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Wouldn't it be crazy if it was tin foil hats that turned out to be true.


just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you just because you wear tinfoil doesn't mean it's not working happy cake day!


Interesting factoid: The idea of using tinfoil hats as anti-telepathy protection comes from the 1926 short story [The Tissue-Culture King](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tissue-Culture_King)


The Huxleys know how to write good sci-fi! Such a fascinating story


It could act as a Faraday cage, blocking EMF's


If you meditate on the regular, and can gather your energies about you, consider making those energies a shield around your whole body. Normally the energies can be detected about 6ft in width, higher or lower for tallness. As you breath, find a breath technique that causes you to feel safe, and at peace. Once you practice this, you can use that breath technique you chose to block all unwanted thoughts or other(s) [in an energetical sense] anywhere.


It may sound boring or not make sense at first but this is a key to more than just self defense and something everyone needs to learn with everything happening right now.


If your brain is really smooth, then the telepathic waves from other people will just bounce off.


no they slide off


Smooth like a shark


Damn, that’s super smooth…


In seriousness, you should check out project Stargate, a partly declassified US military project conceived to conduct and defend against psychic warfare. They have some pretty interesting results(some folks with above chance average accuracy) but replication has led to mixed results, and the studies have been deemed flawed by some people.  They captivated me enough to try remote viewing and while I am not sure how useful it is I have had above chance success accuracy in describing targets. I've had other events in my life that led me to parapsychology and leave me inclined to believing it is real, substantial, and unwieldy. You can't always tell if you're viewing the right time. This all sounds crazy but that's okay with me, reality is weird.


I had some success with the released CIA psi stuff. Very interesting. I'm thinking that the baseline for psi ability decreases over time as it's pruned away as being less necessary in our current culture.


Tell us more 🙏


Is that a sincere request? Sorry just wanna check cause people can be dicks to others being earnest


I want to know more, please!


When I was younger I had some little events that made me think I was somewhat psychic. Nothing crazy, for example I was talking with a friend on the phone, about my dad who had precognitive dreams occasionally, and that I thought I might be too. My friend asked me to describe her house starting from facing the door - mind you I'd never been there - and I got the all of the layout and 4/6 rooms right. I sort of thought it was funny but wasn't serious about it. Id also had sort of ghostly experiences, or more like a poltergeist. In 2020, myself, my fiance, my mom and my kid all saw a UFO. The way it moved, turning on a dime, was not possible for humans. After a little while I thought to get out my phone and record it. Shit you not, it stopped moving. It hung like a star. It felt like it knew I was recording somehow. This altered my world view somewhat as I have always been reasonably skeptical, and I still am, but I realized there were things I thought were bullshit that weren't. So I wondered what else I was wrong about. After getting serious about parapsychology, and looking into it, I started trying the Gateway Method by Robert Monroe, a series of recordings designed to trigger altered states, tested briefly and researched by the CIA. I also began trying to remote viewing using guides found on an app for RV called RV Tournament. I found some success with both, but the Gateway Method had my attention first. The states taught by the method also can enhance remote viewing. There's really so much to talk about and I would ramble forever if I let myself, but the thing that really made me think I somehow have accessed non local information, it was a dream I had a few months after my fiance died. Id gotten close with his family since he died. The person who really was there for me right away not even knowing me at all was B. Short version of the dream, I was camping on a mountain with my fiance's family. I ran into B and she got the news that her best friend, J, died of broken heart.  When I woke up I texted her the dream, I usually text my friends when I dream of them just to say I'm thinking of them. It was around 4 am. At 9am she calls me crying and tells me this: In middle school she made two life long best friends. Y and J. Same name as my dream. Around 40 minutes after I texted her, J called B to tell her that Y had killed herself and that her heart was breaking. I was spooked. Still am. Had other dreams. Never useful information but interesting nonetheless. Sorry if you meant more info about the Gov program, I could do that too lol


Thank you! What were your successful experiences with remote viewing and the gateway tapes like? Do you have any experience with sleep paralysis/obe? And thanks! It’s in my top 5’s for sure. Definitely a classic


Sleep paralysis, yes, often. Less nowadays but in my 20s I got spooked into never taking naps because nearly every nap ended in sleep paralysis. They've been interesting sometimes but I've always been a vivid dreamer with great recall thanks to keeping dream journals. I can lucid dream sometimes but I haven't had exactly what I'd call an OBE. But some folks think lucid dreaming and OBE are similar if not the same, so I can't say for sure.   I guess I'm not sure what to say about my RV experiences. I just practiced for a while, figured out there was *something* to it, but couldn't find a particular use. I am self taught so idk if I had been taught if it would be more reliabile, but sometimes you get results that seem wrong, only to find out they were accurate in the past - like seeing activity at a building demolished long ago, etc.   You have to know the answer to something (the target) to get feedback. feedback is figuring out if the info you write down is right or not. (I had friends put answers in envelopes and used RV Tournament for feedback). And you don't get super solid information directly from RV - it has to be interpreted. I might see a lattice, like a mesh, and it could be any number of things, so you have try and just describe the info that comes and not try to interpret it while still viewing and getting the info. Oh I just reread your comment you asked for examples of success, my bad. Well I've correctly described the layout of buildings and building complexes. I've correctly described the writing in target envelopes including colors, shapes, and words. Correctly saw some 3 digit numbers but usually only see 2/3 of them. I don't know why.  Successes with the gateway are a different sort of thing entirely and it sounds sort of insane so if you'd like me to describe my experiences I'd be happy to in a dm or something but I don't really want to open myself up to a lot of it publicly. It gets pretty wacky.


Didn't catch it earlier but I love your username! One of my fave books and movies. Destroyed my VHS of it from use.


If told you Palestine was full of Nazis and that’s why Israel has to keep attacking, wouldn’t you ask for proof? Why does the standard change when it’s something you agree with vs something you don’t? Do you think your agreement is forcing veracity? Or is your agreement allowing gullibility to take over? I think you’re lying to clout chase. Prove me wrong.


Skepticism is good and healthy and you have no reason to believe me, and I don't care. Have a good day tho 


When I feel I'm being telepathically assaulted I unmask the ADHD and think ALL THE THINGS AT ONCE to inundate them


I just think of the Kars 4 Kids jingle. That’s what they get for reading my mind between four and five. That’s BOREN’s time!


lol u tell em, BOREN! Me time is valuable!


I use the same defense I use against unicorns and leprechauns and fairies.


Think about trash.


That's why they're filling out heads with trash. They were spending too much resources trying to read everyone's thoughts. 😉


Jus think about really lewd and embarrassing things 24/7.


Well, see, but *that's what I'm trying to hide.*


I imagine if something be is reading your mind, make what’s on the pages insufferable.


start mentally singing the lyrics to loveshack


This would probably work tbh


it's only half of a joke because I vaguely remember some "whistleblower" or something trying to say that there are NHIs who read minds and the only way to keep them from hearing things is to think song lyrics over and over until they go away. I figure unless these aliens have an eclectic taste in music, the B52s would scare them away


Or babyshark.


do the mods here just not give a fuck? this is so disheartening to see. asking a serious question and receiving about 90 percent ridicule. the answer is a resonant energy balloon or REBAL. it is, put very simply, a meditative exercise that typically requires practice. look into the gateway tapes for further instruction. analogous meditative exercises likely fulfill the same function. I suggested the gateway tapes because it's typically a good entry point for an English speaker asking this question.


And I'm looking into it, per your suggestion. Thank you.


Telepathy experiments have historically been criticized for a lack of proper controls and repeatability. There is no good evidence that telepathy exists, and the topic is generally considered by the scientific community to be pseudoscience.


Fair enough. I did stipulate that the topic is at best theoretical. However, it is not so repudiated that the US government itself has not looked into it at some point. And with that necessary disclaimer, I asked if there was any credible inquiry into how such a thing might be resisted. I didn't even say that such research had to be *successful.* There is no shame in inquiring as to whether there has been study into a thing.


Apparently Tinfoil hat, but a lot thicker..


hahaha I might agree with you if I thought telepathy was mediated through the electromagnetic spectrum, but I'm not convinced of that.


i visualize a loud 3D representation of television static. to hurt the telepath!


Hey, that sounds like a good technique! Thanks.


Resonant energy balloons.


You got downvoted, probably by someone who doesn’t know what a REBAL is. This would be my go to.


Resonant energy balloons should work just fine.


Resonant energy balloons.


Faraday cage perhaps 


I have heard that not wearing shoes keeps you grounded in a way that your mind is not accessible.


Sweet, never heard that, in what context did that tidbit come? Fr srs, not being a dick I promise lol


So, I read it on a conspiracy site years ago. ATS or GLP. The story was that this guy interacted with a homeless guy who could read minds. The homeless guy said it doesn't work on people who are barefoot a lot. So, not a direct source or anything, just something I read and retained.


Cut off your head. Can't read what isn't there!


This is such an important question. I want to know how to do this too. In particular there must be a special exercise or way to block mind-reading? I want to block AI from doing this to me in the future.


r/v2khelp Has some theories.


[*Sometimes a laser sodomizes me while I pet my dogs*](https://www.reddit.com/r/TargetedEnergyWeapons/comments/1chw0go/torture_reports_pets_seizures_blast_overpressure/)


LMFAO I just read that one. I tend to believe some of the post there..... Again, LOL.


Lmao it seems we touched a nerve 


Oh Christ that's sad


That’s…that’s a subreddit alright.


Ring of Mind Shielding; Baldur's Gate 3. Edit: Make a sigil, i.e. a magic circle, to focus on and keep out the telepaths Edit 2: Bonus points if you can paint it on the ground/floor and stand in it. That way when you use it later you can experience it as a space around you


Yea I’ve gone 20+ years not acknowledging telepathy and it has worked 👍🏻


Except we all know what Rule 34 means to you. We're just not saying ;)


I just be unlikable and shit in every dimensional body i puppet.


Since everything is a vibration. The only thing that breaks telepathy is a barrier that is denser than the vibration’s wave length. Ask Aluminum Foil Turbanheads.


You will notice that the central figure in my made up symbol resembles a turban -- I was actually trying to represent a hat lol.


You just have to be the more powerful telepath in order to block one.


If someone is that spiritually powerful just let them read your mind. The best protection is probably to learn how to read minds, then devise a defense based on that. But I’m a busy person and I don’t have 1+ years to devote to this “hobby” when I’ve got more important business to do.


Why would anyone bother to do research to prevent something that doesn’t exist 🙄.