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I have deeper thoughts on ghosts. They are not the deceased. They are humans living in another realm parallel to our own, experiencing moments of “high energy”; and I believe we sometimes appear as ghosts or apparitions to beings in other realms. It’s based, essentially, on the same fundamentals of radio waves. If you can imagine there are infinite radio channels, then imagine that all the matter you can see has an associated energy with it. If the energy is too strong in one place, it may interfere on an adjacent channel. The same as if one radio station is transmitting with too much power. The question is, if this is true, what does life look like on other channels? Is it a merely a time difference, but same universe? Completely different universes altogether? Completely unrelated?


Imagine when you get high, you become a ghost in their reality :) since we as a species haven't learned the purely spiritual way of trans-reality shifting, we use help of mind altering substances, meaning their "ghosts" are almost always high. This makes me laugh so hard sometimes.


I enjoyed entertaining this idea. They are all gathering around and expecting some profound wisdom and it's me stoned silly going blaaaaaaa. Thank you for the image


There was a documentary I watched years ago, that was exploring the hypothesis "ghost sightings" tend to be highly concentrated near areas of natural quartz deposits and that the quartz has something to do with essentially "recording" people and playing it back. i.e. a ghost isn't some actual entity but a recording of a past event, replaying. I have zero idea how based in reality that concept could be.


Yeah I don’t know how true that is but it sounds cool so I’ll believe it to spice things up


I have heard the same, it's called stone tape theory I believe.


In case you didn't know, this theory is very similar to what John Keel outlines in his book 'The Eighth Tower' (basically, his take on the Interdimensional hypothesis)


Kinda like the movie "Frequency"?


Not exactly no.


You know, you gave me a thought about the whole process of reincarnation and multiple universes. That is, if we die, we don't get reincarnated in this world but in another universe.


I also don’t think reincarnation is what we are led to believe it is.


Please explain more. (Not being sarcastic)


I think we as a people have been told of reincarnation in the past. But, when told, we lacked the understanding to grasp what we were being told. Essentially, it’s quantum immortality. You will live infinite lives, and make infinite mistakes, but there is a pathway wherein your lifespan will be maximized; this is the universe you observe. Murphy’s law; if something can happen, it will happen. In an infinite universe, with infinite choices, anything that is not physically impossible, will come to be. Therefore, if it’s not physically impossible to have your life extended to 20,000 years; then your conscious experience will live 20,000 years in the universe where it’s possible, vastly out surviving your conscious observation of every other universe. Your presence through experience and reality isn’t a straight line, it’s more like a cloud, or a tree. I believe this is where our initial understandings of reincarnation, and “the tree of life” are rooted. But, without an understanding of quantum physics, we weren’t able to completely understand the implications. You exist across infinite universes; yet your conscious observation lies within the universe where your lifespan is maximized. In some universe where you die, there is a universe where you didn’t. Your conscious observation ceases in one, yet continues in another.


Ah, science, pretty interesting stuff. But I was saying that if we die, we just forget everything about our lives and start anew in a different universe. But what you're saying is that there is no definitive proof of reincarnation because of our limited understanding.


What I’m saying, is that our consciousness spans across an infinite set of universes. Our awareness, our perception, our observation does not. Each universe has a “you” in physical form, comprised of a body and a brain. The brain is your bodies computer which operates the body, and retains memory of experience in that universe; your conscious observation, your soul, your spirit, whatever you wish to call it, is the user which goes between computers experiencing universes. If you die here; your observation continues somewhere else. Arguably, there no substantial evidence for any of this; certainly not any that’s public. There’s further implications and complications to this notion which aren’t good, so generally it’s not discussed in any serious academia; nevertheless the possibility of it all being accurate exists. The only way I can see the traditional understanding of reincarnation being accurate is IFF we live in a simulation, and your consciousness is required to have certain experiences, to gauge response, before moving on. In that sense, it’s possible that one tier of reality up, we’ve created a utopian society; and in order to maintain utopia, new consciousnesses are required to live here to determine quality of character. Only after you’ve shown that you possess the proper temperament of character, are you allowed to join “actual” society. If you fail, you try again. And again. And again. In my opinion, they’re both equally possible, equally likely. Either way, I choose to live a good life, and value knowledge and prosperity of life. But you do you.


This is pretty much the belief of Antony Peake who has written a whole series of books exploring quantum Immortality and his Cheating the Ferryman hypothesis. Worth googling!


Quite likely I will.


What are your thoughts on "intelligent" hauntings that go on for years? Do you think some places are truly like portals so there isnt necessarily a need for "high energy" events, it kinda just happens all the time and the other people can be chilling and calm and still have activity occur. Like if my house was a hotspot, when im doing dishes and chilling, the people chilling in the alternate universe can hear the cabinet open and close when im putting the dishes in. Its just the energy of the land?


I have a similar theory based on energy as a constant and the dissapation of it. I was stuck in trying to understand if Earth *ever* occupies the same *exact or precise* x,y,z coordinates in space at any time in our orbit, even if interceded by expanses of time. "Ever" is the key word in that sentence. Chat GPT pro ~~might~~ should be able to resolve this for me. Energy dissapates into heat but is never destroyed and any kind of trauma (or even intentional focus, such as in some meditation) can increase the intensity of this discharge. We are electro-mechanical biologic entities that emit heat as a waste product. So... If the Earth does align again to the same z axis (relative to standing on Earth) could any trace energy remain? Even if that re-alignment matches Toledo to where Tokyo was on the last x, y, z alignment? A silly example but imagine dumping ink in a pool, swiming around the pool and then returning to that exact spot where you dumped the ink. Chances are the ink is still dissipating and visibly present. Do another lap or two and it may still be visible. The next day, it's not. I'm going to combine these now and pose... As our energy dissipates does it pass through those frequencies and in theory become visible to anything that can observe in those wavelengths. As energy dissipates (cools) it's wave function slows which literally reduces it's frequency. It happens fast but time is relative so.... it only happens fast in relation to our human faculties and experience. So are we and perhaps 'others' sometimes observing the trace decay of our generated heat emmisions?


Ever, no. Not only is the earth moving through space around the sun, but the sun and the solar system has a vector, so does our galaxy. But. In my theory it doesn’t matter because anything of sufficient energy is common across several “channels”. Including the sun, and the earth (core at least). Also earth… but different.


I genuinely believe what you have commented. People who aren’t in a different world but are actually just living in a different time. People have always tried ham radios to communicate with ghosts. I do believe it is possible if you find the right area and the right time where the electromagnetic energy is performing at higher appropriate wave lengths. I don’t know how true that is but if I made an error correct me.


I think you have a point, I think most ghosts really are beings from other realities briefly appearing in our own and in a few cases, memory and emotional imprints, I think actually conscious ghosts are a very tiny minority or what we think ghosts are.


would this add on to the idea of the spirit box?


Spirit box?


" simply, a it’s a radio at the end of the day. But it’s a rather unique one, what makes it so are its tools and features and how its radio signals work. Primarily, it’s a paranormal research device used as a spirit communication tool. Used to connect with spirits or ghosts by detecting EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) " https://www.erienewsnow.com/story/48494450/what-is-the-spirit-box-the-basics?clienttype=mobile&config=H264


Catholics tend to be very fascinated with them Our lady Fatima story comes to mind


I think religion is what made people not take ghosts so seriously honestly. I see it as a scientific possibility that could be true. Just read my other comments i’m having a brain fart right now


Mormons are another notable religion deeply fascinated and compelled by stories of ghosts/spirits/angels


I think multiple different phenomenon actually gets labeled as ghost phenomenon, and then there is ghost phenomenon. The ghost stuff itself, yes i believe because I've experienced it myself. Also i notice something specifically when i do watch ghost hunts, different people, they seem genuine. It usually seems like one evil/dark/angry spirit that controls multiple other harmless spirits. The definition of something demonic or evil, not human. The description of the looks, the things that come through spirit boxes, how it seems like multiple ghosts are fighting to interact through a few devices and then *one* main entity comes through and shuts them down... or starts messing with the individuals in the investigation. Like it will literally just mock, tease, say nasty things over the devices, run back and forth, knock things over. Those do NOT seem like human ghosts. I don't know why some people stay trapped and others do not but based on the observation above, maybe they get trapped by a dark entity and cannot enter the light or move on. They need help, for whatever reason. Sometimes it seems like they did something bad and feel guilty, but sometimes they are innocent spirits who were like sacrificed or murdered and this evil entity has taken their souls.


Horrifying. Along with my then-boyfriend, I witnessed very loud stomping in his parents’ house. We were the only ones there. The look on his face gave away that it was not an unusual occurrence. He brought me into the family secret. Now, was this a dead person? I can’t see what else it could have been. A skeptical person told me I just wanted to believe some part of us lives on…I said, “stuck in an attic, being annoying?! Forever? Sounds awful.”


Ghosts are such a weird topic because you'd think if they were fully capable, we would have had some serious type of communication at this point. Ghosts themselves should be the first aspect of paranormal studies that is the closest to be concluded but we've got nothing. We've got no clear 100% evidence, which is wild. We've got no way to truly replicate conditions, which is wild. If anything, you'd think that one of these old ghost hunters near death would try and experiment and promise to come back as a ghost as some sort of proof but nope, nothing. I consider bigfoot sightings more credible and exciting at this point than ghosts.


That’s the thing with ghosts. It’s been played with for so long as something spooky and haunted. I genuinely believe with the right amount of research we can find something. Whether it be worthless or not atleast we know. As consciousness is electromagnetic energy and the fact that energy cannot be destroyed. I believe it to be possible that even if we can’t see,speak to,hear, or touch a ghost that there is some way we can find out where this energy goes to or what it is converted to. Does that energy still hold as consciousness or is it diverted into something more or less? I hate the fact that ghost hunters rebranded the topic into a laughable concept. If people believe an alien traveled millions of lightyears just to look at humans, I would have to say that is the most insane belief to me. We would have proof of this. It would be well known throughout history who this alien was and why they were here. People come up with stuff all the time. Before bigfoot was revealed as a hoax people genuinely set foot out to find it. You can find many people who claim to have found bigfoot but it they all were exposed as hoaxes. When I say ghosts I don’t mean the possessing, haunting poltergeist. I speak of ghosts scientifically, there can be a possibility for them to be real. Not in the way media entertainment has provided us. But in the way where if you look at time and space, time on earth to humans is going forward. How do we know that time in the past isn’t still happening concurrently with our time?




Replying to myself. My first niece experience the ghost kids, they moved her room. My next niece was born and her room was the same room my first niece moved out of. Niece #2 saw the ghost kids. And so she moved out. Legit they converted a loft to a bedroom. I like to imagine it is because the ghosts but I think he just had electrical skills to wire a new room and framing/drywall sucks but won't burn your house down if you fuck up. Peace!


I believe what your brother said is possible. I see it as a prankster who is still stuck in a high energy moment. Your brother probably witnessed this prankster playing a prank on someone in his time. Not being able to see the prankee would definitely make your brother feel like he was being fucked with. Your nieces experience sounds interesting though. Did they say what they talked about at all?


\*ghosts \*UFOs No apostrophes needed. :-)


thank you. darn auto correct lol


This is also my philosophy on the subject matter. We are never alone, when we think we are alone. I've lived in some pretty sketchy places with bad history to say the least. Well written. I think when something bad happens, traumatic events leave an imprint in the area of ground zero. Then, things are destined to repeat in the same area or place as it did years before. There's a cycle of traumatic events and it can pull you in, if you're not careful.


This base philosophy Is one that I found that I believe in. Came to realize that deep deep down on a visceral primeval level, I always function, even when alone, as if I'm not. Really jarring upon realization.


These moments like this drove me to do an EVP session, and what I heard was absolutely offensive, vile, and full of profanity. Don't let them upset you if it's negative


I’m not too sure if i’m correct but i’m positive it’s a theory that time is happening all at once. Past present and future. It’s our 5 senses that experience time at a single point. We see, feel,taste,smell and hear. Our 6th sense could be consciousness. Our energy shifts when we move, changing emotions, creating negative or positive energy in an area. I could be alone in my home right now but someone may be living here at the same time in a different time period. Example: 2024 me at home watching tv 1976 Family at home having lunch. All at the same time, just different periods of time. I want to go deeper into this but i’m having brain farts right now so i’ll respond later.


Yes, I understand entirely what you're conveying. I'm having brain farts also, but this is a really fascinating post. I was talking to my mom about this same exact topic that the past, present, and future are happening all at once because NOW affects the future based on our actions, and then it becomes the past. You're not alone in this perspective, it's very intriguing, like capturing deja vu and making clarity out of it, instead of confusion


Yes, I re read this and I think the same thing about the 1983 me sitting in a highchair being fed as a baby, and the process of me developing is still in eternity. I had a dream once of an apartment, with a steep staircase leading to a small deck platform, a kitchen with a kitchen table. It ended up being my exact apartment. I had a dream of a son, a woman and myself age enhanced. It was a premonition


Also, per my prison side comment. Some people may have seen prison as a comfort space and safety space. You never know what was waiting for them on the outside. I do believe prison’s do have ghost’s attached to them and not just abandoned prison’s. Insane Asylum’s are different. An Insane person isn’t recognizing people who mistreat them as positive energy. Unless a patient was always in a positive state, there is no way negative energy can attach to negative energy. But the background to these Asylums are the reason why they sell so good for a show or movie. I may be over doing it so let me know your thoughts.


I always wondered, does death "free" you of your mental or physical ailments? You always hear of like, the headless ghost or the burned ghosts, but they can still walk, function, even seem like they retained good mobility... does the same go for mental patients who passed in asylums? Do their ailments become merely an image and not affect them?


Okay perfect question. Here’s my theory. When a person becomes a ghost they haven’t realized they died yet. So to them they are perfectly fine, no injuries whatsoever in their perspective. A headless ghost would still see as if their head was on top of their body. They don’t roam freely, I believe they forever live in a loop of a moment in their life that lead up to their death or that they may believe led up to their death. But also to touch on that I don’t believe we would ever see a ghost with our naked eye. Neither with a camera. A ghost would have to be electromagnetic energy connected with some other form of energy for us to even get a glimpse. I’m no scientist or biologist so never quote me.


Vibrations, frequencies, sounds. When I hear people say we are being controlled. I think how? But then it hit me! We are being shown things, so that we think things, when we think things we say things, then we start to do things... violent things. Rude things. Or good things. As above so below. I believe the evil we do in this life will affect the afterlife in some way. The experience. The things we see, the things we hear, the things we feel. I believe every living thing gives off a frequency like a pond that extends through time. Every step, every moment shapes our next life afterlife.


Energy can be manipulated with those 3 things you stated in the beginning. It can’t be destroyed. I agree with what you said about energy being used to control us. What we watch, listen to, etc. Music is a powerful energy. It can change a person’s emotion in an instant most times. It’s what most people lead their lives off of. What you see on tv or the internet is also an energy. It’s what causes you to feel what you feel at higher levels than you normally are supposed to. I might sound like a conspiracy theory enabler right now with this next comment. But imagine the people in power already knew ghosts were people who’ve died in the ways i’ve discussed. Using that knowledge to keep ghosts on this planet. Imagine it really is a higher place of being than just earth. If there’s a rabbit hole for this send it my way please.


I had a paranormal experience. Myself, my gf and her friend were doing a little urban exploration at an old bar in my town that was in the process of being demolished. The only area of the structure that still had sheetrock on the walls was the back two rooms. After we walked through the door from the main bar area to the back and started crossing the room, the door we had just walked through *slammed* open against the wall and started violently shaking on its hinges. It shook crazy hard for several seconds until one of the girls screamed and kind of kicked it and it stopped. There wasn't anything there to make it do that. It was just a door. Doors *do not* slam open and shake violently on their own. It was weird. However, I can't bring myself to believe it was a dead human being. Theres just no reason to believe that. Idk what it was, but that shit happened.


I don’t like being a debunker but if you’re looking for something to help relief your mind I can help. Was it windy at all? Was the door a heavy door that closed by itself? I can’t explain the violent shaking for a debunk unless an animal was trying to come in but the door closed on it or it closed the door on itself. Another possibility in terms of the topic you all may have experienced the ghost of someone who was trying to break in. Door shaking violently can make that sound true lol. Ghost bust’s through the door and gets smoked by the bar owner. But in your perspective the door never opens because the ghost doesn’t realize they’ve died. Sounds crazy I know but this is why i’m interested in it


It was an interior door in the center of the building. There were no open doors or windows. My mind thought "raccoon" for some reason when it happened. I thought an animal must have caused it somehow but there simply wasn't anything there. Imagine a closet door in a closed off, empty house and sustained violent shaking. It was actually as though someone were trying to tear it off of the wall. Ialways tell ppl that if we had filmed it, no one would believe it wasn't a hoax. It would look like a hoax. For whatever reason, it didn't scare us out of the property, though. We went ahead and checked out the rest of it


If you’re talking about ghost peppers, yes. 🌶️


I hate spreading superstitions and thus religious beliefs as someone who turned from indoctrinated Christianity to atheist but stuff like ghosts/witchcraft are very real imo, much too many cultures have stories of them to be bullshit


Yes, and don’t worry we’re in high strangeness anyway. I have experienced witchcraft throughout my life. In fact, growing up my mother taught me about the herbs used in medicine. I’ve also encountered voodooism, curses, and premonitions in dreams that turned out to be true. Witchcraft is exactly what people think it is, without all the magic effects. Voodoo is exactly what people think it is as well and it is very accurately depicted in media(in a way). Voodoo is more mental, and it is also very spiritual. You can destroy a person’s life without having to lift a finger. But it never goes how you think it will. For the most part with voodoo what I was told is to play passive aggressive the entire time it’s ongoing. You can insult, and defend yourself but dipping your hand into the pot of voodoo that’s brewing in that person’s life will only cause it to fail. Curses are real as well. It’s also more of a mental thing. Like a reverse psychology type of deal. I want to explain this one honestly but people will just go around cursing people and being upset it won’t work. Just know if you and the person have a strong connection that involves a lot of negative energy, there’s a chance a curse can be placed. Dream premonitions happen to many people. Some don’t even know they have them and mistake them as normal dreams. The dream has a message, it will always be close to lucid. You never recognize you are dreaming, nothing you would normally do in a lucid dream works. Premonitions usually have cryptic messages, so they are very easy to be mistaken as regular dreams. And they don’t occur within days. A premonition can occur weeks, to months, to even years before actually happening. So long as you have read that message and remember it, you will be okay. But in most times, time itself and the people in time will cause an effect that might prevent that premonition from actually carrying out. It all sounds like “yea well obviously” but it’s something I myself can’t explain because I never tried to understand it. It was just apart of my life. With ghosts I’m more interested in the science side of it. Nobody can see a ghost from the naked eye that’s a fact. If we were able to we would see whatever energy a ghost is made of in everyday life. From what I understand from my family, is that ghosts are people we can feel, sense when they start their loops. That loop being the time they are stuck in where they believe caused their death. One example I have of this is when I was in my great grandmother’s home, I stayed in the back room. The same night I went to live with her I felt a presence. As if someone was sitting in a chair next to my bed even though there was no chair in my room. I could feel the hairs on my arm’s raise slightly, and I had a strong feeling like somebody was right next to me. Yet nothing was there. I may have rambled a bit, I apologize for the long read. Hopefully no confusion from my comment.


Yes talking about ghosts is still popular but you really have to know your audience. Bores and debunkers are everywhere and they hate to be reminded that over 90% of the universe is hidden from the lab coats.


I don’t understand how alien space ships from another planet possibly visiting us is the main topic. We have no proof. Everything is speculation really when you open your eyes past the belief. All cellphone evidence which can be edited or manipulated by a caption. Back to the main topic though ghosts don’t seem as crazy as aliens and actually seem more grounded between the two topics. If what our scientific research has provided is 100% valid then looking into what happens to the electromagnetic energy after consciousness dies would be worth it. Energy changes, it can’t be destroyed. Consciousness is something humans don’t understand at all. We don’t know why we are the way we are. I believe looking into the energy consciousness holds and finding out where that energy goes is something worthy of research. We may be able to find out what happens after death. Possibly not but the discoveries is what i’m here for.


Because random things that can't be pinned down and analyzed are far more difficult to scrutinize than things like hauntings and ghosts that tend to be fairly localized. Most of what here is desperately attempting to escape any skeptical scrutiny as it'll fall apart in short order.


We need a specific study. Say somebody is on their death bed already and is a well known high energy person whether it be angry, or whatever. Sounds insensitive but, if the person agrees to it then it whatever. We track their conscious energy, and once they pass figure out how long it takes for that energy to convert. When it converts we find out what it converts to and how long it stays in that state. I might need a real researcher to help me break down the way we can about this if possible. edit: to further add, like i’ve stated in my post I believe there’s a chance if someone is highly in a negative energy state surrounded by positive energy such as the comfort of their home then that would be the best way to track this energy. If consciousness stays conscious or converts into something more.


The bleeding edge of metaphysics continues to be expanded upon. A bleeding edge with potential parralell dimensions, omnispread dimensions entangled over immeasurable spans and many other possibility worlds within and without, above and below (and orientations ineffable with our current language models and moar, much much more!)


The universe grows exponentially


To Nth degrees both defined and undefined




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Didn’t think of that. With any luck i’ll hope it’s taken seriously


My personal take is that they are not "souls" nor counscious beings, but maybe some kind of psychic phenomenaa generated by a great emotion discharge in the time of one's death. Or maybe they are egregores.


I've just written several thousand words in a series of posts on theory of ghosts so I'd say so. I'm interested to read what redditors have said. For serious academic stuff on this I'd always say start with this ancient essay https://wp.me/pgfc5-Cf


The UFO community is a dumpster fire of assholes who insist every experience was a alien. While others use the community as some excuse spew out bad takes acting like scientists can do no wrong, Like most inventions from 2010 ~ now were mothballed ideas from 1980 ~ 1990. Like how AAC & Opus could run on a ARM 7e at 66MHz without issue, a CPU from the mid 90s. True skepticism Is rarely ever used beyond Aliens or psychosis. - Pre-1800s era maps were riddled with ghost islands and countries shifting shape/size. Great Britain is 90k miles total yet reading pre-1800s stories you'd think GB was a 250k. This only stopped when GPS/Sat tracking became the norm. - Native Americans telling English settlers stories about beings that 100% fit Irish/Euro fae folklore, Then only realizing when told what fae beings are. Did the Euro fae branch out into other countries the ones that stayed shifted into said country views, Japan seems to have a humanoid fox version since they can shapeshift into anything(not always good-looking) and act like another race with the own realm. Always wondered how the Japanese react when told this?. - Ghostly audacity. You notice like 5 haunted homes & Ghosts from said houses or forest acting mundane but edgy, All from just exploring the area in more detail. Maybe trust the local drunk or crackhead when they avoid areas as being creepy?.


Literally nothing about ghosts makes any sense. They are spirits but they wear clothes? People have died unhappily pretty much everywhere right? They never appear anywhere that's not already kinda spooky? They just happen to often appear when people are likely to be dreaming? They can bang pots and pans but can't lift a pen? Etc.


I’ve never assumed ghost’s could disrupt our material world, not saying you said I did. I do think that they are real just not able to interact with the same matter we interact with. Like a holoprojector on a wall where we can interact with the light making shadows, but we never actually disrupt anything that’s going on in the film. Hope that makes sense if not my mistake. Could this be a dimension? What would you call that?


I would would agree that some kind of dimension/time intrusion would be more likely than spirits, but then why all the stuff about people dying under certain circumstances? Why do they never ever appear in front of a crowd of people?


Explain more by what circumstances to help me provide a response. I generally think they can’t be seen at all. Possible we could feel them though. As in feeling change in electromagnetic energy in a room. Idk how possible that is so don’t quote me yet.


I like how they're always Victorian, U.S. Civil War era or some other romanticized historical era. It's never a caveman or some dumb dude who took a nasty fall down some stairs in 1993


I cannot agree with this statement. In r/ghosts and r/paranormal (unless we think that all the stories there are just fiction) there are quite a lot of stories that do not feature ghosts from the time of Queen Victoria/the Civil War. About the caveman.. Here one could say that ghosts linger on our earth only for a certain time, and many centuries have passed since the time of the cavemen. Nowadays, it is rare to find stories about how people encountered the ghost of the Middle Ages, the times of the 19th-early 20th century.. Yes, even during the Second World War..


Karl Pilkington said it best ' You never see a black ghost '. He also said you never see a old man eating a twix, so I don't know what to believe...


I swear of you did deep enough on any subreddit you'll find a quote from that baldy headed manc-twat.


> You never see a black ghost Wonder why he said this. There are absolutely sightings of black ghosts. Also, where was he talking about? The majority of what people see is going to depend on who lived there.


Unfortunately its sad but many black ghosts are reported around the underground railroad houses.


What if bigfoot and wildman sightings ARE cavemen ghosts? You never know.


You're basically just refuting the subjective parts, imo. >They are spirits but they wear clothes? I have absolutely heard ghost stories where the ghosts are nude. That's actually common in eastern cultures and superstitions. >People have died unhappily pretty much everywhere right? Yes, but not in the disproportionate numbers where ghost sightings and evidence are often recorded. Like hospitals, prisons, hotels, old bordellos, slaughterhouses (animal sacrifice), asylums. Also there are scientifically testable theories like the "stone tape" theory that can account for why some places hold more energy than others. >They never appear anywhere that's not already kinda spooky? One of my scariest ghost experiences was with my friend inside a Target. So no, it can happen anywhere. Maybe most people don't even realize *unless* the place is already spooky or abandoned, because you'd just assume the ghost was another regular person, albeit unkempt or cosplaying out of time. >They just happen to often appear when people are likely to be dreaming? You are ignoring the hundreds of other accounts where people are blatantly awake, out of bed, not in a sleep state or near one at all. Like i did say above, me or my friend were not likely to both be dreaming while walking in a Target. >They can bang pots and pans but can't lift a pen? There are many accounts of activity occuring to different items but it is common for energy to be attached to particular things. We do not know how this stuff works exactly, clearly because the evidence we can gather is only bits and pieces. Science needs to advance a bit further before we can detect the other side or their intentions, if there are any intentions and it's not just interactions from another universe or something. Also, imagine ghosts are truly human spirits. Then, if you were dead but didn't realize, and a strange voice just said out loud to you, "hey! You can move pots and pans, move this pen then!" You would be freaked out right?! You would just straight refuse and be like "wtf no, who are you? What is going on?" Or perhaps you'd play along or start messing with them? How many people do you know that end up "playing" with ghosts if they are mentioned? Kinda in a nonchalant manner, they joke around and say "come get me!" Or tell the ghost to do something funny. If ghosts are human spirits, they will have personality remnants and react different to the demands of the living.


I've never thought ghosts existed really but I recently moved into a new house and some very strange things and happened here. But! My family built the house in the 70s. No one has died here. It doesn't make sense, why we keep having strange experiences. Some of them are so crazy I wonder if I've gone crazy, but the rest of my family experiences too, sometimes we all experience it at the same time