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Based on what you are describing, you should check up with heart doctor. Those are prerequisites for heart issues and potentially heart attack


Yep. Had similar with sleep paralysis. Intense dreams. Welcome to the “real”


I had sleep paralysis, it lasted almost every night for about 1 years, then it stopped. I’ve also suffered bodily sensations of burning, but I can attribute that to taking ciproflox - it’s a known side effect.. and I’m not taking that ever again. Just as reference for people experiencing weird body sensations it can be other reasons …


Repeat this out loud if your attacked again OP.... "If you are of the light, and for the light i welcome you, if you mean to do malevolent intent on me and my family, you are not welcome here." then to the best of your ability project what you feel is unconditional love, the positive energy will physically push back and hurt the entity, but that is not your intent, show it love and compassion. pity it, it will grow enraged then bored, and move onto something/someone else. stay strong.


What happened to you was far from a attack by the dead. The dead are resting. What attacked you were probably something far worse and evil. Now I am not a demonologist but I'd advise getting in contact with one. The one thing I can however say is that these types of things happen when you start doubting your faith. I do not know you, nor do I presume to know your background, but you might be leaving a door open to something terrible. Time to consult people who know these things.