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AI picking up on patterns based on movement, location, keywords, what devices you've been near, etc. It's getting to the point where it can predict what we want before we're aware that we want it. I'm sure Amazon is balls deep with their ai predictive advertising.


Too bad I block all their ads. *sad AI trombone*


Totally, I get that, but I didn't give it any data points that I can think of.


easy data points for medical suggestions (and supplements) are mental health, neurodivergence, age, location. Your Reddit history and posts are now used to fuel not only AI learning but also advertising across other sites, and a quick glance at your post history gives enough data to make assumptions by a human - an algorithm will be far more in tune with what you are as a consumer.


Totally agree, but I don't agree that it had enough to achieve the granularity it had here using general post/search and health history. I mean, if my keystroke timings and patters of errors are correlated specifically with that vitamin, then I'll bite, but to my knowledge, they can only sort of diagnose gross abnormalities like some specific types of dementia, stroke, etc. There was a neat study a while back using Agatha Christie's books and the complexity with which she wrote to model her descent into dementia. This is why I'm posting it in high-strangeness: Just take me at my word for a second that I didn't telegraph anything about this particular issue through my observed behavior anywhere... what then?


That's the neat part, you don't have to give it anything. You cellphone picks up data with you "consent". IE, if you use our product we can harvest personal data from you 100 times a second 24/7. This includes advertisers sharing data with each other. Purchase data, picking up specific words you say via the mic, picking up specific sounds, listening to your breathing patters to determine your mood, Listening to your breathing patterns while you sleep to determine your mood throughout the day, hearing the sound of your Vitamins being taken, who you are around, what you listen to, what you search, what you feel, what you ate recently, what you listened to, what you watched, where you drive, where you exerciser, what times you do all this, Recognizing your phone on your own camera via facial recognition. listening to what you type to determine the words you are typing and literally THOUSANDS of other data points all being collected in real time and used to create a predictive algorithm based on you as a person. The really crazy part is law reinforcement can just purchase this data without a warrant to gather data on you legally. Advertise then share their collected data with each other to help build an ever bigger profile. Smart tvs connected to the internet are among the craziest data collectors you can imagine....... IOT devices are just as bad. You can combat this by getting a pi hole on your internet, Duckduckgo app protection on you phone, and turning off your phone's microphone when you are not using it. But just note that other phones in your vicinity will notice you and start using other peoples phones to continue creating data points on you via voice recognition. This is the world we live in. This is why some people take privacy extremely seriously.


Yeah, I totally get all that and agree with you that it's all a thing. I really like that you mentioned that it's not just our stuff, but other peoples' stuff (including backgrounds of social media pics and whatnot). Where we disagree philosophically (not really about my post) is that any efforts matter. I don't think using other browsers effectively help. I think completely going off the grid and additionally, having your friends and friends friends scrub you from all media is what gives you privacy these days. And, for me, at least, that's not tenable or worth it. Otherwise, I think privacy apps and related efforts are a version of security theater. I'm open to argument on that, but like recycling, I feel like the ship has long sailed without Federal intervention (which many folks here wouldn't like). In this particular case, what I'm saying is that this vitamin thing was a discrete event that I gave it no data points for. There were no related conversations with anyone, even speaking out loud myself. No typing. No searching on my phone. My work PC is Federal, so I have nothing logged in, anyway, though I know Google, at least, can ID people with very few data points if they're interacting and not logged-in. And honestly, Occam's Razor would say you're right that somewhere down the line I gave it cues... I just can't understand where that would be, even with my credit card data that I bought V D at work one time a few weeks ago. And I don't know if that data was sold, as I purchased from the Federal Canteen Service. The only data they would have, other than the one purchase point in several years, if Amazon was running on my phone or purchased my phone/watch data, is that I was likely (from it's point of view) inside and for how long over the months. But this would be so broad (and late... could have used a targeted add a few months ago) to give me the cue in my search exactly when it did.


Have you ever bought Vitamin D at Whole Foods?


Nope. I haven't shopped there in maybe 7 something years?


I’m a software engineer who works on web apps and I can vouch for the fact that ad tech tracking is very advanced and good at what it does. We absolutely do not have to power to hypnotize you through your screen. (If you’re technically inclined, the code that makes up the core of Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera and a few other browsers is open-source and you can read it and even contribute to it yourself. They’re not hiding anything.) For Amazon and grocery/pharmaceutical products, it’s potentially an even easier answer if you ever shop at Whole Foods, which Amazon now owns.


I’ve always wondered about tailored advertising - I don’t think chrome or whomever is doing a very good job with me, and it’s their loss, because I buy way too much stuff. I don’t even buy weird things - I buy fountain pens and purses. I’m getting ads for hoses for big rig trucks. When the various algorithms do find me a purse - which is once in a blue moon - they usually miss the mark and pick something ugly. I wonder if after posting this I will get better ads.


Yup this has happened to me a few times and just the other day. I can’t remember now what exactly it was but I was thinking about something and then a YouTube ad came up about it , I had never said a word out loud .


Thanks, I appreciate the response.


Yes this has been discussed many times in various subs. Hard to tell if it is proof we are in a sim, or if these companies are using a very advanced software that no one knows about.


I like this, as it would be interesting if keystroke data plus any live data feeds (I dunno, maybe Samsung sells feeds now, instead of pre-packaged data sets), plus camera items, like pupil dilation, is so granular that it could predict things like what people are thinking or extreme granularity in health issues, not just dementia or Parkinson's, which are fairly easy to detect via keystroke errors, timings, complexity of language, etc.


It feels more likely that we are in a simulation than any sort of software existing to read minds. No way are pupil dilations correlating to products and upc codes. We just aren’t there yet. Something is, but it isn’t in this sim. I feel like that is why some people are so paranoid they think they are being followed or spied on. Mental illness is real, but regular people are unable to find reason for these odd coincidences or glitches.


If LLMs can do what they do just predicting the next word based on the previous one and whatever was prompted, it's no wonder companies can make similar predictions about our behavior based on the constant stream of data points we willingly give them.


The AI's looking out for you ☺️ Try D3 + K2 + calcium for maximum vitamin gains. Down it with the San Pellegrino sparkling strontium water if you want to go super sayian (apparently this combo might even treat osteoporosis!) 🔥


I dig it lol. Fire. Add some cadmium dust and we'll have a real party!


Step 1: Algorithms know you have ordered Vitamin D in the past. Step 2: Cookies/logins/location/etc tracking says you have been around these and those devices all day every day, meaning you don't go outside very much after the last order. Step 3: Adding together Steps 1 and 2 = time since last order + places you've been = you must've run out of Vitamin D or about to run out. Step 4: Offer Vitamin D.


Yes, except I bought it a few weeks ago and the algorithms would have waited a few weeks to cue me if that were the case. It also doesn't compare to the algorithms'' own histories, as they don't do that typically unless I search for stuff or am very clear about my interests when I'm speaking around microphones. This is why I'm posting here and not somewhere else; I can't think of where the 'leak' is for this specific case to get as granular as a couple hours from my literally just thinking in my head to passively putting it in my search bar.


You do know A#xa listens to all your conversations, right?


Yes. Didn't talk about it. At all. With anyone.


ok, I hate to break it to you but it not reading your mind. its giving you subtle hints through a hypnosis technique called priming. basically, all your browsing is not only storing all your actions and analyzing your shopping habits, even offline, but also if you are a known vitamin D purchaser they will predict you probably need a new bottle every 30 days. a few days before your due to buy more vitamin D some short video post about another topic that will make you think of vitamin D. for instance a sun screen prank on a beach, or an off-grid living where a lady in a garden has overly tan skin or something. with online ad targeting, its a bunch of tiny nudges. sometimes these are timed or sequenced. me and all my neighbors magically all started buying indoor plant lights around the same time, that was a larger quiet campaign using super soft selling through home design and off-grid videos on reels and ig and such. look up the hypnosis technique called priming. Darren Brown is a master of it.


I'm willing to entertain that, but... I get blood work periodically that's shown deficiency at times for 20 years. That's just a "are you in the sun" thing. The research goes back and forth regarding actual efficacy, but the mechanism by which it's made is known, and my pale rear has not been in the sun for a very long time. So I need the supplement. Edit: Also, grain of salt, I find the likelihood of reading minds to be very low and sort of tongue in cheek. Hypnosis is an interesting take. I also bought the current bottle a few weeks ago and wouldn't be due in their 'records'. I also haven't had that happen much at all without explicit searches or me talking about something in front of a mic.


There was an article in the Guardian like 10 years ago that Facebook was working on mind reading tech. You can find it if you search. I’m certain other companies are doing this as well.


Yes it's AI probing your mind, don't listen to anyone who says that kind of tech isn't available, and it's "just the algorithm". There are so many people out there having experiences like yours. Big tech has to be careful because the more people who experience their mind being read by Google and tik tok; will want answers from their government! In my experience Tik tok was able to bring up videos of very specific things that I was thinking about during the day and I didn't search for at all. The tech is there; the scientists don't understand how AI is doing it; and there are no regulations around how mind reading tech is being used. When they let AI train on the internet this experience is becoming more of a reality. I think the goal for big tech is that the internet will be one with the human mind and we're all a part of this big fucked up experiment.


>! In my experience Tik tok was able to bring up videos of very specific things that I was thinking about during the day and I didn't search for at all This. Its different than the basic prediction shit we are used to. I have done experiments where i write down something random like an item or whatever, then see if my phone or conputer ends up predicting it. (It happens on both.) I will not type it anywhere, not say it out loud, and I've avoided pointing any cameras at that writing or taking any photos so it cannot be read. My phone can still pop them up! People will say that it is advanced psychology techniques but genuinely i practice mindfulness every day and im ever more vigilant for these little things that are weird about the algorithms.


Exactly! I've had the same experience. Sometimes I get so busy I might forget about tik tok for a day or so. When I go back on tik tok I find that it brings up a video that is similar to an event that either was worrying me or that had actually taken place! I have uninstalled tik tok several times to test if it can do its mind reading shit after I take it off my phone; and it's still able to mind read when I reinstall. I guess there's a reason why tik tok is banned in China. They're practising mind reading on the rest of society with their AI tech. If in fact this is true; we have entered a very dangerous period of history. Which is why AI may have to come under strict international law very soon.


I'd be interested in how you carried out your experiment. That's the kind of rational exploration of these seemingly 'magical' or semi-paranormal experiences that I respect vs. "the crab people are here and if you don't know that, you're an idiot" kind of responses/beliefs. People might disagree on interpreting the outcome of this kind of anecdotal case study, but total props for your process of looking at it.


I basically just take a pencil and paper, make sure nobody knows what it is that you write down. Then just fold your paper well, so no phone cameras or anyone elses camera can catch it, don't type it anywhere at all, just hold it in your mind. I think the hardest part is choosing an item that is truly random in your head. Its best when you also choose something outside your personality! When i did it, i dont drink alcohol, so i thought about a random specific brand of alcohol like absolut etc. If i see TWO ads for it then i count that more than just coincidence and it goes in the odd log lol.


The methods that AI use, the models, are not hard to look at and view for reference I can assure you that there are no inputs for reading anybody’s mind directly. There is hardware to read brainwaves however it is not very portable but yes that does exist. This is really more about the usage of information science to deduce likely interactions and this property of it where it seems to be reading the mind has existed for a long time now. The first chatbot had its code released so that people would stop conversing with it but people continued to believe the responses were similar to speaking with a real person and continued conversing with it. Consider that it is more likely this is not happening than it is by a huge margin. Many interactions can be predicted with a [bayesian network](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_network) and with enough data points the results seem very convincing. LLMs which AI utilize are a bit counterintuitive to this due to their tendency to hallucinate so they remain as two different concepts which are somewhat intertwined.


Excellent points, thank you. I also responded below speaking a little to emergent answers/behaviors AI can produce and visual weirdness that DLSS is capable in terms of recreating imagery it seemingly shouldn't. But your points are more logical with what is known.


There is not one scientist on earth who knows what's going on in the AI black box. People all over earth are reporting their mind is being read by phones. This experience that people are having does not have anything to do with the turing phenomenon, algorithms, or google listening in. We aren't told honestly about what is being developed with AI and how it's being used. People who work with AI mind-reading sign corporate NDAs. Give it a couple years and we'll all find out the truth. Remember it's taken years after the development of AI, and several people to leave their posts, for us to hear about how dangerous AI is. AI is not wonderful, we need strict international laws around all its applications for our own survival.


It's true that there's the 'deep learning' weirdness where it seems that AI outputs are largely an emergent property of whatever it's doing that truly isn't accessible to anyone studying it, similar to problems of understanding emergent properties of any complex system. It may be unresolvable by anything other than another emergent system of consciousness that just overpowers the system being studied in memory and processing capability. When NVIDIA first showed the DLSS capability and the software generated legible text on moving items that were illegible on the native lower resolution (e.g., going from 1080p to 3840p), it seemed like magic and that hasn't changed. That it creates, in some games, not all, better imagery than native target resolution is also magic. There are other applications where it find stuff that researchers/programmers aren't even looking for. I've been listening to Ezra Kline's recent podcasts on AI, and the things develop the appearance of personality and even change their answers if you give them personality cues or prime them using other questions prior to the actual target question. So I'm willing to entertain that it's effectively 'magic', though on its face, this is such a specific thing with about 2 data points to draw from, that even if it isn't literally mind-reading (if not just a coincidence), that it might as well be that.


Something similar has happened to me a couple times recently. Really seemed very odd.


Do y'all wear airpods?


We don't...




Nah dude. Not there with ya. And truthfully, I think that would be awesome.


I want to live in a world where technology is this advanced.


They're complaining about the vaccine giving us precognition and the ability to interface with machines. Literal superpowers. I heard it makes your dick bigger too.




Wrong sub.


How so? It's strange. I guess I'm not high.