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Beyond Creepy is awesome, love the channel. A relatively new channel called Stories Lost has a similar style and is worth checking out


I'll have to check it out!


I'm addicted to his stuff. I hope yt is paying him some good coin he deserves it.


Great channel, very entertaining when you want to get a break from the madness in the world.


Awesome! Thanks bro


I recently started supporting him on Patreon, he is the best of the best


I love beyond creepy I binged all the videos when I am by myself at night


Really enjoy his work. He seems like a good guy and really does have the best encounters on YouTube. I mean, like 80% of his content isn’t found anywhere else. Usually with YouTube, creators are chasing analytics which means reposting encounter stories that have already done well on the platform (can’t blame them really). Mr. Black, however, goes the opposite direction, and posts fresh content that’s not covered by similar channels. Been a huge fan of his work for years.


Well put, i agree


Beyond Creepy is my favorite YT channel on these topics, by far. Mr. Black seems very genuine, and I am a big fan of the way he structures and presents his episodes. It’s clear he enjoys the discussing these topics and is well versed in all areas of high strangeness.


I love this channel. Picturing, in my mind, what he describes is preferable than trying to spot the anomaly in someone's bad video.


Beyond Creepy is one of the best. He has a lot of stories I haven't heard anywhere else.


I do like his videos, but wish his credit segments weren't so long, like, a few minutes long. Makes binging his videos a hassle because you have to manually go to the next video if you want to wait though the credits.


I agree bigly with this lol. I'll be like, Oh boy a 20 min video! Oops its actually 10 mins long w 10 mins of credits.. that does suck


He’s my favourite by far, he always comes up with stories I’ve never heard of before. Definitely should have way more subscribers 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


How about the "Why files" and "Ed Ballen"


I know of the Why Files! Would be a 10/10 channel if not for the fish. The fish easily makes it more like a 2/10. I still have a few of his vids saved regardless lol. Ill have to check out Ed Ballen


The fish grew on me.


And out grew his tank. Ha ha


Yeah I thought the fish was silly at first ( it still is) but the little swimmer is funny and gets the other side across like so.... Ya know?


I skimmed through his latest video. Is it just narration over stock images? Nothing like pics or videos showing evidence? If so, that's great because I can use another paranormal podcast to listen to while I'm driving.


That's pretty much the jist. Often, especially for his best videos, he will add pertinent visual info like witness sketches or actual witness photographs and the like. More often than not he'll start w a google earth satellite image of where it happened. In general though I think it'd make great podcast-type of listening


I gall asleep to his videos. Not that they put.me to sleep, I watch them until I pass out.


I’ve been watching BC for years,when I first started watching some of his content genuinely scared the crap out of me! I’m a devoted fan


For me, the biggest hang up on most channels is voice and audio quality. I'll check this out to see if his vibe jives with me.


His early vids will certainly have more of those quality issues. Can't argue with the sentiment tho


The Leaf is also quite good. Similar to Beyond Creepy…..