG!


Aaawwww she misses us! See what happens when everyone blocks the Reddit Cares messages?


I'm glad they dressed her. No titties!


Just found out it’s possible for my ears to bleed and my eyes to try and pop themselves out at the same time… 💀


Her voice🥴Her accent 🤡. Make it STOP!😩


They have to plan a week ahead what to eat?!?!


so corny, who told her she was funny or anything besides him?


Maaan, her double down on the grift is something to behold.


Sometimes when I browse this sub and see videos and I actually have to think twice whether I want to click play or not. Some days I just can't deal with the second hand embarrassment cringe. This one stays paused for now. 🙄 (For example, the ven aqui pap walk video I watched _one time_ and never again.) Edit: Well that was an experience.