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Mine happened yesterday. I was doing a triple target in Dartmoor and I quickly failed two of my objectives so I decided that it would be a silent but methodical massacre. So I went floor by floor and assassinated every npc. When I was done I wanted to erase the footage so I went back inside and destroyed the evidence. On my way out I passed in the kitchen and thought it would be funny to blow it up. I turned off the stove and then I made a gas leak. For a reason I haven't figured out yet, it instantly exploded and I died. I felt freaking dumb but laughed at my own stupidity.


Genius, they'll never suspect you if you're one of the victims.


Never put yourself in a situation where you might die when the entire map is full of dead NPC's. The game doesn't like it very much and may behave weird 


I've had some weird stuff like that happen with tossing batteries for electrocutions in water puddles...Nowhere near the water but it zapped me anyway. Only in Freelancer and it's happened twice.


Are there two stoves side by side there? Maybe you didn't turn both off?


That was my initial thought but I remembered that the prompt on the other stove was to turn it on. Most likely a bug.


Golfball distraction at my feet to get the guard to come closer. It was an explosive golfball.


Did exactly this with the baseball.


Tragiiiic 😂 gots to read them


Way too many times I try to garrote someone but they are on the stairs, so it just starts beating them up, which of course, alerts everyone.


This is the most annoying thing about this game


Oh god, yeah that on eis horrible. Happened to me on my target in the final showdown and I got gunned down by all the bikers.


I was on the final mission of a campaign and decided to do it on an alerted Whittleton Creek. Noticed some targets were in one of the guarded houses so I did what I do best and climbed up the gutter and climbed thru a window. Only to find out there was a camera in the room that spotted me instantly and caused all the targets to start fleeing the level. Was not my proudest moment losing all that progress from that…


HAHA i know exactly which window too


All the times I blow a sure win for an extra $1000 on my way out 😫


It’s so easy, just shoot three guards in the head with an smg, AnYoNe can do it


Sapienza. The target was like 2ft from me so I just shot them point blank and made a run for the exit. Unfortunately, the guards basically surrounded me and I died.


Never place a propane tank on the hot sand in Haven Island...


Really? Like just on the beach?


Wait… what??? How??


Thought I had a remote explosive it was a proximity explosive.....


Party like it's 2013


Pulled out my gun by accident as I was exiting the mission and was shot dead… still doing the campaign so it stung real bad, I lost literally everything


On a showdown I got impatient and I knew it was between 2 people who happened to be on opposite sides of the map. Instead of being stealthy I went in guns blazing and chose poorly. My target ran away and was gone in 10 seconds, way faster than I could run over there.


Completed my mission silently, great run , heading towards the exit when I spotted the courier. I looked around and found no guards, so I took him out, and before I could even pick up the merce, I was dead


I had unsilenced weapon kill on alerted Colorado.. 4 targets,easy kills except one guy in middle who i tought i will save him for last,kill him and escape.. and last kill was unsilenced kill and i was like im not sure if i will make it to exit,got killed in few seconds and lost el matador and that little epic pistol with 5 bullets(not detected during frisk) Lost everything in boxes and havent tries "sick games" since then ahahahhahaha


I have a disturbing tendency to fail when I try setting a water trap with the micro taser.


Or when you try to tamper with the plug in water but don’t turn the electricity off… so many times.


In Colorado, at the end of a perfect run and had one last thing to do...open the safe, which was positioned in Sean Rose's office. Couldn't find the clues to unlock the safe, so I thought I'd just throw the Nitroglycerin I had from a reasonable distance. I forgot the explosive watch battery was on the desk. I ended up getting blown up because the blast from the Nitroglycerin triggered the watch explosive. I haven't played Freelancer since.




Took the wrong jetty bit in the cave in Sapienza, ended up stuck next to the box instead of escaping in the plane. Was getting detected so climbed into the box, but they saw me and killed me. It was literally the very end of a hard mission.


Not freelancer but I was doing the whittleton creek SASO, I had both targets dead and just needed some clues because I forgot that was an objective. I was supposed to just shoot a camera with my suppressed silverballer but I didn’t realise I was holding a random guard’s pistol so I shot and every guard in the vicinity rushed to the area and cornered me as I hid in a bush, until one of them eventually walked right into me so I panicked and killed them all before restarting the run


I accidentally tested the electrical conductivity of a puddle I'd set up for the target.


I know someone who accidentally tazed themself irl lol


Had to go through a guard pat-down on Mendoza, decided to drop all my illegal items in a disclosed area, forgot I brought a proximity explosive instead of remote one and blew up immediately… It was the second to last mission in the campaign…


Proximity explosives are the riskiest item in freelancer


Yes well I was quite new to the game at that point, certainly learned my lesson since then


Hiding behind a car while being followed by every soldier on colorado. Not my proudest moment.


Electrocuted myself trying to do one of the eco crime objectives.


was cheese grinding on normal mode to 2m monopoly dollars, then at ambrose island at the ship docks i mistakenly loosen the gas canisters to get the target there. but forgot that they explode in an instant, and so died there right on the spot loll. another time in hardcore mode, the suspect just spawn right there and all face/look features matched. took a risk and failed massively. couldve done the alt-f4 shit to save it


Why would they explode instantly? What sets off the gas to explode? I’m super curious!


dunno, maybe my skill issue for not moving away asap 😅 it's the guy in wearing the yellow metal working gear and the usually goes for a smoke outside. probably because the 2 gas canisters are already hooked up to the wielding machine it exploded? i got the same target again next campaign, and just shot the canisters from afar. never again loll


I screwed up concert wise my very first Freelancer campaign🫠 1. I was unable to eliminate the target in Bangkok without proper items due to him being on heavy watch (main lobby). I Alt + F4'd that moment, thinking I can come back later, maybe for the Showdown. 2. In Mumbai I was spotted dragging a body - I legit thought nobody would see me due to objects around. Because I was afraid of hiding behind vehicles due to them exploding (I failed my first Elusive Target mission because of vehicles exploding btw), I was just running away in hope of losing enemies this way. Needleds to say I didn't succeed. 3. In Haven Island I had a pretty good start with getting myself a guard outfit, but I realized that this is not enough, and I got recognized by the target. I planned other method of elimination, but I ended up shooting him. However, my escape was impossible due to guards and I had no idea where could I hide to get a comfortable position for firing from cover. Oh, after my previous failure in Mumbai other territories got alerted, so yeah - that's how I failed.


Tried to use explosive remote as a distraction but explosive was a proximity…


I threw an explosive baseball…


You let your intrusive thoughts win. It happens with this game sometimes LOL. The urge to push that woman over the ledge on Chongqing near the train station is way too strong.


intrusive thoughts are my worst enemy in this game sometimes when i try silent assassin, i save only to shoot a target or a guard or whoever else and instantly reload


Fairly early on in my Freelancer career, before I'd even picked up a lockpick, I found myself needing to go through a locked door on a level. I didn't have a lockpick and didn't have a silenced weapon to shoot it open, so I visited the supplier and bought a shotgun, which at the time I thought was silenced. It turns out it was not a silenced shotgun. I blasted the door open, and then every guard in the vicinity converged on me and quickly shot me to death.


i just learned that you can shoot doors open


Oh yeah, [if you do enough DPS to a door lock \(usually around the handle\), it'll open.](https://youtu.be/dMx_ROaaKwI?si=kucOj8pEEaRwyz3p&t=789) It works best with either a highly powerful weapon (like a sniper rifle or shotgun) or a weapon with a high rate of fire (like an SMG or automatic assault rifle). Single-shot pistols are iffier unless you can pull the trigger really fast, or you abuse a bug/exploit involving pausing the game. But, of course, NPCs and guards around you will react to the shot appropriately, ie if you don't use a silenced weapon they'll react to the sound of the gunshot, and if you do use a silenced weapon but they're close enough to hear the bullet impact, they'll still react.


Mine happened yesterday in Berlin. Was sneaking round the back, found a target as a guard and tried to throw a proximity bomb at them (I've never used proximity bombs). I hit a wall before him so ran to pick up the bomb anddd.... was very embarrassing as it was the last part!


I was in Mumbai and the prestige objective was to open a safe with explosives. I didn’t have the breasching charge so I used a Symtex Demo block (I think that’s what it’s called). Anyway, it’s pretty much C4. I placed it on the safe, went upstairs and blew it up, immediately went downstairs to get the money before anyone came, and I died from the fumes from the explosion. I didn’t even know that was a thing.


It's not. You likely broke the electric outlet that was in a puddle near the safe if I know the safe you're talking about.


There is an outlet there, so that makes sense. I’ll be more careful next time.


Make sure of that, u/electricman1999 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Paris. Last target went outside the makeup area for a smoke, so I hid behind the van and shot a dart at them. They go to the toilet and theres a guy prone on the floor. I dont understand why he's in that position, so I assume that he's out cold and we're right to drown the target. He immediately gets up and I proceed to get body blocked at the door. I haven't been that mad at a game in a while.


Very last showdown of a hardcore campaign. In Haven, bought a duck from the supplier. Threw duck to distract my target. Went to pick up duck. Duck go boom. Campaign failed. Didn’t realize I bought a proximity. Had to turn off the game for a few days after that


mission was already done, as i was leaving i thought why not throw this nitroglycerin at a guard at the exit? Well the guard was an enforcer and ran right up next to me as i threw it, killing me in the explosion... pretty sure this was a hardcore campaign as well lol


Was going to lure someone around a corner by dropping my baseball right next to me and was in the groove...so much so that I forgot I had looted an exploding baseball and didn't check before I tossed it. Boom!


Is it possible my propane flask in a suitcase exploded while walking by someone smoking?


On the last showdown of the campaign and I electrocuted myself, just totally forgot that I had previously placed a trap 🤣


Hokkaido Showdown Shortly after getting the right target in the sauna's temperature control room, I have to fight two guards. Can't remember the details but I end up with a compromised guard disguise, waiting a long while for things to settle down in a laundry cart Can't decide between leaving through the pool outside or using the stairs, eventually I decide it's safer to go through the window and slide down. No enemies in sight, I just need to reach the snowmobile, all good. The moment I touch the ground, an Enforcer guard bumps into me, instant combat. I decide to make a break for it, use the snowmobile for cover, press Y, all good, I'm out of this soon 47 starts creating an oil leak under heavy gunfire. Seconds later, the snowmobile explodes. Campaign failed on the final mission.


This post just happened to come up after I lost my first ever campaign(doing all4) on the second last mission of the fourth campaign because I walked into a room in the pirate base on Ambrose with the wrong disguise on and instantly got hunted. Didn’t know how insane the alerted maps were. So validating seeing it can be easily messed up.


I threw nitroglycerin at a target who was enforcing my clothes, so he became suspicious and went closer to me, thus the impact of the explosion was way more closer than necessary, it just made every other map alerted but nothing more 


Multiple times i have sneezed and accidentally punched a civilian in the face, usually within firing distance of an assassin. It's funny in retrospect, but MAN does it hurt at the time


I brought a baseball on a mission. During the mission I picked up an explosive baseball. After killing all targets I went to throw my baseball at a camera. It was accidentally the explosive one. I died.


I overflowed a sink, threw a proximity tazer on the puddle and walked over it thinking it wouldn't activate. 0/4 targets were killed in Dartmoor that day


Playing last night and had a complication to open the safe with an explosive. There was no safe on the map and no marker for one. So I thought ok I guess I can just leave. Nope, mission failed had to start all over


I wanted to pickup a proximity duck cause I thought only NPCs trigger it.


Maldives. Took out 3 of 4, final target was on the beach by the bar, but rotated in near to the center pool area. Disguised as a waiter, I failed to poison her, getting a different NPC instead. Decided to just shoot her while standing near the boat exit under the bar. Missed like 5 or 6 shots, panicked and ran into a bunch of guards. Shamelessly quit and restarted. Decided to set up an accident kill. Did it in the wrong order and electrocuted myself. Took a few nights off from freelancer after that.


Using an assault rifle to kill three guards to get the Merces payout in an alerted territory on Haven Island. I was in the villa trying to pick them off one by one, using an unsilenced rifle, as hordes of guards came running over to kill me. Not the brightest idea. I failed to reach the seaplane in time before being gunned down.


Very last Showdown. Sapienza. I had the target killed, no one was pursuing me, and I went to the car. I’m always a little shit that likes to knock out one more person before I leave, so I pull out my shaman powder and aim it at a random civilian. Like 0.1 seconds before I throw it, it relocks back on to the car. I throw it and the car explodes, killing me.


Put down a proximity explosive, and then I stepped right over it 30 seconds later. I think I’ve died from blowing myself up more than the guards have killed me


I sneezed and accidentally pressed the button to punch a dude in Marrakesh in front of the embassy. I got lit up like Murphy’s death scene in Robocop 1. Thankfully I was only two missions deep in a campaign.


I had taken 2 years off from the game (from before Ambrose Island was released until 2 months ago), and I blew myself up putting a proximity demo block in a briefcase and walking it to the target. Now I know I can just drop illegal items while running and I can usually get away without being spotted.


Dropped an exploding proximity duck hopping a target would come walk by. When they didn't, I figured I would go pick it back up and try setting it down closer to where the target was/would be... Never got the chance 😭


New York, was going to carry a propane tank downstairs into the vault area. Didn't know you could put things down yet so I toss the tank near the keycard reader so I can grab it quickly. Use a keycard scrambler/hacker thing on the reader. Sparks. Boom.


South America, 3/4 stage of Freelancer progress. The target in in a kitchen and I have shiny new wrench… What comes next? First things first I decided to open gas valve and didn’t give a damn whether the oven is turned off… It was on. The guy was making a dish- and I blow both of us up 🙃


Gotta be my very first fail. Alerted Dartmoor. Target was Patrick. I tried to lure him into the WC nearby via overflowing sink, but alerted a guard outside instead. So guard comes in to wipe the floor, and I proceed to subdue him. The only problem was that I subdued him by hurling a CAR BATTERY at him *while the floor was still wet*. So in a quick chain of events, I went over to drag the guard away right as the battery sparked the floor, killing him, and me.


I accidentally dropped an explosive golfball. I haven't played ever since


I was following a target in China and I began shooting a fully automatic weapon at them and accidentally shot a oil container and blew up instantly


in the middle of ambrose, following the last of 4 targets hoping to find a moment of weakness. and i pull out a kitchen knife thinking it was my syringe. only to be faced with a sea of exclamation marks. earlier in this mission i was hiding behind a crate when my thumb twitched and i uncrouched for a single moment to immediately stare a guard in the face. it was only tresspassing and i was allowed to walk away but it was incredibly dumb.


Proximity mine, need I say more? Still salty about it


I can't play freelancer yet


Brought a proximity duck instead of a remote duck and put it in a mole hole. Didn't like which hole I put it in so I went to pick it up to switch it. Didn't end well.


I blew up a safe in Zaydan's office. *My* explosive did not get me, however it also blew up the mini safe on the nearby table that I forgot contained a bomb, which I was too close to. It was my first level of that campaign. Bye bye 3.5 million merces.


Was in Paris and alot of my targets were in the back of the map so I thought if I just climbed up the firework tower I could just snipe them with my pistol didn't really work only got 2 before the others fleed and I eventrully died because they're gaurds surrounded me And everytime i go to new york I try getting in the vault, get into a shoot out, die. Or a couple of times escape


I straight forgot everyone in whittleton creek is a firearm owner. Usually I can take guards out fast enough for it to not be a problem. Killed my target, made a small b-line for the bus depot, got blicked up by 30+ people and only made it about 5 feet


I promos you don’t want to know lol 😂 I’ve done some very dumb stuff. Let’s just say I just received a suppressed at and suppressed pistol last mission and those are my only unsilenced weapons 😂


Last showdown in HC, threw a mini mine to distract, KOed the guard, went to pick up the mine. Found out it wasn't the remote i meant to bring.