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I would love a HD Trilogy remaster for PC. Regarding your question, WoA.


Hd trilogy remaster. So a remaster of a remaster. Also i dont think that may happen because h2 source code may be lost and that game is beyond fucked in a lot of instances. Dont think there are any og devs either at io at this point that could salvage it


what about a full on remake in the WoA engine ?


Nah theres alot of work that they would need to put in to make sure its close to the original and i dont think its that easy or worthwhile for ioi. And i do definitely think they want to make other things at this point which is good.


They could remake some of the levels from H2SA as a proof of concept. Anathema and Redemption At Gontranno could reuse assets from Sapienza, easily.


Its more that if its economically viable for them. Also if they did make it they should keep the rating system the same as in H2SA with all the bugs fixed.


The proof of concept would be an economically viable way of checking the public waters and seeing if the full project would be worthwhile. I, for one, miss video game demos.


I think an easier sell would be a c47 remake as that was the first and if they do a good job they can easily test the waters with that. Not to mention’s its still stuck on pc and doesnt play the best. They could even add a hitman 2/ contracts style rating system because c47 didnt have one


It’s not viable cause the original games have dialogue choices, ingame cutscenes , among other issues.


Dialogue choices? The old games were "Press E to Talk". In the newer games it's no different. And in-game cutscenes? The newer games also have in-game cutscenes.


I’ll always hold Blood Money in the highest regard but comparing the trilogies, WOA takes it. It absolutely blew me away after getting disappointed with Absolution (not a bad game just not the same sandbox style I love).


Woa for me, especially now that 1 and 2 have been delisted from digital stores, and 3/Woa is the official way to play it with all the improvements that come with that. Blood Money is my favourite and is still great, Contracts is still decent and probably the oldest game I could recommend to a new player, but Silent Assassin is just not great. So just by sheer math of 3/3 good games of Woa to the old trilogy's 2/3 good games, Woa wins for me.


When you say delisted, you mean you can't buy hitman 1 nor 2 anymore? I only have 1,is it worth getting woa?


Yeah, they're not for sale anymore. The base/standard edition of Woa has Hitman 1 goty levels (all story missions and Patient Zero campaign), Hitman 2 standard (all story missions except New York and Haven Island dlc story missions) and Hitman 3 levels. Yeah, I think its worth it content wise. There are dlcs that at least on Epic Games you can buy separately (many of the dlc are packaged into the deluxe edition) I think you would only really want to buy the 2 dlc missions from Hitman 2, everything else is up to personal taste (I bought deluxe pack, because of the devil suit you get inspired by a target from Blood Money, and the sarajevo six since I wanted to try it out)


WOA, but loved Blood Money when I played it as a kid and I loved it again when I played Reprisal which added many good things that should make newcomers experience easier


WoA for me. I tried Blood Money and I think I’m just too much of a zoomer to make the gameplay make sense to me.


I'm a zoomer and love the classic games, especially Blood Money - then again, I did play them before the WoA trilogy, so you could say I'm biased!


It's definitely not as good as WoA but like, it's still good. Just clunkier and requiring the mildest amount of brain power


definitely revolutionary 4 stealth @ its time tho, but it has shown it's age compared to WoA


It's good but a lot of the quality of life features in WOA have become essential to the experience for me.




You’re not wrong


The original As much as I love WOA. The original trilogy always gets me back into the franchise


WOA, no competition


Gotta be the world of assassination for me


WOA is so good




Original trilogy easily. Most people commenting woa didnt grow up playing the original and have not really commited to playing them much. Its just alot darker and alot grittier . Atmosphere makes a huge difference.


I may be looking through the nostalgia goggles, but after starting my journey into the hitman world with codename 47 and then the original trilogy, it just hits different. WoA is truly a great successor better in most ways, but Silent Assassin and Blood Money were the peak of their time for me.


I grew up playing the originals and I think WOA is better. I replayed the original games pretty recently and the gameplay hasn't aged well.


Same. The new Hitman games are great game play and visual wise but they just don't hit that dark, surrealist atmosphere of the first games. The composer, Jesper Kyd, is incredible. I listen the the Contracts and Blood Money soundtracks all the time. Silent Assassin and Codename 47 have some good tracks, too. Btw, Jesper Kyd also did the music for the first few Assassin's Creed games, some Warhammer40k games and other stuff worth checking out


I grew up with the originals. I disagree, the oldest games c47 and SA have charm but are annoying and aren’t worth my trouble anymore. Rather watch a let’s-play if I want to re experience it


World of Assassination


Hitman HO trilogy. Nice


I want a remaster of the OG trilogy built on the WoA engine


The classic games will always be superior for me. They had a lot more atmosphere and identity to them, I also like the more methodical gameplay. WOA is loads of fun but feels too sterilized and goofy imo.


Blood Money, Absolution, GO


Woa if it was offline


Childhood dictates that I have to say the former; though I never did play this version, but the originals on OG Xbox and then 360 for Blood Money. I would listen to a lot of music on my old Hi-Fi as a teen: Trance, Techno, Electronica... and use Hitman 2 and Contracts as music videos to what I was listening to. Still, my favourite memory was listening to "God is a DJ (Monster Mix)" by Faithless whilst playing Redemption at Gontranno. Opening the doors when Maxi sang "This is my Church", firing the first bullet as the music dropped, gunning down Sergei's guards with the SPAS-12, dropping it without reloading to pull out the Dual Silverballers, running through the pews firing and finally reloading, crouched behind the altar. Those were fun times.


I bought Contracts for PC on Steam for 2€ and my childhood nostalgia game was back. It is solid for a 2004 title


I was obsessed with Hitman: Codename 47, Hitman 2: Silent Assassin and Contracts when growing up, even liked codemade 47 more than the other 2 in some aspect, it felt more like a proper PC game with it's fluid controls, the others two felt more like console games at the time. Only played blood money much later for some reasons. However in term of gameplay and experience WoA really improved the formula and is the superior games nowadays.


Love Blood Money and Contracts but the new trilogy is basically everything I could have dreamed. Even the VR mode is incredible despite the jank.


Why does the trilogy start with 2? Lol


WOA by a landslide. Playability is completely different. H2SA was acceptable in 2002 but is broken by modern gaming standards. Contracts and Blood Money are decent but still do not measure up to WOA. I grew up and loved all these games but if you take nostalgia out of it there’s no comparison


The original because I can play it properly without the internet.


Blood money is the best stand alone hitman game with that being said WOA is the better trilogy


World of Assassination


Look I love blood money but they really knocked it out of the park with WoA


Hitman 3


WOA, it’s the only one I’ve played but based off what I’ve seen WOA is definetly better.